Accepted into what?

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

(A few years later)
((Y/N) POV)

It had been 4 years since my sister left for beacon. She would visit every now and then but I would always keep myself locked in my room not wanting to deal with her pride or the look she would give me as if she actually cared. My parents still barely noticed my existence since they were always so busy watching the tv whenever Natalie appeared on it. I usually had myself locked up in my room reading and writing. Everything had been fine for the past 4 years, well not everything actually. I went to combat school to try and show up everyone and unlock my aura and semblance.

I didn't achieve either.

Instead what I got was a trophy that said "voted #1 weakest!" Yeah very 'inspirational.' I did everything I could in there to improve myself, but without a aura or semblance I was left weaker then even the average normal person. In fact I remembered the first time I went to fight someone in combat school.


It was my first month into the combat school and I was a bit worried about it since most of these people had auras and semblances while I had neither. We had a mandatory meeting in the arena as to see how strong each student was so that they could be categorized correctly. The battles were mostly based on your skill set or how strong you were, so it was at least fair. I walked into the arena and stood in awe as a fight was already in motion. The two fighters were clearly equal in skill and strength so it was a battle to see who would last the longest. I looked around the arena and noticed all sorts of different people, and Faunus alike. Some people had giant weapons while others had smaller weapons, but one thing was for sure and that was...... they all had a gun function. As I looked around I noticed a girl with a red cape and a giant scythe heading into the arena. I was surprised that she could hold something as big and deadly as that, but then again when did the laws of physics apply here?

After most of the battles had ended it was finally my turn to fight. I walked out into the arena and blushed slightly as I saw my opponent was a girl about my age with glasses and a obvious scared expression on her face. I knew we were paired up as we were the weakest of the school, and most of the students left seeing as how this was the last battle of the day. I sighed internally as I hadn't even fought yet and everyone was already judging us. Just looking at the girl I could tell she obviously had never fought before and I felt kinda bad that I had to fight her, but I wouldn't let it stop me from beating her and winning! I waited patiently for the match began while I stared at her trying to figure out what weapon she used. They announced the fight to begin and I charged at the girl as she started to shiver in fear as she seemed frozen on the spot. I only needed to get her out of the arena so I didn't have to hit her or anything, so there was some comfort in that thought. As I got closer I smirked slightly since I knew it would be an easy win, or at least that's what I thought it would've been. Seeing that I got even closer to her she let out a yelp and closed her eyes while swinging her hand around, to which I didn't see.


Her hand collided with my face and I felt my aura quite literally leave my body. I landed on the ground and laid still as I saw that my aura was completely depleted. Great, completely useless again. The whole arena went quiet while the girl looked at me confused. After a few moments of silence the room was suddenly filled with laughter.

(Flashback end)

Needless to say, I didn't make it very far in there. Within a week of me being there I was already an outcast. What made it even worse is that everyone looked down on my and made fun of me due to them figuring out who my sister was thanks to our last name. After leaving the school I changed my last name. My parents didn't care as they still have yet to notice I existed.


It's fine though. Whenever you've lived like this for as long as I have, it becomes routine. You wake up, make breakfast, head out, and don't come back until it's night time. Yup that's me.

I sighed as I stood up from laying down all day. I stretched and looked around my room to see it was still empty. My parents never really cared to get me anything for my birthday or Christmas anymore. I sighed and walked out the door before heading downstairs. Something was different though, their was the smell of bacon and eggs. I walked into the kitchen and noticed both of my parents were cooking, which wasn't the shocking thing, the shocking thing was that they were cooking this late. I went to walk past them since they wouldn't notice me, or so I thought. I was close to the door whenever my mom saw me and grinned as she hugged me.


I jumped in surprise and shock as I looked at her weirdly.

(Y/N):for what?

She laughed as she pulled out a letter and handed it to me.

Mom:don't be silly you know exactly why!

I had no idea what she was talking about before I looked at the letter and noticed it was from atlas academy. I stared at it in confusion before I opened it up and unfolded the paper to see it was an invitation to join the academy. I read the letter growing more and more confused until I saw a recommendation signature. I froze upon reading the name as my grip on the paper tightened.

(Y/N):so I only got in because of her?

Both of them nodded as my mom smiled.

Mom:you can get into anywhere or go anywhere if she's your recommendation!

It seemed they both hadn't taken the hint that I despised her.

(Y/N):why did she give me a recommendation?

She shrugged.

Mom:I don't know, maybe she just felt bad that you couldn't have the training like her.

Her feeling bad? Must've been a joke, considering if I went there everyone would just make fun of me, including her. I looked at the hopeful faces of both my parents as they waiting for me to start shouting in joy or pack up my things to go. I looked at the paper once again and saw her signature as my eyes darkened and I ripped the invitation up shocking both my parents.


I looked at her and threw the shredded pieces on the floor before walking to the door.

(Y/N):I'm going out...

I put my hand on the door knob before I heard my dad speak up.


I chuckled at the thought before I turned and looked at them emotionlessly.

(Y/N):how about you spoil your proudest achievement rather then your most regretted one?

They both stayed silent obviously knowing what I meant. I turned the knob and opened the door only to be met face to face with my sister. She seemed surprised that I opened the door as she had her hand lifted up to knock. She looked at me and went to hug me only for me to step to the side as she grabbed the air where I once stood. She looked at me confused and I just looked at her with pure anger in my eyes.

(Y/N):don't. touch. me.

She looked even more confused as she approached me.

Natalie:what's wrong? Did something happen?

I growled slightly as I attempted to walk around her only for her to block my path. I would try forcing myself past her if I didn't know she was stronger then me.

(Y/N):stop acting like you care and go talk to your "fans" in there.

She tried to look like she didn't know what I was talking about, but I knew for a fact she did. Every time she came home they would throw a big feast for her and talk about all the things she's accomplished. Though I didn't hate her, I just despised everything she did, fair enough? She looked inside before looking at me with that stupid confused expression on her face.

Natalie:what do you mean?

I chuckled softly as I felt tears threatening to come out of the corners of my eyes. She saw my expression and reached out to put her hand on my shoulder. I quickly rushed past her and walked down the street ignoring her calls for me to come back....

I just needed to be alone.

... I lost track of how much time had past since I left the house. I looked up and noticed it was nighttime. I sighed thinking about the opportunity I was just given, and completely destroyed it without a second thought. Who knows it could've been good, or it could've been bad. Either way I don't regret my choice, if I'm going to get into someplace it's going to be from me earning it and not having it handed to me on a silver platter.....

I sound so much like my sister.

I looked around and noticed I was right next to a dust shop called dust to dawn. I chuckled at the cliché name and decided to walk inside. Upon entering I noticed a girl in a red cape sitting by the window listening to some music. I smiled and went over to her tapping her shoulder. She paused her music and looked up at me making me blush as I noticed she had silver eyes and an adorable face.

???:you need something?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and smiled as I gestured to the chair on the opposite side of her.

(Y/N):May I sit here?

She looked between me and the chair and shrugged.

???:sure I don't mind.

I nodded and thanked her as I sat down before offering my hand to her.

(Y/N):hi I'm (Y/N).

She looked at my hand and giggled slightly before she shook it, seeing as how I didn't seem to pose a threat to her.

Ruby:my names Ruby.

I smiled and nodded, but before I could say anything else the door burst open revealing a couple of wanna be gangsters. They pointed their guns at the shop owner and started demanding all the dust in the store. I watched as Ruby seemed to ready herself for something. I didn't know why but she seemed very familiar. One of the guys seemed to notice us as he approached both of us with his gun raised. He placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder and looked as if he was ready to say something, before he was promptly thrown out the window by her. I watched in awe as she jumped after him through the window and unsheathe her... SCYTHE?! So that's where I knew her from. I watched as she twirled it around as if it weighed nothing. She started talking to some guy in a white trench coat before he send his guys after her. I stood up and decided I needed to help her out. I rushed to the door and was about to open it, until it swung open and smacked me in the forehead knocking me out.

So much for helping.


I opened up my eyes and groaned in pain as I held my forehead. I looked around the room and noticed it was an interrogation room of sorts. I saw ruby was sitting next to me and an angry witch lady that slapped her riding crop down on the table scaring little red. I looked to see that a man walked in the room with a plate of cookies, which Ruby practically devoured once he sat it down. I zoned out as he started to talk to her due to not wanting to be rude(and because everyone's heard it several thousand times from other stories) he then turned to me and cleared his throat making me look at him.

???:So would you mind telling me who you are exactly.

I knew I couldn't use my actual last name so I came up with one.

(Y/N):I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you...

He seemed to know that I didn't know his name so he smiled and said.

Ozpin:my names Ozpin.

I nodded before looking around the room.

(Y/N):so why am I here?

He chuckled slightly before gesturing to ruby.

Ozpin:well I wanted to offer you a place to train just like ms. Rose here. Would you like to accept?

I had no idea what he was talking about, but not wanting to be rude I accepted. After a little bit more of talking we were allowed to leave. Though as I walked I started to wonder....

What did I accept to?

(I am constantly fighting writer blocks to get these out Alright?! IM STRESSING!!!!! No not really I'm just trying to fight through my writer blocks so that I can actually post chapters ya know?)

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