Other povs

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"Where is it?" He demanded.

"Where's what?" I asked weakly, the only thing keeping me up were the two men holding me. I knew they didn't want this, but he was their king.

"You stole something from me. Where is it, what was it" I remained silent, i knew my life was over. My only regret was my family, i could only hope they were strong enough.

I felt myself being pushed to my knees and knew it was the end.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" He smirked and i smiled up at him. "May our vampire king replace you soon" This infuriated him greatly. "I AM THE VAMPIRE" He roared. I didn't really feel the blade as my head was removed.

I looked around, i was back home. I heard footsteps and turned round and gasped. My Nickoli was walking towards me causing me to smile. That smile dropped when i saw his face. He looked angry, cold, broken. "STEFAN" He bellowed. Even his voice was different, no longer happy and friendly. "Yes father?"

My son, gods he has grown into a handsome man. "The new slaves have arrived" Nickoli informed him. "Good i had to dismiss the last one" He smirked. A clattering sound echoed on the hallway and my eyes snapped to a young woman knelt on the floor, picking up plates. "You stupid human" Nickoli snapped as he came to stand in front of her.

"I I'm s sorry master" She cried causing me to frown. I watched in horror as he picked her up by her neck. The woman clawing at his hands as she chocked. "Well at you won't do it again" He sneered before snapping her neck.

"God why can't they do anything right?" Stefan laughed. Nickoli just shrugged "SLAVE" he bellowed. Another human shuffled forward. "Clean up this mess" He ordered before turning around and walking away with Stefan.

My heart broke as i watched the man bend down and look at the woman. "Baby?" He whispered as a tear escaped him. He picked up her head and lay it on his lap. "Oh love, I'm sorry. I will be with you soon, i promise." Who were these people? My son, my husband. These were not the people i knew.

"Hello child" I turned to face my great, great, great grandmother. "Grandmother?" She smiled sadly "My child, do not blame them. They were told the hunters killed you" Tears stained my face. "But why?" I asked, unable to finish. "Grief child. Pure grief and hatred has taken hold of their hearts"

I too grieved, for my son, my husband, the innocents murdered by Hugos lies.

"You have a choice to make child" "What choice.?" I asked, wiping my tears. "You have earned the right to return" My eyes widened, to return was an honour only afforded to the Originals who had provided a service. It also came with a risk. I would return human born. Nickoli would have to become the man he used to be. But we would never meet if he remained the man i just saw. But could he change? Could, by some miracle, he return to the man i loved. Would it be worth the risk? I already knew the answer. "If he fails then you shall remain human" My grandmother pointed out. "And if he doesn't then he deserves to be happy" I replied

"Very well child. I shall see you at the awakening" I nodded and everything went black.


"Stefan, Stefan my love" I opened my eyes to see Kitty knelt over me. "Play with me" She laughed. I knew then that i was asleep. I nodded my head and got out of bed. "Catch me Stefan" She laughed as she ran out of the bedroom. Laughing with her i gave chase, keeping it at a humans pace.

It was dark outside and no one was around as we tore down the halls. Looking back Kitty laughed before dashing out of the door.

I followed her to find her stood by the maze. "Come play with me" I smiled and began walking over. Before i was half way Kitty knelt on all fours and i stopped as she began to change. My jaw dropped as a huge black house cat sat in front of me.

"Play Stefan" I heard her voice in my head. "Kitty?" My eyes bulged. Her laughter echoed in my mind. "Play with me master, play with your Kitty" I moved forward, slowly and cautionary. She stood up and her head reached my hips. "I remember you" I whispered reaching out to her. Again she laughed. "Catch me Stefan" She turned around and darted into the maze. I watched for a moment before taking off. I hadn't been in here since before my mother died. Yet for some reason i didn't feel saddened by the thought. I couldn't help but laugh when i reached the centre and was tackled by a large ball of fur, knocking me to the ground. I quickly spun round so that i now had Kitty pinned under me, all four of her legs around me. "Got you" I smirked rubbing my chin across hers causing her to purr. I felt her body change underneath me and i looked to see Kitty in her human form. "Master" She purred. "Lover" I growled before capturing her lips with my own. Kitty moaned into my mouth and pulled me closer to her. Too soon i released her allowing her to breath. "Lover?" She asked breathlessly. "I have claimed you as my pet, taken you as my lover. You are mine" I told her. The fact that i was already married escaped me. Kitty gave me a heart wrenching smile and i felt my dead heart beat. "Oh Stefan" She breathed capturing my lips. We spent the dark hours playing, kissing and laughing until it was time to go back. We snuck in giggling and laughing as we made our way back to the room. Once inside i lay down and Kitty sat on the edge of the bed. "Sweet dreams my love" She whispered. I closed my eyes and felt her curl up by my feet. I swear i heard her say "I love you" just as sleep claimed me.


Urgh i am so sick of this. Why won't they just let me go? I'm not hurting anyone, so what's the problem.

So what if i dream about another life? So what if i had a loving husband and a wonderful son? Oh that they accept that, just tell me it's a past life that i dream of. But nooo, it's the fact that my past life involve vampires. That's what the problem is. There's no such thing, they tell me. They don't exist. Well they do, i know they do. My dreams are real.

Now Doctor Summers is dead and i have to have a replacement doctor. I smile. I wonder if he thinks i'm crazy.

I hear the door open, but i refuse to look up. I listen to him enter and close the door. I hear the familiar sounds of him sitting at the desk and rearranging it to his preference.

Then i hear a familiar voice. "Hello Anna, my name is Doctor Williams. If you like you can call me Michael" I look up with the first genuine smile that i can remember. "No thanks." His eyes widen as he looks at me. "Hello Nathanial"


Damn it i'm the queen yet i feel like i've accomplished nothing. I paced the ground outside. I wanted power and Stefan had it. It wasn't enough. I wanted people bowing down at my feet. Sure they recognised me as their queen, but that was nothing compared to how they treated Stefan.

An idea came to mind and i smiled. But what if Stefan wasn't here? No i wouldn't know how to get rid of him. If i killed him i would be found out. He could become tainted, but he was to well protected to be bitten and he would never drink their blood. Well not knowingly anyway. But how to do it? I continued pacing until i saw one of the maids and i smiled. I wonder how strong my gift was. Would i be able to make a new born tainted? It was a risk. But if it worked i would be queen and if i was lucky not even his father would be able to reclaim the throne.


It was good to see my daughter after all these years. Oh how i have missed her.

I could feel a change in the air, could sense others were here. "My queen" A guard spoke. One of my people. Controlled by my king, my mate. "The ambassadors are here. The ball is tonight" He spoke sadly. Everyone knew what was going on. They knew i was going to die. "Then go, do not be here when he arrives" Horror struck his features and i went over to the bars, pushing my arm through i placed my hand against his cheek. "Please Orio, this must be. When i die my daughter will need you all. Do not die for something that cannot be changed. Once she is queen you will all be free. Let this be done without your blood. Teach her what she needs to learn" Orio nodded sadly a tear escaped him before he took my hand in his and placed a quick kiss to my palm. "As you wish my queen. May it be swift and merciful" With that he turned and ordered everyone to leave.

I heard the hurried steps down the stone hall and stood up, he was coming for me, my son. I would have liked to have known him. But at least i will meet him. He stopped in front of my cell and ripped the bars from between us. His hair was unkempt and his eyes red and wild. Blood was already on his lips. I opened my arms to welcome him and smiled. As he came forward i tilted my neck.

I gasped as his fangs pierced my neck and i wrapped my arms around him as he did to me. I stroked his hair as he drank. A lone tear made it down my cheek. "I love you my son" I whispered as he growled. My eyes began to close. "I will always love you both"

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