Chapter 10

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Natsu P.O.V

Our eyes met and she smiled. I started towards the platform my eyes never leaving hers. The tears streaming down her face tore at my heart.


Lots of things happened in the span of mere seconds. The trap door open and Lucy fell. Micah, who stood beside her, drew his sword and cut the rope just as it tightened on her neck. I threw myself airborne, earning a couple of screams and gasps. As Lucy dropped in a free fall I caught her in my arms, mere feet before hitting the ground.

She pulled at the rope on her neck and gasped as I pulled her to the sky. "Didn't I say... Not to come?..." she coughed. I grinned at her. "When have I ever listened?"

She smiled that beautiful smile that made my heart race.

I hovered above the crowd, facing the king. His face was pale yet angry as he stared at me. There were shouts and cries for Lucy coming from the crowd. "What the devil are you?!" Jude shouted at me. I glared at him an threw off my hood, earning more gasps.

"I am the guardian dragon Natsu! Son of the fire dragon Igneel!" I was waiting for someone to pass out from all the gasping. At my fathers name several people bowed. "I have kept my eyes on you for many years Jude. The cruelty you have shown these people is unforgivable. This young girl you have called a traitor has been nothing but a protector of the people. If there is a traitor among us, it is you!" I yelled at him.

He turned to a small group of cloaked figures on the platform. I felt Lucy shake and I held her tight. "What are you standing there for? He is part of the rebels!" he shouted at them. Before they could move I felt the air stir beside me. Erza had flown up from the crowd shedding her cloak. Many people murmured at our Titania. From bellow Grey rose into the air on a platform of ice, Juvia beside him. All throughout the crowd members of the guild stepped forward.

The cloaked man in the middle of the group looked at Jude." You did not tell is they would have a dragon Jude."

"Who cares?! Kill them all!" this yell went to his soldiers as well. Some were hesitant while others ran forward. Citizens scattered to get out of the crossfire. Some though charged into the frey against the soldiers.

Lucy reached to her him then groaned,"My keys..." I smiled. "Don't worry about it." she raised an eyebrow just as a flash of light erupted from the center if the crowd. People scattered and in the clearing, ten celestial spirits in their true form stood. I saw Lucy's eyes water.

I turned my attention back to the king an the figures. "Celestials too..."the man murmured. He turned to his companions. "We are not prepared. We are leaving." Jude looked panicked as try disappeared into a black mist.

I landed on the platform and onto Lucy but she tried to stand.

Lucy P.O.V

They came... The guild and even the spirits... The city was fighting back. I was overwhelmed and when Natsu landed I new what I needed to do. I pushed myself out of his arms.

He looked worried and held onto me so I wouldn't fall and I was glad. I walked towards my father as he drew his sword. Natsu growled but I put up my hand.

"It's over Jude." my voice, thankfully, didn't waver an it was strong. He glared at me. "It will never be over! I will destroy you and those rebel insects!" he dashed at me.

I braced myself, he was too close. Swords clashed and I peeked up. Micah hand intercepted and was now locked with him. With a hard shove he landed Jude on his back, the sword flying out of his hands.

I stepped forward, picking up how sword as I went. The fighting below us silenced as everyone watched. I raised the sword above my head and I could see him start to shake."You won't kill me. You do t have the guts!" his voice was shaking too like he didn't believe it himself.

I swung the sword down and he shouted. The sword sank into the wood beside his head, barely cutting his skin. He looked at me wide eyed." I am not like you. I will spare your pathetic life. You will leave Fiore and never return. If anyone so much as sees you they have the right to strike you down."

He was still shaking as I turned around. The crowd below erupted into cheers. Soldiers threw there weapons, though the few loyal to the king were taken down.

"What now Princess?" Micah asked me."Now the people need a new ruler." "So your gonna leave the guild Lucy?" Natsu asked,his face blank. I looked at him in shocked. "No, the Heartfillias have done enough. Did you want me to leave?" He shook his head quickly and I smiled.

I walked to the edge of the platform."People of Magnolia!" I shouted, the crowd quieting down. "You are now free from King Jude! I would like to announce that Prince Micah, will take his place! Though he will be a kinder king, we, Fairy Tail, will always be here to protect you!" Micah blushed at me making him king without really asking. I grinned"You will make a fine king." he smiled and nodded.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and I looked back to see Natsu. I blushed. "What now Princess?" he asked. "I'm not a Princess anymore." he chuckled. "Sure you are. You will always be my princess." I'm pretty sure my face could rival Erzas hair.

I turned to him. "Natsu..."

He pressed his lips to mine.

{Ok minna only one more chapter!}

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