Formula for Success and A Dragon's Fire

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On a sunny day it shows Syrus and Dakota along with other boys playing baseball as the slifer's are cheering Dakota on

Slifer 1: Come on Dakota

Slifer 2: Hit it out of the park

Syrus: Codes remember keep your eye on the ball

Dakota: That could be tough cause after this the ball will be going over the rafters he'll score then he'll score and then I'll score we'll have a 6 round lead

Bastion: Hold on, time out sorry I was deep into some attack point quantum mechanics and lost track of time

Ra1: Can you throw

Bastion: Sure

Ra 2: Pitcher change get in there

Bastion then walks up to throw and is in front of Dakota

Dakota: This is no written exam Bastion I hope you know what you're doing

Bastion: Trust me I've done all the calculations, now get ready for some heat Dakota this one's coming in red hot

Dakota: Your forgetting something Bastion I'm always fired up

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bastion: I hope you're ready for something with some bite

As bastion threw the ball a image of a tiger showed as bastion got three strikes on Dakota

Dakota: Fuck

When Dakota was up to throw he got all the Ra's out, one and Syrus noticed this

Syrus: Time Dakota what's going on you got two outs and now you walked the last three batters

Dakota: Haha pretty slick, right

Slifer's: Slick?

Dakota: Sure how else would I be able to pitch bastion

Syrus: What? So you walked all those guys just so you could get even with bastion?!

Dakota: No! I don't want to just get even I want to get ahead hey you here that buddy? You're going down!

Bastion: Down the base path perhaps now then, give me your best shot Dakota I don't want to hear any excuses as I wallop it right out of the ball park that is if you can even get it over the plate first

Dakota: Game on

Bastion: Game over, soon!

Around Dakota's body was nothing, but fire along with fire in his eyes as well

Dakota: Now here's something with some bite for you

As Dakota threw the ball a image of a dragon appeared and it cut to Crowler walking outside the area thinking to himself

Crowler: The paradox brothers couldn't beat Judy, chazz couldn't beat Judy I need someone who could beat... ahh

Before Crowler could finish he was hit in the face with a ball and crashed into the wall as Dakota and Syrus ran down

Dakota: Uh heads up

When Crowler emerged from the rubble both Syrus and Dakota panicked as Crowler yelled mostly towards Syrus

Crowler: You well of course it was you who else could cause such pain

Syrus: Now that's keeping your eye on the ball

Dakota: *snickering* Literally

Dakota was to busy laughing his ass off that the ball was actually practically stuck in crowler's eye as bastion ran down to explain

Bastion: It was my fault I was the one who hit the ball

Crowler then looked up to see bastion and got an idea

Crowler: Bastion? Of course! Here I was struggling to find a new accomplice and here it smack me right in the face well the eye actually, but that's besides the point

Bastion: Dr.Crowler please accept my apology

Crowler: No, no, no, no! I've been meaning to have my contacts refitted for ages now I have the perfect excuse *whisper* and the perfect new protégé

As Dakota and Syrus were trying to listen in Crowler chased them off as Crowler explained Bastion could move to an obelisk if he listens to Crowler

Dakota: Fine, but that was a foul bastion

Dakota was hanging out in the dorm still thinking what Bakura was warning him about

Dakota: Here I thought the darkness was gone guess some things never change huh? Well if we have to fight the shadow realm again so be it

Just then bastion walked in with Judy and Syrus which confused Dakota

Dakota: Uh guys what's going on

Judy: Bastion needed some help with something wanna come with us

Dakota: Sure I got nothing better to do

They then got to the Ra dorms talking about the match they had

Dakota: Alright, alright so maybe it wasn't a foul bastion

Syrus: Dakota usually over the center field fence isn't

Judy: I still can't believe Crowler got hit with the ball

Bastion: Look I play like I duel with formulas, see I find that science, statistics, geometry they play a role in everything that we do in life

Judy: Wow I never looked at it that way before

Syrus: So do you have a formula for everything bastion

Dakota: I'm afraid to find out

Bastion: And here we are

All: Where is that

Bastion: My lab, my workshop, my dorm room that area is for traps that area is for spells and over there is for well you get the idea most of these I memorized and as you can see I'm running out of room, so...

All: So what?

Bastion: So... mind helping

Just like that the slifer trio started helping bastion by painting over his dorm room walls as Judy was covering the ceiling

Judy: Hey check it I'm Michelangelo

Everyone laughed until Judy started to lose her balance

Judy: Get cause I'm painting on the ceiling... woah

Dakota: Judy careful!

As Judy lost her balance her paint brush still with white paint on it fell on Syrus as Dakota laughed

Syrus: You do realize this means war Judy

Dakota: Aw come on Sy white is actually a good color on you hahaha

Judy: Ah now look Sy it was an accident

Syrus then picked up a bucket of paint and tossed it at Judy only for her to dove and hit Dakota instead

Dakota: You just push the wrong button Syrus

Syrus: Uh what button is that


Dakota was about to throw his own bucket of paint until bastion cut in

Bastion: That's enough give me that paint

It was to late though as bastion got caught in the cross fire causing Dakota to laugh hysterically

Bastion: Funny is it

Bastion then shoved a rag of paint in Dakota's face causing him to shake it off. Dakota then grabbed a paint brush declaring a paint duel

Dakota: En gare

As the two fought Syrus was able to dump a bucket of paint on Judy and they all laughed then cleaned up and got something to eat

Judy: Man I don't think I ever had such a good time painting you're alright bastion

Dakota: Heh I agree you okay in my book

Syrus: Yeah and so is Ra yellow's food

Bastion: Oh you flatter us, but I'm it's not that much better then slifer's

As bastion took the complement he put down a cooked lobster causing the slifer trio to drule

Judy: Trust me the only we get close to sea food is our dorm cats breath

Syrus: Speaking of bottom dwellers what were you talking to Crowler about back at the game

Dakota: True, but I'd call him more of a trench dweller

Bastion: Actually he wants me to test to be an obelisk

Judy: Are you serious

Dakota: Is that why you were cleaning out your dorm room

Syrus: Cause your switching dorms

Judy: Well you deserve it, congrats Bastion

Bastion: Again you flatter me

Dakota: Hey you're a good man

Judy then brings up the time during the entrance exam where they first met him

Slifer trio: And we can say we know you'll win

Bastion: Thank you

Dakota: You're welcome now if you'll excuse us

The slifer trio began digging into the lobster as bastion had a sincere smile after that bastion said he needed somewhere to sleep since he repainted his room

Dakota: Now prop you can sleep in our dorm room as a matter of fact you can sleep in my bed

Syrus: Wait are you sure Dakota

Dakota: Yeah I always sleep in Judy's bed anyways, so it's a win win

However chazz heard this and got an idea as it than shows Dakota talking to someone as well

???: Are you eating healthy Dakota

Dakota: Yes aunt Kisara

As the screen then shows a woman with white hair and in a blue dress with blue eyes

Kisara: Are you staying out of trouble

Dakota: Yes

Kisara: Then what's this I hear about you entering the abandoned dorm and almost getting expelled

Dakota then froze in fear and tried to find an excuse

Dakota: Um well you see funny story

Kisara: You were trying to get rid of a shadow game there

Dakota knew he couldn't lie out of this one so he just told truth and Kisara spoke in a sweet tone, but then went stern

Kisara: However do something reckless like that again and it's a sandal for you

Dakota: I hear you loud and clear aunt Kisara bye

Her voice turned back to a sweet tone

Kisara: Bye sweetie

The call then ended and Syrus asked a question

Syrus: Hey Dakota are you afraid of anything

Dakota: Just two things my aunt Kisara and Judy when she's mad

Syrus: That's all

Dakota: Yeah welp night Sy cya in the morning

In the morning when Ms.Dorthy was knocking on Dakota's dorm room

Ms.Dorth: Judy, Dakota wake up

Both Dakota and Judy opened the door along with Syrus and bastion

Judy: What is it Ms.Dorthy

Dakota: Is something wrong

Ms.Dorthy: I was at the docks unloading some goos near the store, then I saw them... cards tossed everywhere

Judy: Tossed?!

Dakota: What?!

Dakota, Judy, Syrus, and Bastion all ran to the docks and saw the cards, but they weren't just anyone's cards

Judy: That's Ring of Destruction

Dakota: And Vorse Raider

Syrus: Bastion these are all of your cards

Bastion: It's my own fault this deck was moved to the hallway yesterday when we were painting

Syrus: Who would do something like this

Judy: Someone who doesn't want you moving to obelisk blue

Dakota: Yeah and I think I know who

Judy: I mean this was your deck and it's completely ruined

Dakota: So what are you going to do now Bastion your duel exam is in less than an hour

Bastion, Dakota, Judy, and Syrus ran to the duel stadium where Crowler and chazz were waiting

Crowler: Ah bastion you made it and I see you brought some friends

Chazz: I hope you duel better then the company you keep

Judy: Wait a sec chazz is you opponent bastion

Dakota: Then he must've been the one who tossed your cards

Crowler: Pardon?

Chazz: I don't know what he's talking about Dr.Crowler I didn't do a thing

Alexis: Oh is that so

They turned around to see Alexis and Zane

Dakota: Zane, Alexis?

Alexis: I saw you chazz this morning by the water you dumped them in and ran off. Normally I wouldn't snitch, but you don't mess with someone's deck

Judy: Yeah no joke

Dakota: That's low even for you!

Chazz: Oh come on who's to say I wasn't throwing away my own cards I guess bastion and I just have similar decks that's all

Dakota: Liar!

Chazz: No one calls me a liar and no one calls me a thief

Bastion: Fine then your not let's just have our duel shall we?!

Judy: But how?

Bastion: A good duelist always has a spare deck or a few of them after all you seen all of my different formulas well they were for all my different dueling decks and each one is stronger than the next

Chazz: Yeah well you can go ahead and keep your six stinking decks cause all I need is this one! Now let's start this

Bastion: I thought you'd never ask chazz you're just a problem to be solved chazz a theorem to be cracked you're finished

Chazz: So bring it on

Both: Duel

Chazz: 4000 LP

Bastion: 4000 LP

Chazz: Hope your ready cause here comes the hurt I summon Chthonian Solider in attack mode than a card face down and that'll do it for now

Bastion: Oh will it now

Judy: Sounds like bastion has something planed

Alexis: He works quickly

Dakota: Maybe, but let's see if he wins

Bastion: I summon Hydrgeddon in attack mode, rise hydrogeddon now attack Chthonian Solider with hydro gust destroy him

Chazz: 3600 LP

Chazz: Thanks cause you just activated Chthonian Solider's special ability which causes you take the same amount of damage I did

Bastion: 3600 LP

Zane: Not bad

Judy: Bastion sure walked right into that one

Dakota: True bastion did take damage, but when he destroyed that Solider hydrogeddon's ability activates

Syrus: What do you mean

Dakota: Watch

Bastion: I activate a special ability also, you see chazz when hydrogeddon successfully destroys a monster in battle I'm allowed to immediately summon another hydrogeddon from my deck so rise hydrogeddon and my battle phase still continues which means I can now wage a direct attack on you chazz, so go hydrogeddon hydro gust

Chazz: 2000 LP

Chazz: You'll pay for that I activate my trap card call of the haunted with it I can bring one monster back from my graveyard and the monster I summon is... that's right Chthonian Solider next I activate the spell card inferno reckless summon it allows us both to summon in attack mode any monster from our deck hand or graveyard that are the same as the monsters we already have on the field

Alexis: It makes no sense it doesn't matter how many of those chazz brings out they still won't have enough attack points to beat those hydrogeddon

Zane: Not by themselves they won't

Dakota: You're not thinking what I think you're thinking are you Zane

Chazz: I activate the equip spell card Chthonian Alliance the monster equipped with this card gains 800 attack points for each monster on the field with the same name as it does

Chazz: That brings his total attack to... well your math nerd you can figure it out attack Chthonian Solider

Bastion: 1600 LP

Judy: Oh no

Syrus: Bastions life points have gone down by more than half he's losing the duel

Dakota: Actually if bastion is as smart as we think he is he knows one way around this

Bastion: Good Show, Bravo, but it'll be short lived rise Oxygeddon now attack the 1200 point Chthonian Solider with vapor stream

Chazz: 1400 LP

Chazz: Forget when he's destroyed you take the same amount of damage as I did some whiz kid you are

Bastion: 1000 LP

Bastion: My turns not through next my hydrogeddon will attack your other Chthonian Solider

Chazz: 1000 LP

Chazz: That damage is still all going back to you loser

Bastion: 600 LP

Syrus: Oh man why bastion keep attacking he's only hurting himself

Judy: Nah he's fine

Zane: Bastion's playing smart

Dakota: The Chthonian Solider with that equipped card has 3600 attack points Bastion would have to summon an incredibly powerful monster to destroy him unless however

Syrus: Wait I see by taking down the other Chthonians and lowers the big ones attack points

Judy: Right Sy so if bastion is going to beat that thing he has to pay some life points

Bastion: Last I'll play one card face down

Chazz: Will it I wouldn't be so sure whiz kid I'm sacrificing Chthonian Solider and all the cards in my hand to summon infernal incinerator didn't see that coming did you

Bastion: Infernal incinerator?!

Chazz: Better bring out your calculator cause if you can't find a formula to beat this guy you're toast. Face it Bastion you don't stand a chance against the Infernal Incinerator especially since his attack points increase by 200 attack points for every monster you have on the field

Judy: That thing has 3400 attack points that means no matter what monster receives the damage bastion's finished

Chazz: Now Infernal Incinerator attack with firestorm blast

Dakota: Bastion

Bastion: I activate my trap Amorphous Barrier when I have 3 or more monsters on my side of the field this card negates my opponents attack and ends the battle, but nice try chazz

Chazz: Aw so what one turn that's all it buys you then you'll be all mine

Bastion: I'm afraid there won't be a next turn

Chazz: What?!

Bastion: You heard me and I activate the spell card bonding H2O I sacrifice two hydrogeddons and one oxygeddon to summon water dragon and since then number of monsters on my field decreased so does your monsters attack points

Chazz: Doesn't matter my monsters attack points are way higher than yours

Bastion: Better double check your work cause I've already done all the math

Crowler: All the math you mean

Judy: Bastion's had all this planned since the very start

Chazz: No his attack points

Bastion: Indeed that's water dragons special ability you see when he's out on the field the attack points of fire attribute and pyro type monsters automatically go to zero now water dragon attack tidal blast

Chazz: 0 LP

The duel ended with bastion as the winner and told chazz how he knew it was his deck that chazz tossed and Crowler jumped in

Crowler: Bastion Misawa congratulations and welcome to obelisk blue

Bastion: No I must decline that invitation

Crowler: What? But what for?

Bastion: When I first entered the academy I decided I would only enter obelisk blue when I became the number one student in the freshmen class. Dakota out of all the freshmen I think that is you

Dakota: Heh thanks does that mean you want to settle this right here and now cause seeing you guys duel really got the fire in me burning more than ever

Bastion: Sorry, but not now

Dakota: Why not?

Bastion: Because I still have a lot to do before I duel you many formulas to write, thermos to solve, equations to balance you're a great duelist Dakota and I plan to be ready

Dakota: Smart move

Bastion: Don't worry Dakota soon my dorm room will be filled with new strategies and we will have our duel just be prepared for it to turn out like that ball game you know the one where I struck you out

Dakota: Heh just keep dreaming bastion baseball's a pastime, but dueling was, is, and always will be my life until then buddy

Bastion: Alright until then it is

Just then fire surrounded the two young duelists as they stare each other down as a tiger and dragon replace them

Later that afternoon Dakota was looking through his deck until he got a message from his uncle kiaba and yugi

Dakota: Hmm meet us in shepherds office we have something to discuss

Dakota: Okay guys I'm going to see my uncles don't burn down the dorm when I'm gone

Dakota then left and when to shepherds office to see his mom, dad, and three uncles

Joey: Sit here kid it's time we had a talk

Mai: And it's very important because it has to deal with you

Dakota then thought they were going to give him the talk and didn't want to hear it again

Dakota: Guys I already know my bodies changing and all that hormone crap you don't have to make me relieve it

The others realize how they put what they wanted to talk about and gave off the wrong memo

Yugi: Not that talk Dakota have you ever felt something different when you duel

Kiaba: Like another personality

Dakota then thought about and realized something

Dakota: Kind of though I mostly feel it when I'm really getting excited

Yugi: Heh well then you might have some connection to the past

Dakota: You mean like uncle yami was a pharaoh

Joey: Yeah exactly like that

Kiaba: However this can become a great power, but it can also be corrupted which is why I challenge you to a duel

Dakota: Heh fine by me I've been itching for a duel all day so far

Dakota and Kaiba entered the stadium as all the students were there to watch as Mokuba was the announcer

Mokuba: Ladies and gentlemen prepare to witness a duel like no other as Dakota who proved he truly belongs here by dueling the creator of duel monsters and winning as his opponent is Seto Kiaba

Judy: Wow Dakota finally got what he wanted

Syrus: What do you mean Judy

Judy: Heh back then whenever Dakota ran into Kaiba he always challenged him to a duel, but Kiaba always declined it

Alexis: Did he ever stop asking

Judy: Nope he would always ask when he got the chance

Bastion: And when he always said no that got him more determined apparently

Syrus: How do you know that

Zane: Simple the face Dakota has on is the face of not letting his opponent get off Scott free

Dakota: I hope you're ready uncle because there's no forfeiting or backing out of this duel

Kiaba: Same to you

Both: DUEL

Kiaba: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota: Alright I think I'll start us off

Dakota looked at his hand seeing dread dragon, pot of greed, polymerization, red-eyes black chick, and blue-eyes fusion

Dakota: Okay I summon Dread dragon in attack mode I play three cards face down and end my turn

Bastion: With every duel Dakota was in I guess that's all he could've done

Kiaba: Ha you call that a move well here's mine I summon Ancient Dragon in attack mode I then play two cards face down and now ancient dragon attack his dread dragon

Dakota: 3700 LP

Dakota: Ha you just activated my dragons special ability when he's sent to the graveyard by battle I can summon a level 3 or lower dragon type monster from my deck and I summon Exploder dragon

Kiaba: Impressive however my dragons special ability activated too when inflicts damage in battle he gains 1 extra level and gets and gets an extra 500 attack points, but I'll end my turn here

Dakota: Finally my draw

Dakota looked at what he drew and it was red-eyes black dragon and he had the perfect strategy

Syrus: Oh man Dakota looks like he's in real trouble

Alexis: I think you might be right Syrus

Zane: Then why is he smiling

S/A: Huh

Judy: It's because Dakota now has a strategy

Dakota: Alright first I play pot of greed allowing me to draw two cards

As Dakota drew his cards he got graceful charity and one of the two cards he needed to beat his uncle

Dakota: Now I play graceful charity giving me three cards, but I have to discard two

Dakota then drew and got red eyes, call of the haunted, and remove trap as he discarded call of the haunted and remove trap

Dakota: Now I end my turn

Kiaba: Fine by me cause I now activate ancient rules allowing me to summon my blue-eyes white dragon and I summon galaxy serpent to the field as well

Dakota: Big whoop attack my dragon if you dare uncle

Kiaba: That's just it kid I didn't challenge you to beat you I challenged you to show something extraordinary I now synchro summon

Dakota: What summon

Kiaba: Watch and learn

Kiaba then sacrificed his blue-eyes whit dragon and galaxy serpent as a silver colored dragon appeared

Kiaba: I give you the Azure-eyes Silver Dragon now attack his exploder dragon

Dakota: Ha jokes on you kiaba because when you destroy my monster his special ability takes out the monster that destroyed him with and we both take no battle damage

Kiaba: Heh really well to bad my dragon can't be destroyed by any monsters ability until next turn

Dakota: Well worth a shot my draw then

As Dakota drew he got mountain and is now going to put his strategy in motion

Dakota: Okay uncle it's time you feel a real dragons fire

Dakota's eyes looked like that of a dragons and had a red color Kiaba realized he awoken his power

DE Dakota: I now activate the field spell mountain giving all my dragons an extra 200 attack points now I summon red-eyes black chick in attack mode and I'll use his special ability to summon red-eyes black dragon now I play polymerization fusing the red-eyes on the field with the one in my hand to summon RED-EYES TWIN INFERNO DRAGON

Bastion: Impressive, but it's still no match for Kiaba's dragon

Judy: Oh yeah just watch this bastion

Dakota: I now activate Blue-eyes fusion this card allows me to fuse any blue-eyes monster using blue-eyes white dragon from my deck, field, or graveyard and I fuse my two blue-eyes to create BLUE-EYES TWIN BURST DRAGON

Zane: Now Dakota has two dragons that can attack twice in one turn meaning he can attack 4 times

Alexis: And because of mountain his red-eyes has 2600 and his blue-eyes has 3200

Dakota: Now Blue-eyes attack azure-eyes

Kaiba: 3300 LP

Dakota: I'm not done yet blue-eyes attack again

Kaiba: 300 LP

Dakota: Now Red-Eyes Twin Inferno Dragon attack with MEGA FIRE BLAST

Kaiba: 0 LP

The duel ended as everyone was in shock, but then erupted into a cheer as Kiaba also congratulated him he said some new cards would be given to him again and walked out

Hey everyone the best duelist is here and we're looking for chazz cause he went missing and some monkey took MY GIRLFRIEND okay it's time to fired up next on dragon emperor: Monkey see, monkey duel

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