Chapter 30

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"Where'd Ashley go?" Ethan asked just as she disappeared.

"She's gone but I have a weird feeling about her. Like something not right," Jacob replied and stopped walking.

Eve placed a hand on his shoulder, "Dude she just dumped someone. Haven't you every dated someone before?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "No but that isn't the point. We have a sibling bond and I know something is off." Jacob turned to face me and Eve. "We have to teleport." He grabbed Eve's hand and then Ethan's. Eve shook him off giving him a look.

"Jacob," He looked at me as I spoke with reason. "Just give her sometime and then she'll come around. Besides she could be anywhere in the world."

Jacob took a deep breath, "I guess you are right. This stupid traveling back in time is messing with my head. I mean look at me. I'm going through puberty all over again!"

I shook my head and then something caught my eye. Red hair stuck out from behind a bush and once it caught sight of me staring it ducked down. "Guys someone is stalking us."

"Where?" Eve said, her eyes searching the area that I was looking.

"They went behind that bush," I said, pointing at a huge trimmed bush.

Ethan walked ahead and looked back at us, "I got this." We watched him closely and he waved behind the bush. He stood talking for a few seconds before a the person walked beside him. The person was a little taller than Ethan and had bright red hair with freckles. Black glasses hung on his nose that stood in front of his green eyes. "This is our stalker friend, Hunter. Don't worry his cool."

"I was just walking by when I saw your friend disappear and as a fellow... oh my gosh is that you Courtney?" He flashed me a smile and I looked at the others for help. I have no idea who this kid is.

They flashed me an awkward smile and I looked at him. "Sorry... who are you again?"

He looked a little hurt but quickly smiled, "Remember we went to the same school when we were learning," he got closer so only I could hear, "are powers."

"The one with the rat prank?" It was slowly forming in my head.

"That's the one!" He put out his hand for the classic bro hand shake. I somehow managed to remember it and he smiled again.

"Still got that GPS in your brain?" I asked him. Hunter could find anyone in the world with just a name. He nodded. "Could you help us find someone. That is if you don't mind."

"Sure! Who am I looking for today? Your mom? Dad?" He watched me as I shook my head. He then added, "Boyfriend?" Eve stared him down and he cleared his throat.

"Ashley Thompson is her name. She's the girl you saw vanish," Jacob said. Hunter looked at him then nodded. He closed his eyes and we all watched in silence.

Opening his eyes he looked at us, "She's in some sort of cave."

"Okay I think we know where to go," I said looking at Eve. She nodded knowing exactly what I was thinking of. I looked back at him, "Thanks bud."

"Wait could you find one more person, please?" He interrupted me. "His name is Noah Crescent."

Nodding Hunter closed his eyes before responding, "He's at a school. The main one where the 'evil' kids go to."

"We don't you come with us. We could really use your help," Ethan said and Hunter shrugged.

"Sure but we got to leave now. Ashley's leaving soon." With that we linked arms with everyone and teleported.

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