Dueling The Original Blue-Eyes

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It shows Dakota in the middle of a duel, but there was a slight difference Dakota lost after that he turned around to see Syrus and Judy surrounded by blue fire and asking for help

It stopped when Dakota was shook awake by Judy

Judy: Hey babe are you okay?

Dakota: Probably just another nightmare at least they're not happening every night

It then changes to Shepherd's office where Yugi and the others were speaking

Joey: Dakota sure has been acting anxious lately

Yugi: Well first he learned Judy lost to Camula and he did kill Henry last week

Kaiba: I think it's bigger than that actually

Mokuba: What do you mean bro

Kaiba: Dakota realizes that he's the strongest key keeper out of the rest of them, so he thinks if he loses the whole world is done for. Doesn't that remind you of someone Yugi

Yugi: Yeah, so what can we do?

Kaiba: I have just the perfect plan

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It then shows a building on the side of the island that looks like a mall on the inside as Syrus thought of an idea

Syrus: Come on Dakota I know what will cheer you up a nice dip in the academy wading pool

Dakota: I guess some swimming could help calm my nerves a little

It then shows Syrus jumping in the pool with an inner tube as Dakota and Judy were behind him

Syrus: Oh, yeah. This is the life, huh, guys? I mean could it get any better than this

Dakota: Sure it can Syrus like if you haven't jumped in with your towel

Syrus: Huh, and it was dryer fresh

Judy: Come on babe! The waters way warmer near Syrus

Dakota: Actually that's why I'm staying over here

Syrus: So Dakota you over that nightmare yet

Dakota: Hmm

Judy then gave Syrus a glare

Syrus: What? Look I ask cause I care, sorry Dakota

Dakota: Yeah, hmmm

Dakota then sank down into the water

Syrus: Hey Dakota?

Judy: *sarcastic* Nice going

Syrus then blushed in embarrassment as Dakota surfaced on the other side of the pool with Syrus's towel in his hand

Dakota: Hey, guys look what I found

Syrus: My towel

Dakota: Yours? No yours was dryer fresh, this one's a wet mess

Syrus: You'll be messing with me if you don't give it wait up

Someone than tossed a bucket of water on Syrus as it showed it was Chazz who did it

Chazz: Take a chill pill short stack

Dakota: Hey what's new Chazzaroo

Chazz: That's cute

Dakota: Why thank you thought of it all by myself, so wanna hang out

Chazz: With you? Ha, that's a good laugh slacker

Just then stream of water hit Chazz in the face that was done by Syrus as he stuck his tongue out

Syrus: And that's an even better one

Chazz: You're gonna pay for that

Syrus: Ooh? I don't think so cause that was priceless

Chazz then dove after Syrus chasing him

Chazz: I'm gonna chazz you up

Both Judy and Dakota watch as they were water fighting

Judy: So you feeling better

Dakota: Maybe, but I might need to feel you to be sure

Judy: Down boy

Dakota: Aww come on~

Dakota then tried to start a game of tackle Marco Polo only for Judy to dive and swim to Chazz and Syrus for human shields

As Dakota was still under water he thought back to when Zane lost his soul and Judy was a vampire

Dakota: *thought* With what's been going on again it's no wonder why I had that nightmare

Judy and Syrus were playing monkey in the middle with Chaz's towel as Chazz was well the monkey as Dakota surfaced and started to talk to himself

Dakota: After all I thought all evil was destroyed and I could duel for fun again. *thought* Now it's just about winning again because if I lose I'll be losing more than just a simple game

Kidmodo Dragon: *roars*

Dakota: Huh? Kidmodo Dragon

Dakota then started to follow the dragon's little roars leaving behind his towel

Syrus and Judy came back only to find Dakota's towel, but no Dakota

Syrus: Hey Dakota?

Judy: Where'd he go? Huh? Winged Kuriboh?

Judy started to follow the Kuriboh in the same direction Dakota did

Syrus: Judy? Hey.

It then shows Chazz wringing out his towel on a rock

Chazz: There should be a kiddie pool for those slackers, or better yet just wet them down with a hose

Unfortunately for Chazz Ojama Yellow appeared

Ojama Y: Yeah I'm with ya boss

Chazz then swatted Ojama Yellow into the water

Chazz: You're not with me. You got that? So go on. Get

Ojama Y: Alright, fine I got to get to the spirit festival anyhow

This got Chazz's attention

Chazz: Spirit festival?

It then shows Dakota still in the water, but just up to his knees

Dakota: Huh? Kidmodo? Huh? Shit!

As Dakota to one small step he plummeted into the pool's depth until he ended up somewhere he didn't know with his clothes on

Dakota: Huh? What the? Who the?

Dakota then looked in front of him and one thing came to his mind

Dakota: Wait am I in the Duel Spirit world

???: Yes you are Dakota

???: Did you enjoy the fall?

Dakota looked up and saw Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes

Dakota: Wow sorry to drop in on you guys or out or whatever. Incoming

Dakota moved from his spot as three others dropped in

Chazz: What's going on here?

Judy: Huh? Hey how are we back in our clothes?

Syrus: My glasses! I can't see without them

Someone then picked up Syrus's glasses and gave them to him

Syrus: Thanks Judy

Judy: That's not me Syrus and it looks like we're in some kind of spirit world

Syrus: Wait? Judy?

Syrus turned around only to see Blue-Eyes Magician Girl

Syrus: Blue-Eyes Magician Girl?!


She then saw Dakota stand up and got excited

BEMG: Master!

Dakota: Huh? Gah!

Dakota was then back on the ground due to female magician form of his Blue-Eyes who got up and helped him

Chazz: This is weird it's like a bunch of duel monsters have come to life

Ojama Y: Cool huh?

Dakota: Try bizarre. I honestly never thought I'd end up here again

???: Who are you calling bizarre

Dakota then turned and to see who spoke and was actually shocked

Dakota: Huh?! Kiabaman?!

Everyone was in slight shock seeing this

Dakota: Wait, so did you bring us here? Are you the one in charge of this place? Wait a minute or is this just some whole shadow rider scheme?!

Kiabaman: Hmm. You ask a lot of questions more than I remember anyways, but unfortunately you won't be getting any answers unless you take me on in a duel now

Kiabaman then activated his duel disk as Dakota did as well in response using the one he got for his birthday

Kiabaman: From the looks of you I say you accept my challenge, but from what I sense I'm not so sure. I sense fear

Dakota: Grr

Kiabaman: Yes, deep fear that you'll lose and you and your friends will pay most dearly

Syrus: What's this guy talking about Dakota

Judy: This is about your dream isn't it Dakota

Chazz: Look if you're all scared I'll duel him

Dakota however stood his ground

Kiabaman: No? Not backing down well then you can look forward to facing this card

Kiabaman showed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Dakota: The Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

Chazz: That's one powerful beast you know on second thought I think I'll sit this one out

Syrus: Uh, Dakota

Judy: Can we go back to the pool now?

Kiabaman: What's wrong you look scared like you've seen a ghost Dakota

Dakota: Try a nightmare, but still I won't run! Now, Kiabaman let's give all these monsters a show!

Both: Let's duel!

Kiabaman: 4000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota: I'll be going first. First I'll use Graceful Charity to draw 3 cards from my deck, but I have to discard two. Now I use Monster Reborn to bring back Darkblaze Dragon and because of his effect his attack and defense points double and I'll even equip him with Dragon Shield

Judy: Sweet that means Darkblaze has 2400 attack points

Chazz: *thought* Rumor is that card was created by Kiaba himself guess it wouldn't hurt to ask the fire breather after this duel if he wins that is cause this is going to be tough

Dakota: *thought* Talk about dreams come true just last night I dreamt about dueling a dragon and no doubt about he has a lot of them I just hope that this doesn't go the same as the nightmare did with my friends and girlfriend in deep trouble cause I failed. I have to win!

Kiabaman: Wishing you'd back out now? To late, my move. I place one card face down and summon forth myself Kiabaman!

Syrus: Woah I'm seeing double

Chazz: And trouble

Kiabaman: And now I'll sacrifice him to bring out the one and the only

Dakota: Tch not him

Kiabaman: You better believe it's him. I summon the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Feast your eyes on the beast that will feast upon your souls!

Dakota: Our souls?!

Chazz: This could be a very short duel

Syrus: 3000 attack points?

Kiabaman: Yes, and now watch them all in action! Blue-Eyes destroy Darkblaze Dragon! White Lightning!

Dakota: Sorry Kiabaman, but since Dragon shield is equipped to Darkblaze he can't be targeted for an attack also none of us receive damage from him

Kiabaman: That's what you think I activate the trap Magic Jammer by discarding one card your dragon shield is gone

Dakota: Err

Dakota: 3400 LP

Syrus: Well at least Darkblaze's effect made Dakota take less damage

Dakota: Alright my move! First I'll be turning two monsters into one! You should know your not the only one who has a Blue-Eyes and I fuse him with Red-Eyes to bring out Shining Darkness Dragon! Oh and just wait till you see his effect

Judy: Yeah cause for every dragon on both their fields and in their graveyards Shining Darkness gains 200 attack points each

Chazz: Meaning that Dakota's dragon can withstand that Blue-Eyes since it just gained 600 attack points making it have 4400

Dakota: Take that!

Kiabaman: No, I'll take this! The spell card Pot of Greed! It let's me draw two more cards from my deck, but I will only need one! Burst Stream of Destruction

Dakota: Wait isn't that Blue-Eyes attack though?

Chazz: Yeah what's the deal with it being a separate card?

Kiabaman: You're about to find out. You see I can only use this when Blue-Eyes is out and since he is I can use this to destroy all of your monsters

Dakota: What?!

Kiabaman: Go! Obliterate Shining Darkness! Burst Stream of Destruction!

Judy: No!

Syrus: Aw man now Dakota's exposed and when Blue-Eyes attack it'll be all over

Chazz: Read the fine print. Blue-Eyes can't attack on the turn that card is activated

Kiabaman: It won't matter I summon Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands and now he lends me a hand see when he's summoned he allows me to select a ritual monster or spell card from my deck and place it into my hand, but it won't stay in my hand for long because I'm playing it. Go White Dragon Ritual. Now I'll sacrifice Manju to summon Paladin of White Dragon. Like I said it doesn't matter if Blue-Eyes can't attack this turn because Paladin will fit in fine. Sure he might not be a dragon, but he's managed to tame one and in my book that's tough. Now, Paladin of White Dragon attack! Ionic Spear Burst!

Dakota: 1500 LP

Syrus: Dakota

Kiabaman: I'm not done yet, by sacrificing Paladin I can special summon another monster from my hand or deck and it's one you already met. Care to guess which Dakota

Dakota: For once, no

Kiabaman: Let me give you a hint then it has blue eyes, white scales it's the Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Dakota: Another?!

Syrus: This is bad one was hard enough. Now Dakota has to face two

Chazz: Looks like the card created by Kiaba is a chip off the old block Dakota just better hope that deck of his isn't a exact copy or he's in for it

Kiabaman: It's your move

Dakota: Finally, now I activate Monster Reincarnation

Judy: Sweet by discarding one card he can get a monster back from the grave

Dakota: Alright goodbye White Stone of Legend and Hello to Blue-Eyes

Syrus: Now if Kiabaman attacks he'll destroy his own dragon alright

Kiabaman: You're trying to hide behind that puny thing again. Pathetic

Dakota: No way I'm tired of running even though I'm happy to have my Blue-Eyes back I'm even happier to have White Stone of Legend in the graveyard because now I can add a Blue-Eyes from my deck to my hand. Now I play Ancient Rules to summon him! Now I contact fuse my two Blue-Eyes to summon Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon!

Chazz: They'll still destroy each other

Dakota: Not quite because Twin Burst Dragon has three effects. Now Twin Burst attack the Blue-Eyes on the right! Oh and one of his effects is Twin Burst can't be destroyed by battle, so only your Blue-Eyes is getting blasted.

Chazz: Woah. Dakota actually did it

Dakota: I'm just getting started too because as his name states Twin Burst can attack twice. Now attack his second Blue-Eyes my mighty dragon!

Dakota's Blue-Eyes was able to destroy both dragons in one turn having the three watch in awe

Dakota: Heh and to think I was worried I'd lose well not anymore

Kiabaman: Hmm. Is that so?

Dakota: Yeah after all like in a duel you have to make the right moves and something like your fear won't happen

Kiabaman: Not happen? Anything can happen

Dakota: Huh?

Kiabaman: Do you really think by beating both my Blue-Eyes you won this duel you avoided your defeat you feared? I think not. I think not you're a long way from winning this contest and Blue-Eyes is a long way from being beaten

Dakota: You're bluffing!

Kiabaman: It's true though like it or not you and your friends all still hang in the balance you have to except that and face it head on

Dakota: Wait that sounds familiar

Kiabaman: It should because this is how a true duelist lives not afraid of the thought of defeat, but always prepare to accept it. This is the nature of dueling and it is high time that you learn it. I play Silent Doom and Monster Reborn bringing back both of my Blue-Eyes

Both Blue-Eyes were back one in attack mode the other in defense mode

Kiabaman: Next I play Polymerization

Dakota: Wait this means...

Chazz: It's the same

Syrus: What's the same?

Chazz: Kiabaman's deck is exactly the same deck as Seto Kiaba's

Dakota: That means

Kiabaman: That means I still have one more Blue-Eyes and I can therefore summon the all powerful Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

All: *gasp*

Kiabaman: Behold the most mighty and devastating dragon of them all

Dakota: That's... the same dragon from my nightmare, but it can't be

Kiabaman: It can be and it gets worse with 4500 attack points staring at you that defeat you dreamt will now become a reality. Now go Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack with Neutron Blast!

Dakota: Not yet I activate De-fusion which splits your Ultimate Dragon into the three original Blue-Eyes! You say I should accept defeat sorry, but that's not the duelist I am

Judy: Alright!

Syrus: Way to play!

Chazz: No way

Dakota thought he would win this duel until he saw Kiabaman smile a sign which always meant something bad

Kiabaman: If you won't accept defeat then I guess I have to force it on you I activate Raigeki which destroys all of your monsters

Dakota: Damnit

Kiabaman: Now my Blue-Eyes attack with White Lightning!

All three Blue-Eyes attacked Dakota bringing his points to zero

Dakota: 0 LP

Dakota then heard Kidmodo roar and got up

Dakota: Syrus! Judy!

Fortunately Dakota saw they weren't hurt and unharmed until he looked up and saw Kiabaman

Kiabaman: Defeat is nothing to be afraid of Dakota. What matters is if you can get up after

Dakota was able to get up to his feet again, but was still confused a little bit

Dakota: Wait you're saying this whole duel was to teach me that?

Kiabaman: Tell me are you afraid now?

Dakota: Actually, I'm not

Kiabaman: And do you know why? Because you faced it, you lost and you're okay. I'm pretty sure you're family taught you that

It finally hit Dakota realizing that every member of his family was defeated and yet they all still managed to push through

Syrus: Dakota

Judy: Babe

Kiabaman: And so are they

Dakota: Judy, Syrus you know what I think I'm over that bad dream

Chazz: Yeah well I'm over this place can we please get out of this weird spirit cave. It's low rent.

Dakota: Uh, Kiabaman think you can help us out

Unfortunately he was gone and only Kidmodo was seen

Kiabaman: If you're looking for help ask your friend Kidmodo after all he's the one who brought you down here. Goodbye, Dakota.

Kidmodo: *roars*

Dakota: You sure Kidmodo we just close our eyes and wish for it

The four of them did as told as they were blasted back up into the water

The Slifer trio was walking back to their dormitory while having conversation

Syrus: This is the first time I left the wading pool more wound up than when I came in. I'm just glad we're back in a world where Winged Kuriboh and Kidmodo Dragon are just cards. You know what I mean guys

Dakota was still walking as Kidmodo's spirit was on his shoulder

Dakota: I'll tell you what I know Kidmodo. Who I owe a big fat thank you to

Kidmodo: *roars happily*

Dakota: You're the best, thanks pal

Kidmodo roared one last time before disappearing

Dakota: By the way Sy I still have your towel

Syrus: What? Give it!

Dakota: Sure

Dakota then spun the towel around and rat tailed Syrus as an audible snap was heard

Next up on The Dragon Emperor. Chazz's brothers Slade and Jagger force Chazz to duel them with the deed to Duel Academy is being put on the line, but Chazz has to create a deck of his own with mostly weak monsters. On top of that someone that Dakota hates entirely is back however he agrees to duel him if Dakota wins he'll never bother him again, but if he loses he'll be forced to live with him. Now Chazz and Dakota decide to make it more entertaining by making it a tag team duel. Will they win for everyone to stay at Duel Academy and for Dakota to live his own life? Find out! Next time on The Dragon Emperor: Family Feud

Yes haha it's finally time to unleash the ULTIMATE DRAGON DUO BABY! As you can tell I really love the sibling rivalry episode of GX and having it be a tag team with Chazz's brother and Dakota's father vs Chazz and Dakota I'm really excited and for those who are wondering Chazz will be using his armed dragon archetype, but the rest of the deck will be weak monsters also I might publish one or two chapters now until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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