Round 1: Harad

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Hadar, the muscular man who fell from the sky back in Scene 1, is tasked with leading you to Harad. You all notice that Samwise came too, though when confronted his reasons for coming are questionable at best. 

The journey is long, but you soon find yourselves on the border of Gondor and Harad. Hadar stops you here. 

"I'm not welcome here," he says sheepishly. "Haven't been for some time now... Not after the Mumak incident." 

He seems reluctant to say more, but you can tell that it's probably an embarrassing story. 

"Now shoo! Go find great stories in there!" He says before running off set, tripping on a power cord and causing the entire set to go dark. 

Caledorn, who also came on the trip, approaches the group, giving a disdainful look at the burly Haradrim warrior as he disappears into the dressing room. "Are you all ready? Good..." 


Your first challenge, my dear writer, is to write a story set in Harad. This story can be about practically anything; your imagination is truly the limit here. Since Tolkien didn't really give us a whole lot of information on Harad, the guidelines are quite loose. This will allow you to get your feet wet in the waters of Tolkien lore without being drowned in it. 

Sources that might prove useful are: 
The One Wiki To Rule Them All:
Tolkien Gateway:

There are several (noncanon) versions of the Eastern Lands that you could use for inspiration as well, and these are entirely allowed as long as they don't contradict the canon.

Both Near and Far Harad are fair game. Your characters don't have to be Haradrim, but it will be easier to immerse yourself in writing about that region if they are. I would recommend only using characters that would logically be in Harad; That is, I wouldn't really expect to see a shield maiden of Rohan wandering the wastes unless it's for a good reason. 

Keep in mind that if you're using an OC that's been featured in your stories, it is quite possible that I have no idea who they are yet. Make sure to introduce them in a way that someone who doesn't know them would be able to understand. (And if you know for a fact that I know who it is, do it anyway. XD) 

I will not be allowed to help you with your stories. However, if you have any questions about the rules feel free to DM me and I'll be happy to answer. 

Submissions will be due on the 15th of February

Note that this round will likely be quite easy since I don't have many guidelines. Round 2 will be where things start to pick up. I will be eliminating 5(FIVE) writers at the end of this round. If you do not submit by the 15th of February (Unless I add an extension) you will be eliminated automatically. 

Those of you who know me know that I'm gonna feel bad about eliminating any of you, but someone's gotta win! XD 

NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVEN'T ENTERED YET: You have until January 21st, 11:59P.M. Eastern US. Time to enter. 

The contestants so far: 



























If you don't see your name, make sure to either enter in the "Enter Here" chapter or just tag me where you entered again. I am a forgetful squirrel. 

If you see your name and want to be removed, just yell at me and I'll do so. 

And make sure to follow me so you get updates on the contest! I don't really post announcements often aside from that so you won't have to worry about getting spammed. XD

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