Two Faced 📖

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SUMMARY: A plot bunny I've had. Loosely based off a show named Cruel Summer. Harumi and her family are just regular people in this.


It's funny how things can change in a year.

You can be the most popular girl in the school, most liked by everyone, with the perfect life. The perfect life, with an amazing boyfriend, awesome friends, the odds always in your favour.

Until everything spirals down, and you end up being the most pitied person in the city, having your life taken from you, leaving you bare, numb and empty.

I've seen things...experienced things no one should have to face. For almost four months, I've been declared missing, if not dead.

Until recently.

I switch off the TV, which had been playing old news of my return, "The status of Antonia Smith has shocked us all, after being gone for a whole year, has finally emerged from...wherever she has been-"

"Nya!" Mom calls me from downstairs, "I have a meeting in less than an hour, can you pick some stuff up for me?"

She doesn't wait for a reply, as a notepad is thrust into my hands, a quick kiss pressed on my cheek. Normally I would've happily obliged, however, now I don't feel up to the task.

But I can't stay shielded forever.

Plus, I have a bone to pick.


Harumi's POV

There's a saying that karma will bite you in the ass. That you need to be careful about what you wish for.

Well, I certainly wasn't careful.

I keep my head held low as I slowly pull into the school car park, taking my sweet time. Facing death threats from everyone isn't fun at all. I can testify to that.

The breeze from the open windows is refreshing, fulfilling, calming.

It's become a daily thing now. Comments, messages, paper notes. Each one is like a punch to the gut.

And it wasn't even my fault.

There's a small line of traffic and I'm wedged in, car to the left, car to the right, a car behind and a swarm of students crossing the road.

My eyes slip towards the window, and my gaze focuses on the girl in the car next to me.

Nya Smith looks right at me, her face pulled into a hostile glare, puffy eyes and hair pulled into a messy ponytail. I curse softly under my breath as I watch her unbuckle her seatbelt and jump out of her car, storming over, dressed in a dark hoodie and baggy jeans, "You!"

Shit shit shit-

She thumps my car hood, and I jump, as she continues her way over. Now standing in front of my car, she shouts at me, "How dare you? Get out of the car!"

The girl appears by the driver's seat window, whacking it hard, but not hard enough to break the glass, "Get out!"

I could see the tears in her eyes, the anger consuming her as she pants furiously, "You stole my life because yours was pathetic!"

Come on...hurry up...

"But you're seriously gonna come after my family's money with this lawsuit?! What other sloppy seconds of mine do you want, huh?! Get out of the car, you chicken shit coward!"

My eyes avert from Nya to the wheel and the road ahead. It was just starting to clear up. She continues banging my window, screaming obscenities as I breathe heavily.

"You could've saved me, yet you left me there with him! You made me endure things that I cannot erase. You could've gotten me out of there yet you stayed silent, GET OUT!"

Squeezing my eyes shut, I grip the wheel tightly, knuckles paling. Tears roll down my cheeks as she too continues crying softly, still shouting.

"He had me locked up! And you let him do this to me! What kind of vile human are you?!"

Without thinking, I grind my foot into the break and speed off, still hearing Nya's shouting, "Where are you going?! Stop! Get back here!"

But what she said next stung.

"You are actual trash, Harumi Jade!"


Koko sets down a tray with a teapot and two china cups, and an assortment of biscuits. I eye the refreshments warily, not daring to try one as the lady watches me, taking a few notes, "I'm aware that this is getting tiresome for you, Nya-."

I scoff, "Tiresome is an understatement."

"I know. Repeating the events of those months can be upsetting, but in order to fight those demons, you need to adjust to them." She sets up a recorder, pushing on a button.

"Nya, the detectives want a given statement of everything that has happened, so I am going to have to record this. Please...keep the swearing to a minimum, if you can."

"How?" My voice is shaky, "I was alone, in the middle of the night in my neighbourhood. He told me he knew where my parents were, and I believed him because-" I breathe, avoiding my therapist's gaze.

"Because your parents were on good terms with him." Koko finishes softly. I nod, using the sleeve of Lloyd's hoodie to wipe away my tears, "Yeah."

No matter how many times I recite the tale, I can never stop the waterworks, or the anger, or my undying hatred towards Jay, Harumi, and everyone in this stupid town.

Jay scoffs with disbelief, "Are you sure that's what you saw?"


"Okay, okay, let me get this straight, you saw Harumi in the same room as you, watching you silently and not doing anything?"

"Well, of course, you're not gonna believe me," I mutter, staring out of the window.

"And why's that, huh?" I stayed silent, shaking my head softly. Jay presses on further, "Why would I not believe you? Tell me." 

He grabs my chin, forcing me to face him, "Tell me. What, is this your new thing now, staring at me silently? Why wouldn't I believe you? TELL ME, GODDAMMIT!"

"BECAUSE YOU DECIDED TO FUCK HER AFTER I WENT MISSING!" I screamed, watching his face pale. He lets go of my face, staring at me, guilt-ridden.

"You all fell for it. She replaced me completely. She lived my life while I was left to die. And you two are still hooking up, aren't you?"

"Whatever I had with Harumi is long gone! You don't know what you're talking about! Half the time you doze off into nightmares about being locked up again!"

"Do not gaslight me, Jay!" I hissed, "I know what I saw."

"And what exactly did you see?"

My bottom lip trembles as I gesture to him, 

"I saw you two kissing in the park."

"He said I could freshen up, and showed me to this door. It was painted white, with a gold-painted handle. Behind the door, there were some stairs, leading to a big carpeted room, with big mirrors on the walls."

Koko pours out a cup of tea and hands it to me, but I shake my head, regaining my composure as I continue, "I went to ask him where the bathroom was, and all I heard was a door slam and the lock click. I was trapped in.

I remember clawing at the doors, begging, crying, screaming to be let out. But no one came."

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! LET ME OUT! My screams echo through the room, as I helplessly pull at the handle, kicking and screaming like a banshee. My tears stain my lips as I sob, punching the walls until my knuckles were bloody. Sweat trailed down my forehead as I shout out,

"Nadakhan, if this is some cruel joke, it isn't funny, LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Shivers run up my spine, and I hug my legs, pulling my sleeves up to cover my hands.

"That was the night of the kidnap. Can you tell me what happened during the months?"

"I was unconscious, most of the time," I recall, "I forgot what day it was, what time it was, how long I'd been locked up for. He'd deliver food to me...but he stood in the way of my freedom. I had a chance, and I took it. But it didn't go well, and things got much worse..."

I hear the soft footsteps coming down the stairs. My plan is now set into action.

I'd left the shower water running as I hid behind the wall silently, watching, waiting.

Nadakhan appears in view, holding a plate with a sandwich. I watch as he heads towards the bathroom, preparing to open the door.

Taking the opportunity, I ran out and up the stairs, hurling myself at the door with all my strength.

But it didn't budge.

"No!" I hit the door hard, my palms stinging sharply. Upon hearing the commotion, Nadakhan was now at the bottom of the stairs, watching me silently, still holding the plate.

Nowhere to go, nowhere to run.

A plan formulates in my head, as I slowly make my way downstairs.

Step by step, second by second. Until I reached the bottom. I slowly reach for the plate and he hands it to me, his eyes not leaving mine. 

Before accepting it, I slap his hand away, sending the food flying as I tackle him, hellbent on finding the keys. 

He gripped my wrists, pushing me away, as I managed to land a scratch on his cheek. He winced loudly, throwing me into the corner of the room, before running back up the stairs. I chase after him, but he locks me in again, and I'm back to square one.

The next day, he'd left a plastic container, filled with an assortment of nuts and fruits and chocolate chips. Picking it up, I examine it closely, my eyes filling with tears as I throw it at the wall. It bursts open, food spilling out as I scream, "I don't want trail mix!"

In a quieter voice, I sob quietly, "I just wanna go home..."

Koko tilts her head, "Worse as in?"

"He'd um...he would still give me meals, and I gave in one time, and had it. It made my head feel dizzy, and I felt faint. I'd wake up and it'd be a completely different time of the day. But then...something happened that gave me hope."

"What was that?"

"I was found by someone. A girl, around my age. She saw me. I thought that freedom was near, that I would soon be rescued, that she would bring me back to safety, didn't come for months. I wondered why for the longest time but...after I was saved, I found out while I was held captive, she'd taken over my life."

No hate to Harumi, I love her! But in this story, she'll be portrayed as a villain and a good person. There are always two sides to every story.

If this were to become an AU, there wouldn't be much focus on ship, except Jaya/broken-up Jaya, and brief Jay X Harumi (I know, I'm sorry-)

But yeah, hope you enjoyed this! Bye!

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