Bad Blood

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It was early morning and Joey, Kaiba, and Yugi were shocked

Kaiba: You're seriously letting him enroll here

Joey: Shepherd you're insane

Yugi: Agreed

Shepherd: I know you're concerned, but he does show incredible dueling skills

Mai: That is if he lasts even an hour here if he doesn't do anything stupid

Mokuba: Fair warning Shepherd if Henry steps way out of line none of us are going to stop him, so neither should you

All shepherd did was nod

Shepherd: Let's just hope Dakota isn't having a bad day

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota was in the middle of making breakfast for himself, Judy and Syrus until there was a ruckus

Judy: Syrus where's my lipstick

Syrus: Why would I know

Judy: Well you like to practice kissing so...

An argument broke out between the two Slifer's and Dakota cut in

Dakota: Alright you two knock it off! Judy you're lipstick is on the nightstand and Syrus we all know you practice kissing

Syrus: *sniff* Is something burning

Dakota: Don't change the subject now...

Judy: Dakota something's actually burning!


Dakota ran back to the kitchen to see how burnt breakfast was

Dakota: Well it's not completely black burnt. *sigh* Damnit


Dakota was sleeping in class completely unfazed by anything until a explosion went off causing Dakota to fall out of his seat

Syrus: You okay Dakota

Dakota: Yeah I guess I'm just having a bad day

As class was over the six key keepers were walking down the hall

Judy: Man bad days for you are rare babe

Dakota: Tell me about it first I burn breakfast, then I start falling asleep for no reason, and so far I failed a test

Syrus: Isn't that normal though

Dakota: Failing and Flunking are different Sy

Bastion: Well this might make it worse

Dakota: How?

Alexis: We overheard some other students and apparently Henry is enrolled here

Dakota immediately stopped walking getting the other's attention

Chazz: Um am I missing something

Syrus: Henry was Judy's ex boyfriend and he arrived here and long story short he left with a broken wrist

Chazz: Sheesh Dakota hates him that much

Dakota: I don't hate him. I loath him

They soon got to the cafeteria and sat however Judy wasn't there

Dakota: Anyone seen Judy anywhere

Zane: She was buying her lunch

Dakota: I'll go look for her

Dakota left, but everyone had the same idea

All: We should follow him

When Dakota was looking for her his bad day didn't get better

Henry: Come on Judy just leave him

Judy: I said no now back off

Dakota: If a lady says no it means no dickhead

Henry and Judy looked to see Dakota while the others were behind him

Henry: Well look who it is

Dakota: Listen Henry I'm having a bad day right now, so leave Judy alone and we won't have problems

Henry: Oh~ you're in a bad mood well maybe this will fix it

Out of nowhere Henry kissed Judy not on the hand or cheek, but on her lips and that was the straw that broke the camel's back

Henry: Now I think I'm gaaaaah

Dakota immediately punched Henry across the face so hard a little bit of blood was on his fist

Henry: What's wrong Dakota mad that I kissed your...

Henry froze because Dakota's hair was covering his eyes, he was silent, and his straight face turned into a sadistic smile

(Like this)

After that he started to giggle sinisterly which caused Henry to run


Dakota: They always run

Dakota then grabbed a knife and went in the direction Henry went

The others followed him, but also kept a distance from him especially when he started singing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota was looking and listening for Henry until he arrived in front of Shepherd's office

Dakota slammed the doors open showing he was pissed and ready to kill

Dakota: Father have you seen a parasite named Henry I have to eradicate it before it spreads

Needless to say Joey was in absolute fear since he didn't know what his son was capable of if he wasn't calmed down

Joey: H-he's in the c-closet k-kid

Dakota: Thank you, aren't any of you going to stop me though?

Mai: Nope he's all yours

Kiaba: We agreed to let your dark side have a little fun

Yugi: Just don't forget to clean up the mess

Mokuba: Try not to go to far

All Dakota did was give the biggest psychotic and happiest smile he ever had

Dakota opened the closet doors and saw Henry sitting in front of him shaking dramatically with fear on his face

Dakota: Found you~ bitch

Henry was practically begging for his life until Dakota stabbed him in his stomach and continued to repeat this act

When Judy and the others saw Dakota all they saw was Dakota plunging the knife into his heart stopping his mixed screams and cries

When Dakota stood up his clothes and skin were practically covered in Henry's blood

Dakota: Dad can you wash this off please I need to change my outfit

Joey: Sure... thing

Dakota: I'm going to be honest my day just got a hell of a lot better

Dakota left to change his outfit and Judy finally spoke

Judy: So that's his true Yandere side

Mokuba: Apparently so, but if you ask me he had to much fun

Zane: Can't say I blame him after all he did kiss Judy

Bastion: Indeed remind me to never take acts like him

Alexis: Well he definitely is a protective boyfriend

Syrus: *sweating* I'm just glad we're friends right Chazz. Chazz?

Chazz was froze in fear only to be brought back by Alexis slapping him

Chazz: I could've died

Judy: Huh?

Chazz: All the times I messed with him and you he could've done THAT to me

Judy: Pretty much I guess he had a soft spot for you

Dakota returned in a new outfit with gloves, wet wipes and a body bag

Dakota: Well I got to clean up my mess

Everyone saw Dakota cleaning all the blood and stuffing Henry's body in the bag

Dakota: Hey Uncle Kaiba do you know a good place to hide this

Kaiba: Just dig a 12 foot hole put the body in it fill up the first six place a dead animal on top then fill the rest

Dakota: Thanks

Dakota left to hide Henry's body while the others just looked at Kiaba

Kiaba: What if he's going to hide a body he should hide it right

Joey: You do realize that you helped him in a murder

Kaiba: And you washed off the weapon he used what's your point

Joey: *inhales* Touché


Dakota was laying down on his bed when Judy walked in and joined him

Judy: Feeling better

Dakota: A little bit, so you're not concerned about sleeping with a murderer

Judy: Nope and I'm not afraid to kiss one either

Dakota: Good because I have to reclaim these lips as mine

Dakota and Judy started to make out before peacefully falling asleep

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter and yes I know there wasn't a duel mostly because I couldn't think of one and this was mostly involved with well you all know what happened so until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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