The Shadow Duelist and Obelisk's Torment

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We see Judy, Dakota, and Syrus all asleep, but Dakota keeps tossing and turning

Dakota's Nightmare

Dakota: Huh where is everyone. Judy, Syrus, Alexis, Chazz are you even out there. I swear if you guys are pranking me then you better stay hidden

Dakota keep looking around the island then saw something that he hoped to never see... all of his friends were on the ground barely alive

Dakota: JUDY. Come on Judy wake up

Judy: Sorry Dakota guess I got in over my head

Dakota: No don't say that

A deep voice then spoke up

???: Heh it's to late she's already trapped in the shadow realm

Dakota: Grr Who are you

Before Dakota could get an answer a flash of light was blinded Dakota as he woke up

End nightmare


As Dakota screamed he fell from his top bunk

Dakota: That wasn't just a dream. I got to tell uncle yugi along with kiaba

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota was talking to two people in shepherd's room on the tv as they were having a slight problem and Dakota telling them his nightmare

Dakota: Then it ended with a flash of light

Kiaba: Are you sure this was a vision Dakota

Dakota: You know as well as I do that the dreams I have are no laughing matter uncle kiaba

Yugi: Kiaba you know Dakota isn't one to lie about things like this especially if it involves the shadow realm

Kiaba: *sighs* Do you remember seeing anything familiar or odd

Dakota: All I saw was something that looked like a run downed dorm

Kiaba: The abandoned Dorm, Dakota all I can tell you is be very careful right now

Dakota: Well with the danger my family gets in I can't really make any promises. Bye uncle kiaba. By uncle yugi

Kiaba: Bye

Yugi: Stay safe

Dakota: Sure thing

Dakota then turned off the tv and left the room to do his own thing

Later that night

Syrus: And underneath the light of a full moon I see a path to a cavern that seems... abandoned

Judy: Oh really then what happened

Syrus: Then at the back of the cavern I see a mysterious lake, so I go in to look very carefully and under the right angle of light at the very bottom of the lake beyond my reflection I see a rare and powerful card naturally I go in to grab it but before I know it. A giant arm pops out grabs me and starts pulling me into the lake. Help me not the water, anything but the water

Dakota: WEAK

Judy: Aw waters not that scary

Syrus: Not even dirty swamp water

Dakota: Oh grow up Syrus

Syrus: Oh your right only a chump would be scared of that

Dakota: Alright my turn

Dakota draws a card and it's a level 7

Dakota: Nice

Judy: Ooo okay codes tell us what you got

Syrus: Judy are you sure about this

Dakota: Well I have heard of this legend

Judy and Syrus: Legend?

Dakota: Well there's a legend that the duel monsters are real

Syrus: REAL?!

Dakota: At first I didn't think it was true until I was 10 that is

Judy: Well what happened

Dakota: I really don't know much, but I'd wake up hearing sounds I never heard and the only thing I saw after the noises were gone was just my dragon deck. Not only that, but I started to hear them actually talk

Banner: Ahahaha hey I want to join in on the fright fest

All: Ahhhhh

Judy: We're kind of on the edge of our seats here

Dakota: Well I think my heart just stopped and Syrus is more off his seat then on the edge, but since your here I'll explain

Dakota: The rules are simple the higher the level the card is the scarier your story has to be

Banner: That seems simple enough

Banner then drew the 5-headed dragon

Judy: Woah a level 12

Dakota: Welp I'm going to bed have to get good nights sleep right Syrus

Syrus: For once we agree

Banner: Oh,but don't you want to hear about the abandoned dorm

Dakota: Wait abandoned dorm?

Banner: This dorm was unfortunately shut down after several students went missing

Syrus: Where did they go

Banner: Well that's the mystery, but some say it has to do with the shadow games

Dakota: WAIT WHAT?!

Everyone looked at Dakota seeing him pissed off more then usual

Dakota: Who was stupid enough to bring them back?!

Judy: Dakota is something wrong also weren't the items called millennium items

Dakota: Oh nothing wrong unless you count when you lose a shadow game you lose your soul wrong

Syrus: Wait you lose your soul too?

Judy: Dakota you don't really believe in this do you?

Dakota: Judy the shadow realm is as real as we are I should know cause my dad and mom were sent there by Marik. Now there's one thing to do

Judy: What's that

Dakota: Calling my two uncles that's what

Dakota then calls kaiba Corp

Roland: Kaiba Corp and who is this

Dakota: Not in the mood Roland I need to talk with kaiba or Mokuba

Roland: Guh yes sir

Roland goes to find mokuba and hands him the phone

Mokuba: Hello Mokuba speaking

Dakota: Hey Mokuba I need you or kaiba to stop bye Duel academy fast

Mokuba: How fast

Dakota: Faster then my dad getting wrecked by kaiba

Mokuba: You got it

After that Judy decides they should go check it out and with Dakota knowing Judy there was no stopping her apparently Crowler was eavesdropping the whole conversation

Crowler: This is just the opportunity I've been waiting for. *thoughts* I think it's time the shadow games made a comeback and let's see if Dakota has what it takes

In the morning at duel academy Judy, Dakota, and Syrus are sleeping through class... again and Crowler is watching

Crowler: *thoughts* Sleeping through another class yet again, but you'll have a make up lesson soon enough. A lesson in the shadow games that is

Crowler and the shadow duelist are on the pier

SD: So what's my job
(SD stands for shadow duelist)

Crowler: Your job is to challenge a certain someone to see how strong he really is

SD: Hmph fine

Meanwhile Dakota, Judy, and Syrus are searching for the abandoned dorm

Judy: I mean you could look at it as being lost

Dakota: Or you could just say we've been to places where it's not

Syrus: Why can't we go back to the dorms guys

Dakota: What's wrong Syrus afraid we'll run into *sarcastic ghost noise* dirty swamp water

Syrus: Haha very funny

Dakota: Oh why thank- mph

Syrus: Uh Dakota you still there

Syrus heard nothing as he was still following Judy until he heard Dakota's voice, but a little ghostly

Dakota: Oh syrus~

Syrus: Y-yeah Dakota

Syrus then turned around to meet Dakota with his flashlight in his face

Dakota: Boo

Syrus: Wahhh

Dakota: Pfff ahahahahaha you should've seen the look on your face

Syrus: You nearly scared me to death

Dakota: Heh oh come on don't be such a scaredy-cat

As they continue to walk they found the dorm then a rose and finally Alexis

Dakota: Sup Alexis

Syrus: Alexis what are you doing here

Alexis: Funny I was going to ask you the same thing

Judy: We heard about the abandoned dorm and wanted to check it out

Dakota: Correction you wanted to check it out I'm here so you don't do something stupid

Alexis: Well that's not very intelligent don't you know kids have away of disappearing here

Judy: Oh come on it's just an urban myth. Right Dakota?

Dakota: I'm not so sure about that

Alexis: He's right Judy it's not just a myth believe me I know why else would the academy make this place completely forbidden they catch you here and they'll expel you Judy

Judy: Yeah so why are you here

Alexis: I have my reasons!

Dakota: Woah settle down alexis

Judy: Look we just wanted to look around we'll stay out of your way

Dakota: Again you wanted to look around

Alexis: Look it's just that

Syrus: Just that what

Alexis: One of the kids who disappeared here was my brother

Dakota:*thoughts* That explains the rose and like the rest of them this shadow duel is going to end here and now

Syrus: If Alexis's brother really disappeared then the rumors aren't just rumors

Before any of them could speak Dakota jumped the wire and ran to the abandoned dorm

Judy: Dakota hold on

Syrus: Hey wait up

As the three slifer's entered the dorm Judy was listing stuff so they could move in and Syrus ask about the markings

Dakota: Simple Syrus they're hieroglyphics as in ancient egyptian markings and if I had to guess these are the 7 millennium items

Syrus: Woah... hey where's Judy

Dakota: I thought she was beside you

Just then they heard two screams they knew to well

Syrus: That was Alexis

Dakota: Yeah along with Judy come on

Dakota and Syrus ran through the dorm and came to a room and found two cards that belonged to them

Syrus: Isn't this Alexis's card

Dakota: Yeah and this is judy's let's go

Syrus: Go where?

Dakota: The only way they could've gone hurry up

As Dakota and Syrus run through the hall they see Alexis and Judy in some type of coffin

Syrus: Alexis

Dakota: Judy

SD: They can't hear you they're far away locked away in the shadow realm

Dakota: Bring them back

SD: Heh sorry no can do unless you beat me in a shadow game

Syrus: Shadow game?! Dakota you can't do that if you lose you lose your soul

Dakota: Heh a duel in the shadow realm been there and done dat. Relax Sy besides have you ever seen me lose a duel before

Syrus: No

Dakota: Then trust me

SD: Even you should know there's a first time for everything

Dakota: Enough talk you masked freak are we gonna talk or duel

SD: Hmph. Fine, but if you lose those girls are mine along with you

Dakota: Grrr. Well I just hope your fired up don't worry girls I'll get you out

Both: Duel

SD: 4000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota looked at his hand and noticed he had Kidmodo dragon, red-eyes darkness Metal Dragon, 2 red-eyes, and mountain

Dakota: Hmm I can make this work

SD: Prepare yourself to enter the shadows. I summon infernal queen archfiend in attack mode

Dakota: An archfiend monster?

SD: Yes and now every monster with archfiend in it's name gains 1000 attack points

Syrus: Be careful Dakota

Dakota: Heh I already knew and I also know you gotta pay life points to keep them out on the field during every stand by phase of your turn

SD: Heh no I don't not after activating the spell card pandemonium. Now not only I don't have to pay life points anymore every monster destroyed I get to add another fiend monster to my hand. Now I know what your thinking your friends faith is all, but sealed well your right

Dakota: Alexis, Judy

Syrus: Hey that's not fair what have you done

SD: The same thing I'll do to you if you continue to pester and annoy me

Dakota: Hey I'm the only who gets to make threats at Syrus

Syrus: Yeah... wait what?

Dakota: My draw

Dakota drew the card he needed just to finish him off

Dakota: Alright first I play Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and end my turn

Syrus: Great now when he's destroyed Dakota can summon any level dragon

SD: Now I summon Terrorking Archfiend in attack mode now you have two vicious archfiend monsters to contend with and because of infernal queen's special ability terrorkings attack increases by 1000 making him a more fiendish monster. Now terrorking attack Kidmodo dragon with locus swarm barrage

Dakota: Ha thanks

SD: Hmm for what

Dakota: When Kidmodo dragon is sent to the graveyard by battle his effect activates allowing me to summon a higher level dragon. So welcome my Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and now I'll activate his effect allowing me to summon my Red-eyes Black Dragon. Now Darkness Metal dragon attack infernal queen

SD: 3000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

SD: Hmph fine now terrorking attack his red-eyes black dragon

SD: 3000 LP
Dakota: 3400 LP

SD: Now the shadow games have truly begun

As Dakota's body disappeared a little he began to smile which caused confusion for the shadow duelist

SD: *thoughts* What is this kid smiling for maybe that teacher was on to something he isn't like my other pray

Dakota: *thoughts* Okay Dakota you dueled in the shadow realm before you can do it again it's time to get fired up

Dakota: I draw and now I play pot of greed allowing me to draw two cards

Dakota then drew monster reborn and ancient rules

Dakota: Heh and now I activate my field spell Mountain giving my dragons 200 extra attack points and destroying your pandemonium, so you now have to pay life points. Also since your infernal queen is gone your monster loses that extra 1000

SD: Grrr

Dakota: Now I'll activate monster reborn bringing back my red-eyes. Now Red-eyes attack

SD: 2400 LP
Dakota: 3400 LP

Dakota: *thoughts* Alright I'm almost done with him

Dakota: You know I could finish you off here and now, but I won't

SD: Are you mocking me

Dakota: Maybe and now I activate Ancient rules which allows me to summon a level 5 or higher monster so say hello to my other Red-eyes I end my turn

SD: Don't underestimate the powers of my millennium pendant

A big flash of light blinded Dakota until Kidmodo dragon appeared in his spirit form trying to tell him it's a fake and Dakota understood and threw a rock at it

SD: What have you done

Dakota: Simple I ended this mind game and this fake shadow game

SD: Fake what do you mean

Dakota: I mean that millennium item is fake because if it was real it would be called the millennium puzzle not pendant

As Dakota said this the room shook and a dark sphere trapped the two duelists and Dakota knew this was bad

Dakota: Okay now THIS is a shadow game

PSD: Cower Dakota for the shadow's will claim your soul

(PSD stands for possessed shadow duelist)

Dakota: Haha funny cause I dueled in a lot of shadow realms and none of them claimed my soul this one is no different

PSD: Then let's change that. I summon Archfiend Calvary in attack mode and end my turn

(I don't know his full deck so bare with me please)

Dakota: Okay now Red-eyes Black Dragon attack

PSD: 1700 LP

Dakota: Now it's time to finish you off, but I'll end my turn

PSD: Fine cause now I summon Lancer Archfiend in attack mode and end my turn

Dakota: Your finished now

As Dakota said this his eyes flash, but then glowed blue

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota: I now sacrifice my three red-eyes dragons to summon OBELISK THE TORMENTOR. NOW OBELISK SHOW HIM HOW YOU TORMENT OTHERS WITH FIST OF FAITH

As Dakota said that he won the shadow game and escaped the dark sphere while Syrus grabbed Alexis Dakota grabbed Judy and they ran out

While they were waiting Judy finally woke up

Dakota: Well ,well good morning sleeping beauty

After they explained what happened they realized the sun was rising and rushed to there dorms

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