A Spirit Summoned

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Dakota: Man my deck is practically unstoppable, but it's not enough I need more powerful dragons

As Dakota was looking through his deck he appeared somewhere that looked like the duel monsters world and saw three powerful looking dragons

???: Dakota Wheeler we presume

Dakota: Yeah dats me who's da one asking

???: We are the three dragons that made the summons

Dakota: What summons?

SVFD: I am Starving Venom Fusion Dragon I made fusion summoning

CWSD: I am Clear Wing Synchro Dragon I made synchro summoning

DRXD: And I am Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon I made Xyz summoning

SVFD: We've been watching you duel and you are the chosen duelist to wield our power

CWSD: If you truly want to be a dragon emperor you need the dragons who created the summonings

Dakota: That does make sense, but how will I get you, you guys are hear

DRXD: When you wake up you'll find us in your deck

Dragons: Good luck partner

Dakota then woke up and searched through his deck and saw the 3 mighty dragons themselves which caused him to smile, but then he got a call on his phone and saw it was Mokuba

Dakota: Yo, yo, yo what up bro

Mokuba: Okay weird hello first off second I got a sexy card for you....

Before Mokuba could finish Dakota hung up and was right behind him in a second

Dakota: I came over as soon as I heard sexy card so where is it

Mokuba: Right here

Mokuba then held a card that looked like dark magician girl, but with a red-eyes design then Kiaba responded

Kiaba: She's called Red-eyes Magician Girl she basically has the same ability as dark magician girl only she gains 300 attack points for any red-eyes monster in the graveyard

Joey: Yep and she's all your kid

Mai: Make sure you treat her nicely

Yugi: Along with respect

Dakota: Don't worry guys I will

As Dakota left his Magician Girl gave Dakota a wink

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It shows duel academy, but it was snowing

Judy: I can't believe everyone left for winter break the campus feels totally empty

Dakota: Hey don't worry about it babe besides everyone is coming back for the Christmas party remember

Judy: You're right plus all the more dueling for us

Dakota: Yeah not to mention the more cafeteria food too

Banner: Yes which makes you wonder why all we've been eating are marshmallows

Dakota: Well you can thank Syrus's anxiety eating

Syrus: Hey you also mentioned your metabolism was faster than normal

Dakota: Yeah, but that's just me normally anyways. Go Luster Dragon

Dakota and Judy were in a duel with Judy having avian and Sparkman and Dakota having Luster dragon

Then someone crashed through the dorm and Dakota and Judy stopped their duel

Judy: Uh guys?

Dakota: Woah dude you look like you've see a ghost

???: Uh-huh I-I have

Dakota: What do you mean?

???: Jinzo the dueling card

Syrus: You might want to call the school nurse professor Banner

Banner: I know you your Tory you were in my para-dueling class

Tory: Yeah that's right professor banner and everything you said was right about duel spirits being real and all

Syrus: Scratch that make it the school Therapist

Banner: Just calm down Tory and tell me everything that happened from the very beginning


Tory: Yes professor a while back I told my friends about your class and that under certain conditions duel spirits could come to life. Well we started trying to creat those conditions even though we knew the academy forbids it. We did it a couple of times, but nothing happened until yesterday maybe it's because we used our bedsheets as clothes or took Dr.Crowlers bath candles, but anyway this time was different see we all put our hands on a mystic box said the chant and it happened

Obelisks: From vapor to flesh, from wind to a roar come Jinzo from the land of yore

End of flashback

Tory: Then the mystic box said give me three and I'll be free we thought that he meant cards

Banner: Oh dear me no Jinzo's appetite would not be settled by mere cards

Dakota: This is why people have to follow rules and these are the consequences when the don't

Judy: So what did the 3 mean Tory

Tory: It mean people

Syrus: People?!

Tory: Yes and unfortunately we agreed... before we knew better

Dakota: So your friends

Tory: They're both gone I looked everywhere, but it's like they just vanished into thin air first it was one then the other and I know it's going to be me next

Judy: You sure they didn't just go home for winter break Tory

Tory: I hoped, but I called their parents and they didn't know where they were

Banner: Hmm

Tory: I doubt they could've made it home anyway after all I tried to leave the island, but I couldn't you see once I got to the ferry there HE was

Jinzo: *sinister laugh* Going somewhere

Jinzo: Run, but you can't hide

Tory: There's no escape

After that the power went out

Syrus: What was that?!

Banner: Easy Syrus it was probably a fuse

Dakota: Yeah or maybe a bulb heheh

Jinzo: Or maybe it was ME

Everyone panicked, but something was off for some reason Dakota thought the voice was familiar

Judy: Let him go Jinzo

Jinzo: We had a deal and I plan to see you as well Wheeler

Dakota then recognized the accent and ran after Jinzo shouting

Dakota: Oh no you don't you swamp living backstabber

Judy: Dakota hold on

Syrus: Wait up you guys

They all ran after Jinzo, but lost him until pharaoh started growling

Banner: What is it pharaoh

Syrus: Maybe he can sense him

Dakota: Then let's go

They all ran to some power plant, but couldn't find Jinzo

Syrus: What is this place

Banner: This the central power station for the entire island, but I don't see Jinzo anywhere

Judy: Well I see Tory

Dakota: It's all right man you're safe now

Before they could get Tory lightning struck everywhere as Jinzo appeared

Jinzo: None of you are safe

Dakota: Hand him over Jinzo or should I say Leichter

Leicher: So you finally figured it out, but do you plan to do about it

Dakota: How bout a deal I win you let Tory and his friends go, you win you get my body

Leichter: Fair enough this electrical current should hold enough for a duel first I'll beat you then I'll consume you

Dakota: Well see about that now get fired up

Dakota: Let's take flight

Jinzo: 4000 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

Leichter: Yes let's first I summon Malice Doll of Demise next I play the spell card Ectoplamer this fiendish spirit allows each player to sacrifice a monster at the end of their turn then half of that monsters attack points are dealt to the opponent's player as damage

Dakota: 3200 LP

Dakota: *thoughts*That card is a continuous spell so he'll be able to use it's magic every turn, but so will I

Dakota looked at his hand and saw mountain, draining shield, Alexandrite Dragon, Red-eyes black chick, and Red-eyes baby Dragon then Red-eyes Magician Girl showed as a spirit

Red-eyes Magician Girl: Ready to summon me partner

Dakota: Not yet I have plan

Dakota: I play the field spell mountain giving my dragons a 200 point bonus and now Alexandrite attack Leichter life points directly with shining blast

Leichter: 1800 LP

Dakota: And I'll end my turn with one card face down

Syrus: That's the spirit... I mean that's how you beat a spirit I mean oh you know

Judy: Now that's fire power

Dakota: Yeah I'm on fire now

Jinzo: A fire that I will put out and since malice doll of demise was sent to the graveyard by the magic of a spell card he automatically resurrects and I summon Emissary of the Afterlife in attack mode and now he'll attack you directly with sickle slasher after all an eye for an eye

Dakota: 1600 LP

Leichter: Now Malice doll attack and finish him off

Judy: DAKOTA!!!

Dakota: That's what you think swamp man cause you just activated my trap card Draining shield and what it does is that it takes the attacking monsters attack points and adds them to my life points

Dakota: 3200 LP

Leichter: Don't forget about Ectoplasmers effect you take damage from half of my monsters attack points

Dakota: 2400 LP

Leichter: Having this duel was an excellent idea it's much better to enjoy something slowly rather than taking it all at once

Syrus: Dakota your legs

When Dakota looked down he noticed his legs were holographic

Dakota: Huh hey what's the big deal

Leichter: Ha ha I'm collecting on our deal you lost half your life points so I'm taking half your life force and it feels good

Dakota: Grr don't count your dragons before they hatch Leichter cause it's my move now

Dakota drew he got the card he needed

Dakota: I now play the spell card Graceful charity allowing me to draw 3 cards, but discard 2

Dakota then drew magician girl and red-eyes darkness dragon and red-eyes darkness metal dragon

Dakota: I know discard two of my red-eyes dragons and I'll sacrifice Alexandrite dragon to summon RED-EYES MAGICIAN GIRL

Alexandrite dragon then turned to dust and a black pillar appeared then it showed a girl in a red-eyes outfit with a scythe

Leichter: Big deal she doesn't have enough attack points to finish me off

Dakota: Heh then let me introduce you to her special ability she gains 300 attack points for every red-eyes monster flying in my graveyard and I count 2 so she gets 600 extra attack points

Magician girl: 2500 Attack points

Dakota: Now attack with Inferno Scythe Slash

Leichter: 900 LP

Dakota: Your lucky you didn't have a body for that, next I'll summon Red-eyes baby dragon in defense mode

Leichter: My draw and I couldn't as for a better one with this card my resurrection is all the closer

Dakota: What card is that

Leichert: Hehehe I use malice doll's special ability to re-summon him, but only so I can sacrifice him in order to conjure *laughs* Jinzo

Lightning then struck leicher's card as he appeared as Jinzo himself

Dakota: Oh come on you can't just draw yourself like that

Leichter: I just did and now I can attack you personally Cyber Energy Shock destroy Baby Dragon

Dakota: Heh thanks because when baby dragon is destroyed I can summon a level 7 monster from my deck and I chose Red-Eyes Black Dragon and because he's a dragon monster he gains 200 attack points and my magician girl gets another 300 attack points for baby dragon being in the graveyard

Magician Girl: 2800 attack

Judy: Now that's a impress move

Banner: Yes, but with Jinzo on the field I'm afraid Dakota won't be able to use any trap cards

Dakota: Alright my move and I activate pot of greed to draw 2 cards

Dakota drew and saw he had red-eyes black chick and another red-eyes black dragon

Dakota: Alright now I'm really burning I summon red-eyes black chick and I'll use his special ability to sacrifice him to summon my other Red-eyes Black Dragon. And since my chick was sent to the graveyard magician Girl gets another 300 attack

Magician Girl: 3100 LP

Dakota: Just try to get pass these badasses Leichter because unless you have a monster with 3100 attack points or more you won't even be able to give me a scratch

Judy: No kidding and if either of his red-eyes are destroyed his magician gets 600 attack points

Syrus: It's still risky though

Banner: Then let's keep our fingers crossed

Leichter: Ready for more pain mortal, now I activate the spell Dark Hole

Judy: Uh-oh

Syrus: Not good

Banner: I actually have a feeling Dakota wanted him to do that

Dakota: Heh you do know that Jinzo is also destroyed then too right

Leichter: Yes, but now I summon Spirit Caller in attack mode and attack you directly

Dakota: 1400 LP

Dakota: I'm still standing Leichter and now I activate my own Spell card monster reborn bringing back Red-eyes Magician Girl

Dakota: And because she's here again she gains 300 attack and that's including the other to red-eyes you destroyed

Magician Girl: 3700 attack

Leichter: Fine go ahead and attack then

Dakota: If you say so go magician Girl

Leichter: You now activate my trap Negate Attack this stops your entire battle phase

Dakota: Well I end my turn

Leichter: I'll place one card face down and end it there

Dakota: Fine then my turn

Dakota then drew Kidmodo dragon as his spirit showed up

Dakota:*thoughts* Kidmodo oh yeah I'm with you pal he is 100% hideous

Leichter: A spirit

Dakota: He's a friend first and a spirit second which is probably why he doesn't need to snack on human souls to chill out in the land of the living, now back to business I summon blue rose dragon and attack spirit caller

Leichter: 500 LP

Leichter: No it can't end like this I refuse

Jinzo was gone, but then Tory began to move

Judy: Tory you okay

Leichter: I am not Tory I am leichter and resurrec Jinzo with call of the haunted now I attack your rose dragon

Dakota: Gah

Dakota: 400 LP

Dakota: Fine by me because now it's my turn and I attack Jinzo with magician girl and that means I win

Leichter: NOOOOOOO

Leichter: 0 LP

As Dakota won the duel banner and the slifer trio woke to the morning and saw the three obelisk's fast asleep

Judy: What should we do

Syrus: Think they remembered what happened

Dakota: Don't know, but let's let them sleep it off guys I'm sure their spirits are weary hahahahah

Dakota: What to soon

Judy: Well you know what it's not to soon for some Grilled Marshmallow Sandwiches

Syrus: Wait we still haven't run out

Next time on Dragon Emperor get into the Christmas spirit because these cool duels just got cooler not to mention one fantastic party and a ice chilling duel when Judy's ex stops bye to reclaim her love, but Dakota is not going to let him get away with it

Hey guys sorry for the late updates haven't been feeling the best just a headache and a sore throat though and I know it's not close to Christmas yet, but since the last chapter was happening during Christmas break I decided to do this anyway, so I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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