Father finds out

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"Stefan, Stefan. Wake up" I groaned as the voice pulled me from my dreams. I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Huh?" I looked up to see my father stood there with a blushing Elise and an unknown in a grey cloak.

"Damn it Stefan you had us worried" Father growled. "Worried? Why?" I asked and father sighed.

"You went missing yesterday, no one knew where you were" I frowned, i know it was late morning when i came here, but to sleep for so long" I sighed. "Sorry father, i just needed some time alone. I must have fallen asleep" He just raised an eyebrow. "So you decided to be alone naked?" He asked and i looked down to see myself naked and uncovered. No wonder Elise was blushing, i quickly pulled the blanket over me. "Uh no i had a shower and sat on the bed...." My voice trailed of as my eyes widened. "Shit Kitty" No soner had i said it than she jumped onto the bed, grabbing her i pulled her to me and began checking her over. I frowned as i found nothing, no bruises, no bite marks, nothing. "A dream?" I mumbled to myself, and realised i was upset over the thought that it hadn't been real.

Father turned and asked Elise to leave. "What is going on son?" He asked concerned, i turned to the cloaked figure. "Apperantly i have a new gaurd, no idea what to call her" I frowned and father explained what happened. I stood up to pull on my boxers "Well that's weird" I commented but my father said nothing as he stared at me. "What is that?" He asked pointing to my chest. I looked down to see the bruise, only this time a red mark was inside and the yellow took on a more defined look. I bit my lip and looked at Kitty.Her and the woman were looking at me then the woman took out a piece of paper and began to write.

You are the last species to be gathered, the queen is coming soon it will be time. Circumstances have changed your father is now involved. Forces are against you as your race is suffering. Tell him everything about the awakening but nothing about the king and queen.

I frowned and looked at the woman before turning to Kitty "What do you think?" I asked her before another piece was pushed infront of me. If you want we will tell him. And yes i do know what she is saying, Kitty is not the only human involved. "You can understand her?" The woman nodded and i sighed. "Ok father, we have to tell you something, but kitty wants to explain" I rubbed my temple.

Father frowned, how can Kitty explain anything he asked. I shrugged "Apparently your gaurd can understand her" He frowned and looked at both women. She sat down at my desk and started writing. After a few moments she threw the paper onto the bed.

Three thosand years ago the Origins dissapeared, their queen had not found her king after searching long and hard for him. It was decided that maybe he wasn't on earth at the time, and that he should come to them. They took themselves into hiding giving all species the chance to grow and florish, hoping that he would come to them.

The king they have been waiting for has now been born, he has grown and proved to be right for the people. Since his birth everything has begun. The queen has gone out to find the ambassadors to witness the awakening of her powers.

Father looked up at me "The Originals?" I nodded and he lowered his head. "But we always thought they had died out" He spoke "Gone forever, my gods if the queen returned we could finally have the peace we have been struggling to acheive" I frowned "But surely you wanted to acheive that here?" Father smiled "The peace we could acheive would be fragile, easily broken. Your mother and i used to talk about it alot. We knew that if the queen returned everything would be the way it should. I admit your position as king would be undermined by the fact that the queen would rule over you, and it never bothered me. You see it was always said that the queen ruled over all because of what being a woman ment. Kind, loving, understanding. The usual female charms, yet like a mother, she also knew when to be stern and when to punish. Unlike us men who tend to be angrier and more forceful"

We pondered on this for a moment. "But i still fail to see what this has to do with me" Father frowned.

The next note was shoved at us. We must protect the king, Without him his people will die

My head snapped up "You were talking about my father?" I asked "He is the king you protect" The woman nodded but Kitty mewled.

Without him you will go mad, your people will die. The vampires cannot be ruled by your wife.

"But why is that? It has been known for the queen to rule if the king dies" My father asked, the woman turned to Kitty, who just sat there purring. The womans shoulders slumped and she wrote out another quick message.

You are not their king, it belongs to your first born son

"WHAT?" Both me and father jumped up.She put her hand up and wrote If you were ment to rule your species, the queen would have approached your father. This is the way it is

"Explain" My father demanded. The woman didn't, no note nothing. "I said explain"

I cannot. Was all she wrote.

A knocking on the door stopped anymore conversation and the woman quickly grabbed the notes, shoving them inside her cloak.

"Stefan?" Elizabeths voice called "Yeah" The door opened slowly as she entered. A look of surprise and dissapointment flashed across her face before she managed to school her face and a large smile graced her lips.

Can you see her spots? A voice entered my mind, but i shook it off. "Thank god" She smiled "You've been missing and i just heard a tainted was found in the castle" My father spoke up "That's right but it has been dealt with and disposed of now" Elizabeth nodded and again i thought i saw something in her eyes.

I felt something being pushed into my hand and noticed the woman move away from me. I turned as if to gather my clothes and looked at the note. Does you wife have the power of mind control? It asked i looked at the woman and shook my head, wondering at the question. I stood up and told the others i was going to get dressed. As i entered the bathroom i spotted another not sticking out from my shirt.

Why would a human who serves vampires fight the venom knowing exactly what the consequences are

This had me thinking, could you actually use mind control to force someone to resist the venom? I hoped not, because if what Elise and this woman say is true then everyone here is in danger.

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