The meeting

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We stood at the head of the large table waiting for the ambassadors to arrive.

Even though i now knew everything the past kings knew, including Hugo, i was still unsure of myself. Though knowing how close he was to my dead wife was rather disturbing.

"Your parents are coming" Kitty told me, i haven't had time to adjust to my advanced senses yet.

I had asked her what her real name was. Her reply was that her mother never named her and she wanted to keep the name i gave her. Then jokingly asked if i planned on calling our daughter 'puppy' I couldn't help but laugh at that,

"What is their mood?" I asked nervously. Kitty smiled and kissed me. "They are happy my love" My heart swelled at the endearment. My thoughts were interrupted by the doors opening. My parents stepped inside and came towards us.

"Oh my" Kitty gasped smiled "Tell me, by what name have you taken you highness?" It took me a minute to realise she was talking to my mother. Wow that feels weird to say 'my mother' I sniffed the air and smelt the mating bond, yet she was still human, She looked towards my father. "We haven't decided yet, we wanted to talk to Stefan first" I frowned. My mother turned to me "We were discussing whether to keep my human name or to reclaim the name i was known by before i died. Our thinking is to heal our hearts of the years that we have missed and begin anew" She hurriedly explained. I could clearly see their decision in their eyes and their hopes for my blessing.

"We were broken after your death" I spoke emotionally "We forgot the things that you taught us. We were cold and cruel" "You were mourning and hurt" She interrupted, I held up my hand."You left us alone. You knew what could happen and chose others over us" My father hissed at me as my mother began to cry. "BUT" I silenced them both "Without your sacrifice, the Originals would perish. The world would have been destroyed and chaos would wipe the earth clean. Father and i would not be the men we are today and i would never have found Kitty" I walked up and took her hands " To hear my father laugh as he yells Isabelle would be the greatest thing i could ever hope for" They looked at me for a moment before gathering me into their arms, all three of us sobbing. "Forgive me my son" Mother gasped "There is nothing to forgive. You are home now" We stayed like that for a moment, our sobs calming as we held each other. Even now i could smell peaches, my mothers scent. A hand on my shoulder broke my trance. "I am sorry" Kitty apologised "But the others are coming" We all pulled fom the hug and rearranged ourselves.

The first to enter was what i asumed to be Fai. Both dressed in silver, the man wore trousers and tunic, the woman a simple dress. They were both beautiful with light blue eyes and long silver, white hair, but the man had his tied back.

"Eros, my friend. I see your life force has been returned." Kitty was referring to the small, delicate necklace that all Fai men wear. It literally keeps them alive, loose it amd they are no better than human. But women have to wait for theirs, half of the males force. If not given in time they will eventually die.

"Yes Aria arrived with it, as i expect you well knew" He replied softly. "It only took her a hundred and thirteen years"

"So long?" Kitty asked sadly "I am sorry for your hardships Aria." Aria held up her hand. "You said yourself. I was not strong enough for my fate. It may have taken me seventeen years, bit i became stronger, wiser. I became the person i needed to become. Our people are ruled with wisdom, kindness and insight as well as strength. The things i was not before i left home. Though to discover i was literally carrying my own life as well as the life of my half was indeed a surprise" Kitty laughed. "I have never done anything without reason. To trust yur life to me Eros was a true faith and Aria, knowing that you were entrusted to deliver something unknown and to do so as if it was your life has shown that you are stronger, braver and trustworthy. You proved yourself before you even stepped from your lands" Both Eros and Aria bowed their heads.

All other conversation was cut of as others began to arrive with their mates.

Two hours we have been here and it is utter chaos, i could feel my temper flaring. "ENOUGH" Kitty yelled out. "Am i to believe that after allowing you freedom to make your own rules, to lead independent lives that all we have ruled over has been reduced to a bunch of argumentative animals?" This caused them all to flinch. "The lions would have died due to a feral pack, the dragons would have died out, wolves would have been overrun by hunters. Everything i have done in my one hundred and eighty years has been for the benefit for all. And here you stand telling me i have let you down? Tell me did my mother die for nothing or is it as the prophet said. That by allowing you this that you would become stronger. Our bonds strengthened. Or must we once again take it all away from you?"

Someone stood up, a thin yet muscular, tanned male. He wore what loked like snake skin shorts and his hair was a muddy brown. "Of course we appreciate what you have done for us and we owe you our gratitude. But after all this time you cannot just assume to take over what we have worked so hard for" Kitty raised an eyebrow.

"And what about the things you have put her majesty through?" All eyes turned to Elise, who was now stood up holding a book. But not just any book, the diary.

"The lion attacked her, the eagle triedmto feed her to their young, the elves a sacrifice, the wolves, a fighter for entertainment, the foxes tried to tear her apart. The chinese dragon, rip out her heart. Was there ever an apology? After telling you the truth, you now admit that you were all liars? Each and everyone of you swore yourselves to the queen. Was it lies? Think very carefully, you have already agreed to allow her to return to her place. Who here was lying?"

Everyone was silent, not one word spoken.

"My proposition to you all" Kitty spoke first "Is that everything remains the same as it has for the past three thousand years. The only difference, our people will watch over you. If there is a dispute between anyone, you come to us instead of going to war. If we find a species acting wrongly they will be punished. Apart from that nothing changes."

"And what if the disputes cannot be settled here?" Someone piped up.

"Are you seriously questioning a millennia of wisdom?" I asked. "Can i not be the last victim of greed and power. Must what i went through be what you really want for your own people. Mindless, uncontrollable pieces in another bloody battle. Or can you admit that having another more knowledgeable party could save thousands, millions of lives?"

Murmuring was all around the room.

Chai stood up "I for one believe that i came here for peace talks. Is what the queen suggesting really that bad? The only difference will be that their wil always be someone we as rulers can turn to. How many times i have wished i had someone to help me in times of trouble. If this is the only change she wants then i agree" He turned and bowed to us.

"I also agree" Leo stood and bowed. Slowly everyone srood up until the whole room had agreed.

"Excellent, i agree to allow you to continue your lives without undue interference" Kitty and i then stood up and bowed in return.

"Now, you may remain if you wish or return to your homes. We have alot of work to do with our people. For those who remain, there will be a banquet tonight. For those of you leaving us, we wish you well"

With that we all dispersed.

"Well Stefan" Leo came over to us. "It seems that things will be different from now on" I only smiled wrapping an arm around Kittys waist. "Poor Blaze has lost his favourite playmate" Kitty laughed, a light and airy sound. "Please Leo" She said before shifting "Even grown ups have to play now and again" We heard in our minds as she took of running. Laughing i gave chase.

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