Monkey See, Monkey Duel

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Late at night Dakota is seen on the roof of the Slifer dorm again as Judy climbs up to talk to him again

Judy: You know you I'm starting to think you're more monkey then human with the climbing you keep doing

Dakota: Heh what can I say I just love getting a grip on things hahaha

Judy: *sighs* Come on Dakota I know you haven't been getting any sleep

Dakota: What?! I've been getting plenty of sleep

Judy: Those bags under your eyes say otherwise. Come on Dakota you need sleep, please tell me what's wrong

Dakota: Fine it's because I'm scared

Judy: Wait why and what are you scared about

Dakota: Losing you is what and why

Judy: How do you think you'll lose me

Dakota: With the shadow games happening if you lose you'll lose your soul and if you do I'll never forgive myself

Dakota was almost showing tears until Judy hugged him causing him to look at her

Judy: Hey no matter what I won't lose a shadow game

Dakota: Promise?

Judy: Heh I promise, now will you come to sleep

Dakota: Fine

With that Dakota and Judy went to sleep with Dakota snuggling with Judy

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

During school Syrus runs into class calling for Judy and Dakota

Syrus: Judy, Dakota it's awful chazz is gone

Dakota: That's awful how

Syrus: Well I actually don't know

Judy: Isn't he supposed to be your duel rival

Dakota: Wait you're right I need my competition

The slifer trio overheard three obelisk's talking shit about chazz

Judy: What a bunch of jerks I tell ya if those were the only friends I had i'd run away too

Dakota: No kidding

Syrus: Guys I know chazz has been a pain in the past, but what if he's in trouble and needs us to help him

Judy: Good point the right thing to do would be to look for him

Syrus: Yeah so when do we leave

Dakota: Right now of course after all this is a great excuse to skip class

The three slifer's crawled out a hole in duel academy as Judy was the first to give the signal

Judy: Alright the cost is clear

Dakota: Why do I have a feeling you did this before Judy

The three got out of the hole and dusted themselves off, but jumped hearing someone's voice

???: You know there's something called a door

Slifer Trio: Yaaah

They all turn around and sighed released seeing Alexis, jasmine, and Mindy

Judy: Oh hey Alexis we just thought we would get an early start on our homework

Alexis: Yeah right you're going to look for chazz and we're going with

Judy: Really

Dakota: Since when do you girls ditch class

Alexis: Chazz is an obelisk and we take care of our own

Dakota: Then let's get going

The three slifer's and obelisk's were out in the forest part of the island shouting for chazz

Judy: Chazz, Chazz

Syrus: Come on out

Dakota: Yeah we're worried about you. Ya scrub

Alexis finally decides enough is enough along with Dakota as they both shout a threat

Alexis: That's it

Dakota: Agreed



Their threats both echo throughout the forest scaring some birds

Judy: Yeah threaten him that'll bring him running

Dakota: It always work on my dad

Jasmine: You know I bet there's a reason chazz ran off

Mindy: Ya like to get me flowers my chazzy is so romantic

Dakota: Uh

Judy: Ew

Syrus: Chazzy?

Jasmine: You have a crush on chazz last week it was bastion who's next little Syrus

Mindy: Well he is cute

Alexis: Hmm

Judy: What?

Alexis: Look there something's moving

Everyone looked to where Alexis was pointing which was to a bush causing a little confusion

Dakota: I don't see anything

Mindy: Chazzy?

The bushes then began to shake showing something or someone was there

Syrus: Must be

Judy: Guess so alright games over chazz we found ya

Dakota: Yeah let's get ya back to your dorm so you can shower you stank man

As soon as Judy and Dakota were close to the bush some animal jumped out of the bush scaring the two slifer's

Dakota and Judy: Waaaah

The animal then ran towards the group as it caused a dust cloud to form but then quickly dissipate leaving the group in shock

Alexis: Not chazz

Syrus: Not human either

Dakota: What was that thing

Just then three men appeared as one was holding a tranquilizer gun looking around for something

Man 1: He's gone

Just then they all heard a girl scream while the students looked around and couldn't find Judy

Alexis: Judy!

Syrus: Look in those trees

In the trees the animal was jumping tree branch to tree branch as as Judy shouted

Judy: Get this thing off me

On the ground Mindy said something while Dakota's hair covered his face

Mindy: She always did want a man to sweep her off her feet

Alexis: Yeah some guy not some monkey

Dakota finally shouted just before he started going after them


Dakota then jumped in the trees chasing the monkey causing everyone to look in shock as the other men followed along with the other students

Judy: Put me down now

Man 2: There he goes

Man 3: After him

Syrus: Wait what's going on what is that thing

Mindy: Who cares it's got Judy and Dakota is possibly going to fall we got to go after it

Jasmine: I don't know if he's insane or loves Judy that much

It then shows the monkey still running through the trees holding Judy as Dakota is still chasing him until a branch snaps causing him to fall

Dakota: Oh shit aaaaaah

Below the trees are the other students following and stop hearing something

Alexis: You guys hear something

Jasmine: Yeah it sounds close

Mindy: Maybe it's chazz

Syrus: Actually is sounds like... Gah

Before Syrus could finish Dakota crashed on top of him causing the others to look in shock

Dakota: Ugh thanks for breaking my fall Syrus

Syrus: *in pain* No problem Dakota

Dakota then picked up Syrus after getting off him and continued going after the monkey and finally caught up to him


The three men then appeared and aimed the tranquilizer gun at the monkey when he was still holding Judy and Dakota didn't like that at all and kicked the gun out of his hand while the others arrived

Man 3: What are you doing kid

Dakota looked at him with death in his eyes

Dakota: If you were smart you would see that your monkey has a girl who is also my girlfriend, so if you tranq him then she falls

Man 1: He's right sir we can take any chances

Syrus: Wait that monkey has a duel disk

Dakota: Hey you're right Sy well it's either that or a really funny looking banana

Man 3: That's no banana and that's no ordinary monkey his name is Wheeler and he's a trained duelist

Syrus: A dueling monkey

Man 1: Sir

Man 3: Oh yes I forgot top secret

Dakota: Hold on if he can duel then let me duel him

Man 3: Duel him can't you see we have a situation here

Dakota: Yeah that's why I want to duel him plus MY girlfriend is in this situation

Syrus: Dakota are you feeling okay

Alexis: He's not sick just crazy

Dakota: Hey I bet if I beat this monkey he'll return Judy it's only fair. So how bout it Wheeler ready to get fired up

Wheeler: oh ah ah

Dakota: Yeah I'm talking to you banana breath put the girl down and we'll settle this like men or higher primates or whatever

Syrus: Gotta hand it to him they are communicating

Mindy: I don't get how that monkey understands him

Alexis: Maybe all that training he's had taught him to speak human or maybe Dakota's really a monkey

Dakota: Okay so I win Judy's free, but if by some chance Wheeler wins we let him go

Judy: Wait let him go

Dakota: Don't sweat it babe after all I never lost a duel yet

Judy: What about the my and Zane's

Dakota: Hey thought were practice duels they don't count

Wheeler then put Judy down and stood in front of Dakota activating his duel disk

Dakota: Wow you really know how to use that thing don't ya

Alexis: I hope this works

Dakota: Alright time to turn up the heat

Man 2: I have a shot

Man 3: No wait this duel is just the kind of field test we've been waiting for

Dakota: *thought* Alright time to get down to business, monkey business that is *out loud* Ready or not let's duel

Wheeler: Duel

Dakota: What the hell

Syrus: Woah it talks

Man 3: Please that would be complete unrealistic his helmet reads his thoughts and talks for him

Wheeler: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Dakota drew his hand and saw Kidmodo dragon, mountain, galaxy serpent, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, and luster dragon

Dakota: *thoughts* Alright time to show this monkey who's the real smart one in evolution *out loud* Alright try this I activate the field spell card mountain now all of my dragons get a 200 point bonus next I summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode okay monkey you saw my moves now do yours get it monkey see monkey do

Judy: I don't think this the time for puns Dakota

Wheeler: My turn, my turn draw berserk gorilla attack mode

Dakota: Is he supposed to be family well then I guess we know who got the good looks

Wheeler: Berserk gorilla attack Kidmodo dragon attack, attack

The giant ape then crushed the little dragon causing Dakota to show somewhat of a smirk

Wheeler: Now one card face down, face down monkey see monkey do better. I make monkey out of you, you, you

Dakota: Grr

Syrus: Dakota's losing the duel

Alexis: Yeah and his cool, but how could you not I mean he is getting beaten by a monkey

Dakota: Hey cut me some slack the duel just started and it's about to heat up because you guys seem to have forgotten about Kidmodo's special ability when he's sent to the graveyard by battle I can summon another dragon of any level and I summon red-eyes darkness metal dragon. Next I'll use his special ability to summon luster dragon. Now red-eyes attack berserk gorilla with Dark Flame Blast

Wheeler: 3000 LP

Dakota: And I'm not done yet because not that leaves you open for a direct attack for my luster dragon

Syrus: Alright now Dakota's really burning up

Alexis: Yeah, but are furry little friend is going to get burned out

Wheeler: 900 LP

Dakota: I'm the man I mean not that you could be ya know uh Wheeler? You calling it quits already

Syrus: So is that it? Does that mean Dakota won

Man 3: Please he just made one mistake, but he won't make it again

Syrus: Huh?

Man 3: Believe me it's all part of his training back at the lab if he made the same mistake twice he'd be harshly punished we poked and prodded him that way for years, no he won't give up he'll just get better

Syrus: Poke and prodded

Man 1: Sir

Man 3: Oh right top secret uh never mind

Dakot: So monkey you calling it quits already or what?

Wheeler: Grr never surrender, never

Dakota: Now that's what I'm talking about I'm getting fired up now

Wheeler: I summon Acrobat Monkey, monkey next I play my trap DNA surgery go

Dakota: DNA surgery oh great that means whatever monster type that monkey chooses is the type my monsters will become as well as his and if it's anything other then dragon than mountain card is useless

Wheeler: I chose beast type, beast type

All of a sudden acrobat monkey looked more beast like along with Dakota's dragons

Wheeler: Next I play wild nature's release

Alexis: Wild nature's release that spell card will increase the monsters attack points based on it's defense points wow this monkey is getting better

Syrus: Which makes it worse for Dakota

Wheeler: Acrobat Monkey power up, power up now attack luster dragon summersault smash

Dakota: 3100 LP

As soon as luster dragon was destroyed acrobat monkey was destroyed as well

Syrus: Wait I don't get it what just happened? Anyone?

Alexis: When wild nature's release is used on a monster that monster is destroyed at the turns end

Wheeler: Your turn, your turn

Dakota: Nice moves Wheeler, but no banana yet and it's my turn draw. *thought* Alright it's time to show this hostage taking hair ball that it takes more than just opposable thumbs to be a good duelist

Dakota: I'm gonna play huh

Dakota and the others turned around to see more monkeys

Syrus: Uh-oh more monkeys

Mindy: It's like an entire tribe of them

Dakota: Wait a sec that's why your trying to escape isn't it to get to your family

Wheeler: Must win! Miss family, miss family!

Dakota: Look bud I know you want to get back to your family, but I need to get back Judy so unlessyou let her go I gotta beat ya. Which is why I summon Galaxy serpent in attack mode

Wheeler: Don't forget, don't forget Galaxy serpent turns into a beast type because of DNA surgery

Dakota: Fine by me because now I use Galaxy serpent and red-eyes darkness metal dragon to synchro summon

Syrus: Wait isn't that what Kiaba did with his duel

Alexis: I'm guessing his uncle gave him some pointers

Dakota: Now get ready to face a dragon like no other

Just then a portal opened up and a black and dark red dragon appeared

Dakota: And here he is the Scarlet Red Dragon Archfiend, now my dragon attack with SCARLET FLAME

Wheeler: 700 LP

Dakota: That's not all I activate the spell card Poison of the Old Man allowing me to either give myself 1200 LP or deal you 800 points of damage, and deciding to deal you 800 points of damage straight to your life points

Wheeler: 0 LP

Syrus: Alright Dakota won

Dakota: Fair is fair now you let Judy go

Wheeler then went back to the tree and brought back Judy

Dakota: So how'd it feel to be guarded by baby King Kong

Judy: Honestly scary, but what about Wheeler he shouldn't have snatched me, but he still deserves better then those needle poking scientist

The three men were walking up to Wheeler until Dakota got an idea and shouted something no one would expect


Everyone was silent until they seen a blue-eyes helicopter appear and Kiaba walking out

Kiaba: What's the emergency kid

Dakota: Oh just some scientists treating an animal to duel in a very harsh way

Kiaba then looked at the three men with a stern look

Kiaba: Alright you three I suggest you get off this island now and I'm feeling generous so I'm giving you 30 seconds

Man 1: What why would we...

Kiaba: Care to make it 10 seconds

The three men then took off leaving the monkey alone and he ran into the wild and Kiaba told them chazz was fine, but left on his family's yacht

Dakota: Well I'm betting he'll be back after all rivals like him are hard to find

Just then banner showed up

Banner: Yes, but you know what's not class and since you left early we got some making up to do

Everyone: Awww

Next time on Dragon Emperor Dakota has to duel jinzo an actual duel monster and if Dakota loses jinzo gets his body it's a duel where winner takes all and Dakota decides to show a few new fire starters of his own

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