The Queen of Games and The Dragon Emporer

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It was a beautiful morning as we see Dakota sleeping peacefully, well until his as alarm went off

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota: Waaaaaahhh

Dakota then fell out of bed which signaled his parents

Joey: Seems are little dragon is awake

Mai: You mean little harpy

Dakota was dressed for the day and shouted to his parents

Dakota: I'm a Harpy Dragon thank you very much

Dakota was wearing red and black nikes with a pair of ripped jeans and and red shirt with black writing say "Dragon jaws and Harpy claws" while also wearing his own customized duel disk

Before dakota opens the door Judy bursts through

Dakota: Judy what are you doing here

Judy: Getting you before we're late

Dakota: Relax Judy we got...

Dakota than looked at his watch realizing the time


Mai: Bye sweetie have fun

Joey: Make sure you kick some ass

We now see Judy and Dakota running to the duel academy entrance exams

Judy: Alright we got our decks, our gear, and we got 10 minutes to get to the duel academy entrance exams before they start

Dakota: Then let's pick up the pace

Judy: Relax codes (Dakota's nick name for Judy) since we're not students yet they can't throw us into detention hall for being late

After Judy said that Dakota speed off like a demon

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As Dakota runs to the exams he makes within 7 minutes to spare, but also worry's about Judy

Dakota: Hi did I make it to the exam on time

Lady 1: Yes all we need is your name to make sure you applied

Dakota: Sounds simple the names Dakota Wheeler

Lady 2: Ah right here you may enter

Dakota: Thanks

As Dakota walks in he talks so he can only hear himself

Dakota: Look out Duel Academy because the Dragon Emperor is here

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As Dakota was in the kiaba dome he was wondering where Judy was especially when announcement came on

Man: Once again all academy applicants who have already passed their duel entrance exam please proceed to registration for those who have failed better luck next year

Dakota: Come on Judy hurry up

On the other side of the dome teachers were watching the duels and one thought after the announcement

???: *thoughts* And have fun at duel monsters community college

It then shows another duel with a kid with light blue hair

???: Oh man I can barely concentrate with all these academy kids staring at me judging me. What I wouldn't give to already be enrolled into the school like them

Man: Last call for academy applicants if you have checked in for exams please do so now

Dakota: Come on Juds (judy's nickname for Dakota) if your not here I swear I will not give you mercy

Just than Judy appeared out of nowhere

Judy: Wow look at them go

Dakota: Where have you been?

Judy: *nervously chuckles* Human traffic

Dakota: *sighs* as long as you're here I'm happy

Dakota realized at what he said and blushed lightly as judy did as well they noticed a duel going on

Dueling Proctor: 1900 LP

Applicant: 3200 LP

Duel Proctor: Alright new guy multiple choice you got two monsters staring you down do you A. Beg for mercy B. Throw in the towel or C. Run home to mama

Applicant: I'll go with D. None of the above

The applicant then use ring of destruction on his vorse raider making him the winner

Judy: Wow that last guy really tore it up

???: Yeah bastion misawa they say he got second highest on the written exam then all us applicants

Judy: Wow I just barely pasted

Dakota: Maybe if you studied like I told you to a week before you would've passed regularly plus that duel was weak

Syrus: Yeah I barely passed to I'm syrus by the way nice to meet ya. I kind of have a thing where I get test anxiety I don't know how I passed my exam

Judy: So your in

Dakota: Congrats we'll be in too soon as we win our duels

Syrus: Wait you both haven't duels yet

Judy: Nah

Dakota: I don't know why I didn't I did arrive on time

Syrus: Well you both might have a problem I think this was supposed to be the last one

Dakota/Judy: Huh?!

On the other side the proctors are talking

Proctor 1: Looks like we have a pretty good crop this year

Proctor 2: Yes indeedy

Suit: Excuse me mr. Crowler, but one duelist has arrived for his exam and one hasn't dueled yet

Crowler: Did you just call me mister

Suit: Oh sorry I'm new here misses...

Crowler: I have a PhD in dueling I've earned the title doctor thank you now tell them they need to wait next year

Proctor 1: Oh come on doctor Crowler we time for two and one of them is Dakota Wheeler who got the highest score on the written exam

Proctor 3: Yes let's give these duelist a shot

Proctor 2: One was just a bit late and the other didn't duel yet

Crowler: Grr LATE IS RUDE I have no time for slackers. However I do understand the other one

As Crowler spoke his phone rang and he went to answer it

Crowler: Hello and whom may I ask is...

Shepherd: It's shepherd

Crowler: Ah Chancellor Shepherd

Shepherd: Just calling to make sure everything is going smoothly Crowler wouldn't want a repeat of last year

Crowler: *gasps*

Shepherd: When you cut a third of our student applicants for some ridiculous reason what was it calling you mister or misses whatever just make sure everyone has a fair chance

Crowler: Of course *hangs up* Furry chined wind bag *thoughts* doesn't he know there's enough talentless flunkies here, but he's the boss, so I'll these two personally

Crowler: Pardon me gentlemen I'll be right back

Proctor: But who's going to be the boys dueling proctor and what exam deck shall we use

Crowler: Hmph, oh leave that to me

Back to the applicants bastion sits after his duel

Judy: Wow tight duel there bastion

Dakota: Hmph! I could've done better

Bastion: Thank you

Judy: From the looks of it you might be the third best duelist here

Bastion/Syrus: Huh?

Man: Judy Yuki please report to exam field 4

Dakota: Good luck Judy

Bastion: Hold on if I'm third who's second and first

Judy: Heh your looking at second as for first it's a surprise

Bastion: Hmm

Syrus: Wow she's so sure of herself I wonder if she's really that good

Bastion: She'll have to be look who she's up against

They all look to she her going up against Crowler

Dakota: Don't worry guys she's got this

At the stadium

Crowler: Alright test time

Crowler: So girl what's your name

Judy: Uh, Judy, Judy Yuki

Crowler: Well Uh Judy Yuki I'm doctor Vellian Crowler department chair of techniques here at duel academy

Judy: Wow a department chair how had no idea from how you were dressed I thought you some type of academy mascot like majorette or cheerleader

Dakota:*laughing* Holy shit Judy yes roast his ass

OB 1: Hey you know

OB 2: This girl has some lip huh chazz

Crowler: Duel vest on

Judy: Wow where can I get one of those cool blue duel blazers

Crowler: Oh a lot of hard work and extremely high marks *thoughts* Of course you first have to get in to duel academy first and I'll make sure that doesn't happen

Judy: Well I'm ready

Both: So let's DUEL

Crowler: 4000 LP

Judy: 4000 LP

Judy: Here it goes

Judy looks at her hand

Judy: Sweet I'm gonna summon Elemental Hero Avian in defense mode

Judy: I'll also throw down a face down alright get your game on

Crowler: Yes very well *mumbles* Don't tell me what to do

Crowler:*thoughts* After all since I'm using my personal deck rather than one of those test one I'll be calling all the shots I'll fail that insufferable brat in no time

Crowler: Alright for my first move I think I'll start off nice and easy I choose to play the spell card confiscation

Judy: Okay so what's it do

Crowler: What it does is that it allows me to pay 1000 of my life points to take a peek at your hand and send one card to the graveyard

Crowler: 3000 LP

Crowler then looks at judy's hand and takes away monster reborn

Crowler: I'll also place two cards face down and last I play heavy storm this card gets rid of every other spell and trap card on the field

When Crowler activated heavy storm he also got rid of two traps of his own

Judy: Whoopsie did you forget you also had two traps out as well

Crowler: Now, now you mustn't speak out of turn young scholar

Judy: What's happening

Crowler: Nothings happening, not yet

Just then two creatures appear on the field

Crowler: But that's about to change

Syrus: Uh, could someone tell me what just happened

Bastion: The two trap cards Dr.Crowler had out were called statue of the wicked

Dakota: It's a special trap that creates a vicious token monster when destroyed that's why he played heavy storm and since there's two he planning to special summon something stronger

OB 1: A card that powerful can't be in the test decks Crowler must be using his own

OB 2: Then this is over no one can beat a deck of an expert like Crowler

OB 1: Yeah it's impossible don't you think chazz

OB 2: Yeah what do you think chazz

Chazz: I think I'm going to enjoy watching Crowler deal with our mouthy little friend down there I only wish he treated all the other second rate duelist who applied to this academy the same way

???: What an elitist snob bullying some kid with his best cards

???: Your to soft Alexis I just hope we get to see that legendary rare monster Crowler has in that deck of his

Crowler: Ready for your next lesson

Judy: Ha ha you bet I can't remember a time when learning was this much fun

Dakota: That's it Judy show no fear

Crowler: Yes well I'm a very excellent teacher thank you. Now I sacrifice my two wicked tokens to summon the ancient gear golem

Everyone was in shock except for Dakota who just smirked

Alexis: There it is the legendary rare card

???: I think we're about to see what makes it so legendary

Crowler: Now, now I hope your not to scared of my ancient gear golem

Judy: Aw no way I always wanted to take one on

Syrus: Either Judy's brave or she's nuts

Dakota: Actually syrus she is scared,but this duel has got her so excited she's ignoring it

???: She's staring down that legendary monster like she doesn't have a care in the world I guess the inexperienced have their benefits after all Huh Alexis

Alexis: Come on give it a rest Zane you got to give credit for showing some back bone

Zane: There won't be much of it left to show after this

Crowler: Golem attack mechanized melee

As the golem attacks it destroys avian, but also has a surprise

Syrus: Aw judy's monster didn't stand a chance it's defense points were way to low

Bastion: It gets worse because when ancient gear golem attacks a defense monster difference between it's attack and defense points are dealt as damage

Syrus: That means Judy's life points are gonna take a hit

Dakota: A hit of 2000 damaged that is

Judy: 2000 LP

As it looked like Judy was sobbing it clearly turned into laughter

Judy: Boy I really want to go to this school now you really know your stuff teach

Crowler: *thoughts* Can't she take a hint she will not be allowed to pass this exam or more importantly my deck

Judy: *thoughts* Just look at him tremble he must really be impressed by me

As Judy drew from her deck she drew winged kuriboh and summoned it in defense mode

Dakota: *thoughts* Wait a minute there's only one man I know that has that card did he really give it to Judy though

As golem attacked kuriboh judy's life points stayed cause of winged kuriboh's effect causing everyone to gasp in amazement

Alexis: How bout that a technique the good doctor didn't know

Zane: No one can be expected to know every technique alexis especially one as obscure as that

Alexis: Yeah well that kid sure did

Crowler: Fine, fine I guess your lame little monster saved you there

This caused Dakota to get a little pissed off

Dakota: *thoughts* Now I can't wait to show this person what true legendary monsters look like


Judy heard Dakota and activated hero signal and brought out burstinatrix then used the warrior returning alive to summon avian which gave Dakota a smile

As Crowler was talking about how Judy made another mistake she corrected him and fused them together to make flame wingman this caused Dakota to stand up and shout


Crowler then pointed out that Wingman was still weak causing confusion

Syrus: What does he mean

Bastion: He means Wingman's 2100 attack points are no match for gear golem's 3000 shame too because when wingman destroys a monster the owner of that monster takes it's attack points as damage

Dakota: Unless Judy has the card in her hand that can change that and I know she does

Right after Dakota mentioned it Judy plays the spell card skyscraper and wins the duel and walks up to her friends

Dakota: That was amazing Judy I knew you'd be able to pull it off

Man: Dakota Wheeler please arrive at exam field 4

Dakota: Guess I'm facing Crowler too well wish me luck

Syrus: Wait your the kid that got the highest score?!

Dakota: Hehe yep cya after I win

Dakota than walks of to the field

Judy: Bastion you know when you asked who first best duelist was

Bastion: Yes?

Judy: Well it's Dakota and you'll see why

At the field

Crowler: So you must be Dakota Wheeler

Dakota: Heh you know it and I got to say that golem is strong

Crowler: Thank you

Dakota: But my deck is full of legends so don't think I'll be defeated so easily

Both: DUEL

Crowler: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota: Okay I'll go first

Dakota looks at his hand to see maiden with the eyes of blue, ancient rules, Magic Jammer, Remove Trap, and Red-eyes Black Dragon

Dakota: Hahahaha I already got this in the bag

Crowler: Then show me these legendary creatures young one

Dakota: Okay you asked for it first I play ancient rules this allows me to summon a level 5 or higher monster and I choose my RED-EYES BLACK DRAGON

As a dragon with black scales and red eyes appear Crowler and the audience look in shock

Zane: He brought out a red eyes on his first turn unbelievable

Alexis: That's one mighty dragon

Bastion: Incredible

Syrus: Talk about a lucky draw

Chazz: No way

Crowler: Impressive summoning a level 7 monster on your first turn I must say that your red-eyes truly is a legend

Dakota: Thanks now I'll end my turn by placing three cards face down your move doc

Crowler: Very well *thoughts* this kid is on a completely different level then that slacker I better summon what I did before, but a little different

Crowler: Okay I summon ancient gear soldier in attack mode then I place two cards face down and play heavy storm

Dakota: I don't think so teach cause you just activated my trap magic jammer see this card allows me to destroy one of your cards, but at a prince for getting rid of one of mine

Dakota than discards maiden with the eyes of blue and destroys his heavy storm card

Dakota: Now I activate Remove trap so say bye bye to the trap on the left

When Dakota announced he got rid of mirror force

Crowler: Hmm very well I'll end my turn

Dakota: Alright I draw hehe okay I now play pot of weed

Take 2

Dakota: Pot of greed which allows me to draw two cards

Dakota drew two cards and was monster reborn and graceful charity and Dakota had a big smile

Dakota: Alright now I play graceful charity which allows me to draw 3 cards and discard 2

Dakota then drew 2 white stone of legends and a polymerization

Dakota: Alright now I'll discard two of my white stone of legends

This got everyone's attention even chazz and judy smiled happily and spoke

Judy: He's doing it

Syrus: Doing what?

Judy: Playing his combo move

Bastion: A very strategic one at that

Dakota: Now that I destroyed my two stone of white legends I get my two blue eyes from my deck and why stop there because now I play monster reborn to summon Maiden with the Eyes of Blue to the field and end my turn

This caused everyone to be confused, but still watching

Crowler: Fine I draw and now ancient gear solider attack that maiden

Dakota: Ha I knew you'd fall for it now I activate my maidens effect which allows her to stop your attack and then I can summon a blue eyes right to the field

Crowler: What?!

Just then a Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared causing Judy to shout in joy



Crowler: I end my turn

Dakota: Alright my move I draw

Dakota than draws another pot of greed

Dakota: YES I activate another pot of greed

Dakota then draws and has flute of summoning dragon and lord of d

Dakota: Okay I now summon Lord of d and then activate the spell flute of summoning dragon which allows me to summon up to 2 dragon type monsters so behold my 2 final blue eyes

As the two blue eyes are on the field he decides to finish this

Dakota: This duel is over doctor Crowler

Crowler: Huh?!

Dakota: I now play Polymerizaion fusing my one blue eyes white dragon with my red eyes black dragon to summon SHINING DARKNESS DRAGON

Syrus: Did he just say

Bastion: Shining...

Zane: Darkness...

Chazz: Dragon

Dakota: That's right and while he's face up no dragon monsters on my side can be targeted by monster effects and gains 200 attack points for each dragon either on the field or graveyard so that means he has 4600 attack points and that's not all

Crowler: Huh?!

Alexis: You mean there's more

Dakota: I now Contact fuse my two blues eyes white dragons

Crowler: What fusion

Dakota: CONTACT fusion meaning I can fuse two monsters with out polymerization. So without further adue I give you the BLUE-EYES TWIN BURST DRAGON

This got everyone on the edge of there seats seeing two powerful dragons at the applicants side as Zane thought to himself

Zane: Twin dragon huh? I wonder if it has the same effect

Dakota: Now blue eyes attack his soldier

Blue eyes attacked ancient gear soldier and destroyed it

Crowler: 2200 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota: Also just like it's name says Blue eyes twin burst dragon can attack twice, so now my blue eyes and darkness dragon attack

Blue eyes 3000+ darkness dragon 4800= 7800

Crowler: 0 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP


Syrus: Way to play

Bastion: He will definitely be a worthy opponent

Alexis: Those two definitely have a future here Huh Zane

Zane: Don't know, but what I do know is Dakota is no ordinary duelist

Dakota: *thoughts* We're both in Judy and from now on we're rivals, but I promise I will confess to you one day

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