Why me?

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

Beacon academy huh? What a shame really... though I suppose it's better then getting in atlas with my sisters invitation, so woopie I guess?

I walked back to my house that night, and let me tell you it was a long walk. As I walked by one of the windows I noticed my parents and sister stirring at the table enjoying a meal, made specifically for her of course. I opened the door and walked up to my room to pack my things. I didn't have a whole lot, just a few pairs of clothes really. As I walked back downstairs I refused to look at the family eating at the table, and they never noticed me anyways except my sister of course. She stared at me as I walked out and slammed the door making everyone jump. Her parents jumped slightly hearing the noise but quickly disregarded it as one of the neighbors doors. I stopped as I walked out and looked through the window seeing my, no her parents/fans having a fun time. I noticed Natalie was staring at me and I quickly looked away before walking off.

Morning soon came and I was the first on on the bullhead, since I slept right next to the landing pad of course. Since I was here early I had to wait until everyone else showed up. I watched as everyone boarded the bullhead and tried to familiarize myself with some of them, by staring at them and not approaching them to greet them. After awhile I noticed the girl from last night walking in along with a girl with blond hair and some big, ahem, boots.


I sighed as I realized she was a noisy one, ruby looked at her, I believe to be, older sister and blushed in embarrassment as she tried to shush her.

Ruby:yang! Don't be so loud about it!

The girl supposedly known as Yang smiled as she hugged ruby.

Yang:aw come on why hide it? Everyone's gonna think your the bees knees!!

Ruby quickly broke off the hug and stomped her foot with a pout on her face.

Ruby:I don't wanna be the bees knees! I wanna be a normal girl with normal knees!!

Yang shrugged while still smiling.

Yang:well it's too late for that!

Ruby sighed before she looked out the window amazed.

Ruby:I think I can see our home from here.

Yang walked over to the window and stared out before spotting something in the distance.

Yang:don't worry this is our home for now.

I tuned them out for the remainder of the trip. Soon after goodwitches announcement the bullhead landed and let us out to wonder around the school. I wasn't paying any attention as I walked around and ended up bumping into someone, which I fell as I felt like I got hit by a truck. I heard a gasp and after shaking my head I looked up noticing ruby staring at me, her face inches from mine. She had some cool eyes though.

Ruby:aren't you that guy I saw yesterday night?

I shyly smiled before nodding.

(Y/N):y-yeah that's me.

First time talking to a girl who isn't family, how sad is that?

She smiled though as she offered her hand to me, which I gladly accepted and let her pull me up. Just how strong is she? Once on my feet I dusted myself off before looking at my surroundings.

(Y/N):boy it sure is a lot cooler then I thought it would be.

Ruby looked around and nodded.

Ruby:yup it sure is, can you believe we're going to be here for four years?

I froze slightly as she said that before relaxing.

(Y/N):well at least this isn't combat school, I sure couldn't live with that for four years.

Ruby giggled slightly as she looked at me.

Ruby:your right it's not a combat school, it's a combat academy!

I froze again and looked at her my eyes widening in fear.

(Y/N):y-your kidding right?

She shook her head obviously not seeing my expression.

I sighed and lowered my head, knowing I should've listened to that whole conversation instead of sleeping.

I raised my head back up to notice ruby was staring at me with her head tilted to the side.

Ruby:what's wrong?

I shook my head and put on a smile to attempt to fool her.

(Y/N):it's nothing. Just got lost in thought for a moment.

She continued to stare at me blinking a couple of times before she nodded and didn't question it any further. I chuckled nervously before pointing ahead of us.

(Y/N):shouldn't we be on our way?

She snapped out of her trance and nodded with a smile on her face.

Ruby:yup! Let's go!

As soon as she said that she turned around and started fast walking, not noticing the white haired girl with luggage in front of her.... until she bumped into her of course.

???:What are you doing?!

(Y/N):uh standing here?

Ruby quickly got up on her hands while looking at the white haired figure.

Ruby:Uh, sorry!

???: Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?

(Y/N):besides to your obvious ego no not really

Ruby was holding a case as she looked around confused on why she was being yelled at.


???:Give me that!

(Y/N):is that what you said to your first shy boyfriend when he wouldn't do it with you?

she snatches the luggage from Ruby and opens it to reveal its twinkling-sounding contents

???:This is Dust, mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!


???:What are you, brain-dead?

(Y/N):no but I'm sure you are.

She was holding out a vial of red Dust while shutting the case.

???:Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!

(Y/N):sounds like every anime ever

Ruby: I... I know...

She started coughing from the Dust pouring into her face.

Weiss:Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?!

(Y/N):I'm a non important character so it doesn't matter what I say. You flat chested b****..... dang now my words are controlled......

Ruby, who had been receiving more and more Dust to her face, finally sneezes, which erupts into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto the white haired lady. The bottle she had been holding flies over the courtyard and at the feet of a girl with black hair and bow on top of her head. She picked it up and noticed the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side as she reads from a book and looks over at the scene.

The white haired girl was now covered in soot, though it somehow quickly disappears. Story logic I suppose?

???:Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

Ruby seemed apologetic and embarrassed because the girl was yelling at her.

Ruby:I'm really, really sorry!

???:Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?

Ruby: Well, I-I...

(Y/N):you don't look any older you brat!

This seemed to catch her attention slightly, but due to me not seeming like a threat she turned her attention back to ruby as she continued to scold her.

???:This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!

Ruby seemed finally fed up with her as she finally stopped being nice.

Ruby:Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!

The women with black hair walked up beside me as she looked at the two.

???:It's heiress, actually.

Ruby and the white haired girl look over as Black haired one approached with the bottle

???:Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss smiled smugly heading her say this

Weiss:Finally! Some recognition!

(Did anyone else think of the meme)

(No? Just me? That's ok...)

Blake: "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Weiss was getting angry again as Ruby chuckled at this.

Weiss:Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!

She gets up in Blake's face and takes the bottle from her, walking off in a huff as her helpers gather the luggage and follow her.

Ruby looked at the storming Weiss, still sorry for what had happened.

Ruby: I promise I'll make this up to you!"

She sighs.

Ruby:I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So, what's...

She saw the Black haired women walking off as well,
before collapsing to the ground on her back.

Ruby:Welcome to Beacon...

she remains this way until I walked over to her.

(Y/N):rough start huh?

She nodded slightly as she closed her eyes and let out a exhausted sigh. I chuckled slightly before holding my hand out to her.

(Y/N):well come on let me try to make it better!

She looked at me before smiling slightly, seemingly thankful that I was at least trying. She grabbed my hand and it took my everything not to fall due to her strength. She didn't notice this however as she stood up before looking around.

Ruby:which way should we go?

I shrugged and nodded my head to her.

(Y/N):don't know, lead the way I suppose.

She nodded and I followed her as we made our way around the school taking in the views and having some small talk here and there. She started to talk about her weapon and I noticed just how much of a weapon geek she was. She explained how everything worked and what surprised me most was that she built it herself.

It took a little while but we both eventually realized that we had no idea where the auditorium was. After some more exploring we eventually found it and entered only to find Ruby's sister calling her over. We said our goodbyes before she ran over to her sister, probably to tell her what happened between her and Weiss.

I sighed as I looked around trying to find a place to sit, only to see that their was no seats available. I leaned up against a wall for support as I started to think back to the decision on coming here. I sighed once again as I realized I should've paid a lot more attention otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation right now.

I looked up and noticed that Ozpin was talking on the stage, I mentally kicked myself for not paying attention once again. I quickly started to listen as he finished up talking.

Ozpin:-You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Seems I missed most of presentation, bummer.

Ozpin walked off the stage and Glynda took his place before speaking to us.

Glynda:You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

Initiation huh.... INITIATION?!?!


What is that? Probably nothing bad.

I decided to follow the mass of students to the ballroom. Upon arriving I noticed everyone was splitting up, probably to hang out with their friends. I found an empty spot and laid down my sleeping gear before laying down on it. I was about to sleep before I heard some arguing going on. As I was about to get up and look to see who it was, the candle by them was blown out and brought the whole room into darkness. Not really caring I fell asleep almost instantly ready for the next day.

(I'm not really going to say anything about this chapter, but y'all should go over to the galeem one and help me out with it. Please XD)

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