The prophet

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"Welcome Stefan"

I was in the ballroom, where the ball was about to take place. The large room was vast with floor to ceiling windows. Like that you find in churches. The walls had sculptures carved into it and the high ceiling had chandeliers that held candles. At the end of the room opposite the carved wooden doors was a throne made of gold with a deep red fabric thrown over it as if running down the centre of the chair.

I turned towards the voice, an elderly woman stood there smiling, her long silver hair flowed down her back. And her grey eyes suited her. She was about 5'5 and quite thin, yet i could see she was once beautiful. She wore a long silver dress that went to the floor, it covered her arms and throat, exposing no flesh at all.

Not knowing what to say i cocked my head. "I wondered if i would ever get to speak with you" She continued.

"Who are you?" I asked and she laughed. "The more important question is where are we" She said mysteriously, causing me to frown. The scene changed and we were back in my old room. Spinning around i didn't know what to make of it. "You are asleep Stefan" She told me. "We are in a place that only i know of. The safest place to talk" We were back in the ballroom by the time she finished talking.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked curiously. "Ahh young Stefan, you are the one with the book yes?" I frowned. "The queens book to be exact" "The diary?" She nodded. "My orders were simple contact my granddaughter and save the queens daughter. Now i am to find her, it is almost time for her to take her place"

"You're the prophet?" She simply nodded. "Then why me?" Why not talk to someone who can help? She has been to others" The prophet shook her head. "It does not work like that." I wanted to ask what she meant when a little girl appeared, dancing around us. "What a pretty girl i was" She sighed and i looked down only to realise the did look alike. "My very first awakening, watch" She whispered.

I did as the room began to fill with people, the atmosphere light and happy. The candles on the chandeliers were lit and i could tell it was dark outside. Laughter was all around me and i turned to the prophet. "They can neither see or hear us, watch and remember" She said grabbing my hand. She walked us around the room and i couldn't take my eyes of those around us. I came to a sudden stop as a face i recognised was in front of me. My great, great grandfather. I had seen his picture in the hallways at home. "So Ulric, i see the queen has outdone herself again" He spoke to the man next to him. He looked like me except his eyes were black and he had red hair. The man next to him was tall and muscular, his tanned skin rippled with even the slightest movement. His hair was a dark silver and his eyes a deep green.

"Of course, my queen was always one for balls you know this Anotil" Anotil nodded. "So when will your daughter be of age? I must admit i am looking forward to her awakening" Ulric tilted his head. "And why is that?" He asked suspiciously. Anotil laughed and slapped his hand on his shoulder. "Relax friend, i have my own queen. I am merely curious as to if our new king will be a snake like her father or something else"  Ulric relaxed and smiled. "It is a shame your son is not yet born, i believe the young prophet is waiting for our vampire king" Anotil laughed "One of us? King of the Origins. I think not my friend. Vampires would destroy everything. You know our blood thirsty nature and the power you hold would consume us. No my friend, i pray that vampires will never be chosen" Ulric smiled. "You are indeed a great man Anotil and i treasure our friendship. But it is true, she has seen him. He will be bloodthirsty and cruel. Yet he will lead our people into greatness" Anotil frowned "My gods, that's impossible. For if such a thing were to happen that would be the end of all of us" Ulric nodded. "Yet the prophet is never wrong"

Anotil obviously wanted to say more but was cut of by the opening of the doors. Everyone turned round to see a young woman enter. Gods she was beautiful. Her long golden hair trailed down her back to her backside and her vibrant green eyes shimmered in the light. The thin silk like dress was short yet loose. Everyone parted to the walls either side, leaving a gap between the doors and the throne. The young girl walked lightly across the floor, her eyes dancing around the room.

I noticed that Ulric was now stood by the throne and a woman who looked like the girl was sat there smiling. The girl came to a stop a few feet from them and smiled before sinking to her knees.

"My dear daughter, it is time?" The woman asked. The girl stood us and her smile widened. "My darling, now eighteen, your powers will come. Tell me have you chosen?" "Yes mother" Her voice was airy, light and beautiful. "I have a master, i have been marked as his servant" Both parents nodded. "I have a lover who took me" She continued before literally dancing away into the crowds. When she come back a young man was with her. He was tall with jet black hair, his body lean.

"And what creature are you?" The woman asked. "Panther your majesty" The woman smiled.

"How did you become my daughters master?" She asked and the man blushed. "Well?" the woman encouraged kindly.

"It was when my father came to you about the hunters my queen. I had left him to talk to you and i wandered the gardens. I meet a young child who was crying. I don't know why but it broke my heart to see her like that. I went over to talk to her and discovered that she felt lonely, my panther felt sad for her and wanted her to smile. I spent the day with her playing and talking. At the end i fell asleep and had a dream" The woman held her hand up to stop him and turned to the girl. "Mother you know the rules, yes i was young but i knew then that he was the one" The woman nodded and turned to the man. "You are talking about a hundred and twenty years. Tell me when did you become her lover?"

The man straightened and held the girls hand. "Twenty years ago, you had come to our home and she was with you. I had watched her grow and become more beautiful. I tried to stop feeling for her and push her away. She always deserved someone better than me. I didn't know about the wakening because i never paid attention to my father. If i had i would have never claimed her as her master, i would have waited. When she came to me i tried so hard to resist. But i love her, with everything i have. My panther sees his mate in her and i agree" This guy defiantly has balls.

Ulric then spoke up "And if we refuse you our daughter?" The panthers eyes flashed "I will fight for her. MINE" His panther growled out, causing them both to smile. You cannot doubt a weres animal.

"Yet you have not claimed her as your queen, you are not her king" Ulric continued. The man growled and pulled the girl into his arms, her back against him. "MINE" He growled.

"Father please i have claimed him as mine" The girl called out crying, unsure as to what is going on.

"Yet he has only claimed you as master and lover, he is not your king. Which means that you are still available to whoever we choose" This pushed the panther over the edge. "MY QUEEN, MY MATE" He roared before swooping his head into her neck. A gasped escaped her lips as his teeth sank into her skin. I could hear him growl as he pulled her closer, binding them together for life.

Slowly he pulled away from her neck and lovingly tended to her wound. Her parents watched happily until they were finished. Standing side by side again they looked up at them.

"Our new king" The woman spoke happily "Your heart and animal are true to our daughter" She stood up. She and Ulric raised their hands, palm up and bent at the elbow so only their lower arms were raised. I watched in amazement as a soft light sat in their palms before getting bigger and bigger until a ball of light sat in each palm.

"We the Queen and King accept our daughters King and pass our power and knowledge to them, so that they may rule in our place and bring the kingdoms together in peace" They both spoke in unison. I watched as the lights then lifted from their palms. The two the woman held went to her daughter and Ulrics went to the man. The lights began to spin around them, slowly at first. Then faster and faster until they were in a tunnel of light. Then suddenly it stopped as the lights pierced into their hearts and they gasped.

"My children" The woman called gently holding her hands out to them both. The made their way forward and both the king and queen moved. The new couple taking their place. The girl in front of the throne and the man on her right.

"My friends i invite you to welcome the new queen and king" Ulric shouted and clapping began to ring round the room.

Suddenly everything disappeared and i blinked.

I turned to see the prophet smiling sadly. "It was such a beautiful occasion" She told me and i could only nod. "Of course the next queen didn't find her king when she awoke, but you know that already" I frowned. "You have the diary Stefan" Oh right.

"So they can become queen with out a king?" I asked and the prophet laughed. "No in Alyannas case, she was born one thousand years after her mothers awakening. Both Amelia and Cuto wanted to retire. So Alyanna agreed to take her mothers place. Other things can happen to. The Awakening does happen at eighteen or if you like one hundred and eighty. But if the queen dies then the daughters awaking will happen sooner."

"What happen if there is no child?" I asked causing her to frown "If she dies and there is no child then the king would get her powers and all hell would break loose. Death and destruction would follow"

"So what does this have to do with me?" I asked. The prophet put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me sadly. "You will be the one to kill Alyannas king" She said before pushing me away.

I sat up bolt right on my bed, gasping.

Did that really happen? Was it real?

The smell of blood caught my attention and i tuned to the nightstand where a glass was placed, next to it a note.


I did try to wake you but you were really out of it. I brought you something to drink and i'm sorry if it goes cold before you wake up.

I have gone for a walk in the gardens with Hugo and i hope to see you when you wake.

Elizabeth x

I smiled at the small gesture and grabbing the drink i downed it in one. Gross, it was a bit cooler than i liked.

I got out of bed to take a shower when suddenly i felt dizzy, my head pounding. What was wrong with me. My knees buckled and i fell to the floor groaning.

My face contorted and my fangs dropped, i was starving, i wanted blood, badly. A noise caught my attention and i turned to see Kitty entering my room wearing a brown fur dress. I smiled, her blood aroused my senses and i wanted it. With out warning i struck, grabbing her and pinning her to the bed.

I ran my nose over her throat. "Why Kitty you smell simply mouthwatering" I growled, my voice was dark and husky, not my own. Kitty mewled and struggled against me, i could smell her fear and it excited me. "My gods Kitty i want your blood and i will have it" With that i bit down sinking into her soft flesh.

Kitty let out a pain filled mewl as i drank hungrily. She tried to fight me of, but i growled and bit harder, pulling her closer to me. My eyes rolled back as her blood flowed over my tounge and down my parched throat.

My body responded and i began to grind against her, Kittys nails dug into my skin and threw me over the edge.

(Look in missing chapters)

When i woke i was all alone, my mind fuzzy. What the hell had happened. Events came rushing back to me and i sat up looking around. I heard a mewl from the bathroom and i quickly went over.

I laughed as i saw Kitty sat by the bath looking at first me then the bath. "So you want a bath?" I asked. Kitty just tilted her head. I Shook mine and began running it before a thought occurred to me.

Taking Kittys dress of i examined her body. Nothing. Not a scratch or a bruise. Was any of it real?

I sat on the floor, my mind racing with what i remember. What the hell is going on.

My mind refused to stop. I didn't notice that i had turned the taps of. Or when i got in the bath with Kitty. More questions were running through my head and by the time they had stopped. I had bathed and dried Kitty and lay her on the bed. Shaking my head i smiled at her.

"I have to go now" I told her "But i will be back later to get ready for the ball" Kitty just yawned and stretched before curling up in a ball and going to sleep. I just shook my head smiling and got dressed.

Taking one last look at Kitty i smiled and left the room

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