You're Supposed To Be Dead!! 👪🤣

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SUMMARY: I don't know about you, but walking out of a house on fire completely harmless is completely impossible...just a lil' bit of humour!

"Aha!" Kai grinned as he pressed the green button on the controller, "Beat you, again!"

Lloyd groaned, and shifted positions, "Rematch," he growled, "this time I'm not going easy on you."

Kai smirked, "Sure, Greenie."

In the dining room, Cole was sketching out a drawing of a dragon, as music blasted through his headphones. From the kitchen, Nya and Zane were celebrating the success of one of their new recipes.

Wu was meditating in his room, and Jay was fast asleep in his bedroom. Wu stood up and headed to the bathroom, accidentally knocking over a lit candle in the process without realising. The flame caught onto the rug, creating a small fire, getting bigger as it burned through the wood, soon creeping up the walls.

Kai frowned, "Do you smell that?"

Lloyd scoffed as he rapidly pressed buttons on his controller, "Don't even think about it. I'm not falling for your tricks."

However, this was no trick. Kai set down his controller and frowned, sniffing the air, "Something's burning. COLE!!"

"What?! I'm not doing anything, ask Nya and Zane!"

But it wasn't Nya or Zane either. Lloyd jumped up just as Wu rushed out, "Fire! Everyone out!" They sprinted outside through the front door to avoid getting burnt.

Jay lightly stirred as he woke up from a long nap, stretching his limbs as he stepped out of bed. Opening the doors, he headed out into he landing, "Oh crap."

Turning on his heel, he headed for the back door, jumping out just as the main hall caught on fire, "Phew!"

From the front, the Monastery had erupted into flames and Nya and Zane were extinguishing it all. Lloyd scanned the area, "Where's Jay?"

The flames died down, as Nya's breaths grew heavy, "Jay! Jay?! Where's Jay?!"

Using his sensors, Zane scanned the rubble, "There's no life coming from there. I'm sorry, friends."

It took a moment to process, but Nya fell to her knees, shaking with sobs. Cole covered his face to hide his tears. Zane placed a hand on Kai's shoulder, "I'll let Ed and Edna know. Call the ambulance and fire department, just in case." He pulled out his phone and rang Jay's parents. The others could hear their cries over the line.

Jay whistled to himself as he strolled to the front of the Monastery, "Hey, guys!"

Nya looked up, and her face twisted into a gape, "Jay?!"

"...yes- oh!" Nya had jumped up and tackled Jay to the ground in a big bear hug, "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Oh my FSM we came as soon as we heard!" Everyone's eyes shot up to see Ed and Edna racing in, but they did a double-take when they saw their son, "Jay, you're supposed to be dead!"

"Why is everyone saying that?!" Jay yelped, "I'm alive!"

This was supposed to be out yesterday but for some reason it wouldn't let me publish it

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