Chance Encounter 🥰

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SUMMARY: Skylor doesn't like being set up with people at the best of times, but damn, did it really have to be with the one night stand she'd run away from the night before? And did it really have to be her friend's cocky hot brother?

Daylight was glimpsing through the curtains, as Skylor sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked around to see that she was in a motel...and stark naked. Pulling the sheets up, she looked to see a handsome looking man with brown spiky hair sleeping soundly. Her phone rang and she grabbed it, answering the call.



"Jeez, Nya, keep the volume down!"


"I parents are asleep!"

"...You live alone."

"I stayed over! What's up?" she really didn't want to tell Nya that she'd had a drunken one night stand with a stranger.

"Well, I found someone who I think you'd really like! He fits your type!"

Skylor bit her lip and looked at the sleeping figure next to her, "Now?"

"Well, not now, but does lunch sound good? Around...I dunno...12?"

"Nya, a setup is the last thing I need!"

"I think you'll really like him! Please please please please-"

"Okay, fine!"

"Does lunch work?"

"Y-Yeah. Lunch sounds good."

"Okay great! See you then! Love you!"

"Love you too," the call ended and Skylor massaged her forehead. Crap.

She silently got out of bed and retrieved her clothes, slipping them on silently, before hightailing it to the door.


Skylor was late. Very late.

She dodged past strangers as she raced to the diner to meet up with Nya and this mystery hunk.

"Okay, I'm here!" she yelped, grabbing the seat to steady herself. Nya beamed, "Just in time. He should be here soon."

A few minutes had passed, and the door opened, and a man walked in. Skylor's heart dropped to her feet.




Please let him be a complete stranger, please let him be a complete stranger-

"There he is!" Nya waved said stranger over, and he slid into the booth beside the raven.


"Skylor, this is my brother Kai!"


"Kai, this is my friend Skylor Chen."

A smirk spread across his face and he held his hand out. Skylor shakily took it, "I've heard so much about you." he stated, his voice cool and unwavering.

"You too!" she squeaked, her voice an octave higher. Nya got out of the booth, "I gotta use the toilet. Get to know each other!"

She disappeared, and Skylor sank down in her seat.

" you always sleep with someone the night before you're set up on a date?" he asked, his smirk growing wider.

"N-No. Do you?"

"Nah. Not gonna lie, you looked like you were gonna piss yourself when I first saw you in here."

"Could've at least told me you're my friend's brother before we hooked up."

"Didn't know you were my sister's friend."

"Didn't know you were my friend's brother."

He laughed. God, his laugh was so darn attractive, "You're meaner than I expected."

"You're more cocky than I thought."

"That why you ditched early in the morning? Am I that repulsive?"

"What? No! I don't find you repulsive-"

Her phone suddenly chimed with a message from Nya.

Emergency happened with Jay. You two enjoy!

Sneaky bastard.

"Anyways," Kai folded his arms, "You were telling me how...not-repulsive I am..."

Skylor smirked. Two could play at this game, "You're not repulsive.'re pretty good in bed though."

Kai flushed bright red.


He tilted his head, "You're not that bad either."

Skylor stood up, "Look, I don't really date guys I slept with the night before..." Kai's face fell. She smirked, "But...I like you." she took a pen out from her bag and scrawled her number on Kai's arm, before leaving the diner, "Call me!"

Kai watched her walk out the door, "Gosh, you're something else, Skylor Chen." he murmured, a dreamy look on his face.

This was heavily inspired by a HTTYD oneshot I read on Credits to writer.

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