Elise finds her mate

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"Stefan" She breathed as she held my hair in her fists. I had her against the wall, my arms supporting her as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

Her blood. I could never get enough of it, i growled as i tried to bury myself deeper into her neck, drinking like a dried man. My mind was no longer my own and i was practically dry humping her as i drank only for her to return the gesture. She ripped my mouth from her neck and pressed her lips to mine, we kissed hungrily, starved for each other.

I sat up sweating, another dream. I turned to face Kitty who was just waking up and sighed.

What was wrong with me? I had, had Kitty for three years and i had never felt this way before. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I desperately needed a shower, a cold one.

After about ten minutes i climbed out feeling better, drying of i wrapped the towel around my waist and entered the bedroom. Elise was there getting Kitty ready for the day. "Good morning Master Stefan" She greeted cheerfully. "Morning Elise, Morning Kitty" Kitty just stared at me purring. I went into the closet to get dressed. "Oh master Stefan, Kitty seems to have chosen your clothes for today" I heard Elise call out, amusement clear in her voice. I came out of the closet frowning. On the bed was a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt. 'The same thing i was wearing in my dream' I thought. I turned to Kitty to see she had a black fur dress on that started as a skirt the the top wrapped around her exposing her stomach yet covering her breasts. 'It was just a dream right?' Elise looked at me and sighed. "Again?" She asked and i nodded. Elise knew i had these dreams, i had told her. "What is this the third?"

"Fourth. Yet again we didn't make love. It's as if only the first one was meant to happen. I don't know anymore. I drink so much from her even as a dream i am surprised to wake up and see her alive" Elise patted my shoulder in understanding and went back to Kitty. "Could you do a french braid?" I asked her, Elise frowned. "The clothes, their exactly what we wore in the dream" Without answering Elise got to work.

After dressing i st on the bed and watched as Elise worked on Kittys hair.

"What would you do if you had a mate?" I asked her. It had been two days since the conversation between me and Chai and i had made sure to keep Elise away from him. Elise stopped what she was doing for a second before continuing. "A mate?" She mused "I'm not sure. I admit the idea appeals to me, but it appeals to every woman in the world. The idea of someone who loves you without condition. Your flaws as well as your perfections. Yes it appeals to me. But on the other hand i am a human in the land of fantasy. A slave, servant, whichever you choose. And that part of me would never dare to think about having someone like that" I frowned "Why not?" A sad smile appeared on her lips. "Did you know i was married when i was taken?" I shook my head. "I was only twenty when they came, we were in the middle of yet another argument. Tommy and i had known each other since nappies and grew up together. Typical romance story really. We decided to get married at eighteen, god we were so young and naive then. Not long after we married Tommy had his first affair" Elise stopped and took a deep breath. "I always forgave him, every time. But this time i couldn't forgive him. A girl came knocking on our door one day looking for him. She said she needed  to see him" Elise snorted "She had been told i was his sister. So without knowing it the poor girl had told me that not only had he been having another affair, but that he had gotten her pregnant" I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort. "She was there when they came. Tommy and i were arguing. I believed her over him, why would she lie to me. I wanted him out of the house, to take care of her and the baby. But he refused, telling me i was being stupid. The poor girl was distraught, she tried to apologise, but i wouldn't have it. That's when they came" Elise stopped to take another deep breath. "To this day i don't know what i was thinking. I just remember thinking i had to get her out. To protect the baby. I managed to get her into the attic when they came. I tried to fight not realising then what they were. I only know that i was dragged down the stairs and the first thing i saw was Tommy. He was lay on the floor with his throat ripped out. After that i blacked out" She finished

'God what kind of person was i? I knew how they collected the slaves, but back then i thought they deserved it, i enjoyed hearing them scream in despair and pain. I was brought out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. "I never found out what happened to the girl" She finished. "But now you see why some women love the sound of mates. A mate could never do that to you, it would hurt him just as much. But as a slave i can not dare to hope have a mate because all creatures of fantasy are in higher positions than me"

"But what would you do if you have a mate?" I asked again. Elise shook her head "I am your property, i belong to you. Only you can decide my fate" Then she giggled "Anyway why do you ask such questions. I didn't say nothing just stood up, pulling her with me. "Elise i do not own anyone. You are all here on your own free will. If you wished to leave you could do so right this minute. Understand" Elise frowned but nodded. "Now do you trust me?" I asked smiling. Elise gave Kitty a worried glance before nodding. "Then keep your eyes closed" I told her before picking her up and running out of the room. It was only seconds before i reached our destination and i gently put her down. Elise stumbled a little before i caught her. Are you ok?" I asked unable to keep the smile out of my voice. Elise just glare at me through narrowed eyes. "Never again" She hissed and i couldn't help but laugh. After a minute i turned serious again "I will find out what happened to the girl you told me about if you wish it" Elise stopped glaring and smiled "I would like that. Even though it was not mine i pray every day that the child is alive" I nodded and knocked on the door. Within seconds it flew open to reveal Chai looking flustered. "Ahh Stefan my friend, you have come at a good time. I seem to be having trouble choosing what to wear to the ball your friend has organised" I smiled and shook my head. "Chai i would like you to meet Elise the woman who has helped me the past three years" Chais head snapped round to the woman next to me and i noticed the look of wonderment on his face. "Elsie" He greeted his voice husked "A pleasure to meet such a charming lady" Elsie blushed and curtsied "Thank you sir" Her training kicking in. "Please call me Chai. I wonder if you would help me. A womans view would be most appreciated. And i would be honoured if i got yours" I couldn't stop the grin on my face as Elises blush deepened. "Go on Elsie say yes" I told her. "After all i'm sure an unbiased view would be more appreciated" Elsie looked at me and nodded. Chai stood to the side and allowed her to enter. "I'm afraid there are six robes on the right side of the wardrobe that i cannot choose from. Please tell me witch one you think" Elsie nodded and entered the large wardrobe. Chai turned to me with a large smile on his face. We lowered our voices so that Elsie couldn't hear what was said next. "Thank you my friend you have no idea how much this means to me" I laughed "Oh i do trust me. I haven't told her. But be careful her history with men is not good. You must be careful with her" Chai nodded his understanding. "I think you two will defiantly look good together at the ball" a look of horror struck across his face. "I must get her a dress immediately" I couldn't help but laugh. "First you must get her to agree and you only have two days" His face was priceless. "Tell her you have my permission if it helps" I said slapping him on the shoulder. Chai took a quick look behind him. "I see our peace talks have already started. Thank you Stefan, i owe you much" I shook my head at him. "Go. get your woman, she is a firey one and i have no doubt you will have plenty to argue about" Chais grin widened "Ohh i hope so my friend. I hope so" With that he shut the door and i turned around laughing as i walked away.


'I can't believe i blushed' i thought as i entered Emperor Chais room 'I can't believe that i got speechless'. I couldn't help but to admire the pictures on the wall. I remember seeing things like this when i used to eat at the chinese restaurant by where i lived. But they were never this good. I quickly remembered myself and headed for the wardrobe. Finding the outfits he was looking at i quickly found two and pulled them out laying them on the bed. The first was an extravagant piece. It was a yellow/gold colour with blue cuffs and intricate designs sewn through it. A small cloak type was around the shoulders with dragons heads either side as if actually sitting on the shoulders of the wearer, the other was simpler. A light blue in colour with three circles on the front an one on each arm. In each circle was a picture of different animals. Birds, fish and yes dragons too. I was brought out of my thoughts when a voice spoke up.

"I see you have found something, pray tell me why those two?" I tried to stop the blush creeping up my face. I did say tried. Why did his voice affect me so?

I mentally shook my head. The yellow one shows your position, that you are indeed an Emperor" I told him "And the other?" I bit my lip, how did i tell him it reminded me of his eyes? "Elsie?" His voice sounded concerned. "Well um, The first would show your position amongst the dragons which would probably be the best choice, but the blue one, um, well it kind of. It... well i just think it would look good on you" By now my head was hanging. I can't believe i just said that. I snapped my head up when i heard him chuckling. "It's not funny" I grumbled under my breath. He must of heard me because he stopped. He took a step closer. "Why don't i try both on and see what we think then?" He asked. I only nodded afraid to open my mouth. He picked up the blue one and just looked at me. After a few moments i began to get tired of him looking at me "What?" I snapped at him. He only laughed. "My dear Elsie. In case you haven't noticed the wardrobe and my bathroom are to small for there clothes" "So" He smiled and lent towards me. "I have nothing underneath what i am wearing now. So unless you wish to see me naked.." I put my hand up, not needing to hear the rest. "I get it" I said turning around. I heard the movement of  fabric as well as his laughter. "Asshole" I muttered to myself. "You know i can hear that?" He asked "You can turn around now" I did as i was told only to find out i was right. The robe really did suit his eyes. But i could see that it wasn't right somehow. I stood up to him and circled around him, trying to figure out why. Once or twice i touched the fabric only to realise it was silk. I felt him shudder under my fingers and i couldn't help but feel happy. Eventually i gave up. "Nope defiantly not that one. It does suit you but it's the wrong one" Chai smiled again and i turned around. It took a little bit longer this time. I assumed because there was more to put on. "Ok i am done" He told me and i turned round. My mouth dropped open at the sight in front of me. I was right, the two dragons sat on his shoulders perfectly. On his head he wore a hat of some kind. The bottom was the same colour yellow/gold as his robe then a deep red fabric that ballooned out slightly. On the top was what looked like a gold bell with horns, on top of that was a ball of gold then a pearl a thing that was repeated three times till it came to a point on top. He looked every bit the Emperor he was. (Can anyone say wet panties?) "My god" I breathed causing him to frown "Is it wrong?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No, nothings wrong. You look amazing" I told him honestly. The smile that spread across his face made me want to faint. I once again circled him, admiring him and the robe. My fingers reached towards the dragon on his left shoulder. "My god you look so good in this" Then blushed as i realised what i said. I felt his fingers grab mine and he turned to face me.  "Elise" He breathed, his breath fanning my face. My god why does he have this affect on me? "My little Elise" That brought me out of it as i pushed away from him. "Don't call me that" I snapped at him. Tommy used to call me that and look how that ended. "Elise" He raised his hand, his voice pained. I wanted to comfort him, apologise. But i wouldn't. "I'm not little and i'm not yours. I belong to no one"  His whole demeanour changed and he smirked at me fueling my anger. "Don't laugh at me" I growled. He put his hands up in surrender, but never got rid of the smirk. "Forgive me you are right. You are not little. You are more like a firecracker. A short fuse and quick to go off" He stepped closer to me and i had nowhere to go since i was already against the wall. "You are right, you do not belong to someone, but you do belong next to them" He grabbed my wrists pulling me closer to him. " I was not laughing at you, i was laughing at how nice it was to have someone speak to me the way you do. No one dares answer me back or reprimand the Emperor" His head came down our lips inches apart. "Come to the ball with me mate" His lips closed on mine. 'Mate?' That was my last thought before i lost myself with him.

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