Chapter Thirty-Nine: Amanda

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After two days of moping, Amanda was ready to go and do something. Alex had a right to refuse her. Sure, he could have done it in a nicer way, but that was his choice, and she wouldn't resent him for it. If he didn't reciprocate her feelings then she would hide them until they went away.

Two hours of punching things in the gym helped her release some of her tension, and by the time she was finished she felt better than she had in two days. Her body was drenched in sweat, and her hair stuck to her face in wet strands. She brushed her bangs back and let out a breath. Although she hadn't realized it before, her limbs felt like jello and her knuckles were scraped and bloody, despite the cloth she'd used to protect them. I need a shower.

The shower room was nearly empty when she found it. The sound of faint singing greeted her as she entered. She walked toward it. The voice sounded familiar. Zoe? "Zephyr are you in here?" she asked, standing next to the shower the singing was coming from.

Zephyr's head poked out from behind the curtain. "No one can know about this," she whispered, glancing around.

A laugh burst free of Amanda and she nodded, unable to speak. When she'd gained control of herself, she found Zephyr glaring at her. "I won't tell, I promise. Shadow would never let you live it down."

Zephyr shook her head. "If he finds out I will blame you," she warned.

"I'll remember that."


When she finished showering, she threw her hair into a ponytail and headed for the weapon's facility to prepare her gear. Dylan met her halfway there. "Hey. It's nice to see you up and around again. Someone said you were sick."

"Yeah, well I'm over it now," she answered.

"Where are you going?"

"The weapon's facility. I've got a mission."

"That's good. You should get out and do something," he said, smiling.

"Glad you agree. I'm going with Zephyr to check out that abandoned warehouse. Apparently Akram started working on a secret project there."

Dylan's smile faded. "Don't you think that might be a bit too much? I mean, you just recovered from a cold, and now you're going to go on a large-scale mission?"

"You just said I should go do something and I am. This is what I'm choosing to do. I'll be fine."

"I don't think you should go on that mission, though. Why not something smaller? One of the spies has information they're planning to drop off soon. You could go and meet up with them instead."

"That's true. I could do that." Amanda opened the door to the weapon's facility and slipped inside.

"Great, so you won't go with Zephyr, then?" He followed her inside and frowned, watching as she began to pick out weapons. "If you aren't going then why are we here?"

"Oh, I'm going, Bear. I only said that I could go on the other mission. Doesn't mean I'm going to." She turned to face him and crossed her arms. "Honestly I don't understand you anyway. You've been acting weird ever since Alex got here. What's up with you two?"

"That's not the problem here. You can't go on the mission with Zephyr. I won't let you."

A sigh escaped her and she shook her head. Turning back to the weapons, she began to sort through the guns, searching for the pistol she knew how to use.

"You aren't letting me do anything. It's my choice and you can't stop me."

"And if you die?" Dylan demanded.

"Then I die and you'll be free of me. I'm going. Stop trying to baby me. I may not be Wren, exactly, but I'm just as capable as she is."

A frustrated sigh sounded behind her and she turned to face him, holstering the gun and dropping the extra ammo into a box. He cocked his head. "You don't care if you die, do you?"

"Okay, seriously, no guy is stealing my will to live. If you think Alex has that much power over me then you're sadly mistaken. Now go away. I won't hang out with someone who doesn't trust me to take care of myself."

"I wouldn't go that far..." he said. "I'm just worried is all. But if you're really sure about this then I won't stop you, okay?"

"Thank you."

She turned back to the weapons and grabbed an extra knife. Then she pushed past him and headed for her room. He trailed silently behind, waiting to be acknowledged. She slammed the door in his face and began to rifle through her drawers.

"Wren? Look I'm sorry. I went too far and I see that now. Forgive me?"

Her teeth caught her lower lip and she chewed it, torn. She didn't want him to think she wasn't capable of going on the mission, but she also didn't want to shun him. He was a friend, and losing a friend over something so stupid was just ridiculous.

Cracking the door, she peeked out and found him staring at her earnestly. "Alright, I forgive you. But no more trying to protect me. I'm not a precious flower, I'm an operative. Got it?"

He nodded, grinning. "Got it. Oh, I almost forgot. The reason I was looking for you... I have something to show you."

The door opened completely and he leaned against the frame. "Where is it?" Amanda asked, curious.

"The woods."

He took her to a part of the woods she hadn't explored yet and led her through the underbrush. Then he disappeared.


No answer. "Hello? Where did you go?"

The branch hit her just as she was turning to check behind her. Dylan stepped away from her and dropped it. Then he pulled out his phone. "Ghost? Some issues arose with Wren. I'm going to need your help hiding her absence. I'll explain things to Zephyr, just meet me at the usual spot."


She woke up in a small cave, handcuffed to a wall. A tall, thin man stood watching her. His brown hair was cut to military perfection, and his outfit was crisp and clean. His lips were pressed into a thin, annoyed line. "Nice to see you awake," he said. "Although I must admit, I'd hoped Ethan hit you hard enough to kill you."

"Thanks," she muttered, sitting up. "Why am I here? Who's Ethan?"

"Oh, so he didn't tell you. I thought the kid might be lying about that one."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not explaining myself to you, Wren. You don't matter anymore. We've taken you off of the chess board. Just sit tight and wait. Maybe Ethan will give you more answers."

He turned to leave and she lunged for him. He moved out of the way and let the chains force her back. "Don't bother, kid. They're stronger than they look. Unless you have the key, you aren't getting out. Have fun with the rats." Then he left, disappearing around a corner.

"You can't just leave me here. Hey! Come back," she yelled.

The only reply she got was the sound of her own voice bouncing back at her.

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