The birth of a hero (hint not me)

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

(No ones POV)

It was a lovely night in vale as couples were walking through the streets enjoying each other's company and the moon was shining giving the night a comforting feel. In the distance a cry could be heard, not of sadness or pain but of joy and happiness. In the nearby hospital a women was holding a child after a long time of being in labor. She looked down at the baby taking in all her features before sighing in delight. The baby had black hair, greenish blue eyes and pale skin. The woman started to softly cried tears of joy as her husband came over and looked at the baby.

(F/N):"What will we name her?"

The mother thought for a moment before She thought of something.

(M/N):"What about Natalie?"

The father smiled and nodded agreeing with the idea and hugged his wife and child. Eventually they were allowed to go back home as they drove home in excitement and joy.

(A few years later)

It had been a few years for the family as their daughter was only 5 and another child coming along the way. Their daughter though had became a miracle ever since she turned three. They had walked into the kitchen one day and noticed that she was floating as she ate the cookies from the cookie jar. Ever since that day she seemed to gain more and more semblances and ability's never before seen by anyone. Life for them was great the academy's around the world offered her to come to them when she was old enough. So as time went on she started she grew up and defeated entire areas invested with Grimm and white fang bases. She became the hero everyone needed and loved. She single handed lay defeated Adam taurtus with a flick of her hand and took down entire white fang military bases without so much as batting an eye. No Grimm stood a chance against her as all she had to do was look at them and they would instantly turn to dust. She was the unstoppable force of good against the bad as they would cower away at the slightest mention of her name. She single handedly defended the four kingdoms from multiple Grimm and fang attacks in a single day. Folks have even said that she lifted a mountain with a single finger and parted rivers with her mind. When she reached the age of 23 she had finally defeated Salem and stopped the Grimm from roaming the rest of the earth, the people for generations to come built statues and memorials of her to remember the day they finally achieved peace among each other, and lived in perfect happiness for the rest of their lives. The end

(And that ladies and gentlemen was the end of this short story and I hoped you enjoyed it as I-)


(Wait what's this?)

(... are you sure that it goes like that? I remember how it was written pretty well.)


(Wait you don't... seriously? We have to use this guy?)

(Fine Alright as I've been told this is not how the story truly went.)


Ah so the story is wrong and the legend is still a legend. Hmmm where did we go wrong?




OH! Yes yes I see it's that guy.


Let's get this over with.


Birth of a disappointment!


Back when Natalie was five a baby yet born was mentioned in it now you may be wondering why I never mentioned him. You see when he was born his parents thought he would be similar to his sister. While his sister was gaining more ability's and semblances while helping other people the child couldn't even walk by the age of three. His parents thought that maybe he was just a late bloomer and his ability's and aura would kick in after awhile. The only problem was it never did. His parents started to get worried about him even though he seemed to be doing be doing average, or less the average, of what normal people usually did. By the time he was 6 and his sister was 11 he still had no ability's or semblances but still felt confident in himself. He walked outside to watch his sister practice and stared in awe at the amount of power that radiated off of her. She looked back at him clearly enjoying the attention she was getting from him. She continued to show off to him before calling it a day and walking towards the house with her brother following right besides her asking question after question in which she responded happily to. A few years later the boy was 12 and his sister was 17. He was older now and questioned a lot more then he did at 6. He woke up this morning and got dressed in his daily routine. I didn't really matter though he could probably just stay in his room all day and nobody would notice except his sister, since she noticed everything thanks to one of her semblances. Don't get me wrong they didn't hate him or think less of him (they actually do) it's just that Natalie has such a busy day everyday that since you couldn't really do anything. He started to realize that he was always in the shadow of his sister, in fact I'm pretty sure nobody but his sister actually knows he exists at this point. Once he was dressed he walked downstairs and made himself some breakfast while his family sat at the table eating the already made breakfast. Now believe me he would go eat with them but they never actually make enough food for him. He went into the living room and sat by himself just eating whatever he made. After awhile the sound of feet landing was heard outside the door and a couple seconds later she walked through the door in her normal attire.

The father and mother looked delighted to see her as they motioned for her to come and eat with them. She nodded and sat and ate with them only giving him a quick glance once as she did. he eventually lost track of what they did as he pulled out a book and started to read it. Their conversations started to get louder as they laughed and asked how her day was going and he put headphones in and listened to music drowning out their voices and leaving him to his thoughts. He seemed to have lost track of time as the only thing that got his attention was an explosion outside and his sister screaming telepathically in his head, another semblance she has, yelling at him to come outside. Her voice was full of excitement and eagerness as he sighed before walking outside to see what was going on. She was standing in the middle of the backyard as a bunch of spikes made of earth were jutting out of the ground as she stood there jumping with joy.

Natalie:"DID YOU SEE THAT!!!"

He simply nodded as he didn't care anymore and had lost count of how many semblances she had once she hit 30 and wanted to go back inside to continue reading his book. Her smiled slightly faltered as she read his emotions pretty easy. In a desperate attempt for him to watch her and be amazed she started to show off more of her ability's and semblances while he just stood there looking unamused and walked back inside right as she turned her back to him to showoff. Once inside he grabbed his book and headphones and walked back upstairs to his room where he laid down on his bed thinking to himself. He laid there for what seemed like an eternity till he decided to finally do something. He got up and walked towards the edge of the stairs and looked at his family in the living room. They sat together and kept on congratulating his sister on getting into beacon while she sat smiling as she enjoyed their comments. As they continued getting ready for her to go the brother walked back to his room and laid down not caring anymore and wished they would all just disappear from his life.

And that is where our story begins.


.... ah ok

And this character is you or (Y/N).

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