Chapter 9

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{How goes it minna? I'm almost at 100 reads for this story! Thank you my followers and readers! Happy reading!~Bamboo}


Natsu P.O.V

Man that was awful! That job is gonna leave me sore for a week. I sighed as the guild came into view. I touched down outside the doors and walked in to the strange quiet.

"Eh?" "Natsu!!!!" Happy cried as he plowed into my chest sobbing. "Happy what's the matter?" he simply cried which worried me. Before I could ask again the doors opened behind me to reveal a red eyed Levy and stone faced Mira.

"What is going in?!" I shouted, causing Happy I flinch. "It's Lucy." Mira said. She had my undivided attention now. "She has been capture by the palace soldiers.... In two days time she will be hung from the castle gates for treason."

I thought my heart stopped. Lucy hung? No way in hell.

"Well let's go save her!" I shouted. I went to run out the door but Mira held out her arm to stop me. "It's too dangerous to go."

"It's dangerous to leave her there!!" I shouted. "We were just there Natsu! The entire palace is armed to the teeth to make sure she can't escape! they are waiting for us! And..." she started shaking slightly. I stared at her. The she devil shaking?

"They brought someone in to hunt for us... After the hanging..." she was quiet. The whole guild was really, and that was the only reason everyone could hear the whispered name. "Zeref..."

For the second time in less then ten minutes I felt like my heart stopped. Zeref the dark wizard... Zeref the walking death. He and his self made guild could wipe us off the map if they wanted to.

"No way..." someone whispered. I sat heavily on the closest bench as I held Happy. "We can't leave Lucy... But we can't get near Zeref... What are we gonna do?" I muttered.

My heart hurt and for a moment I didn't know why. Sure I was worried for Lucy, scared even. Lucy was special, and not because she was the princess. She was special because she was Lucy, she brought light and laughter to the guild. Her smile and charm made my heart race and at times she left me breathless.

Then it hit me. 'I love Lucy.' It's true. And there was no way I was gonna abandon her.

Lucy P.O.V

I hurt. Just trying to think made me hurt more. Something was broken but I wasn't sure what. Everything was fuzzy and my body was numb.

How long have I been hanging here? The soldier came in at random times so it was hard to figure out just how long it's been.

The sound of boots echoing in the hall brought my eyes to my cell doors. Micah stood there and his face was pale but otherwise remained calm. "Lucy... It's time..." he whispered.

"Two days already huh?" I laughed a little but it turned into a cough. 'Damn I'm in bad shape'. Micah walked in and unchained my arms, letting them fall for the first time in two days. He tied them in front of me and helped me stand.

He pulled me from the cell and I limped after him. I followed him through the hallways I knew so well. I would never see these walls again. I would never see another sunrise, I would never see the seasons change. I would never see the guild again or Levy. But what made my heart hurt the most...

I would never see Natsu again.

His smile, his laugh or that pink hair of his. His dragon horns or wings. The warmth of his embrace. It was all over, and I never told him... That I loved him.

I smiled a little. It's sad that I only now realized it. If only I had realized sooner. I wish I could tell him, but it's to late.

Micah led me out the doors an towards the castle gates. Up the the stairs that allowed soldiers to the top to guard. The had built a platform onto the gates with a hangman's noose. He really wanted a spectacle didn't he. I looked out towards the city and I saw the large crowd being held back by soldiers. The people were screaming and crying my name.

On the platform stood Jude, the executioner and Zeref with his lackeys. Micah walked me to where the rope hung, and slid it over my head with shaking hands. "I'm sorry" his voice was shaky and barely a whisper. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"Lucy," the king said in a loud voice. "You are charged with treason against the crown. You will be hung for your acts. Do you have any last words?"

I was quiet for a moment as I looked out at the crowd. Something caught my eye. There were several cloaked figures in the crowd and one near the front stared at me with onyx eyes. I smiled.

"I do king Jude. I may die today, but that will not stop the powers working against you. You can not stop Fairy Tail, they arnt just a group of rebels. Fairy Tail is light, Fairy Tail is freedom! As long as one person stands against you you will not wipe out the light. Today marks my end, but it also marks your end Jude." I looked straight into those wide onyx eyes as I felt tears run down my face.

I shouted to the sky."FOR FAIRY TAIL, AND ALL OF MAGNOLIA!"

Jude motioned to the executioner and he pulled the simple lever. The trap door beneath me opened and I welcomed oblivion.

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