Chapter Forty: Zephyr

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"She's not here. I don'tunderstand. She was fine, I know it, so why hasn't she come?"Zephyr looked at Rogue, her expression worried.

"You seem awfully worried abouther. Does it have something to do with that secret you can't tell meabout?" he asked.

"Yeah, but she said she was overthe Alex issue, and she wanted to go on this mission." Her eyesstrayed to the door again. Where is she?

"Look, I'm sure Wren would havetold someone if she wasn't coming. Just wait a little longer. She'llbe here."

"Zephyr!" a voice called. Shelooked up and spotted Dylan.

"Dylan, perfect. Have you seenWren? She was supposed to be here."

"That's why I'm here. She sent meto tell you that she's not feeling up to a mission quite yet."

"She was fine yesterday," Zephyrsaid, puzzled. "What happened?"

"I think she may have tried totalk to Alex again. She seemed pretty down," he said.

"Well then I should go talk toher." She started to do just that, but Rogue tapped her shoulder,pointing at her team.

"You can't, Zephyr. This missionis important. I know Wren is your friend, but she's strong. She'llpull through. I can go talk to her for you, but right now you need toget ready. If Wren isn't coming you'll need to alert the team."

"Right..." she sighed. Thathadn't occurred to her. Something didn't feel right about Wren'sabsence, but she dismissed it. Alex had probably been a jerk again.Wren would need to be alone for a while anyway. It was how she dealtwith things. "Thanks for telling me, Dylan. You can go back todoing... whatever you were doing before."

He nodded and left. Rogue watched him go, a frown etched on his face.Zephyr almost asked him what was wrong, but his face cleared when helooked back at her, and she decided to let it go. He was probablyjust worrying about Dylan again. The guy had a weird fixation onPhoenix's contact, and he didn't seem to be letting it go.

"You said he was Phoenix'scontact, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"

 "Oh, it's probably nothing. Don'tworry about it. I'll leave you to finish preparing."

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