Round 1 Submissions

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This is where you will find any and all books that you're competing against. I will post the name as well as the cover (If there is one). 

Once you've completed your story, enter your name here along with the title of the book. You'll know I saw it once A) It appears below, and B) It is in my "Contest Entries" Reading List. 

Good luck! 


In the Haradrim

By IsilwenofRivendell 

Dark Sun

By Illeandir


By GreenScholarTales

Bone Pins and Blood Fever

By Andreth88

The Burning Sands: A LOTR One-Shot

By LeeannMor4

Though None Go With Me

By MamaStreet

Murder: A LOTR One-Shot

By Hooded-Archer345

The Mark of a Hunter

By Cynarr

To Azriya: A Letter for the Ashes

By elenrith

Orchid in the Kapok

By GadSul

If All Could Be Healed

By apaixonardo

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