The truth

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My son. Although he was stood there, was in all effects dead.

A lone tear escaped me as i watched his wild eyes scanned the room.

A growl escaped his lips before he moved forward. People scrambled to get out of his way and oddly he ignored them. "Nickoli" I heard Elises voice as Stephan leapt towards me.

I managed to grab him and throw him from me, people running to get out of his way. Stefan jumped up and hissed facing me and i prepared for another attack. I was literally at war with myself. This was my son, my flesh and blood. But it was also a tainted, one that would either kill me or turn me.

Once again Stefan ran towards me, i grabbed his arm and went to throw him again. But he managed to grab me by the throat, forcing me to rethink. My free hand went to his throat to stop him getting closer. Stefan snarled as he tried to drag me closer, his fangs lowered ready to feed from his own father.

Stefan let go and stepped back causing me to loose concentration for a split second. That was all he needed and i ended up on the floor with him on top snapping at me.

He was gaining the advantage, he punched me in the head stunning me. This was it i was going to die. I could feel his breath on my skin and the points of his fangs against my throat and i closed my eyes.

"STOP" Nothing happened, his fangs stilled over my throat. "Release him" I felt his weight leave me and i opened my eyes. Stefan was stood over me, his head turned looking at something.

I looked over towards the voice to see two cloaked figures stood by the door. I recognised Anna by her grey hooded cloak. But i had no idea who was under the black cloak. She walked into the room and came towards us. "Come to me" her voice was soft. Stefan moved over and stood in front of her. A hand on my arm made me look round to see Elise trying to help me up.

My attention was back on Stefan and the mystery woman. "Oh my love, what had she done?" She asked him, is only response was a growl. A pale hand came from beneath the clock and was placed on his chest. "Bring me your master" She ordered. Stefan turned and leapt landing by Elizabeth who screamed and tried to back away, but Stephan grabbed her and dragged her back. The woman's arms came from under the cloak and held onto Elizabeth's head. Elizabeth was screaming and trying to get away, but Stefan held her tight. As royalty he was strong, as a tainted his strength was amplified. After a moment she dropped her hands. "I must admit it was a perfectly planned and executed idea" The woman spoke. I frowned, what plan? "You are hungry" The woman said to Stephan and i cringed when Stefan ripped into Elizabeths neck causing her to scream. "Tricking him into drinking tainted blood as well as your own was genius. With your blood flowing through him your powers were strengthened. You mind control set" She lifted her hood so that only Elizabeth could see. Elizabeths eyes widened "But you could never have thought about me" Elizabeth tried to say something as she recovered her face before turning around. "Please" She spoke to all in the room "Do not be afraid, he is no harm to any of you. He is dealing punishment for treason. As you can see he is under my control" I stepped forward "Who are you?" I demanded, partly angry, partly relieved. The woman turned round and lifted her hand to the ribbon on her cloak. Myself, Hugo, Elise and Chai watched as she undone it to reveal a black floor length dress her hands took hold of the hood and lifted it up. We watched in anticipation as she began to reveal her face. Finally the hood was thrown back and the cloak fell to the floor. My jaw dropped "Kitty?" I couldn't believe it. She smiled at me as Stefan growled. "Come to me my love, my master" Stefan did as he was told and stood behind her. "But you're just a human" Hugo roared. Kitty just smiled, her eyes turned to him, they never left him as she tilted her head. We watched as Stefan moved her hair and his fangs pierced her skin. She never even flinched. "I am what was stolen from you" I was beyond confused now, I noticed Anna, who had been by Kittys side all this time, reach for her hood. A painful gasp escaped me "Hello Hugo" Anna was the spitting image of Isabelle, my dead wife. "I really was named Anna at birth and i was never born but returned"

(Anna, age6)

"Momma why are you leaving me here?" I cried. Momma never left me alone and now she was leaving me here, with people i didn't know" Momma knelt down to look at me. "Hunny these people are going to help with your dreams. They want to help , make them stop" I frowned "But their not dreams momma. He's real, he's waiting for me" A sob escaped her and i wiped at the tears running down her face. "Baby vampires aren't real" "He is real momma. He loves me" Momma shook her head and stood up. Without saying anything else she turned round and walked away. I went to go with her but someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Momma please" I cried, but momma kept walking. I ran towards her, but i was picked up "MOMMA" I screamed trying to get out of the arms. Mommas shoulders were shaking, but she never stopped. "MOMMA DON'T LEAVE ME" Tears blurred my vision and i felt the arms carry me away from momma. "MOMMA"

"For eleven years i was locked in the asylum because i refused to admit none of it was real. My mate, my child. I always knew the truth. My life was saved when my doctor died and his replacement came. How ironic that my new doctor was an old friend"

It was silent, I knew everyone heard.

"I remember dancing in the moonlight, our honeymoon, the birth of our son" She smiled at me before frowning "Then watching as my mate and son murdered innocent people for something they didn't do. I had to watch as they punished a race wrongly accused" A groan had our attention turned to Stefan, who had released Kittys neck but still had his arms around her. "Mother?" His voice was cracked and hoarse. She smiled at him "Stefan, the prophet. What did she tell you?" She asked. I was beyond confused, Stefan should not be stood there talking as if nothing had happened. "The prophet?" He asked "Yes, what was asked of her?" Understanding crossed his face. "To contact her granddaughter and save the queens daughter" Anna nodded. "She did as she was told. The granddaughter agreed. And died when the king found out. His only problem was, he didn't know what was taken. When she wouldn't tell he had her killed" She turned her attention to me. "Then told my mate humans killed me"

My head snapped to Hugo, who was staring at Kitty. "Daughter?" He whispered in fear. "Hello daddy" She smiled. "YOU KILLED HER?" Hugo turned to me. If i had known the bitch was pregnant then your wife would be alive" A growl escaped me.

"I am alive" Anna/Isabelle spoke up. "What happened was to save us both. Only my mate determined my fate. Not you, I knew this. I regret the pain i put him through, but your rein had to end" For the first time ever i was getting a headache.

Kitty again spoke up. "It was you who killed Isabelle. It was you who got Elizabeth to order mothers death. By doing so you started the awakening and i am here to take my place father"

"NEVER, THE WORLD SHALL BE MINE" He roared. Then bared his fangs and hissing, lunged for her.

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