Welcome to Duel Academy

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A helicopter is shown with the academy students inside looking in awe as the pilot speaks

Man: Attention new duel academy students if you look outside you'll see your new home away from home now, now I know you exited, but don't shove quite a site eh? Now fasten your seatbelts and put your seat back to an upright position we're coming in to land next stop Academy Island

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As all academy students waited in the auditorium chancellor shepherd came on the tv screen

Shepherd: Good morning and welcome my students I'm the head master here and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world now please get yourselves settled at your assigned dorms I think you find them comfortable depending on how you ranked of course

Judy: Don't know about you guys, but I'm in the slifer red dorm

Syrus: That's good so am I

Dakota: OH come on this is more ridiculous then someone wearing a swimsuit in the middle of a blizzard

Syrus: What's wrong Dakota

Dakota: I'm a Slifer Red

Judy: Well at least your with us

Dakota: Thanks for trying to cheer me up Judy, but that's not the point there's a scale here for the dorms

Syrus: Scale?

Dakota: Exactly see first there's Obelisk Blue which is the highest because of family or people they know, then there's Ra Yellow which is basically for students with good grades, then there's Slifer Red students they got in basically by a thread

Just then Dakota got a message to see shepherd

Dakota: Huh welp got to go guys cya later

Dakota than ran to shepherd's office as both Crowler and shepherd greeted him

Dakota: Wow and I thought uncle kiaba's office was big

Shepherd: Dakota Wheeler I presume

Dakota: That's me

Shepherd: I guess you're wondering why your a Slifer

Dakota: Kind of

???: Then turn around and I'll explain

Dakota then turned around to see someone on a tv screen


Kaiba: Heh good to see you to kid the reason why your a Slifer red is to see if you can move up in your school

Dakota: So you're testing me?

Kiaba: In away yes and also you should be getting a letter during your first exam with that being said good luck

After Kiaba said good luck the tv turned off and Dakota left to see Judy and Syrus walking to a duel stadium

Dakota: Hey Judy, Syrus wait up

Judy: Hey codes what's up

Dakota: Well apparently begin a slifer isn't that bad now I think about it what about you

Syrus: Judy has some sixth sense for dueling I think

Dakota: Well let's go then I'm itching for a duel

Then all ran in and we're surprised by how it looked

Judy: Wow look at that

Syrus: Yeah it's like totally state of the art

Dakota: Heh well what else did you expect. I bet it be awesome to duel here

Judy: Well let's find out

Syrus: Do you think we're allowed

Dakota: Well we are students here correct

Judy: And this is our campus right

OB 1: Wrong this is the blue obelisks campus

OB 2: And you slifer red rejects aren't welcome here got that check out the crest

OB 1: This arenas our turf

Syrus: Sorry we were just looking around we'll leave right guys

Judy: Nah we don't have to leave

Dakota: Not unless you both agree to duel us

OB 1 and 2: Huh

Judy: We'll be guest duelist

OB 1: Hey your those kids

OB 2: Chazz those kids who beat Dr.Crowler are here

As they all look up they see a kid wearing a blue obelisk uniform and the way he acts makes Dakota remember how his uncle Kiaba was back then

Judy: Hi I'm Judy

Dakota: The names Dakota

Judy: His was Chuzz was it

Chazz: Grr

OB 1: His name is chazz princeton he was the number one duelist back at duel prep school, so you pay him the proper respect

OB 2: Yeah he's gonna become the future king of games the best duelist in the world

Judy: Impossible

OB 2: Huh

Judy: You see it's impossible for him to become the future king of games because that's exactly what I'm gonna be

Dakota: Not to mention the best duelist here is Already me

OB 1: A slifer slacker of king of games that'll be the day

OB 2: Not to mention you haven't dueled anyone here to prove your the best

Chazz: Can it you two maybe the new kids right

OB 1: Uh what do ya mean chazz

Chazz: They did beat Crowler after all and that legendary rare monster of his not to mention the one kid has some powerful dragons I suppose it takes some talent to pull it off

Judy: Got that right

Chazz Or maybe it was dumb luck I say we find out

Dakota: Bring it

Alexis: This sure is a motley crew

Syrus: Woah who is that

Chazz: Hey Alexis have you come here to watch me mop the floor with my new friends Judy and Dakota. It'll be a short duel, but an entertaining one for sure

Alexis: I'm here to remind you about the Obelisk welcome dinner your late

Chazz: Oh right, come on guys

Alexis: Sorry if chazz rubbed you the wrong way all of us obelisks aren't like that he's just a jerk especially with Slifers

Judy: Aw, it's no big deal

Judy: People like that don't really bother me, but Dakota on the other hand....

Before Judy could finish Dakota shouts at no one in agitation


Alexis: *laughs* The Slifer welcome diner is about to start too

Judy: Right we better go guys

Syrus: Hey wait up

Judy: Hey what was your name again

Alexis: Alexis Rhodes and yours

Judy: The names Judy

Dakota: Names Dakota catch ya later than

Alexis: Judy and Dakota

Timeskip to Slifer welcome dinner

Boy 1: This is our fancy welcome dinner

Boy 2: Forget that check it out our head master is a cat

Just then a man picked up the cat and introduced himself

Banner: Hello, children I'm professor banner now before we eat I'd like for each of you to tell me about your-

Judy: Man this stuff is good

It then shows Judy and Dakota already eating

Syrus: We're supposed to say something about ourselves

Dakota: Okay how bout this I'm starved

Judy: Me too

Syrus: He's walking over here guys I mean it he's right-

Before Syrus could finish banner appeared

Banner: Well since some of us don't feel like waiting let's just eat

After the welcome dinner the slifer trio went to their dorm

Judy: Man that banner sure knows how to cook

Dakota: Um is anyone else concerned how there's two boys and one girl

Judy: Aw are you embarrassed to be with me codes~

Dakota: Judy that's not what I meant 0////0

Judy: Oh really then you wouldn't mind if I sleep with you tonight~

Dakota: Heheh Ok, but I play rough baby~

Judy: 0////0 NO fair your better at flirting then me

Dakota: Oh you were trying to flirt with me~

Judy: 0////0 N-No that's not what I-Uh

Dakota lifted judy's head by her chin and looked at her

Dakota: You can't lie to me my little slifer

Judy: *upset pouting* I know

Just then Dakota's phone went off and it was a message from chazz

Chazz: Hey Slifer slacker don't think your off the hook tonight at midnight it's on. Oh and why don't we make it interesting the winner gets the losers strongest card

Judy: Looks like you got your chance to duel circles around him codes

Dakota: Oh hell yeah

At the stadium

Syrus: I'm not so sure this a good idea you guys

Judy: Good or bad when someone challenges you to a duel you gotta step up right Dakota

Dakota: Yeah there's no choice

Chazz: Well, well, well he shows

Dakota: You better believe it and hope your as good as you say you are cause I hate weak opponents

Chazz: Oh I'll show you strong now time to see if you defeating Crowler was a fluke or a fact

Dakota: Whatever I just want to see how strong you are

Chazz: Whatever just be sure you have your best card ready to hand over when you lose

Dakota: The same for you now it's time I get FIRED UP

Both: DUEL

Chazz: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Chazz: Alright slacker for my first move I'll summon Reborn Zombie in defense mode and I'll also place one card face down

Dakota then sees his hand and is two blue eyes, negate attack, Red eyes Darkness metal Dragon, and polymerization

Dakota: *sarcastically* Ooh scary I seen better watching America's got talent ( I actually do like that show so please don't hate me) and I'm going all out by using polymerization fusing my two blue eyes and summoning Blue eyes Twin Burst Dragon

Dakota: Told you I was going all out and I'll play one card face down and end my turn

Chazz: I was hoping you would

Dakota: Care to elaborate that

Chazz: The card I placed down was a trap slacker that you set off Chthonian polymer do you stuff

Syrus: What's chthonian polymers stuff

Alexis: I had a feeling you guys would be here

Judy: Alexis

Alexis: Chthonian polymer's a nasty trap that allows you to take control of an opponents fusion monster by sacrificing one of your own creatures

Syrus: Oh no Dakota just summoned a fusion monster

Chazz: I sacrifice Reborn Zombie to gain control of your blue eyes

As that happened Dakota had a very small smirk on his face

Dakota: *thoughts* Just what I wanted

Syrus: How did chazz know how to play that

Chazz: You're so predictable Dakota you wouldn't stop talking about your fusion monsters at the exam so I knew you'd use him soon

Dakota: Oh well, but since he was a special summon I can still normal summon.

Chazz: Go ahead play another monster after all I didn't forget about you dragons effect

Dakota: Now I play Kidmodo dragon in defense mode I end my turn

Chazz: Yeah and it's time to knock you down. Rise Chthonian Soldier and now blue eyes attack with Double White Lightning attack and I'm not done yet Chthonian soldier attack with windstorm slash

Dakota: 2400 LP

Dakota: Heh thanks cause you just activated Kidmodo's effect when it's sent to the graveyard I can summon any dragon. So say hello to Red eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Chazz: Go ahead and summon more monsters cause maybe you were someone back home, but here you're nothing Slifer slime I'll end my turn with one face down

Dakota: You wouldn't be saying this if you knew my dragons effect cause now I can bring back my kidmodo dragon and the card I just drew will give me pay back

Everyone was confused and curious about Dakota's card until he played it

Dakota: I play brain control by giving up 800 of my life points I can get my blue eyes back

( I know the effect last for one turn by I'm making it permanent in my story)

Dakota: Now Red eyes Darkness Metal Dragon attack Chthonian soldier

Chazz: 2400 LP

Dakota: 1600 LP

Just after Dakota attack he also received damage

Chazz: Still think it's great well guess what when Chthonian soldier is destroyed you take damage equal to his attack points difference is you hardly have any to spare

Dakota: 400 LP

Chazz: It's just a matter of time before your best card is mine slack

Dakota: Heh oh yeah well if my knowledge is correct the game isn't over until someone runs out of life points or cards and last I checked... I STILL HAVE LIFE POINTS AND CARDS SO GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT

Alexis: Now that's what I call determination

Syrus: It's like Dakota would refuse to give up for anything

Judy: That's because he would

Syrus: What do you mean Judy

Judy: You know how industrial Illusions and Kiaba Corp are joined now

Alexis: What about it

Judy: That was all Dakota's doing

Syrus: Wait seriously?!

Alexis: He caused them to join how

Judy: Simple he dueled Pegasus and won and your about to see how

Dakota: I'll end my turn by playing three cards face down and end my turn

Chazz: Either way my next attack will finish you off. Right now actually cause I summon another Chthonian soldier now attack...

Dakota: I don't think so cause I activate my trap card Negate attack which stops your entire battle phase

Syrus: Negate attack wow

Alexis: So this is the power of Dakota's deck

Chazz: Fine, but now I activate Chthonian blast so I'll destroy your kidmodo dragon and you take half of it's attack points as damage. Oh and since it wasn't destroyed in battle his effect doesn't activate

Dakota: Grr damnit

Dakota: 350 LP

Chazz: Now I play Call of the Haunted and bring back reborn zombie to the field but he won't be staying long cause I sacrifice him to summon Mefist the Infernal General

Dakota: Not bad

Chazz: Not bad? You know you're something else slacker acting all confident, but I'll end my turn here to see what you got

Dakota: It's your funeral pal...

As Dakota was about to speak Alexis spoke up

Alexis: Uh guys? We got a problem campus security if they see us we'll totally be busted

Syrus: What?!

Judy: Why we're all students here

Alexis: The rules say no off hour duels chazz knew this, but didn't tell you did he

Chazz: Grr

OB 1: Come on let's go

Chazz: I guess you lucked out this time slack

Dakota: What this match isn't over

Chazz: Yeah it is I seen what I came here to see you're a sorry duelist and you beating Crowler was a fluke

Syrus: Dakota come on we gotta get out of here

Alexis: Yeah he's right

Judy: Come on let's go

Dakota: Grr come on I had him on da ropes dis stinks

( yes I'm giving Dakota joey's accent)

As security walked in the arena was empty and everyone was outside

Alexis: You sure are stubborn Dakota

Dakota: Only about dueling

Syrus: Thanks for showing us the back way out

Judy: Yeah we owe you one

Alexis: Sure sorry that you didn't get to finish your match with chazz

Dakota: It's fine besides I know I was gonna win anyways

Alexis: Really? No offense, but from my point of view it could of went either way between you and chazz when you guys stopped

Dakota: No way not since I had these

Dakota then showed 2 hinotama and poison of the old man

Alexis: Huh?

Dakota: Heh

What would've happened

Dakota: Since it's my turn I know activate both of my hinotama's dealing you 1,000 points of damage and poison of the old man dealing you another 800

Chazz: 600 LP

Dakota: Now blue eyes attack his infernal general

Chazz: 400 LP


Chazz: 0 LP


Alexis: Huh?

Dakota: Hmph see ya later

Judy: Wait for me codes

Syrus: Hey wait up

Alexis: *thoughts* This is going to be one interesting year

Dakota/Syrus/Judy: *laughing*

Sorry this took so long everybody, but in order to make it up I'm doing 4 extra chapters tonight. I'm sacrificing my sleep for you all so I hope you enjoy

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