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Morgan Fay's, it is almost as if this place is the center of the universe or something to that effect. Samuel had promised to stay away from a particular door for some reason or another. He does not understand the details as he cannot quite remember why he made that promise, though he has walked through it once again all the same.

He wants to find Delia; he needs to find Delia and his journey to find her has taken him back through this door. Still, he does not fully remember the events that have come before. If anything, they are as vague as they ever have been.

The door he had only just walked through has disappeared. It is no longer behind him, vanished but maybe not completely gone. Samuel is left to stand alone within Morgan Fay's bar but maybe this place where he stands is not what it appears to be, maybe some kind of replica to what actually is ... Morgan Fay's bar. In this moment and other than the presence of a crow perched upon a Jukebox which is playing a song that holds importance for him, Samuel indeed is alone.

A crow ... there so often appears a crow and Samuel does not understand why. Maybe Samuel is dreaming, no, this is not a dream despite all that happened ten years ago being as vague as if a dream took place but can't be recalled. This crow, for all the meaning it potentially has, stays perched for a moment or two, its caw's twice and then takes off. Samuel cannot exit the way he entered, even if he wanted to, he cannot do this, so what else is there to do other than head off in the direction the crow flew off in.

If only he could know or even guess to the importance of such a creature ... it may set him up for what lays ahead of him ... though even if importance could be known, it would be out of context for he is still unaware of what came before.

Anyhow Samuel, having indeed taken off in the direction the crow went, now finds himself outside. Morgan Fay's bar as a building is behind him but the open space with which he now looks out into is not the open space that should exist outside Morgan Fay's bar, or at least the real Morgan Fay's, but in its own way this is as real as it gets.

This particular open space is something else, it is ,,, somewhere else. That mystical door he passed through didn't just have Samuel enter Morgan Fay's, it had him enter or more correctly, re-enter another world.

Being in said 'other world' it is safe to say that this open space Samuel is now faced with is unlike your typical wide-open space. There is very little which could prepare anyone to face such a place that Samuel is now faced with. Being to such a world in the past could aid with such preparation but then again there is that recollection problem.

There may be a recollection problem though with that aside there is a sensation, a feeling that tells Samuel that despite the fact he has no idea as to where it is that he is, Delia is somewhere close-by. Well maybe she is not close-by as in being in the immediate vicinity, but Samuel is on the right track to finding her. He is sure of that. She is somewhere in this other world. Sure, he has more or less heard her call him. Thing is, will he find her alive and well? And if he does find her then will she want to return to the real world with him?

A wide and open space, it is not that this place is not real but in relation to what we take as being real in an everyday sense of the word 'real' then this world is most definitely unique. That blackbird, the crow that Samuel went after is long gone. What this wide-open space reveals is a sight that truly is out of this world. It is a space filled with a whole load of the strange and unusual though in this world none of it is actually strange or unusual at all. It is the norm, the norm according to this world.

Of course, with the area before him being a wide-open space, the only building there is within Samuel's line of sight or any line of vison in any possible three sixty direction is the building he has come out from. He may know what that building looks like but what it is it can't really be. The building does not belong to a space like this and this whole moment is not one which can be easily explained. For right now everything is very confusing.

Confusing indeed, if standing right where he is isn't confusing enough then how about adding some very peculiar sounds. There are long squeaking squawks bellowing from high above and off in the distance, multiple long squeaking squawks, for there are multiple Pterodactyl's ruling the sky. Upon seeing such a sight, you can imagine one's jaw dropping, and Samuel is no different to anyone else who may be faced with such a sight. This is, as it may be said, only just the beginning.

There is something slightly familiar about this. Standing almost frozen to the spot in amazement, in awe, something else somewhat familiar is about to happen. The ground begins to tremor. The tremor starts off slight and small then slowly grows to become so strong that even Samuel himself begins to shake.

As he does in a way vibrate, dust begins to fall from the building behind him and the dust fall soon develops into strands of falling dust. Stones and debris also begin to fall. The building itself almost seems like it is about to fall apart at the seams. That building both does and does not belong here. Apart from the door, the bar also connects both worlds.

Feeling as if his best bet at safety from whatever it is that is happening, Samuel steps forwards and steps far enough forwards that if the building does just decide to collapse then he himself should be at a safe enough distance that the collapsing building, if it does collapse, will not or should not cause him harm. However, despite attempting to move into a clearing, there still are the tremors to worry about and those tremors make the steps Samuel take all the more difficult to take but take them he does.

It soon becomes apparent as to what it is that is creating the tremors. Off in the distance, quite a bit off in the distance, a stampede is taking place. This is not just any kind of stampede. It is a stampede quite as impressive as the sights and sounds happening in the sky. There is not only one kind of animal running collectively, but there are also many kinds, and they are made up of all sorts including the kinds of creatures that couldn't be imagined even if you tried.

Large creatures and small, those with multiple legs and those with only one, you may wonder how any kind of creature with only one leg can stampede? If you could see that creature then you would more than understand, not only would you understand but you would also ensure that you never stand in its way.

For some reason or another Samuel likes what he sees. He doesn't quite understand why but he does so all the same. It more than intrigues him. He is in no immediate danger; the stampede is off in the distance moving from left to right and not moving in his direction so why shouldn't he enjoy this moment for at least the length of this moment. For when this moment ends and the tremors no longer tremble, it will be time for Samuel to go find his lady, time to go find the lady of his life and time to go bring her home.

Thing is that there is a real fear in this stampede where there was no fear within it when both he and Delia both experienced such a thing ten years prior.

The moments which have just passed feel very familiar and there is a feeling that Delia's should be standing by Samuel's side right now and he should be standing at her side right now. Thing is that they are not together. They are not in each other's company and Sam cannot understand any of it; the lack of company has been so for more than a while now and that is something which needs to be rectified.

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