The Tainted

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"Urgh, what is wrong with me?" I mumbled as i fell through the door to my old room.

Vampires don't get sick, yet for the past two weeks i was getting worse. I was burning, sweaty and shivering. My gums ached, no matter how much blood i drank. And my temper was awful, i would lose it over nothing. Stripping my clothes from my body i stumbled my way into the bathroom, desperate to cool down.

Turning the shower on i climbed in, not caring it was cold. I almost sobbed as i felt my fevered flesh begin to cool. Yet i sank to the floor, my gums still ached my stomach burned and my head was going to explode. Sinking to the floor i curled up into a tight ball, letting the cold water run over me.

What was wrong with me? What was happening? I closed my eyes as the pain rolled through me.

"Stefan?" A soft feminine voice called my name. A small hand touched my arm "Come on Stefan, you need to get up" So beautiful, alluring. I opened my eyes to see who the voice belonged to. "Kitty?" I croaked, disbelievingly. Kitty just smiled and put her hands on my arm, tugging at me "You need to get up" Her voice rang through me. Shakily i got up and Kitty helped me out of the shower, she made me stand there as she dried me off and wrapped the towel around my waist. We made our way into the bedroom where she got me to lie on the bed.  I got a good look at Kitty who was wearing a deer hide dress, although small it covered what it needed to and was loose enough to allow her to move..

She sat on the edge of the bed next to me and ran her fingers over my forhead. "I will look after you" She promised. My guts clenched painfully and my fangs dropped, groaning i curled up and turned my back to her, unable to stop the groan of pain that escaped me. "Oh Stefan" I heard Kitty sigh. Her hand touched my arm and i felt her trying to pull me to face her. My fangs ached "You have to leave" I gritted through my teeth, my fangs digging into my lips. "Stefan look at me" Her voice alone made me want to turn round, instead i shook my head "Please leave" I begged, i really didn't want to hurt her.

Kitty pulled at my arm again "Look at me Stefan" Gods her voice, i had no choice but to obey it. Turning round i faced her, i knew my face was contorted and my fangs hung over my lips. What she did next shocked and surprised me. She stroked my face "So beautiful" She whispered. I whimpered as i stared at her throat. I wanted her blood, the beast in me was clawing inside me to take it and drink her dry. Kitty smiled and lifted her head slightly exposing more of it yet never taking her eyes of me. "Drink" She ordered, i only shook my head. "Claim me Stefan, as my lover" I frowned. "Love me as you master me, make me yours" Her voice, it did things to me. Rational thoughts left me as i found myself shifting closer her. "Love me as i love you" She whispered. A growl rumbled through me as my beast clawed its way out and i grabbed her arms roughly. "Kitty" I growled at her, wanting to warn her.

Kitty just smiled and placed her hands either side of my face. "Let me help you, let me love you" She spoke softly and tilted her head back. I could smell the blood running through her and brought my nose to her throat. Inhaling deeply i groaned, gods she smelt delicious. It was to late and without warning i growled sinking into her soft flesh. "Stefan" She cried softly, yet it didn't sound like she was in pain. Her blood ran over my tongue and i moaned as my eyes rolled back, so sweet. I pulled her closer to me drinking deeply, my grip relaxed and she wrapped her arms around me, her fingers burying themselves into my hair. Without warning i grabbed her and spun round laying her underneath me, my mouth never leaving her skin. "Stefan" She cried quietly, her body wrapped around mine. My hips grinded against her causing her to arch her back and my fangs sank further into her. My hands made their way down her body and under her dress, gripping her hips firmly. My mind was lost to the lust clouding my mind, for her blood, her body. We wanted her, my beast and i. I continued drinking from her as my hands explored her. So soft, her skin felt so good. Finally tearing myself from her i looked down as my hand came up and pulled a strap from her shoulder and exposing her breast before palming it. "Stefan please" She breathed arching into my hand.

I had to have her, my beast wanted her and he was in control now, my other hand raised the bottom of her dress exposing her to me. "My master, my lover" Kitty purred.


(The rest is in Missing Chapters)


Nikoli (Stefan's father)

"What do you mean missing?" I demanded of the guard in front of me. He was a tall man of 6'3 and muscular his light brown hair was short and his eyes were also a light brown. His face was chiseled as if sculptured.

"I'm sorry sir, but we cannot find him" I sighed, no one has seen Stefan since yesterday "There must be somewhere you haven't looked" Before he could answer another guard came running through the door. This was the first guards twin brother. "I've found him" He cried out and i imeadiatly stood up. "Where?" I demanded from the panting man. "His old room" I shook my head Why would he be there?

I left the room and immediately set of to see him. "What in blazes is he doing in his old room?" I demanded. The two guards said nothing as they knew i wasn't looking to them for an answer.

 We were halfway there when we saw a worried looking Elise. "What is wrong?" I demanded when we stopped in front of her. Elise bit her lip. "Forgive me sir but Kitty has gone missing, we are searching for her now. I know Master Stefan will be furious if we don't find her" I went to answer her when the second gaurd spoke up. "She's with the king" We turned to face him. "Forgive me i didn't know she was considered missing" I just nodded and indicated Elise to follow us. "Damn fool" I grumbled "Disappearing like that. Had everyone worried. Who does he think he is. He knows better than this" Nobody said anything for a minute. We were approaching the room when the sound of running was heard behind us and we turned round. In front of us was a slim beautiful woman with long blonde hair, but what worried us was her eyes. They were red. "Tainted" I hissed as the guards pushed me and Elise behind them.

The tainted are a nasty breed. You see if you try to turn a human and they fight against the poison they will still turn. But instead of a vampire with rational thoughts they become monsters. Their only thoughts is blood and they will drink from anything even other vampires. If you are unlucky enough to survive their attack it doesn't matter what species you are you to will also become a tainted. Like a disease really.

The woman screamed as she came closer her fangs bared as she lunged at our group. The first guard caught her by the throat and threw her further from us before they advanced on her. She hissed and stood up as they drew their swords. I have always admired a beauty in fighting and this was no different. The two gaurds began their attack as the woman dodged and fought back. Like i vicious yet deadly dance. I heard Elise gasp and pulled her to me. "Don't watch" I told her, pulling her into me and burying her face. I was glad i did as after a moment the second gaurd went flying through the air and landed against the wall knocking a huge dent into it before slumping to the ground. His eyes closed i knew he was out cold. I turned my attention towards the other guard to see him fighting hard. This tainted was good and that worried me slightly as i knew from here i couldn't call for help.

I flinched when the guard let out a piercing scream, only to realise she had sunk her fangs into his wrist. I pushed Elise behind me and began to back away. I wasn't being selfish, i knew that if he did manage to kill her then i would have to kill him. But if she drained him i would have time to get Elise to safety and call for help. I spun round as another set of steps sounded behind me only in time to see a dark grey blur past us. Elise and i watched as the cloaked figure ran into the mist and drawing it's own sword from under the cloak, raised it up and brought it down on the guard, cutting his arm of at the elbow. He screamed and sank to the floor. The cloaked figure turned it's attention to the tainted who was furious at having its meal disturbed. I finally registered it's scent and my eyes widened. It was a human female.

The tainted hissed and lunged at the figure who ducked and swung her sword catching the tainted on the leg. Landing heavily the tainted turned and hissed. The cloaked woman turned slowly and stood straight. She wouldn't move as the tainted ran at her again, her mouth open, fangs bared and arms outstretched. I couldn't help but wonder who the woman was. She stood still until the tainted was right in front of her then spun round lifting her sword up and just like that with a screach the tainted stopped. I watched as they both just stood there until the tainted fell to her knees and her head rolled. The clocked woman pulled a dagger from her cloak and cut out her heart. Ending the tainteds life. I couldn't move, never had i seen a human defeat a vampire never mind a tainted. I watched as she went over to the guard whos arm she cut off and she pulled something out of her pocket. I realised it was paper and pencil as she wrote something down and showed it to him. His only response was to nod and placed his hand on her shoulder. She help him up and he left. She began to write something down before coming over to us. Handing it to me she knelt on the floor and placed her fist over her heart.

Your majesty, i have been sent to guard your life and yours alone.

I have no name and am human. But i am still your guardian, as you can see i am well enough experienced for the position. Forgive me for harming you guard but it is the only way to stop the infection. He will not be tainted although he will no longer be fit for duty.

Do not deny me as there is no choice, do not ask to see my face as i cannot show it. My life is now yours and i will obey at all times.

I looked down at the woman. "Stand up" I ordered and she did immediately. "How can i trust you if i can not see your face?" I asked, she just shrugged and wrote something else.

You have my word and the word of those who sent me "Who sent you?" No reply "Tell me who sent you" She shook her head and i just sighed.

"I really don't get a choice do i" She shook her head "Are you smiling?" I asked, although i couldn't see it i could feel it. Another shrug and i couldn't help but smile and shake my head. "Sir" Elises voice brought me back and i turned to her, when did she move? She was with the other guard who was standing up. "Go get checked out i told him, he just stared at me and the woman. "I'll be fine, she killed the tainted" His brows furrowed but said nothing. Looking at the body on the floor then back at us he nodded. "I'll get that cleared up" He said before disappearing. Elise came up to me, "Sir may i speak freely?" She asked and i frowned and nodded. She looked down at the body "Annie there has been a cook her for five years" I turned to the body. "One of our servants?" Elise nodded "She never left the castle. Had no interest of seeing the day light. Meaning that who ever did this is still here, the last time she was seen was after the ball when we were cleaning up. I'm sorry sir but that means someone here did it"

Oh gods no. There was so many of us as well, my family, the guards, counselors and a lot of others. "Who do i trust?" I whispered to myself. A piece of paper was put in front of me and i read it.

Trust in me, the culprit will be found and punished i promise. For now think of your son, you were looking for him.

Stefan. I can't believe i forgot about him. I spun on my heels and quickly made my way to his room with Elsie and the cloaked woman behind me.

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