Revival of the Egyptian Gods: Slifer

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We see aircraft's flying in the air

Man: Attention all air craft I know it's been along journey fighting off mig intruders, taking on attack subs it seems the whole world has tried to infiltrate our defenses, but it's about to all pay off we're about to reach our final objective and with the pay load safe. This is the moment we've been waiting for men. The moment Duel Academy gets their new rare cards.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

While Dakota is sleeping along with Judy cuddling up to him and Syrus is well he's praying to a picture of Slifer the Sky Dragon

Syrus: Please please please let me ace my exam or I'll be stuck wearing this red blazer forever not that there's anything wrong with red of course I mean it looks great on you slifer I want to be in Ra yellow please give me a sign that will help

Just then Dakota's alarm went off

Syrus: SLIFER?! Oh it was just the alarm clock and of course Dakota and Judy sleep right through it. How can they be so relaxed when there's so much at stake. Dakota wake up if you or Judy miss these tests you'll never advance to the next dorm

Judy: Wrong! Cause I set a trap
Dakota: Blue-eyes attack

Syrus: Why can't they ever be dreaming in defense mode when I wake them

Boy 1: Duh Syrus you shouldn't wake them at all

Boy 2: Just think about it after are written test is our field test and Dakota and Judy are insane when they duel so they should sleep right through it

Boy 3: Yeah I heard when Dakota's serious he shows nothing, but pure destruction


Judy: Boy that banner can cook

Dakota: I'll say a 5 course breakfast, Damn

Judy: Excuse us

Dakota: Coming through

Dakota: Hold on Ugh to be nice people or to be on time

Judy: Well since we're hardly on time

Dakota: Never fear for Dakota and Judy are here

???: Ph thank you, you must be from the auto club

Judy: Hey don't let the red jacket fool you I'm just your average good deed girl

Dakota: Plus my mom has always taught me to be a gentleman

???: Isn't that nice

Judy: What would be nice is if we pushed

???: Thank you

Dakota: No sweat now I can skip the gym haha

???: You both are so sweet I'll remember this

Judy: How bout next time you just remember that extended warranty

Banner: Remember class you have 45 minute left

Syrus: (sleep talking) Which counters a field spell which counters...

Judy: I didn't know this was an oral exam Syrus

Dakota: Or maybe sleep will be better than an all night slifer seance

Chazz: You two plan to keep it down some of us plan to pass this test

Dakota: Oh shove it up your ass rich boy

Judy: Hey we always plan on passing it just never works out that way

Dakota: Well for you mostly judy

Banner: Oh Judy and Dakota why don't you come down and take you exam

Dakota: No problem cya later Chazz Puketon and later my little slifer

As Dakota went for his exams Judy blushed while chazz was beyond pissed

Alexis: *thoughts* They better be we're 15 minutes into this thing they'll be lucky to even finish

Bastion: *thoughts* Look at them tardy, puerile if only they applied themselves they'd be great duelists

Alexis: *thoughts* I hope you two know what you're doing

As Dakota already finished his test he's relaxing while Syrus and Judy are sleeping and Crowler watching them from outside the door

Crowler: You may be able to dream your way through this exam Judy and Dakota, but believe me when your field test starts it'll be a nightmare

As the tests continue Dakota is in ancient Egypt talking to the gods again

Dakota: So these 3 Sacred Beasts are like down graded versions of you three

Slifer: Yes Dakota, but they're much more destructive then us

Obelisk: They will destroy the very world

Ra: If they're not stopped that is

Dakota: Thanks well I gotta go

Dakota than wakes up and sees bastion trying to wake up Syrus and Judy

Dakota: I got this bastion

Bastion: Be my guest





Dakota: Calm down you two the tests are over

Bastion: Also the new rare cards are here

Dakota: So dats why everyone ran outta here like a black friday sale huh?

Judy: So why are you both still here

Bastion: Please, one erragant card and my whole decks delicate balance would be completely thrown off

Dakota: Why would I need rare cards when I got the most powerful dragons at my disposal

Alexis: Plus I already upgraded my deck with a little help from Dakota

Dakota: No prob Alexis, well let's go anyways remember what we say Judy

Judy: Oh yeah there's nothing like the smell of new cards in the morning

As judy, Syrus, Alexis, bastion, and Dakota made it to the shack no one was there

Dakota: Well this is what a Black Friday sale usually looks like in the end

Bastion: This is quite the delema

Alexis: Tell me about it

Judy: Excuse me miss do you still have some cards left

Counter girl: Of course we have some left, but only regular packs here ya go

Judy/Syrus: We said some not one

Syrus: I'm done for first I fail my written test now I'm gonna fail my field test cause I can't upgrade my deck

Judy: So take it Syrus

Syrus: This is the last pack though judy what if you fail

Dakota: That's the thing Syrus Judy may flunk, but she never fails

???: Yoo-hoo auto club

Judy: Oh hey you work here too

???: No I don't work here I own here pretty cool huh?

Judy: No that's not cool that's sweet

Dakota: Dats totally badass

Syrus: Dakota, Judy how do you know her

Dakota: I think it was da carburetor

???: Oh and I got something here too

???: Just call it a thank you for helping me

Judy: Thanks I'm Judy Yuki by the way

Dakota: Dakota Wheeler pleasure to meet you

Mrs.Dorothy: I'm mrs.Dorothy oh that reminds me apparently you got a letter Dakota

Dakota: Hmm let me see dat

Dakota was than handed the letter and a note was on it that read the following

Dakota: Dear, Dakota these cards are made not only to help you duel, but to become the best duelist ever with love your whole family and Pegasus

Dakota looked in the letter and saw 2 other red-eyes, two new fusion cards, and what shocked him most the three Egyptian Gods

Judy: Hey aren't those

Dakota: Yes Judy they're the 3 Egyptian Gods now they're mine

Meanwhile with chazz

OB 1: Then this guy shows up and takes all the new cards I mean everyone

OB 2: So we couldn't get you any chazz sorry

Chazz: You want to know what's sorry you guys that's what, but it doesn't matter cause no duelist can beat me no matter what deck they use

Crowler: Unless that duelist happens to be Dakota Wheeler

Chazz: Who's there

Crowler: Someone who suspects and despises Dakota as much as I do

OB 1: That's the sticky fingers who took the rare cards

Crowler: Cards? What cards? You mean these cards

The man in disguise opens his jacket showing all the cards in his jacket

OB 2: Woah now days style

OB 2: Talk about having a card up your sleeve

Crowler: What's the matter chazz don't recognize me well how bout now

Chazz: Crowler... You know you looked better with that on

Crowler: Yes, well I have a plan to make us all look good and make Dakota Wheeler look like the cut rate duelist he is. I want you to be his opponent for his field test and use these rare cards to beat him

Chazz: But we're not in the same dorm they won't let me be his test opponent

Crowler: They I am they you just have to make sure to beat Dakota with these cards

Crowler: *thoughts* Cause I want to see what his true power is


Dakota: Wait I'm dueling an obelisk and it's chazz

Crowler : That's right Dakota since you talk a big game I pulled some strings for you so you got the challenge you deserve. So congratulations you'll be dueling one of the top ranked duelists here what an honor. I hope you were able to snag up a lot of rare cards so your deck is up to snuff

Dakota: Believe me I only needed to get 7 new cards

Syrus: *thoughts* I got a bad feeling about this

Bastion: *thoughts* This is clearly a trap only a fool will agree to it

Dakota: I'll do it so you better be fired up chazz cause I'm showing no mercy

Crowler: Indeed in front of the whole school where everyone can watch

Chazz: Yeah watch you get slammed by me

Both: DUEL

Chazz: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota: No excuses this time chazz

Chazz: Bring it slifer slacker

Dakota: Oh it's brought

Dakota looked at his hand and saw kidmodo dragon, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, red-eyes black dragon, pot of greed

Dakota: Alright first I play Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and I'll end my turn

Chazz: Well that kid is about to be stomped

Dakota: Bring it on

Chazz: Don't think for a second that little dragon is going to stop me or against this

Chazz:*thoughts* Appreciate the rare cards Crowler

Chazz: Fresh off the presses meet magical mallet

Dakota: What's that

Chazz: A redo any card I don't want in my hand I put back in my deck then shuffle and redraw pretty cool don't you think

Syrus: What?!

Judy: A rare card on his first draw

Bastion: A very dangerous one at that now chazz can pick which cards he wants

Alexis: And which ones he doesn't want

Chazz: I'm not done yet because you see Dakota I can reshuffle magical mallet too which I just did. It also comes in handy when I'm looking for this the V-Tiger Jet sharpen your claws for attack mode and check out the magic of frontline base it let's me summon a level for or below monster this turn and I have just the one I play W-Wing Catapult, gentlemen start your engines and merge to form VW-Tiger Catapult and then there's his special ability

Dakota: Not good

Syrus: Give me a break

Judy: Is this guys turn gonna end sometime this century

Chazz: By sending a card to the graveyard I can switch one of your monsters to attack mode. So now attack with Heatseeker Blitz from my Tiger Catapult. Your life points are toast

Dakota: 2100 LP

Crowler: My goodness perhaps Dakota can't play with the big boys after all maybe he isn't as good as everyone thinks

Chazz: I'll end my turn with one card face down

Dakota: Heh thanks chazz caused you just set off Kidmodo Dragons effect

Crowler: *gasps*

Chazz: What?!

Dakota: Since my monster was destroyed in battle I can pick any dragon monster in my hand and I choose RED-EYES DARKNESS METAL DRAGON and I'll activate his effect allowing me to summon RED-EYES BLACK DRAGON and I'll activate my pot of greed giving me two cards

Dakota draws Alexandrite dragon and Negate attack

Dakota: *thoughts* Alright now all I gotta do is just hope here now I'm really burning up chazz and you're about to see why, but I'll end my turn by putting one card face down

Syrus: Dakota taking a pretty risky move going out in attack

Bastion: Indeed especially if chazz has what I think he has

Judy: Don't worry guys Dakota isn't breaking a sweat

Alexis: *thoughts* She's right I just hope Dakota knows what he's doing

Chazz: Ready for round two you slifer slime well X-Cannonhead is and thanks to frontline base so is Z-Metal Tank

Dakota: X and Z oh boy

Syrus: Wait X and Z that means

Chazz: Now I play my face down card call of the haunted in case you ignored that class this allows me to bring back a monster from my graveyard and I choose

Judy: It's him

Bastion: He has it

Chazz: That's right Y-Dragon head now I combine x, y, and z to create XYZ-Dragon Cannon

Bastion: Now chazz has two monsters with more than 2000 attack points,

Chazz: But wait Dakota cause there's more actually less you see they say 2 is better than 1 especially when the one in question is the V-Z Dragon Catapult and his effect activates which gets rid of your red-eyes black dragon now Dragon Catapult attack

Dakota: I don't think so I now activate negate attack this stops your entire battle phase

Chazz: Then next turn your done I guess your parents never raised you properly and your friend Judy is just a waist of space

Hearing this caused Dakota to have his hair covering his eyes and growing a malicious smile that everyone saw

Judy: Uh-oh

Syrus: Umm what's up with Dakota

Dakota was then giggling silently then it turned to him laughing like a psychopath

Bastion: Care to explain Judy

Alexis: Yeah I never seen him like this before

Judy: Well Dakota has this anger complex how you have seen him is his happy self, but if someone insults people he cares for he goes to this and it's not a pretty sight

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Chazz: What how?!


Chazz: Wait you mean?!

Crowler: Is he doing what I think he's doing

Dakota: COME ON OUT SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON NOW I PLAY CARD OF SANCTITY allowing both of us to draw 6 cards

Chazz: 6?! That means

Dakota: That's right Slifer now has 6000 attack points. NOW SLIFER ATTACK DRAGON CATAPULT WITH THUNDER FORCE ATTACK

Chazz: 1000 LP

Dakota: Now Alexandrite dragon attack chazz directly

Chazz: 0 LP

Dakota: Don't you disrespect my family or friends again you good for nothing shit stain

Dakota's eyes still held rage and chazz walked off Judy,Syrus, and bastion walked up as shepherd spoke

Syrus: Hey Dakota

Dakota: Hmm oh sup Syru...

Dakota was then cut off by Judy kissing him he wouldn't normally be embarrassed well if it wasn't in front of the entire school

Judy: Now everyone knows your mine

Dakota: I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later

Shepherd: That was well-played Dakota not in the history of our academy has a slifer went up against an obelisk in these exams, Dakota not only did you hold your own, but you summoned an Egyptian god and won. Your courage and pure determination is inspiring and it is with great pride that I grant you promotion to Ra Yellow. Fantastic job *thoughts* and you might be the one to stop these sacred beasts

Syrus: Ra Yellow your the best Dakota

Dakota: Ahaha I do what I can

Judy: That's MY BOYFRIEND for you

Bastion: Great job Dakota allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Ra dorms

Dakota: Thanks


Syrus: It's definitely going to be a lot quieter with Dakota gone

Judy: I knew he wouldn't be a red for long


Judy: Dakota what are you doing here

Dakota: Uh news flash Judy I live here and it wouldn't be the same without you two

Judy then jumps on Dakota causing him to fall on the floor with Judy kissing him deeply

Dakota: Heh you just don't want me to leave do you

Judy: Nope and because of that I'm never letting you go

Hi everyone so I hope you enjoyed this chapter of dragon emperor next will introduce obelisk

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