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"I give up" I said sighing and resting my head on the desk in the library. Leo chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder. "There has to be something" He said, i just raised my head to look at him on the other side of the desk.

"I just don't understand" I grumbled "We have found out nothing" Leo shook his head. "Well we have found out that the Queen will find her king amongst one of our races rather than looking amongst the Origins" He tried to comfort me.

"That's something that i don't understand. I mean why us? Why not one of her own? Surely an Origin male would be far stronger. We already know that an Origin can either keep their powers or become one of us. So why not choose one of them?" I frowned.

"That's easy" Leo replied "The city only allow their mates to become part of their society. Imagine if that was not the case. Most of the Origins are related, their blood line would all be the same. They need mates from outside to keep things on track." I frowned and Leo sighed. "If were lions were like normal lions theen i would be the only one allowed to sleep with all my females and the males would be evicted. Imagine it. The male sleeps with his females, bthey have their cubs. The male cubs are allowed to stay. Who do they mate with? The only females around are their cousins, sisters and mothers. Imagine what that would do to the future cubs" I nodded my head, ok i could see what he was getting at.

"Look" Leo said pointing to the worn brown leather book in his hand "It says here that

'Queen Alyanna has yet to find her king. We are getting worried as she has reigned for two thousand years and soon must make way for her successor. The queen has decided that it is time to allow the others to roam freely. In her own words "We can no longer look for the king. I believe that by giving him his freedom he will come to us" Everything is set. It is time we stood down. When the king comes we shall return'

"The only trouble with that is they dissapeared nearly three thousand years ago" I pointed out. Leo nodded. But it does raise more questions. If they are waiting for the king to go to them, then why is she looking for him now? I would say that she is preparing for him. bringing peace to the world so that they rule again. But from what i can gather she has met him on her journey, which means she was doing this first"

"This would be so much easier if the others were here" I mumbled. rubbing my hands over my face. "Others?" "The others with the mark, they could have information that we don't. And the Fai, their leader is hundreds of years old. If the queen had visited them, he would have been the one to see her" I explained. Leo nodded "We could try and ask them" I sighed, it would be better to find out what the others knew, but something was holding me back. I decided to be honest. "To be truthful it would help. But i get the feeling it would also be dangerous. There is something telling me that we will get to meet the others, but the time is not yet" Leo went to say something but Blaze choose then to interupt.

"Daddy, daddy, look what we found" He said Kitty behind him. "It's not as old as the others, but it talks about a king" Blaze had a huge grin on his face and i realised he was trying to help. I couldn't help but smile at his naivety. Leo only encouraged him as he picked up the boy and sat him on his lap. "Come on then, what have you found that is worth our attention" He teased lightly. I turned to look at Kitty who sat by my feet and i lent down to scratch her ear, earning a calming purr as i half listened to Blaze. "It says the king was a bad man and the people were being punished for the queens mistake. It says that the princess has to find her king" It couldn't be. My head whipped up to see the book the boy was holding and a low hiss escaped my lips. "Where did you get that book?" I demanded, my temper flaring. Blaze pointed to the corner of the room, where a large cupboard stood. "In there" He said innocently. I stood up, knocking the chair over. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THERE" I roared at him. Leo jumped up, keeping his son in his arms. "Stefan you are frightening him" He told me. I moved around the table. "No one is allowed in there, he should not have gone in" I hissed. Leo placed Blaze on the floor directly behind him. "Stefan get a hold of yourself" He demanded, i felt my fangs extend and my eyes blacken. My body tensed and i hissed at him. Leo shook his head and jumped towards me, shifting midair and landing squarely on my chest. Surprised i fell to the floor and Leo jumped back, putting himself between his son and myself. I got up and prepard to leap towards him when something else came flying at me. I caught it and spun round, pushing the body into the wall. Kitty was stood there mewling hoarsly as my fingers held her throat. "Kitty?" I spoke confussed her only reply was a strangled mewl. I released my grip and fell to my knees pushing my face into my hands. I felt Kitty licking at me, as if to tell me it was alright. I quickly grabbed her and held onto her, my face buried in her neck. Her scent helped calm me down. After a moment i turned to see Leo still in his Lion form eyeing me warily. "I am so sorry Leo" I apologised "I don't know what happened. That cupboard holds my mothers belongings. I was upset that he had gone through it, but is no excuse for my behaviour"

"The vampire. His blood lust shall increase, his madness will consume him. Unless he proves himself worthy the queen cannot help. And as he perishes, so shall his race" We all turned to Blazes voice to find him looking through that book. Blaze looked at me "It wasn't your fault" He whispered. "Daddy tell him. It wasn't his fault. It even says grandpa tried to kill her. Remember he told us when he met her, he had lost grandma and went mad. That was the first time they met" He hurried his words, pointing at the book. Leo shifted and we both quickly made our way over. I grabbed the book and looked at it.

Blaze went over to the table and pulled his backpack out and quickly pulled out some shorts for his father.

"I remember this book" I told him as he dressed. "I used to catch mother sometimes in her study. She used to hold it in her hands, weeping. I remember one day i went in and asked her why she was crying. She told me 'Sometimes by doing the right thing we feel like we have done wrong. You could make a decision to save lives you can end up feeling guilty because it cost the life of someone you love' I never understood what she ment" I frowned at the memory. My mother never cried, she was allways loving and fun. The only thing that upset her was that damned book.

"What does it say about the king?" Leo asked, i turned the book to Blaze and asked him to show me the page i was looking for. Blaze found it and pointed. We sat back down at the table and i began to read.

'It has been nearly twenty years since i found my king and i now realise that i have made a grave mistake. I gave him everything, love, weath even my powers. Oh how i should have listened to mother, men cannot rule this world. He has gone mad, his love of power has consumed him to the very core of his being. Less than twenty years, it is nothing to us yet he has changed so much. When he came he was so loving and attentive, i was so lucky to have found him. Now he cares not for me.

My people are suffering, he has turned us all to slaves, not even i can move him. I know what he is planning, the prophet has spoken. Soon i will be taken away and locked up, he waits now for awakening. Once it comes he will not only rule us but every race in existance. We have only one hope left to us. I am with blessing. Under normal circumstances i would be thrilled, but these are not normal. I have asked the prophet to contact her grandaughter, she alone can help us. I must hide my pregnancy from the king until it is time. When she is of age she will return with her own king and take her rightful place. Oh how i wish i could see it, but i have been told i will die that day, just as the awakening begins. My king will be punished for his crimes, and i do not know how i feel about that. Sad because he is still my king, yet relief because my people will no longer suffer afterwards.

I am so torn i love him so much, yet he is no longer the man i fell in love with. Yet even so i belong to him.

My master, my lover, my king'

I placed the book down on the table and looked at Leo "The awakening?" I asked quietly, Leo shook his head "I have no idea" He said picking up the book and began turning the pages. I turned my gaze to the table. The words were written in misery, not just the words but the way it was written, as if the woman struggled to put ink to paper.

"The Origin, just like vampires age one year for every ten human years until they decide to stop. One the queens eighteenth birthday her powers are bestowed upon her. This is the awakening, when all races come together and greet their new queen. Unfortunatly the same could be said about the queens death. If the queen has no successor, then the races will come together to witness the king take power"

My head had snapped up when he first spoke. "Well now we know what the awakening is, but what does it have to do with this?" I asked mostly to myself. Blaze had settled into his fathers lap and picked up the book. Leo shook his head "I honestly don't know. All i ever knew was that the queen came to us. Nothing was ever spoken about awakenings or the Origins suffering like this. But i am wondering how your mother came to be in possesion of the book" I was wondering that too. I couldn't help but notice Blaze was frowning as he flipped back and forth through the pages. "What's wrong?" Leo asked. "Kitty isn't in here" He muttered then looked up at his father. "What's a returned?" Leo took the book out of his hand and looked at the page "She will be returned to her proper place for the services she has done. Her mate will have changed and bettered himself for her. Her death will alter everything for him and she will be unrecognised until it is time" He passed me the book. "I think it is time this came out of the library and put somewhere safe" I nodded my agreement. We might not understand it, but if the wrong person did, then god help us all.

"But what about Kitty?" Blaze asked and we all turned to face her. She had curled up onto her side, her head on her hands. Letting out a long silent yawn she looked at us. "You don't think that she is the returned do you?" Leo asked Kitty mewled and went back to sleep and i turned to Leo. "Apperantly she's exactly where she is supposed to be"

I didn't say anything, what could i say. A knock on the door snapped us out of our thoughts and we turned to watch Elizabeth come in.

"Forgive my intrution, but you have been in here for hours and i thought you would like some refreshment" She quickly explained. I had to hide the grimace at her clothes. A very tight white blouse and short black skirt with black high heels. At least she was trying right.

"Thank you Elizabeth, i hadn't realized how long it had been. We should be done soon. Elizabeth smiled and placed the tray down. "I hope it is alright but i though Blaze would like cola" Blazes face lite up and Leo laughed. "Thank you that would be fine. I am sure he gets tired of water" Elizabeths smile widened before handing Blaze his drink. She passed Leo his water then mine. "Grape juice with blood. The sl..servants told me you prefer that when discussing buisness" I couldn't help but smile back. "Thank you that is correct" I took the drink and downed it before looking up guiltily. "I guess i was thirsty" Elizabeth chuckled "Would you like some more?" She asked as she placed a bowl of milk on the floor for Kitty. "No thank you, like i said we will be finished soon" Elizabeth nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "I will see you later then" Once she left Leo turned his gaze onto me. "Tell me i wasn't seeing things" I laughed and shook my head. "No, Elizabeth has decided to improve and i must admit is doing well" Leo laughed, shaking his head. "Well i never"

A low growl caused us to turn to Kitty who was staring at the bowl. "What's wrong girl?" I asked Kitty looked up at me and blinked before lying down again. Leo was smiling. "Ok what did she say?" I had to asked. Leo shook his head. "She asked me if i had ever watched a leopord as it changed it's spots" "But a leopords spots never change" I frowned. Kitty growled again. "Exactly, but in the right enviroment they can hide them" Leo translated looking towards the door. I realised then she was talking about Elizabeth. "That may be true, but the spots are always revealed again" Only in this case i was hoping that it was wrong.

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