Chapter 4

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{Helloooo minna!! so hopefully this chapter will pick up, might be on the long side. I appreciate and love all my precious readers!! And, so you all know, I plan on a second book, a GaLe!! Stay with me!!}

Natsu P.OV

I was woken up when something small and furry landed on my face."Nat-zuuuu" it said. I groaned and rolled over, pulling it into my arms."More sleep Happy..." I mumbled.

"But Natsu! Erza is-" before he could finish someone,probably said fairy, flipped my hammock and I landed face first on the floor. I quickly sat up to see the Titania standing above me.

"Jeez Erza!What was that for?!""You've slept long enough. Come on we have a job. I'm taking you and Grey to free a slave caravan."

I pulled myself to my feet before stretching,"I can do it without snowflake over there!" "We can never be to careful Natsu." I groaned.

"Fine,"I grumbled. I looked around an saw people putting away bedding and pulling the tables from the walls. Hiding from the kingdom, it wasn't safe for anyone to stray so we all stayed in the guild.

I folded up my hammock and put it aside before meeting Erza and Grey out front. It was early afternoon and there was still time before I had to get Lucy and Levy.


I didn't know what it was but just thinking about her made me smile. I felt something flop on my shoulder an looked to see Happy, my blue exceed. I found him as an egg six years ago and raised him myself and he grew up with another, older exceed. His name was PantherLilly and he had grown up with Levy.

"Hey buddy," he grinned and pat his head. "Wanna get something to eat after the job?" "Aye!" he said. Man I love him.

"Let's go." Erza said before heading into the sky. I opened my wings and followed her while Happy flew with Grey. After flying for nearly half an hour it suddenly started to rain.

"That's weird, it was clear a minute ago." Grey muttered as he shielded rain from his eyes. Erza pointed below us where we could see a long train of carts that had women and children in them.

"Natsu," she started. She didn't need to tell me. I lit a fire in my hands and folded in my wings, diving for the front cart. I smashed into the driver, causing girls to scream and the horses pulling the cart to rear. I tossed the unconscious driver an ran to the cart. I burned the wooden door to the cart before turning to see several swords pointed at me.

I groaned and held up my non flaming hands," Come on guys, let the ladies go."They stepped forward and I grinned, flashing my fangs. That stopped them. Suddenly a very angry fairy swooped in, taking down several of them.

"Ice make:Lance!" Grey yelled, taking out the others. I helped the girls out of the first cart while Erza and Grey handled the drivers. One down three to go. The second cart was full of children, apparently their mothers had been in the first cart because they ran to them.

The slavers finished off Erza was unloading the third cart so I went with Grey to the fourth.

Inside was a single girl with blue hair curled up in the corner. Grey went in and crouched in front of her, "Are you alright?" she looked up at him and slid away slightly. "Hey it's alright, we are here to help, I'm Grey." He smiled and held out his hand.

She looked at it for a moment before taking his hand. "Juvia... Juvia the rain woman..." she said quietly. Well that explained the rain. Grey pulled her to her feet and helped her out of the cart. Erza was already giving the other women directions to the safest town and many had left.

"Juvia has no where to go..." Juvia whispered as she looked at the ground. The rain started to pick up. Grey put his jacket on her shoulders. "Well why don't you come with us?" he said. She looked up at Grey with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"You'll let Juvia come?" the rain lightened. He grinned at her. She blushed darker as the rain stopped and the sun peeked out of the clouds. She shielded her eyes.

"Nicely done boys," Erza said a she came up to us. "Hey Natsu," "Eh?" she pointed at my arm. I looked and saw a large gash in my arm, probably from colliding with the driver. I shrugged" Just a scratch,"

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. She tore a piece of cloth from her sleeve and wrapped it around my arm. It was actually really sore so I guess it was worse than it looked.

"There. Now let's get back so you can go get the girls," I nodded and we took to the sky, Erza carrying Juvia and Happy carrying Grey.

Lucy P.O.V

I felt something poke my square in the forehead and I peeked up from the covers to come face to face with onyx eyes. I squeeked and feel backwards out if bed causing him to laugh.

"What are you doing in here?!" I angrily whispered. "I got tired of waiting outside." "How did you even get in?" he pointed to my now open window.

I groaned. A quiet knock on my door made me tense. I grabbed him and shoved him into the large closet,"Stay!" I walked to the door and opened it, sighing when it was Levy.

"It's just you," she frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" I opened the closet door and pulled Natsu out. "I had an intruder," Levy giggled.

"Well get dressed so we can go." I went to pull a dress out but Natsu stopped me and handed me a bag. "Erza said you should wear this, it's easier to fight in than some big gown."

I nodded and went into my large wash room to change.

It was a short sleeveless tunic that went just above my knees with a gold belt sitting on my waist. Underneath I had a pair of white leggings that tucked into black knee high ridding boots. There were separate sleeves that were snug on the forearms, I guess to add as padding when shooting a bow. Everything was trimmed in gold and there were faint white designs in the tunic. It formed a sweetheart neckline

I pulled my black cloak from the night before on and walked out, throwing my hair into it's bun. "It looks great Lu-chan!" Levy said with a smile. Natsu nodded approvingly.

"Let's go," he headed for the window. "We are leaving from there?!" He grinned and held open his arms. "Trust me!" Well that made it hard to refuse. I walked to him and he lifted me bride style once more.

He lept out of the window, snapping his wings wide with Levy close behind. In no time at all we reached the guild and enter to noise. Erza walked up to us,"I knew that would look good on you," she smiled.

I smiled back and bowed a little,"Thank you Erza. What am I going to be doing tonight?" She smiled again. "First will be hand to hand with Grey. Then weaponry with me. Stealth with Cana and if there is time, archery with Bisca and Alzak."

I gulped. This was gonna be a long night.

{Enter Juvia!! So sorry about the long chapter! Comment! Vote! And I will try to start work on the nest chapter!}

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