True Determination

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As Crowler is seen walking the halls chazz tries to talk to him about being Judy's opponent until Crowler declined it then skips to Dakota and Mokuba walking the other way

Mokuba: Sorry man I can't tell ya

Dakota: Come on just a hint

Mokuba: Nope no hints

Slifer: Man Judy is so hot

Ra: For once we might agree on something

Obelisk: I wouldn't mind having her for fun even if she's a slifer

As Dakota heard them he got a sinister smile and quietly laughed maliciously as Mokuba saw this and panicked

Mokuba : Oh No

Mokuba then grabbed Dakota and took off running to shepherds office

At shepherds office

Mokuba: Everyone we got a code red

Joey: Wait what?!

Yugi: That isn't good

Shepherd: What's a code red

As to answer his question Dakota was trying to break out of Mokuba's grasp with a malicious look and shouting


Shepherd was terrified to see Dakota make such a threat

Kiaba: What set him off this time

Mokuba: Another slifer along with a Ra and obelisk were talking about Judy and how hot she was


Mai: Okay that's enough

Mai then walked up to Dakota and shoved a harpy cookie in his mouth calming him down

Dakota: I went yandere again didn't I

Joey: Yeah only it was like multiplied by ten

Dakota: Guess with Judy now being my girlfriend it increased

Shepherd: Excuse me, but what did you mean again

Kiaba: Remember how I told you to make sure no one talks about Dakota's girlfriend shepherd

Shepherd: Yes I do

Kiaba: That is why

Mai: Last time it happened we had to put him in straight jacket

Joey: Until we found out mai's cookies calmed him down

Shepherd: Well with that out of the way Dakota make sure your ready for your duel after Judy and Syrus's tag team duel

Dakota: Right

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The scene shows the three slifer's in their dorm room organizing and going through their decks with Alexis with them

Alexis: How can you guys be so calm aren't you nervous at all

Judy: No it's just another day another duel right Dakota

Dakota: You know it babe

Alexis: But guys it's not just a duel it's a tag duel and if you lose you'll be on the next bus out of here

Judy: Hello that's why we're not going to lose and we're on an island bus?

Dakota: Figure of speech Judy though Alexis is right since you guys are in tag team duel you gotta have each other's back and think of strategies that can help yourselves and partner

Alexis: Dakota's right judy

Judy: No problem I always protect Syrus even out of duels

Dakota: That's true sadly

Out of nowhere Syrus then shouted how he believes in himself

Dakota: Wow when did you get confidence

Judy: That's great

Alexis: Well I'll be rooting for you guys

Judy: Thanks

Syrus: See ya soon

Dakota: Don't wait up for us

Timeskip to the duel dome

Man: The tag duel will begin in a few short minutes these are test conditions this is a sudden expulsion match

Bastion: A tad harsh I'd say

Alexis: No joke

Dakota: Yeah literally

Bastion: Huh?

Dakota: Sup bastion

Alexis: So you're Bastion Misawa another one of Judy's friends

Bastion: I guess you could say that and your Alexis Rhodes yes?

Alexis: Yeah I'm also the reason them and Dakota are in this mess

Dakota: No way Alexis this is all my fault because I ran in there without thinking

Bastion: I see

Alexis: But if anyone is in need of help it's them cause rumors has it Crowler put them up against tag team legends

Dakota: Yeah I heard I'm just hoping it's not who I think it is

Bastion: What do you mean

Dakota: I mean there's only one tag team duelists that I know and they're both equally strong and annoying

Man: Send in the accused Syrus Truesdale and Judy Yuki

Chazz saw them and slammed his foot on the back of the chair in front of him

Judy: Wow the acoustics in here are great

Syrus: Yeah you think they count your echo as your tag partner

Judy: For the last time you're my partner

Syrus: Doesn't hurt to ask though

Chazz: You slifer slackers it should be me taking you out, but as long as someone one does it

Judy and Syrus both walk up the stadium and see Dakota sitting between Bastion and Alexis giving off a serious face

Syrus: He looks a lot more serious then usual Judy

Judy: That's because he wants us to win

Crowler was than announcing the duel but was short lived as Mokuba grabbed the mic and handed it to kiaba

Crowler: Ladies and gentlemen without further ado...

Mokuba: Give me that here Seto

Kiaba: Thanks Mokuba

Kiaba then spoke loud and clear so everyone can hear him

Kiaba: Now young duelist I give you Judy and Syrus's opponents

As soon as kiaba said that two man that looked like twins appeared acrobatically on the stage getting gasps from everyone and a not so happy Dakota

Dakota: Oh great it's them

Kiaba: Please welcome the Paradox Brothers

Para: Salutations you fools

Dox: Hope your ready to duel

As Syrus never heard of them Judy explain who they were which got him a little nervous

Alexis: I read about these guys they're supposed to be dueling mercenaries not to mention the best tag team duelist in the world this is hardly fair

Bastion: I think that was Crowler's point

Chazz: Hehehe hey Dakota maybe you'll have extra room in your dorm now

Dakota: Grrrrrrr

Bastion: Are you alright Dakota


Everyone looked at Dakota who was standing in his chair shouting


Kiaba started announcing the rules about the tag team match

Para: Enough with the pleasantries

Dox: Now on with the duel

Para: We didn't come here to talk

Dox: We came...

Para & Dox: To destroy you

As shepherd also thought this was a little unfair Crowler somehow convinced him to continue and the duel was about to begin

Kiaba: Enough talk the duel is about to begin

Dakota: Good luck you two

Kiaba: Now duelist listen up because I'm only going to say this once. The rules are simple there's no sharing of strategy, advice, and no sharing any cards that aren't on the field, but you may use what's on your teams side of the field got it

All: Yeah

Para and Dox: 8000 LP

Judy and Syrus: 8000 LP

Judy: Get your games on

Syrus: Alright here it goes I summon gyroide one attack mode

Para: You must be joking I'm surprised that thing even has an attack mode... This on the other hand Jira Gumo

Judy: What?! An oversized bug that's nothing my deck can't squash Elemental Hero Burstinatrix defense mode

Dox: The best defense you fool is a strong offense Kaiser Seahorse attack mode

Syrus: *thought* Alright if I know dueling like I think I know dueling then there going to attack next

Dox: I then play a spell from my hand

Syrus: Crap

Dox: Tribute doll to activate it I must sacrifice a monster from our side of field good thing my brother is so generous with his farewell Jira Gumo

Jira Gumo was then grabbed by a black arm and was destroyed

Dox: Now I can summon a level 7 monster this turn and I choose to summon... Kazejin

In the stadium

Bastion: He sacrificed his brothers monster to summon a stronger one now that's tag dueling

Alexis: Would you mind not sounding so impressed

Dakota: It's worse then that you two

Both: Huh?

Dakota: Kazejin is one of the monsters they need to summon their strongest monster

In the duel

Para: Do you two think you know any thing of this game

Dox: You're losers, you're jokes in other words you're lame

Para: And if they think this is truly grueling

Dox: Just wait till I draw and give them a true schooling. I play dark designator this spell card allows me to summon any monster I can think of and if it's in my brothers deck it's added to his hand now let me see Hmm Sanga of the Thunder

Para: Well what do you know it's right here ready to tear them a sunder

Judy: *thoughts* You gotta be kidding me another level 7 monster now I know why Dakota wanted us to finish them fast

Para: The duel has just started

Dox: And yet it is almost done

Both: And your demise has already begun

Syrus: *gasps*

Judy: Don't worry Sy they're just saying that cause it makes an easy rhyme

Outside the duel

Dakota: I wish what Judy said is true because these guys live up to there names

In duel

Syrus: Well what do you think Judy if we quit now will have extra time to pack up our stuff shall we?

Judy: The only thing we packing is some serious dueling punch I'm telling ya will beat these guys Sy

Syrus: You know what Judy you're right *thought* we are packing some serious dueling punch and not only will I show the paradox brothers, but Zane as well and I'm going to do it right here right now on this turn

Syrus: All aboard I summon Steamroid in attack mode and now I play polymerization check it out I'm fusing my steamroid and gyroid to create the ultimate engine that could Steam Gyroid. Now that's locomotion see you made a mistake with all that teamwork when you sacrificed Jira Gumo you left your brother completely defenseless

Judy: Uh Sy?

Syrus: Now steam gyroid attack para

Para: Ah an attack

Syrus: Got that right

Para: If you please brother

Dox: It'd be my pleasure indeed brother Kazeijin defend with squall barricade

Syrus: Huh?

Kazejin then blew strong winds at Steam Gyroid blowing it back to Syrus

Dox: Our monsters special ability do you like

Para: It reduces your monsters attack to zero without even a fight

Out of the duel

Dakota: At least he was able to bring out a stronger monster than before

Alexis: That's true

Bastion: Indeed, but not all duels can be won by fusion

Dakota: *gasps*

Alexis: What's up Dakota

Dakota: Actually bastion fusion might be the only way these two can win

Bastion: What do you mean

Dakota: I mean Judy has two fusion monsters and one spell along with Syrus having one monster that can help them

Alexis: What are those

Dakota: Rampart Balster, Tempest, skyscraper, and U.F.Oroid

Both of them understood what he was saying while para brought back Jirai Gumo, but then sacrificed him again using tribute doll to bring out suijin

Dakota: Uh oh

Back in duel

Para: But that's not all mind if I borrow a monster brother

Dox: Please that's why he's there

Para: I sacrifice Kaiser Seahorse

Dox: Which if you didn't know when you're summoning a light attribute monster Kaiser seahorse counts as two tributes instead of one

Dakota: Wait that means!

Dox: I can now summon sanga of the Thunder

Para: 3 Monsters on our side what could be better

Dox: I know brother when we combine them together

Dakota: Brace yourselves guys

Para: I sacrifice Kazejin, Suijin, and Sanga of the Thunder to summon the ultimate monster Gate Guardian. Now attack steam gyroid

Judy & Syrus: 6750

Dakota: Come on Judy you can do this

Judy: Alright your getting called up big guy first I'm summoning elemental hero clayman

Dakota: She's doing it

Judy: Now I activate polymerization to fuse burstinitrix and clayman to bring out rampart blaster and his special affect allows him to deal 1000 life points to my opponent when he's in defense mode

Para & Dox: 7000 LP

Dox: I now equipped fairy meteor crush to gate guardian and the difference between the monsters attack points and your monsters defense points are dealt straight to your life points

Syrus: Not so fast I activate mystical space typhoon to destroy fairy meteor crush

Dakota: Alright that's how you do it

Para: Ha now I activate judgement of Anubis it simply downgrades your typhoon to a cool summer breath, but that not all it also destroys one of your creatures

Dox: And then it's attack points are dealt back to you pretty cool special feature

Judy & Syrus: 4450 LP

Dox: Now I summon defense wall in defense mode and now your monsters can only attack him

Judy: Says who?!

Dox: Says it's effect

Judy: Oh

Bastion: The Gate Guardian on offense and the Defense Wall on defense almost flawless

Dakota: Actually it's the perfect way for Judy and Syrus to get to their life points

Alexis: How?

Zane: With the spell card my brother has in his deck

Everyone looked up and saw Zane

Dakota: Hmm looks like you and I are thinking the same thing then huh

Syrus summoned cycroid, but got destroyed by gate guardian

Judy & Syrus: 1700 LP

Dakota watching the duel, but then over hears chazz and gets pissed and grabs a microphone of his own and shouts getting serious


Syrus was ready to hear an insult until he heard something else


Syrus then decided it was time to start thinking and Judy summoned sparkman and equipped him with spark blaster putting gate guardian in defense

Bastion: Well that was an odd choice unless Judy has a plan she wasted her turn

Dakota: Your wrong bastion because she not only stopped gate guardians attack she also set the field perfect for Syrus

Syrus then drew the card they needed

Syrus: Judy

Judy: Sy you got it then show them the drill

Syrus: I summon drilliod in attack mode and when he battles a monster in defense mode it's automatically destroyed

Dakota: Alright!

Judy & Syrus: 1200 LP

Para: A nice plan

Dox: But not nice enough

Para: Our gate guardian still stands

Dox: Despite your best stuff

Judy: But, that wasn't his best stuff right Syrus

Para & Dox: What?

Syrus: Yep, but now that your defense wall is rubble you'll get it well a certain monster will and I activate the spell card shield crush. That's right and just like the name says it destroys any monster hiding in defense mode just like your gate guardian

Para: Ah gate guardian is cooked I can hardly look

Judy: Nice going Sy the bigger they brawl the harder they fall

Bastion: Did you see that tell me you saw

Dakota: I told you they would get out of that mess and now the paradox brothers are open to a direct assault from Judy and Syrus

Alexis: Yeah, but it's really going to take the teamwork they have to pull through this

Dakota: That's for sure

Bastion: Yes let's just hope they can keep it up

Syrus: Okay I'll put one card face down and end my turn

The paradox brothers cut in their conversation

Para: They say doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Dox: And we haven't been destroyed yet show them brother

Para: Hmm you see when gate guardian is destroyed we can summon a monster that can't be beat in battle. I use Dark element this card can be used whenever gate guardian is in the graveyard and by paying half our life points we summon. Dark Guardian

Para & Dox: 3500 LP

Dakota: When did they get that

Alexis: Dakota have you seen them use that card

Dakota: I never seen them use it at all they must've been really good if they haven't brought it out until now

Bastion: Invincible in battle and with those attack points

Para: Dark guardian attack drilloid with ax slash bash

Bastion: This is it if that attack hits they both lose

Dakota: Grrrr JUDY

Para: Farewell

Judy: Not so fast I activate my face down Hero Barrier sorry fellas, but this let's me stop one of your attacks if I have an elemental hero out and as you can see sparkman is standing tall

As the paradox brothers kept rhyming Dakota had finally had enough


Syrus finally stood up tall and Judy played her turn

Judy: I play pot of greed giving me a chance to draw two cards and next I play fusion gate with this card I don't need polymerization and I fuse elemental hero avian, bubbleman, and why don't we add spark man to the mix as well all to create... wait for it. Yeah and there he is Elemental Hero Tempest

Dakota: Alright!

Bastion: Fine creature yes, but it's still not powerful enough

Alexis: Just who side are you on bastion

Para: A impressive move, but it is useless boy

Dox: Have you forgotten Dark Guardian he's still deployed and since it battle he can't be destroyed

Para: Their beast is null and void

Judy: Void this... Skyscraper ever heard you should never play in a construction zone well it's true cause now my elemental hero gets an extra 1000 attack points because it's weaker than Dark Guardian

Both: What the?!

Judy: Now tempest attack with powerhouse plumet

Para: Didn't I warn you in battle he can't be beat so just admit...

Dox: Your defeat

Judy: Sy can you spare a card

Syrus: Sure

Judy: I use tempest's special ability sorry you guys, but as long as I banish one of our cards to the graveyard tempest isn't destroyed

Dakota: Alright it's all set

Bastion: What are talking about?

Alexis: Care to tell us Dakota

Dakota: Those brothers might be great, but Judy's and Syrus's teamwork and friendship is stronger and they're going to prove it too

Zane: So long as Syrus knows what to do next

Judy & Syrus: 200 LP

Dakota: Come on guys you got this

Bastion: They're hanging by a thread

Alexis: Hate to say it but they're going to have to hope for a miracle

Zane: Then let's hope with them

Dakota: Yeah

Syrus: Here we go my draw. Alright first I'll sacrifice drilliod to summon U.F.O-roid and now I activate the spell card power bond it's a fusion card and I have just the two to fuse Judy do you mind

Judy: Hey what's mine is yours Sy

Syrus: Then I fuse U.F.O.-roid and tempest to create U.F.O.-roid Fighter and it gets better because is attack points are the sum total of each individual monster

Para: It matters not so stop your ceaseless prattle

Dox: You know Dark Guardian can't be destroyed in battle

Syrus: Yeah that's true, but it doesn't really matter cause power bond has a special effect that doubles my monsters attack points

Both: To make 8000

Syrus: Sure Dark Guardian will survive the attack, but it'll be a different story for your life points now let's go Roid Fighter attack Cosmic Flux Blast

Para & Dox: 0 LP

Dakota: Hmmmmmm

Bastion: Are you alright Dakota


Bastion: Well they did win and I'm getting more impressed everyday

Alexis: I'm just happy they get to stay here

As Judy and Syrus celebrated Dakota was walking down for his duel

Dakota: Alright who's dumb enough to be my opponent now

???: Not dumb enough, but who has the guts enough to duel you Dakota-boy

Dakota: Wait I know that voice

As Dakota to where the voice was everyone was shocked seeing the creator himself Maximillion Pegasus

Pegasus: Now shall we start our duel

Dakota: Ha just wait it'll be over before you know it

Pegasus: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Both: DUEL

Dakota: I'll start us off

Dakota look at his hand and saw Alexandrite dragon, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, red-eyes black dragon, ancient rules, and fusion substitute

Dakota: Okay I'm going all out Pegasus

Pegasus: Then show me

Dakota: Fine I summon Alexandrite dragon to the field and in attack mode now I activate ancient rules to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon in attack mode and I'll use his special ability to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode and I end my turn with one card face down

Alexis: Woah and I thought Judy's duel was intense

Bastion: Indeed not only has Dakota summoned three monsters on his first turn they all have about over 2000 attack points

Zane: He really wants to finish this duel fast

Pegasus: My turn now oh my ok

Dakota: Grr

Pegasus: I first pay 1000 life points to activate Toon World

Pegasus: 3000 LP

Dakota: Fine by me it makes it easier and faster to destroy you

Pegasus: I now summon Toon Mermaid and because I have Toon World on the field she can attack you directly

Pegasus: Now Mermaid aim for Dakota's life points

Dakota: Gah you'll pay for that

Dakota: 2600 LP

Pegasus: I'll end my turn

Dakota: Fine I draw *thought* I can't activate any spells or traps yet, but after this I can

Dakota: Okay Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon attack Toon Mermaid

Pegasus: 1600 LP

Dakota: Now since your Toon Mermaid is fish food I can activate card of sanctity which allows both of us to draw until we have 6 cards

Pegasus drew 3 cards while Dakota drew 6 and had a happy face

Dakota: Oh your finished Pegasus

Pegasus: Well what are you waiting for

Dakota: Fine I now activate fusion substitute you see if I don't have a polymerization I can use this card as well a substitute, so I now fuse the six dragons I have in my hand along with the three on the field to summon a dragon stronger than the Emperor Chaos Dragon himself

Bastion: Wait what?!

Alexis: Isn't chaos dragon a banned card

Zane: Yeah and for good reason though I wonder if Dakota's bluffing


Alexis: A monster with 10000 attack points

Bastion: Looks like Dakota treats his greatest opponents with his strongest cards and I have to say Pegasus might be his greatest opponent yet if he's using that

Dakota: Now 9 headed dragon attack Pegasus directly with Inferno Hellblaze

All of the dragons heads fired a stream of blazing heat towards Pegasus and Pegasus lost

Pegasus: 0 LP

Dakota: That's how it goes in dark ages

As all of Dakota's friends walked up to him to congratulate him he walked up to Judy and the unthinkable he kissed Judy right there for everyone to see

Judy: I love you

Dakota: I love you more

After the punishment duel the slifer trio had it was Judy and Dakota's favorite holiday Halloween, but what happens when their happy Halloween turns into a duel with a spirit as some strange kid with a zombie deck arrives will Dakota's dragons send them back to the grave or will the zombies feast on his flesh.

Finally finished writing two parts of an episode in one chapter is difficult, but please give support when I reach the 3 parters cause those will be nightmares for me. Also I'm writing my first special chapter considering how it's getting close to Halloween it's going to be a spooky chapter

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