Chapter 5

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{Nothing today minna other than SOOO TIRED! But I wanted to write for you all! Happy reading!}


General P.O.V

Almost everyone was crowded in the training room as the princess and Titania clashed swords. The metallic clang echoed as Lucy blocked, parried and slashed.

Sweat was dripping from them as they went at it. Lucy saw her chance. with a quick feint the sword flew out of Erzas hand. The other members cheered.

"Way to go Lu-chan! Only training for two weeks and now you can stand up to Erza!" Levy said as she hugged her friend. Lucy grinned and hugged her friend back.

"Well done Lucy," Erza said as she approached then. "No big deal. A real fight and I would have been dead before I could grab my sword." Erza nodded like she was saying 'true'.

"Come on Lu-chan it's time to go." Lucy nodded as the two girls and Natsu headed out.

Lucy P.O.V

I waved as Natsu left via my bedroom window. Levy had already left to go change so I decided to do the same. I pulled on a pink gown that I was finding uncomfortable. I loved the comfort of my tunic and I felt odd not having my sword and whip on my hip.

In these two short weeks I had trained my heart out. Out of all the weapons I practices with the whip was by far my favorite. I had finally go to where I could hold my own against Grey hand to hand but I couldn't beat him yet. It didn't help that Juvia kept getting in the way of training. But I loved the rain woman.

I walked down the hall nodding to maids here and there. I gritted my teeth when I saw Aries with a fresh bandage on her neck.

As I walked I heard quiet voices coming from my fathers study. I glanced around and, not seeing anyone, I pressed my ear to the door.

"When will they arrive?" her father asked. "Two months your majesty, they are coming from the west shore of Fiore." Leo? "Very good. And the other?" her father. "He will be arriving shortly."

I heard footsteps, apparently he dismissed the captain. I quickly scurried away from the door and ducked around a corner. I sighed, thankful for not being caught. 'Levy'. I thought.

I hurried down the hall only to smack into a muscular chest as I rounded a corner. I squeeked and before I could fall an arm grabbed me. I looked up and grinned.

"Micah!!" The green haired man grinned as he pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing here?" "Your father requested my presence though I'm not sure why yet." he said as he pulled out of the hug.

" Hmm he didn't tell me you were coming." "Does he ever?" they both grinned and laughed. Then Levy rounded the corner in a fresh blue gown much like her orange one.

"Levy! Perfect timing, I was looking for you. Oh but first," I pulled her next to me. "Levy this is Prince Micah, from the neighboring kingdom. He is the boy I told you I grew up with. Micah this is Levy McGarden, fairy. My best friend and advisor in training."

They smiled and shook hands, since Micah stopped her mid curtsy. "I better be off, don't want to keep your father waiting." We said our good byes as he walked off.

"What did you need me for Lucy?" I looked around and pulled her down the hall. Once I was sure we were alone I turned to her." My father is planning something. I'm not sure what I only caught the end. Someone is going to be arriving in two months, and my guy tell me they arnt friendly."

Levy frowned."I will report to master and get his advice on it." I nodded as we split. I continued wandering the halls eventually making it to the kitchen. "Miss Lucy." the chief nodded and smiled. He already had my breakfast ready.

"Your wonderful," I said with a smile. I sat at one of the long counters and ate before heading back to get some sleep.

/////Time skip-Evening\\\\\

I woke up, the sun low in the sky. I still had a few hours till we left. I made my way into the hall where Virgo approached me. "Princess his Majesty is requesting you," I sighed and nodded following her.

He was in the audience chamber with Micah in the center. I stood beside him,"Yes father?" He looked over at me before walking towards us. "It's time for you to accept your duties as a princess. I have arranged for you and young Lord Harben to be married at the end of the month. Creating an alliance between our kingdoms"

What? 'I can't marry Micah, he's more of a brother to me!' "Uh, father? Why the sudden decision?" he glared at me and I tried not to flinch. "Did you just question me girl?" he didn't care that Micah was there.

He has hurt me in front of him before.

"No sir." "Then you are dismissed," Micah and I turned to leave. Once out the door we both sighed. "I don't want this either Lucy... Your my friend," Micah said. I smiled," I know Micah..."

We both walked quietly down the halls before going our separate directions. I decided to spend my extra time wandering the gardens.

Everything was calm a quiet in the afternoon light. I rounded the corner and stopped before backing up quickly. I peeked at the scene before me.

Aquarius was standing in front of Scorpio, his back to me. She was saying something but I couldn't hear her.'Damn me for not learning lip reading.' But then, I didn't need to worry about that. She smiled and put both of her hands on her stomach.

I gaped. No way...

Scorpio laughed and hugged her, swinging her around causing her to blush. I smiled and very quietly made my way back inside. 'Congratulations you two.' I knew if I said something she would kill me.

I made it back to my room and changed just before Levy arrived. "What did the master say?" I asked as I buckled my belt with whip and sword attached.

"He said that he thinks it may be too dangerous to stick around for long. He wants us to wrap up our mission as soon as possible and leave the castle." I raised an eyebrow. "But we don't know what's coming," "Exactly," the fairy said. "He has a feeling it's something for us, the rebellion so he wants us out." I nodded.

Natsu soon glided in through the dark window and landed next to us. He smiled at me, making my heart skip a beat. "Are you ready for your first job Lucy?" I perked up. "Yes!"

{Holy crap that was longer than I thought. Oh mai gerd, Aquarius is gonna have a bebe! And Lucy engaged?! And who are the mysterious visitors fast approching?}

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