Chapter 3

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"Hold on, let me get this straight," Libra muttered, rubbing her forehead. The zodiac dog was perched on a podium, making her look menacing, despite her small size. Gazing down at the two dogs below her, she questioned, "You came to my office today to claim you want to adopt this planet dog, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct, Your Honor," the Sun replied, craning her neck back so she could look Libra in the eye. Funny, for her, it was usually the other way around. Everyone had to look up at her. Sitting next to the star dog was little Earth, wrapped up in her fluffy tail. Her neck was hurting. She had just tipped it all the way back just so she could see Libra on her podium.

"I assume you are well aware of the fact that others will be...oh, how do I put this...staring at you? Gossiping about you? Questioning you?" Libra pointed out a matter of factly. Sheesh, the zodiac dog can be very monotonous sometimes. Earth shuttered quietly. She was frightened by this canine. Unfazed, the Sun responded, "Yes, I am aware."

"Mrs. Sun, do you realize that... if I allow this adoption to go through, this will be first time a star dog adopted a planet dog to raise as their child?" Libra asked, tilting her head. Her mismatched blue and orange eyes met with the Sun's shade covered ones. Returning her gaze evenly, the Sun replied, "I do realize that, Your Honor."

Nuzzling against Earth, the Sun continued, "And I don't see any issues with that. Do you?"

"Of course not! I love this idea! Let's get this adoption underway right here, right now!" Libra exclaimed cheerfully. Just like that, the stressful part was over. The frightening facade was cast aside, revealing the zodiac dog's bubbly nature. Wagging her tail, Libra barked excitedly, "Oh my Celestial, this is incredible! We're making history, people! Out of the way, I need those adoption papers!"

"Huh, I prefer the scary Libra over this version," the Sun whispered to Earth.

"Here we are! I just need you to sign where it's highlighted," Libra chirped. This was it. These were the adoption papers. Just a few signatures would change the Sun and Earth's lives forever. This is the big moment. Gratefully receiving the pen from Libra, the Sun began signing her name where it was needed. The whole process was over in about five minutes. Gazing up at the star dog near her, Earth squeaked, "Are we family now?"

"Yes we are, Earth," the Sun replied, pulling Earth into a gentle hug. "We are."

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