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It's all green, brown, and orange where Delia and Samuel stand. Delia's own heart begins to calm after the earth tremoring scare of which she has only just had, though Samuel does not see it as a scare of any kind. Perhaps it is those colours that are having a calming effect on him or perhaps it is a childlike joy at the mystery of where it is he has come that has him feeling just as he is. It is an amazing moment that he and his beautiful wife have been through, and he is ready to explore more, he is ready for an adventure, so is she, she just doesn't realize it yet.

It is time for them to move on from this wide-open park like space they have come to. A strange door may have brought them here but why waste an opportunity to explore a new world, a new realm, a place where very few get to go?

They could try to find a way out, a way back to where they came but they have come this far now, and they are already here. This is the honeymoon they had been offered, time to go enjoy it. He looks her in the eye and smiles, she feels safe, she feels good. His hand takes hers; she smiles and together they begin to go exploring. An adventure indeed awaits.

Their journey begins and as it does a single crow rests perched on a tree branch. It almost watches from afar; a journey has indeed begun. Strange as it comes, strange as it seems, a journey may well have been ventured into, a time comes where a feeling of hunger arrives and as it does arrive both Samuel and Delia all of a sudden come across a feast, a feast purposely set aside for them.

'My God ...' speaks Delia as the two do indeed come across this feast, 'is this for us?'

'It would appear as if it were. Remember Owen told us that we did not need to bring anything with us. Everything that we would need would be right here. Have to say though; this is more than a little bit unusual.'

'It is unusual, but I am not complaining.'

'Me neither, I'm starved, could eat a horse.'

'You may get to' speaks Delia being unsure as to what one particular food item is. Just the look of it has her associating it with horses.

Samuel and Delia are still outdoors. What they have come across is a rather large buffet. It all appears fresh and purposely set aside. There even is a selection of hot foods. Briefly the two question the origins of it all. Who set it up? Is it safe? Soon the questions and doubts are put aside, and the feast is indeed enjoyed.

Sure, there are questionable wonders on the tables set up but there are also favourites there too. Delia is amazed by this. Who or what could possibly know what her favourite foods are then go on to make these dishes and leave them at a feast purposely arranged for her and her husband? All this really is a wonder, and it also aids in settling any doubt Delia may have had about coming on this adventure.

Another thing which may be cause for wonder is that right at the moment Samuel and Delia have had their fill of the feast set out for them, a note is found. Sure, it's all about timing, right? A note, a letter within an envelope is retrieved and it is Delia who comes across it. Samuel sees as Delia makes this find.

'What's on that?' he asks as soon as Delia has taken the note out of the envelope.

'Directions ... I think.'

'Directions? To where?'

'No idea, wanna go find out?'

'Sure, but how about rest a while first and let that feed digest.'

'You got it.'

Delia's sense of adventure at this point has most certainly set in.


Just as a feast had been set aside for Samuel and Delia to enjoy, an envelope with directions inside were found. It appears that these directions were also set aside specifically for the couple to find. Directions, where are they for? What destination do they lead to? Only one way to find out and that is to follow those directions.

Adventure it is, and this 'game' if there is a game of any kind is more akin to a treasure hunt than to anything else. Delia couldn't help but feel this sense of adventure. How quick and sudden she seemed to settle to the whole idea of where she is. Delia smiled and took Samuel by the hand and off they went.

For all the strangeness they first encountered in this land, things were gonna become somewhat normal for a little while at least. The strong green, brown and orange colours would settle to become a calmer green and a clear blue. Five minutes into the journey of following directions and Delia would spy some of the strangest insects she would ever see. Some were clear to see on shrubbery and others had gathered by rock and stones.

One insect in particular, appeared to be larger than any insect should be, and oddly blue in colour too, came towards her at an almost slow-motion pace and hovered in front or her eyes. A vibrant blue the like she has never seen before, this creature appeared to be checking her out as much as she was checking it out and as strange as all this is, Delia never felt a moment of danger. There is no fear of this insect or of what it may be capable of doing.

After her spying moment normality did indeed begin to settle, and this is as if normality can exist in a place like this, like settling into a climate of which one is not used to.

The journey itself, this particular journey, from its beginning to its end, from receiving directions to arriving at a destination, took forty-three minutes to complete and indeed it brought normality of sorts though with that it also brought some confusion. Nothing strange or unusual would be spied once those insects had been passed. The destination they would come close to would be a place where they both are to spend their first night in this world.

This building, the place to spend that first night, just how they would cover the final short distance from where they were to where it is would take at least a little bit of wonder. You see, Samuel and Delia had come to a lake, not the largest of lakes but a lake it is all the same.

The lake brought with it part of the afore mentioned clear blue colour as did the sky. And that prior insect too. The sky of course being clear blue and without a cloud to be seen seemed to go on and on for as far as the eye can see, and within that as far as the eye can see there were no, absolutely no Pterodactyls, which in a way was kinda nice.

Towards the center of that lake there was and is land, an island, an island which looks as normal as any other small island in the center of a lake can look. An odd and as normal a thing Samuel or Delia had ever come across. Of course, this island brings a strong green for the base of the land is grass, just beyond a gathering of rock and stone. The grass rises up upon a small hillside and as that hillside rises the green turns a little brown.

Past the island and equal distance again away too, equivalent distance from where Sam and Delia from the island, placed beyond the island is more land. Is there a direct way around the lake? Perhaps there is but from their advantage point, such a thing is not clear or obvious. The normality of that land beyond the lake continues up and along with the multiple housing arrangements on that hillside and with a roadway that is set within.

Between where Samuel and Delia stand and the far side of the lake where the hillside rests, there is a stone building on a small piece of land, that island within the lake and right smack in the middle between here and all that far side. It is getting late, and all signs point to a possibility that the stone building on the island is a place for Sam and Delia to rest their bones a while.

The dilemma that now faced the two, if indeed they are to rest their bones in that stone building standing large on an island within a lake, is as to how exactly do they get to that stone building in this lake since it is the building where they are to rest for the night?

Unfortunately, no note offered any information with solving that dilemma though part of an adventure is to overcome such hurdles, right? That note did inform the couple that indeed this stone building was theirs for one night and nothing more.

No adventure, adventure being what they both felt they stumbled onto as much as it being a honeymoon too, would be complete without some kind of building venture. Doubtful that it will have a bridal suite. Near to where the couple stood there were three fallen trees and there also just so happened to be tools set aside. Just like the feast, it does seem as if these tools had purposely been set aside for Samuel and Delia to find.

So, what is left other than to make some sort of log canoe or boat to take them to that stone building? Could such a thing be done? No discussion needed; no words were needed but few would be spoken anyway. It is clear that a challenge had been set. Both Delia and Samuel looked at each other for a moment.

'You ready?' she asks.

'Hell yeah' he replies.

Strangely enough, this building activity along with using the final product to traverse the waters would be something very much enjoyed. Two log canoes were created and joined together by two firm strands of wood. The vessel would be stable to the point it should not turn over. That clear blue sky had definitely darkened more than a little by the time the water trip began. A night in a stone building on a lake it would be, oh yeah, it is on.

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