The ball

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The ball was now in full swing and i watched as Elizabeth danced with Hugo. I was stood by a throne like chair at the end of the hall that faced the doors. I was wondering about Stefan, yet Elizabeth assured me he had simply overslept and would be down soon.

"Good evening your majesty" A familiar voice greeted me. My eyes nearly bulged as i turned to see Elise standing there in a red chinese dress with large gold dragons sewn on either side, a black felt hat, sat on her head that again was decorated with golden dragons and small gold beads that fell infront of her face.

"Good evening Elise" I returned the greeting "Forgive me for sounding rude. But why are you here and dressed like that?" I had to ask.

Elise smiled, a genuinely happy smile. "I am attending with my mate Emperor Chai"

I laughed at this "And how is that working out?" I asked genuinely happy for her. "Actually, very well" Emperor Chai's voice joined in "My little mate has kept me on my toes. I always thought about my mate, wondering if she would be small and obedient like the dragons back home. To my relief and delight i am blessed instead with my own little fire cracker" Chai's accent was thick and heavy, but his voice was laced with pride.

I could see Elises cheeks redden even under her face powder as Chai continued to gaze upon her.

Elise pulled a red fan from her sleeve and flipped it open to cool her cheeks "Where is Master Stefan?" She asked, causing Chai to frown.

I placed my hand on her free hand "Elise my dear, you no longer have to call him master. Just Stefan will be fine. And please callme Nickoli" Elise gave a small bow of her head. "Forgive me Nickoli, Chai. It was only out of habit" We just smiled at her.

"What are you doing here human?" Elizabeths annoying voice screeched from behind me. I turned to see her in a very revealing dark purple dress, her arm was hooked through Hugos, who was wearing a black tuxedo and white shirt like myself.

"Ah lord Hugo" Chai practically purred "I wish to thank you on behalf of my people. Not only have you brought us to peace but you have found our empress" He spoke as he placed an arm around Elises waist. I hid a smile as i saw the look of disgust cross their faces.

"Well i am happy for you" Hugo said clearly lying "It seems we have more reason to celebrate" Chai gave a small bow. "Thank you, i hope you know that for this the chinese dragons are willing to join you in your quest for peace"

We were disturbed by the sound of crashing and turned to see that all the slaves gad dropped their trays. The one nearest us had a glazed look in his eyes as if hypnotised.

"The queen is dead" He whispered as he clutched his heart and sank to the floor groaning. I turned to see not only the slaves do the same, but most of the guests and Hugo also sank to their knees.

"Chai?" Elises voice got my attention and taking her arm i puled her to me. "What's happening?" She asked me, but i couldn't answer.

Then those who sank to their knees began to wail as if in pain and began to tear at their clothes. I held Elise closer to me, concerned for her safety, It was like watching animals the way they tore at the material.

"Nickoli look" Elise breathed and i saw that she was staring at Chai's chest. I gasped, over his heart was a tattoo of a golden sun and a blood red crown. Exactly like Stefan.

"The ambassadors" Elise breathed. "What?" I looked down at her, she turned her head to me. "I overheard them talking. Only the ambassadors to the Origin bear that mark. Nickoli i fear this has something to do with them" A loud laugh forced us to turn around. Hugo stood there, in front of the chair. "My dear for a human you are quite intelligent" He chuckled. I noticed his tattoo was different. His was the same except the sun was a bloody red and the crown was black.

"Look at them Nickoli" He said waving his arm around the room "I told you that vampires would rule them all" My gaze wandered around, those who had exposed their chests were stood there, unmoving. Like statues.

"What have you done?" I demanded, causing Hugo to laugh harder. "I have done nothing. My queen is dead Nickoli, there are no children. Everything she was is now mine" He frowned "Though i must admit i am confused. I thought you would have been the vampire ambassador" I shook my head "No matter, we have one from every race" He practically crooned. His attention was back on me "Join me Nickoli, of your own free will. The Origin will rule the world" His voice was deadly, threatening.

"No" He glared at me "Only the queen can rule us. Without her there is nothing." This i truly believed.

Hugo just sat back and smilled "Oh well" He shrugged "It's not like we need you anyway"

The doors were slammed open and everyone parted leaving room to see down the length if the hall.

Stefan stood there breathing heavily, his pressed trousers dirty, his white shirt untucked and his hair messy and wild. But what saddened me and broke my heart was the blood soaked shirt and his red eyes.

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