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Two months have passed since father found out about the Originals and alot has happened since then.

The hunters became more active, forcing us to leave our castle for a while. A friend of my fathers, Hugo has taken us in.

Hugo was a tall dark man, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. For a vampire he seemed rather on the large size, reminding me of the kings from the humans past. Too well fed.

At the moment i was in a training room with Anna as father decided to name her. For a human she was an excellent fighter and i couldn't help but laugh as she finally pinned me to the floor, the fake knife to my heart.

Anna stood up and  pulled her notepad out of her cloak, i had to admit it annoyed me sometimes that she wouldn't talk.

You seem happier for a change. The note read and i nodded. "You were right, i just needed to let some steam off" Anna nodded. We turned as we heard the door open to see Hugo entering. "Ahh, Stefan there you are. I was wondering when you would find this room" He called out in his cheery voice. I could feel the tension from Anna as she stood behind me as Hugo gave her a curious glance. "Now please tell me you haven't been in here with a human. Surely you can find someone more suitable for training" Hugo made no secret of what he thought of humans and it reminded me of myself only a few short years ago. "But hugo Anna is more than capable of holding her own. In fact you just missed her killing me" I smiled.

Hugo frowned before smiling at me "You mean you let her" I laughed scratching the back of my neck "I wish i had, but no. Then again if she can fight the tainted and survive i should really know better" None of us could work out how she beat the tainted and Anna wasn't talking, so to speak. Hugo hummed.

"Anyway" He continued "I came to tell you that we are recieving replies to the letters we have sent out. The others are interested in meeting for the peace talks. It seems the hunters are getting everywhere" I sighed, not knowing what else there was to say.

A slight knock came at the door before a small boy, no older than twelve entered. My dead heart could have bled at his condition. His dirty blonde hair was unkempt and he wore what looked like an old oversized shirt. He stopped infront of Hugo, his small frame shaking. "Forgive me, master for the interuption. But it seems we have lost one of the birds for the dinner tonight" His voice was low and full of fear. "WHAT?" Hugo shook with rage and raised his hand to the boy. I quickly grabbed it, "Did you put the locks on the fridges as i asked?" Hugo just frowned and i sighed. I turned to the boy "Go to my father and tell him Kitty took the dinner, he will give you the money to replace it" The little boy looked towards Hugo who waved him away. "I had forgotten about your crazy human" Hugo admitted.

"You still do not like her" It was not a question, from the moment they meet it was a hate/hate relationship. "The one thing me and your wife agree on is killing that thing. It is such a nuisance, do you know she found a stray cat and it's kittens. She seems to have adopted them and has them messing up everywhere"

Well i didn't know that. "I will have a word with Kitty about that. But i must admit, it is nice to know she has found someone she can communicate with. Unless we have King Leo no one understands her" "You give that human far to much freedom, i still don't understand how you can keep it. It obviously has no use" I shook my head. "I've told you before, Kitty is a great source of amusment to me."

Hugo just shook his head and opened his mouth to reply when the doors burst open.

"Lord Hugo" A gaurd stood infront of him "Emperor Chai has just arrived" Hugo and I looked at each other. "Who the hell is Emperor Chai?" Hugo demanded. "He says he is the king of dragons sire" At this Hugo stormed out of the room towards the waiting Emperor with me following behind him.

On entering the greal hall, of which was pure white marble, i saw the man in question stood infront of a throne.

It was said that this place was once a great kingdom and that the place we were at was the royal household. Yet when Hugo found it, there was no royal family and the villagers were in need of guidance. No one is really sure what happened as he dissapered for a while two hundred years ago. And when he returned he was now living here.

The man was thin and tall and had that old chinese look about him even though he appeared young. His hair and facial hair was long and silver, his narrowed eyes seemed sharp. And he wore traditional clothes that you would expect to see on a man of his position.

"Ahh Lord Hugo" The man greeted, his accent thick. "Forgive my intrusion but i am afraid i had to meet with you" Hugo frowned.

"Forgive me Emperor Chai, i am afraid you have me at a disadvantage" Chai just chuckled "My name is Emperor Chai of the chinese dragons. Your request for peace talks have traveled the globe. So many races want this peace and like me are making their way here as we speak"

"What everyone?" I couldn't help but voice out. Chai turned to me. "Many of us believe that it is time to come together. The last time we had peace was during the reign of the Originals. Now that they are no longer here we believe it is time to take matters into our own hands." I  stiffened at his words about the Originals, but neither he or Hugo noticed. Chai tilted his head to the side and a smile appeared on his face. "Ahh i see five years is not enough to change you little one" He said. I turned to see Kitty making her way over, she let out a small meow in response. "You know Kitty?" I asked Chai bent down and laughed as Kitty licked his face. "We have met before. Five years ago i decided to visit your beautiful country. Unfortunatly i also met your hunters, they fight dirtier than ours and i was outnumbered. This young lady happened to be sleeping in the ally that night and i guess we disturbed her sleep. Lets say she fights dirtier than your hunters" Kitty meowed and Chai turned his attention to her. For a moment it looked as if they were having a mental coversation before Chai stood up.

"I am sorry if i am intruding, but i would like to join you for these talks" Hugo smiled "Of course, the more that agree to keeping the peace the better. And if the whole world wishes it, then i agree. Would you stay here? We have more than enough room for everyone" Chai smiled back "I would be honoured to stay in your homes" He bowed "Then i will get a slave to gather your things. Stefan, could you show our guest to the south wing. We already have the panthers and eagles there, so there will be someone to meet" I nodded my agreement and asked Emperor Chai to follow me.

As we walked through the halls i informed him on all i knew about the place and he asked me many questions. Reaching his room i turned to say goodnight when he spoke up first. "Would you mind coming inside? There is one more thing i would like to ask of you" I nodded curious of what more there could be. Entering the room Chai gave out a small squeal of delight. The room was dark red and gold with chinese drawings on the wall and even the furniture was chinese. "Lord Hugo knows how to welcome his guests" Chai approved. I didn't say anything, waiting for him to ask me his question. I was getting tired again and the headache returning. "You said you had a question for me" I reminded him. Chai spun round is if only just remembering me. "Ahh yes. Earlier as i was waiting for you i had the pleasure of meeting your charming wife" The words pleasure and charming were full of sarcasm and i groaned "With her was a young lady with firey red hair and icy blue eyes" I nodded "Elise, she helps me with Kitty" Chai nodded "I was wondering if you would introduce us sometime" I frowned "Why would you wish to meet a servant? a human servant" Chai smiled then laughed "She will not be human for long my friend. Infact i think she will make a fine Emperoress. Her firey hair matches her temper and her eyes are already the colour of ice. Ahh indeed my friend, never could i have imagined such a fine creature to be my mate" At that all i could do was pick my jaw up off the floor.

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