Nearly over

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"Become my queen" He asked me.  "Mm, but i am already married" I purred as he looked at me, lust clear in his gaze.

"Then we will simply have to find a way to cancel your marrige" I smiled stepping towards him, he growled and grabbing my waist pulled me against him. I placed my hands on his chest. "And if i told you i had already taken steps to end this marriage?" I asked kissing along his jaw, his hand lifted my chin so that i looked at him. "Tell me" He demanded. Smiling seductively i looked at him for a moment before freeing myself and taking his hand. "Make love to me again and i'll tell you" I whispered. He growled before throwing me onto the bed. "Such a vixen as yourself has been wasted on that shame you live" He told me as he removed his clothes before doing the same to me. "I promise you, be with me and the world will be yours" I said nothing, the power this man possesed was everything i wanted.

I paced infront of the dampend cell, the woman infront of me was filthy. Her dark hair was matted and her body was thin. Her clothes torn and dirty as if she had lived in them for years.

"I am glad you came" Her soft voice comfoting me. "I have missed you so much. Not a day went by that i did not think of you" I sat infront of her saying nothing. She shuffled of to the bars and reached out to me. "Are you ready to live your life?" She asked and i nodded, leaning my face into her open palm. "Have you chosen?" I smiled thinking about the man i love. "I see" She smiled, genuinly happy for me. "Claim him, as soon as you can. For tomorrow is the ball, and you will need him by your side" I nodded, she would never lie to me. "I love you" I told her, her smile was breath taking, a lone tear escaped. "And i have always loved you. My beloved daughter"

"You know who you are now?" I asked the cloaked figure infront of me. Their only response was a nod. "I have always known, even before Nathanial found me" I smiled "I am glad he did" A sigh escaped me. "Does he deserve such a reward?" I asked. "Of course" She exclaimed "Nathanial has told me everything. He has changed greatly. He is now a better man than when we first met"

I lifted my hands and pulled at her hood her blonde hair like a halo around her soft face. "I am so glad you have returned to us" She smiled "I have missed you all grandmother"

I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. I missed my wife, it's been a hundred and eighty years since she died at the hands of hunters and i still mouned her. I grabbed the picture by my bed and stared at it. "I wish you were with us" I whispered. "Oh Isabelle i have done some terrible things, i lost myself for a while" A tear escaped me and landed on the frame. "Can you ever forgive the things i have done? I long so much to be with you. I miss your laughter, your love. I miss how you feel in my arms and watching you with our son" I stopped unable to say any more.

"Kitty?" I stopped in my tracks. I had just entered the bedroom. A dream, i knew that the moment i saw her.

"Hello Stefan, i've been waiting for you" Her soft seductive voice spoke. I took a step closer, my gods she was so beautiful and sexy. She sat on the edge of the bed in a very short black silk nightie that showed off her legs perfectly. The neckline low enough to show her breasts, but not low enough for them to fall out.

"I want you Stefan" She purred as she stood up. I want you as mine and mine alone" She started walking towards me. I want to claim you as my king, to love you like no other" She stopped infront of me, my breath quickened. "I want you to claim me, love me, rule with me" Her hands found their way under my shirt and i held them in place. "Kitty" I shook my head. "I.." She silenced me with a chaste kiss. "Be with me my love, become one with me. Can you not feel it?" I looked at her quizzically. "Your beast" She continued "He has found his mate" I looked inside myself and found she was right. My beast had choosen her, she was our mate. And he wanted what was ours.

Knowing this i grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, my lips locking around hers in a claim. Her throaty moan stirred my beast and myself as i spun us around.

"Will you be with me?" She asked as i wrapped her legs around my waist, my eyes darkening. My lips found her throat and i began raining kisses on her. "Stefan" She breathed, her hands fisting my hair. A dream, that's all we will ever be. Stolen moments in the height of unconsciousness.

I found i no longer cared, if this was the only way to have her then by gods i would take it. "I love you" I felt her freeze before pulling away to look me in the eye. "Truely?" She asked wide eye. "Yes" I growled "Damnit yes i love you. I love you as i have no other. You are mine and mine alone" Her smile grew and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I no longer care if this is a dream. If this is how i must have you then this is how it will be. I would sleep a thousand years to keep you by my side. Marry me be mine as i am yours" I could feel the effect my words had on her and when i finished she buried her head into my neck. "I love you Stefan" She confessed "I have loved you since the first we met. I have always been yours" He words swelled my heart, my beast relished in the declaration. "Rule with me, be my king, live happily with me" She whispered into my ear. My grip tightened. "I am yours" I told her "I am your master, your lover and your king" With that her mouth latched onto me and i cried out as i felt her pierce my skin, marking me as hers. I could only grip tighter, my body pressing against hers until my hips rocked and my body burning for her. She removed her lips from my throat and tended my wounds. "Claim me my love" My fangs had already dropped in anticipation and i did as i was asked. Her scream of pleasure drove me further wild and my beast became needy of her.

Oh gods i would never tire of her blood, my eyes rolled back as a moan escaped my lips. Her hips began to move along with mine. I needed her, her blood her body. They were mine and i was damn well going to have it.

I tore myself from her throat, giving the wound a quick lick to heal it. "I need you" My voice rough and heady. "Yes" She cried "Take me, take all of me. I am yours" I needed no further encouragment, growling i ripped her from the door and took her to the bed. My lips recaptured her in a hot kiss, both of us eager for the other. I drew away and looked down at her "Mine" I growled before reaching for the cloth that covered her.


(Find it in Missing Chapters)                           


I awoke to my throat burning and my stomach cramping. A low moan escaped me, i needed blood again. I seemed to be drinking so much of it lately. My fangs dropped and my face contorted, i felt the colour of my eyes change. I needed blood, NOW. I caught a scent and turned to find someone lying on the bed. I could smell the blood running through her veins.

Without thinking i grabbed her by the throat, she let out a small human mewl, but i didn't care. Without hesitation i sank my fangs into her neck, relishing the deliciousness and relief her blood offer me. So thirsty, i pulled her closer to me, her blood rushing over my tongue as i drank heavily. 'I love you' A voice whispered in my mind, but i couldn't listen to it. Her blood was to delicious and i had to have it all.

Too soon the body went limp and the blood flow stopped. Unappeased i growled, letting the body drop onto the bed. Kitty. My mind finally registered what i had done, yet my body craved more. I had killed her. I wanted to scream and cry. Violent thoughts ran through me, and yet all my body wanted was blood. 'Come my pet' A familiar voice called to me in my head. 'Come, i have more blood for you' A smile graced my lips. Yes blood, that's what i need. 'Come there is so much blood. You can feast until you are full and still there will be blood for you' Forgeting about the cold body on my bed i slipped out of my room and followed the voice with the promises.

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