A Spiteful Spirit

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It was late during the night as a duel is shown, but just ended

Man: Alright you win what do you want

Kid: Heheh I simply want your soul

The man then vanishes from the duel as the kid smiles

Kid: Next up Duel Academy I have a score to settle with a certain dragon duelist

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was morning as Syrus wakes up, but noticed Dakota and Judy weren't in bed which confused him

Syrus: Those two probably fell asleep outside again *sighs*

Syrus then walks in the kitchen and sees the unthinkable Dakota and Judy up before he is

Judy: Morning Sy

Dakota: Good morning Syrus

Syrus: Alright who are you Dakota and Judy would never wake up this earl especially on a weekend

Dakota: Syrus it's the day of Halloween why wouldn't we wake up early

Judy: Plus Dakota makes some tasty chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of monsters

Dakota: Speaking of which their smell is weaker than I thought they would be

Judy: Oh that's because I opened a window

Dakota froze and two people burst through the door

Mokuba: I smell chocolate chip pancakes

Joey: That's ditto for me

Dakota: NO! Both of you down

Joey: Come on son just one

Mokuba: Please?

Dakota: Just wait please?

As Dakota was trying to keep Mokuba and Joey away from their breakfast they accidentally made Dakota drop a pancake as Judy shot out of her chair as Mokuba and Joey stepped back and a confused Syrus

Syrus: Um is everyone okay

Judy: Just stay out of Dakota's way now

Syrus: Why?

To answer to Syrus's question Dakota grabbed a sandal and ran after Joey and Mokuba as they ran away


Joey: We're sorry Dakota!

Mokuba: Show some mercy please?!


Joey and Mokuba ran all the way to shepherds office as they locked the door and blocked it

Kiaba: What you two do this time

Joey: We may or may not have accidentally made Dakota drop one of his Halloween pancakes

Mai: Oh you two are so dead

Mokuba: We know we are that's why we're here

Yugi: Well you guys have to take it cause not even Mai's cookies can calm him down when it comes to his pancakes

As soon as their conversation ended Dakota was pounding on the door and causing it to crack and then there was a hole and scared the crap out of Joey and Mokuba

Dakota: Here's Johnny

Dakota then opened the door and walked up to Joey and Mokuba with the sandal in his hand

Mokuba: Now Dakota calm down

Joey: Yeah we're all family here so just toss the sandal aside

Dakota: Fine

Dakota then threw the sandal away, but then it hit Joey and Mokuba across the face and went back to Dakota like a boomerang

Dakota: Don't fuck with my breakfast

Dakota then left the room leaving the others in shock until he finished making breakfast for Judy, Syrus, and himself

Dakota: *burps* Ah man that was delicious

Syrus: I'll say

Judy: Dakota can make pancakes better than anyone

Dakota: I wouldn't go that far

Syrus: Oh that reminds me we're hosting a Halloween party here

This got Judy and Dakota's attention

Dakota: That's amazing

Judy:When does it start

Syrus: Around 8:00

The slifer trio decided to walk around campus to see what was going on until chazz tried to scare them with a mask, but only scared Syrus

Dakota: Sorry chazz your actual face is scarier then that mask

Judy: Heh then he could trick or treat as himself

Dakota: Hahaha nice one Judy

Chazz: Grr what did you slifer slackers say

Dakota: Um reminder chazz these slackers beat the paradox brothers and the CREATOR of duel monsters

Chazz: Whatever

As chazz left Zane, Alexis, and Bastion arrived

Bastion: Hey you three instead of standing there join us to explore the island

Judy: Hey guys

Syrus: Zane what are you doing here

Zane: I decided to walk around for a bit

Dakota: Well let's go gang

The six of them decided to walk together to explore the island more

Dakota: So what are you guys planning to do

Alexis: I'm planning to go to this Halloween party that's going on tonight

Bastion: Same here

Zane: Apparently Crowler is allowing people to sing as well

Judy: Well that's cool

Syrus: I might stay away the singing

Dakota: Heh singing huh then make some room people

Dakota then got ahead of everyone

Syrus: Um is he okay

Judy: Dakota's actually a great singer he just doesn't want to brag

Bastion: Well he was babysat you Pegasus correct

Judy: Yeah he was actually

Alexis: Then he must be good

Judy: Oh you'll see

The group then continues their walk around the island until Dakota climbed a tree

Bastion: Has anyone seen Dakota

Alexis: Yeah look

Zane then turned on his flashlight to see Dakota hanging upside down on a tree branch

Syrus: Dakota what are you doing

Dakota: Heh just HANGING around haha

The others groaned at his pun as Dakota laughed so much he fell off the tree branch

Dakota: Ow

Judy: You okay Dakota

Dakota: Ello Sheila *shakes head side to side* yeah I'm fine

As the the six of them walk back they noticed a mysterious figure standing there, but couldn't see who

Judy: Who's that

Dakota: It's probably chazz trying to scare us again

Then the figure laughed and came in view Dakota was then extremely pissed

Dakota: After all this time I thought you were dead Bakura

The figure appeared as bakura, but it was really the spirit of the millennium ring

Yami Bakura: Hmph oh I am dead Dakota my spirit is just here for the holiday and wanted a duel

Dakota: Heh let me guest a duel in the shadow realm

Yami Bakura: Have I always been that predictable

Dakota: Not really, but you always or use to always duel in the shadow realm

Yami Bakura: Fair enough now let's get this over with shall we

Dakota: Yeah and you better be fired up cause I'm burning spirit

YB: Then let me set the field

As the spirit was sending them to the shadow realm causing the others to look in awe and shock

Zane: So this is what a shadow game looks like

Bastion: It seems so

Alexis: Well look like they're starting

Syrus: It sure is spooky

Judy: That's a little bit of a understatement

Both: DUEL

Bakura: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Bakura: I'll start off by summoning Headless Knight in attack mode and I'll end my turn by playing one card face down

Dakota: That's all that's a shame here we go

Dakota looked at his hand seeing curse of dragon, mountain, magical cylinder, magic jammer, dragon treasure, and drew Alexandrite dragon

Dakota: Okay I'll start by activating mountain which gives my dragons an extra 200 attack and defense points now I summon curse of dragon in attack mode now dragon attack his headless knight

Bakura: 3250 LP

Dakota: I'll end my turn by setting 3 cards face down

Bakura: Fine by me I draw and now I activate monster reborn bringing back my headless knight, but I'll sacrifice him to summon Earl of Demise

Dakota: Heh it's attack points are still lower then my dragons

Bakura: That's true, but not after this I activate shadow spell causing your dragon to lose 700 attack points now earl of demise destroy his dragon and I'll end my turn

Dakota: 3500 LP

Dakota: Gr that hurt, but so be it

Dakota drew and it was tiger dragon

Dakota: I now summon Alexandrite dragon a he also gets 200 extra attack points, now Alexandrite dragon pay him back for what he did to curse of dragon

Bakura: 3050 LP

Dakota: I end my turn

Bakura: Fine now I summon Goblin zombie in defense mode and now activate shallow grave allowing us to special summon a monster in our grave in face down defense mode and I'll end my turn

Dakota: Fine my draw

Dakota then drew pot of greed and had an idea if his deck came through for him

Dakota: I play the spell card pot of greed letting me draw two cards

Dakota then drew polymerization and graceful charity

Dakota: Alright now I activate graceful charity allowing me to draw 3 cards as long as I discard two

Dakota then drew summon skull, red-eyes black dragon, and galaxy serpent and Dakota discarded tiger dragon and galaxy serpent

Dakota: Now I play polymerization fusing Red-eyes black dragon and summon skull in my hand to bring out RED-EYES BLACK SKULL DRAGON and he also gets the 200 bonus giving him 3400 attack points, but why stop there because I activate Dragon Treasure giving Black Skull Dragon an extra 300 attack points giving him 3700 attack points

Everyone was watching Dakota and Bakura duel and looked in awe as they saw pull of a pretty good strategy

Bastion: Now that's a strategy

Zane: It's incredible to see someone like Dakota to have monsters this strong him

Syrus: Wait what do you mean good strategy

Alexis: What bastion means is that Dakota baited Bakura into going in defense mode so he can do this

Judy: Yeah and he can still normal summon

Dakota: Alexandrite dragon destroy goblin zombie and skull dragon attack his face down

Bakura: Well because you destroyed goblin zombie I get a monster with 1200 or less defense points

Dakota: Fine and I end my turn

Bakura: My move and I draw

Bakura drew and laughed at what he got

Dakota: What's so funny

Bakura: This is what I banish goblin zombie, earl of demise, and headless knight to summon Dark Necrofear

As Bakura said this a blue skinned demon lady appeared

Zane: Now this duel just got interesting

Judy: What's Dark Necrofear

Bastion: It's a monster that can only be summoned by banishing 3 fiend type monsters and if it is destroyed it's then equipped to the opponents monster

Syrus: So in other words...

Alexis: If Dakota attacks and destroys it it'll be equipped to his monster

Bakura heard the conversation and came in

Bakura: True Dark Necrofear is strong, but there's something else I'm laughing about I place one card face down and I end my turn

Dakota: About time I draw

Dakota looks at his hand and noticed he got another pot of greed and just had to believe in himself

Dakota: I play another pot of greed

Dakota then drew two cards that he needed

Dakota: Perfect I summon Kiabaman, but he'll only be here for a second cause I use his special ability to sacrifice him to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon now Skull dragon attack Dark Necrofear

Judy: Dakota wait

Syrus: Uh oh

Bastion: This is gonna to be hard to watch

Zane: Actually Dark Necrofear can only be equipped to a monster at the end of Dakota's turn

Alexis: So he can still use Alexandrite dragon to attack

As Dark Necrofear was destroyed Bakura snickered a little

Bakura: 1550 LP

Dakota: Now Alexandrite dragon finish Bakura off

Bakura: I don't think so I activate negate attack stopping your attack and battle phase

Dakota: Damnit fine I place one card face down and end my turn

Bakura: Thank you because you sent Dark Necrofear I can bring out a stronger version of her

Dakota: Nani?!

Bakura: I banish Dark Necrofear to summon Darkest Necrofear and she gains 500 attack points for every monster that's banished so now she has 4800 attack points now Necrofear attack Black Skull Dragon

Dakota started laughing hysterically causing confusion for everyone else

Bakura: Why are you laughing my monster is about to destroy your dragon

Dakota: Because Bakura I activate my trap card from my first turn and it's Magical Cylinder which absorbs your attack and blasts it back at you

Bakura: NANI?!

Bakura: 0 LP

Dakota: It's over I won this shadow game

Bakura: Yeah you did congratulations

Dakota was shocked and confused how the evil spirit was complementing him

Dakota: Why are you complementing me

Bakura: Cause you past the test, a test to see if you can win a duel even if looked hopeless and now you'll be able to stop the true darkness

Everyone was confused until Bakura vanished and they were out of the shadow realm

Alexis: Well that was something

Bastion: Indeed

Zane: What did he mean by the true darkness

Syrus: Do you know Judy

Judy: Sorry Sy what about you Dakota

Dakota: Not fully sure all I know is that this isn't going to be the last time one of us will be in a shadow game, so we all have to be on our toes

Everyone: Right!

They all left the forest and made it back to the academy and had an hour left till the party started as the slifer trio were doing their own thing, but still talking

Syrus: So what are planning to do at the party Dakota

Dakota: Possibly sing a few songs and make some bad decisions after all it is a party

Syrus: Guess your right

Dakota: Speaking of how good are you at playing an electric guitar

Syrus: Actually pretty good why

Dakota: Well Zane is lead guitarist and Bastion is playing drums, but I need another guitarist you in

Syrus: You know what yeah I'm in let's rock the hell out of duel academy

Dakota: Woah am I rubbing off on you Syrus cause you just agreed without stuttering and hesitation

Judy: Who knew you could change someone like Syrus when you're near them huh Dakota

Dakota: Guest so Welp let's get going guys

Both: Yeah

As they arrived at the party they saw punch bowl along with some Halloween based snacks

Dakota: Well can't sing on an empty stomach let's go

As Dakota went to the snack bar Syrus went to the stage where the students can sing and saw Bastion and Zane

Syrus: Hey Bastion, hey bro

Zane: Syrus?

Bastion: I thought you weren't going to sing

Syrus: Oh I'm not I'm playing with you guys as the second guitarist for Dakota

Bastion: Ah

Zane: Makes sense he would you with us

Just then Dakota came back to the stage with a cupcake with orange icing and bat sprinkles

Dakota: Alright guys let's rock and roll

S/Z/B: Right

As everyone was waiting for who was going to sing or play Kiaba gave the announcement on who would sing

Kiaba: Attention everyone the people who are singing tonight are some of the best duelists here and are called the Duel Wreckers

Everyone shouted for them as they appeared in their proper places and everyone was shocked to see Zane, Bastion, Syrus, and Dakota

Dakota: Happy Halloween Duel Academy we're here to rock you hard and loud

They then started playing shocking everyone at how well they're playing not to mention Dakota singing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone cheered for them and Dakota decided to play more songs

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As it was getting late everyone was asking for one more song and they did just that in fact it was best song for them yet

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone cheered for them and congratulated them as the party was ending as everyone was sleeping yami was speaking with yugi in his mind

Yami: Yugi you sense the power in Dakota right

Yugi: Yeah I do thankfully it's not dark power though

Yami: Yes however if awoken the wrong way it can be corrupted power

Yugi: That's what's worrying me because there's so many people here that love to push his buttons

Yami: His power though is almost the same as ours as well

Yugi: You mean two minds one body

Yami: Not exactly what I mean is the power inside him is like an ancient rulers power

Yugi: You mean when you were a pharaoh

Yami: Yes however his power is almost beast like too

Yugi: Well at least he won't have to figure it out alone

Yami: That's for sure let's get some rest now

Yugi: Good idea

Hey guys it's your favorite dragon duelist here and next time on Dragon emperor Bastion is moving up to obelisk blue that is if he can beat chazz in a duel however I get in my own duel when my uncle Kiaba duels me and according to my uncle yugi tells me about some power I have find out what it is on Dragon Emperor: Formula for success and a Dragon's Fire

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