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Kitty smiled and stood still as i watched in amazement. Stefan growled and got between her and Hugo.

Grabbing Hugo in mid leap he Stefan threw him backwards and he landed on the throne with a thunderous crash. Stefan eyes were red again.

"He is not cured" Kitty spoke up "Instead his disease is controlled" I frowned, worried about my son.

"I will kill you" Hugo hissed, but Kitty said nothing. Instead she watched as some of the slaves came forward and grabbed him. "RELEASE ME" He ordered. "Father, you may be king. But mother is dead and there must be a queen" Kitty told him as the slaves dragged him forward. She lifted her hands palm up and i watched as a ball of soft light began to grow.

Hugos eyes widened as it shone before disappearing. Kitty looked around. "Tell me father. with all the ambassadors, where is the vampire?" Hugo frowned looking at me. "If they had all been here you would have won" She told him.

"Where is he?" Hugo demanded "TELL ME" Kitty said nothing but Stefan ripped at his shirt and caused Hugo to gasp.

He also had the tattoo, exactly like Hugos. "No" He gasped. "I have a master father, I have a lover" She stepped in front of Stefan who's eyes were still red. Her hand went to his chest and she ran it up to his shoulder. "Rule with me my love. Become my king?" She asked him. Stefan said nothing, instead he let out a growl and pulled her to him. Sinking his fangs into her neck. Kitty let out a small noise of pain before moaning softly.

I could smell the change in her scent immediately letting me know that Stefan was claiming her as his own. Hugo roared and struggled against his captures, and i wanted nothing more than to rip out his throat. Stefan finally released Kitty, sealing the wound his eyes were back to normal as they both turned to face Hugo.

"Two hundred years ago a vampire came to our lands. Broken and beaten the queen took care of him. In him she found our king. Twenty years later he was cruel and vicious. Power hungry, he no longer loved his queen. Locking her in the dungeons, he hadn't even realised she was pregnant. After the birth of their daughter the queen had the prophet give the child to her granddaughter who took her away to a safe place. The king found out she had taken something important, but not what it was. He only knew that it could end his rule. So he sent for her, tortured her then had her killed. Telling her mate and child that human hunters had been the reason for her death.

Her mate and son changed, they turned against the humans and mistreated them. Cruelly. The king turned his subjects into slaves. And the child? She began her journey. Moving around, gathering the ambassadors. Searching for her own king" I was captured by the story, i couldn't move as i listened.

"Twenty years ago a child was born into the world of humans. This child had dreams of a man that loved her. As she aged she met her son in these dreams. Because of it she was sent to the asylum, because she dreamed of vampires. She knew the truth, knew that they were real. She knew that she had returned. Three years ago there was a raid on a house in the human world. An elderly couple had found a girl acting strange outside their house a few days before. They took her in and wanted to help her. The raid saw them killed and the child was taken away. But she was no used to them as a slave so she would be used for blood instead. When finding out they couldn't get that from her she was to be disposed of. The child escaped and ran from them. What was unknown at the time was that she wasn't human, but something else. Not knowing what else to do she shifted into a large house cat and ran through the castle. She found a door open and ran inside and hid under the bed aware that someone slept above her. She stayed there until the guards had passed and crawled out from underneath. She realised that the person had woken up and was now looking at her. She froze, she could smell him, his scent. She had found her king and she wanted him. She claimed him as her master"

"That was real?" Stefan broke the trance. Kitty smiled up at him. "Yes my love, it all has. You have never slept while with me. Only fallen asleep after" Stefan frowned.

She turned her attention to Hugo. "I would have loved to have had more time with mother, i would have wanted more time with you. To grow up with my parents loving me, raising me. I wish i had more time with you" Stefans eyes were changing again. "You will never be my daughter" Hugo hissed "I know" A lone tear escaped her "I am so sorry father" Before he could ask what for Stefan lunged for him. Kitty  turned round and buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. Hugos screams pierced through me as Stefan tore at him for his blood. What seemed like ages yet must have only been seconds the sound died. Kitty turned to face Stefan, her face tear soaked. "It is time my king" She whispered. A soft glow came from Hugos body, getting brighter. Stefan stood back, watching, growling. The light rose from the body and shaped into a ball. Without warning it shot straight towards Stefan, throwing him backwards towards Kitty.

She just stood there, smiling down at him. "Kitty?" He croaked slowly standing up. Kitty helped him. "Do you love me Stefan" He frowned "I have always loved you. Even in the dreams i was determined to make you mine" Kitty grabbed his hands. "Stay, rule with me" Stefan looked towards me and i smiled. "Yes" He whispered.

The ballroom began to shine and brighten. It took me a second to realise the slaves were glowing. Brighter and brighter until i had to close my eyes. Then suddenly it stopped and i opened my eyes to see. Nothing? The ballroom looked as if nothing had happened, i looked around to realise Hugo and Elizabeth was missing. The slaves were now dressed in what looked like roman garbs. "Father, mother" I spun round to see Stefan perfectly dressed and normal. Hang on I looked to my right. My wife, my mate stood there in the blood red Victorian ball gown that she wore when we first met.

What the hell was going on? Kitty was looking at me intensely. "Your majesty are you alright?" She asked. "What?" I couldn't speak. Isabelle took my hand, she was warm, human. And led me away from the room. Once outside i noticed Kitty and Stefan had joined me. "What you saw was real" Kitty told me. "It really did happen" "But how? What is going on?" I could barely speak.

"I am the queen of the originals, your son is my king. When my father died your son took his place by my side. Your queen did a great service to my mother and died as a result. Her reward was to be reborn to continue her life. But you and your son did not deserve her. Knowing she wished to return to your side i had to help. Every race i had been to i changed. The elves met a fai, the dragons a wolf. The vampires were the last race to meet and i knew that is where i would find my king. He had to become my master. And what better way than to become a pet. A cat. I had no idea my king would be the prince, it was pure luck that led me to him" She explained. "The day i met Stefan is the day Anna met Nathanial. He was one of my mothers confidants and managed to escape before father enslaved our people. He grew restless and decided to try the human world. They he secured a position at a hospital. The same one Anna was. He helped her escape and has been training her ever since for her return if it happened. "If?" Kitty smiled sadly "If you had continued on your path with the humans you would never of found her. She would remain human for the rest of her life. Stefan is my king and we do not rule with hatred or fear. Becoming the man you once were, the man she fell in love with. Your reward was your mate"

"But i don't understand what happened in there" I said pointing to the ballroom. Kitty smiled "Everything is as it should be. My people are celebrating, why taint it with bloodshed?" I looked at Stefan "he tainted?" I asked Stefan sighed "I am not cured father. I never will be. But as her king it is controlled. Only in extreme cases of anger will it surface. The bond i share with Kitty can help. She can control minds, just like Elizabeth. She will keep everyone safe" I rubbed my hands over my face, i haven't felt tired in years, yet now i just wanted to sleep. "Can you forgive me?" My eyes snapped to Anna/ Isabelle or who ever. "If it had been my choice i would never have left you. I have spent this time regretting what i left behind. Loving you both, i never got to see my son grow into a fine young man and i hurt you. I hurt you so much" She whispered the last part. I could feel my beast growing restless. He recognised our mate and was furious that she was human. She was ours and ours alone. "Goodnight" I growled grabbing Isabelle by the arm causing a squeak to escape her lips and i dragged her away. I was going to deal with this. TONIGHT


"Well that went well" Kitty said looking at the door as it shut behind my parents. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Why did you do it?" I asked her "Why the pretenses?" Kitty sighed and turned to face me. "My entire life was a lie Stefan. I aged as a human would for eighteen years. I couldn't understand it, in our world i should have looked like a two year old. I realised soon after that my life and my people depended on the sudden ageing. I began to roam looking for the ambassadors. I knew what my destiny was. Well up to a point. I had to get their trust so i became what they wasn't asked them to do things they would never do. Once that was done the truth was revealed. the things they did was for the good of their people. Like Leos grandfather, his first daughter. Or Chai. He was about to take an empress that wasn't Elise. His promise was to wait, trust me the girl who he was going to take her family was not happy about that. Especially as he gave no reason as to why he cancelled the mating." She chuckled

"And us?" I asked "I asked nothing of the vampires. Elizabeth did everything for me in a way. Do you remember the meeting with the prophet?" "Was that real?" I had to ask. "It was, but she did visit you in your sleep. "you saw someone did you not?" My great great grandfather. "Do you remember the conversation he had with the king?" I frowned "The vampire becoming king?" I realised. Kitty nodded "It was you she saw, bloodthirsty and cruel. Stefan you were cruel once and the infected blood left you bloodthirsty. You killed four people, nearly five, but only because Elizabeth was controlling you. I admit that i had control when you killed her, but Hugo was your own doing"

"Wait a minute, you were the first" Kitty laughed a wonderful, tinkling sound. "Stefan, my mother was weak and dying her power was already crossing over when you drank from me." "Who was your mother?" Kitty looked down "Stefan it wasn't your fault, remember Elizabeth controlled you" I gasped. "The woman?" Kitty nodded. I remember going down the dark, dank passageway. I remember ripping the bars of the cell. She stood there as if waiting for me. She said nothing, just opened her arms out to me and exposed her neck. "Please Stefan it wasn't your fault, she knew she was going to die. The prophet had told her everything." "But her? She was your mother" "Father and Elizabeth planned it. Elizabeth found out what this place was. She had already been giving you tainted blood but you wasn't responding. By giving you my blood you were fine." "Then how did this happen?"

"Do you remember the blood Elizabeth left in your room?" I nodded She had left a note with it. "It wasn't human blood. She had mixed her blood with tainted, a very powerful mix if the vampire in question is a mind controller. I didn't realise until you were draining me that, that is what she had done" "The tainted at the castle. Elizabeth realised that she could bite a human and force them to fight the change. That is how she got into the castle and went unnoticed for so long. Elizabeth wanted power. Yours was there to be had. But what is a vampire kingdom to the kingdom of us? We rule everything, every race. And she wanted that. You did not kill my mother Stefan. Elizabeth and Hugo did by using you"

I went to say something but Kitty interrupted "Come we must return, for tonight has been forgotten and tomorrow only the ambassadors will remember. They will wish  to talk to us then. Lets celebrate our new life together. If i remember correctly i promised a dance" I laughed at the memory. "Yes. Yes you did" I said as we returned to the ballroom.

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