Chapter 31

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I stood in Eve's old room searching for clothes. Sure I was stealing them but it's not like she needed them anymore. With great power comes great responsibility they say and that's why I need to go to school. From Noah's school I can learn how to harness my power and use it for whatever I need. With them taking over I know they can help me. Expect I have to be a bad girl in order to get in. They don't accept goody girls like the old me. Slipping on a skirt and an top I started to slip on my black high heels.

Footsteps neared the door and Courtney slammed it open, "She's in Eve's room."

"See you at school." I snapped my fingers as she lunged for me. I teleported to the school before she could reach me. My high heels clicked the pavement as I walked towards the double doors. Opening it I looked at the kids then looked for the main office. It stood just on the other side of the room in big letters.

Walking towards it, I opened the door only to be greet by an old lady. "What do you want?"

"I need to enroll and start today," I told her. She pointed at a hallway.

"Three doors down and on your left."

I walked away in the direction she told me. I made it towards the door and walked in. There didn't seem to be anyone here so I took a seat waiting. He appeared in front of me and asked, "You want to enroll?"

"Why else would I be here?" I sassed trying to make a good impression.

He laughed, "Show me what you got, Miss."

Snapping my fingers I lit all the candles on fire in his office. He leaned back and nodded. I touched his computer and it flickered on and off before exploding from the power surge. He jumped up and frown at his now unusable computer.

"Okay, I think I get it..."

"Ashley. Ashley Thompson," I said with a smile on my face.

"Just sign these papers and you'll be enrolled by next week." I bent down to sign but stopped once he said next week.

"I need to start today," I whined.

He furrowed his eyebrows looking at me, "And why is that?"

I thought of an excuse and said, "You know... they say the younger you are the more easier it is to leave an impression on their life."

"True. Only because know one's ever fired my computer. Give me half in hour and I'll have your schedule ready."

Signing the papers, I lazily laid against the chair bored. I watched the clock tick and soon it was past thirty minutes. "You said thirty and its been forty."

He came back into the room and handed me the papers. "Here you go. Now get to class."

"Great!" I took the papers and walked out. With my schedule in my hand I started to look through it. Half of this classes actually sounded interesting. Suddenly I felt myself falling to the cold tiled floor.

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