Wraith of the Gods

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(FYI Judy's ex name will be Henry I don't mean any harm to the name at all)

We see a boat sailing to the academy and a boy is in front and sees duel academy

???: It's about time I claim my love back just you wait Judy you'll be mine again

In shepherds office Mokuba and Joey were blocking doors and windows grabbing Mai's attention

Mai: Mind telling me what you two are doing

Before she could get an answer Kiaba and Yugi all run in with survival supplies

Kiaba: Wheeler how many doors did you board up

Joey: All of them and Mokuba is helping me with this one

Yugi: Let's hope this is just a false alarm

Mai finally had enough and yelled

Mai: What the hell is going on

Mokuba: Henry is coming to duel academy

As soon as she heard that she started helping them knowing all hell will soon break loose

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Duel academy is shown with a blanket of snow and Syrus is sleeping peacefully until two figures appear

Dakota: Ready Judy

Judy: You know it love

Dakota then pulled out his Bluetooth and put it on full max as Judy played carol of the bells

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Syrus then fell out of his bed and saw Judy and Dakota head banging to the music they played, Syrus was about to ask why until he remembered it's December 24th Syrus tried to call for them, but couldn't hear because the music was to loud

The music then ended and the slifer's were pretty excited

Syrus: So what's so exciting about Christmas Eve for you guys

Judy: Snow

Dakota: Family

Judy: Friends

Dakota: Presents

Judy: Parties

Dakota: And...

Syrus: And what?

Dakota & Judy: FOOD

After that the two excited slifer's smelled something they knew too well

Dakota: You smelling what I'm smelling Judy

Judy: You know it

Syrus: Wait what are you two talking about

They both ran off as Syrus ran after them they then came to the cafeteria as they saw a pile of pancakes with Christmas designs and green and red chocolate chips

D/J: Christmas cakes!!!

Joey: Well they're noses are still good

Yugi: That's for sure

Syrus finally arrived to the cafeteria and saw a pile of pancakes on the table

Syrus: You mean you guys smelled pancakes

Dakota: Not pancakes Syrus Christmas cakes

Judy: Dakota's mom makes them every year and they're amazing

The two then dug into the breakfast as Syrus tries to reach for one Judy gives him a death stare and Dakota growls at him he then pulls his arm back and watches as one pancake was left and the two started arguing

Dakota: You ate the first one it's only fair I get the last one

Judy: You ate more than me so I should get it

Kiaba: How bout you duel for it

Both: Fine

As the two walk in the middle of the cafeteria they don't notice bastion, Zane, and Alexis walk in

Alexis: What are they doing now

Bastion: Looks like a duel for food

Zane: The question is what's the food

Syrus then sees them and tells them that it's a special breakfast Mai makes and the two slifer's began to duel

Dakota: Prepare yourself Judy cause there's no blizzard that can cool me down

Judy: We'll see about that

Both: Duel

Dakota: 4000 LP
Judy: 4000 LP

Dakota looked at his hand and saw Mountain, Kidmodo dragon, darkness metal dragon, red-eyes black dragon, curse of dragon

Dakota: I'll play the spell card mountain and then I'll summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and I'll end my turn

Judy: Fine by me*thoughts* Hmm alright I could attack his monster with avian, but then he'll bring out a stronger dragon unless...

Judy looked at her hand and saw burstinatrix, avian, and polymerization and got an idea

Judy: I play polymerization and fuse avian and burstinatrix to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman now I attack your Kidmodo dragon and you take damage from the difference between yours and my monster's attack points

Dakota: 2000 LP

Dakota: Fine, but his special ability still goes off and now I summon Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon in attack mode and I use his special ability to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Judy: Fine I end my turn

Dakota: I draw now I summon Curse of Dragon, now darkness metal dragon attack Flame Wingman

Judy: 3100 LP

Meanwhile as Judy and Dakota were dueling the others were getting hungry until Mai showed up

Mai: Would you 4 like to try the last Christmas cake

Syrus: Yes please

Bastion: It would be a pleasure

Alexis: Thank you

Zane: Sure

Just like that Mai cut the last one into four pieces as they all tried it and were amazed at how good it was as Judy and Dakota were still dueling

Dakota: Now I activate card of sanctity allowing us to both draw until we have six cards in our hand and I'll end my turn by placing 2 cards face down

Judy: Heh thanks codes cause now I play Monster Reborn to bring back avian and place two cards face down, now I activate fusion gate which destroys your mountain and I'll use it to fuse avian and bubbleman to summon Elemental Hero Mariner and use his special ability he can attack your life points directly when I have any cards face down, now mariner attack Dakota directly

Dakota: Ha you just activated my face down magical cylinder now the damage I would've took goes to you

Judy: 1700 LP

Judy: Well then I end my turn

Dakota: Great cause you set yourself up for defeat Judy, I now use fusion gates ability to fuse my red-eyes on the field and my meteor dragon in my hand to summon Meteor Black Dragon, but I'll end my turn here

Judy: Alright well I summon elemental hero Clayman in defense mode and I'm using Mariners ability again

Dakota: 600 LP

Judy: That'll do for now your move sweetie

Dakota: Wow okay my draw

When Dakota saw what card he got he remembered it

Dakota: *thoughts* Wait this the card Pegasus gave me for my 10th birthday, but how does it work again


Pegasus: Here Dakota-boy a little gift

Young Dakota: What card is this

Pegasus: This card will allow you to bring back up to 5 dragons from your graveyard to your field if you use a spell card that destroys them

End flashback

Dakota: *thoughts* That's right and I have just the cards. *out loud* Alright Judy your finished I play monster reborn bringing back my red-eyes black dragon and now I summon kiabaman, but he won't be staying long because I activate his special ability sacrificing him to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but that's not all I place 2 more cards face down and end my turn

Judy: Well that's something, but now I use fusion gate to fuse clayman and burstinatrix to summon Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster and I'll end my turn there

Dakota: Perfect my move and I know activate my spell Dark Hole

This shocked everyone watching

Alexis: Wait dark hole destroys all monsters on the field

Zane: Yeah including Dakota's

Bastion: Why would he use a move like that

Syrus: Well let's watch and see

Back at the duel

Judy: Wow giving both of us a clean start

Dakota: Yeah a clean start for you

Judy: Huh?!

Dakota: I activate Dragon Reborn

Everyone was shocked seeing a card like that

Dakota: See Dragon Reborn allows me to pick any 5 dragons in my graveyard and summon them to the field so say hello again to Meteor Black Dragon, Blue-eyes White Dragon, Red-eyes Black Dragon, Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and Curse of Dragon, now Curse of Dragon take out Mariner

Judy: 1600 LP

Dakota: Now Meteor Black Dragon attack Judy directly with Meteor Shower Storm

Judy: 0 LP

Dakota: When it comes to my mom's food Judy I will always win

When they finished the duel they saw bastion and the two obelisks, but Dakota noticed something off an empty plate he was mad, they were very lucky

Dakota: You know if it wasn't Christmas Eve I'd be pissed, but you got lucky guys

???: Brutal as always aren't you Dakota

Everyone heard a voice one that pissed off Dakota while Judy was a little scared and his parents were worried

Dakota: What are you doing here Henry

Henry: Oh just here to get my girlfriend back

What Henry said just pissed off Dakota more

Dakota: Let's get something straight Henry you're not getting Judy back besides she's my girlfriend now

Henry then walked up to Dakota so they were in each other's face as Henry showed a purple aura while Dakota showed a menacing black aura causing Henry to step back

Dakota: What's wrong Henry scared

Henry: Not likely so how about a duel winner gets Judy

Dakota: You really think I'd put Judy on the line like that wow I guess you really are a dumbass

Judy: Dakota

Dakota: Yeah Judy?

Judy: Kick that motherfuckers ass

Dakota: You sure?

Judy: Yes

Dakota: Fine. Henry looks like you got yourself a duel

Everyone went to the duel stadium to see who would win until bastion asked Judy a question

Bastion: Judy is that boy really your ex

Judy: Sadly yes

Alexis: Why date him

Judy: We had something in common and it worked out before he cheated on me

The duel was just about to happen so everyone payed attention

Dakota: This duel will be over before you know it Henry

Henry: I should be saying that to you

Both: Let's DUEL

Henry: 4000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

Henry: I'll start by summoning Elemental Hero Ocean in attack mode and end my turn

Dakota: *sarcastically* Ahhh so scary. Try this on for size

Dakota saw his hand and it was ancient rules, Kidmodo dragon, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, red-eyes black dragon, and Slifer the Sky Dragon and drew luster dragon

Dakota: I summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and end there

Henry: Ok well I summon Elemental Hero Woodsman in attack mode, now elemental hero ocean attack his dragon

Dakota: Ha thanks cause he's sent to the graveyard by battle I can summon a stronger dragon so say hello to Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Henry: Fine I end my turn

Dakota: Great because now I use Darkness metal dragon's Special ability which allows me to summon another powerful dragon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon and now I normal summon Luster Dragon, now Darkness Metal Dragon attack ocean

Henry: 2700 LP

Dakota: Now Red-eyes attack woodsman

Henry: 1300 LP

Dakota: Since I already put you in your place Henry I'll end my turn by placing two card face down

In the stadium

Zane: Dakota isn't messing around

Alexis: That's for sure if he attacked him with his luster dragon it would've been over

Syrus: But why didn't he finish him off

Bastion: Simple right now he's like a cat playing with a mouse as in he's toying with him so the finishing blow is much sweeter

Back to the duel

Henry: Grr I plan polymerization to fuse avian with burstinatrix to summon Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer and his superpower allows him to not be destroyed in battle  I end my turn

Henry: Now enforcer attack luster dragon

Dakota: I don't think so I activate my trap draining shield what this card does is that it takes your monsters attack points and adds them to my life points

Dakota: 10100 LP

Dakota: Nice try Henry, but Judy is mine and will always be mine and here's the proof I sacrifice my three dragons to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon, now I activate card of sanctity allowing us to draw until we have six cards meaning slifer gets 6000 attack points, but I end my turn

Henry was scared shitless and everyone else was in shock

Henry: Grr I summon blaze man in defense mode

Just like that slifer obliterated blazeman

Henry: Hey what the hell was that

Dakota: It was Slifer's ability whenever you summon a monster in defense mode Slifer automatically destroys it and there's more where that came from

Henry: Fine I end

Dakota: Good cause now it's my move and I play pot of greed giving me two cards, now I activate spirit sacrifice

Henry: What sacrifice

Dakota: Spirit Sacrifice allows me to banish a number of monsters from my graveyard to summon another monster and I banish my three dragons to summon OBELISK the TORMENTOR

Just like that Obelisk appeared shocking everyone knowing Dakota has 2 of the three Egyptian gods on his side

Dakota: Try to defeat me now Henry

Henry: Grr I place one card face down and end my turn

In the stadium

Alexis: Wow Dakota has him on the ropes

Bastion: Indeed with two gods he's unstoppable

Zane: Though I wonder why Dakota hasn't attacked yet

Judy: He's summoning Ra

Everyone: What?!

Mai: It's true

Yugi: It can work, but only if he knows the ancient chant

Back in the duel

Dakota: My move and I activate another pot of greed now I summon Ra's Disciple and use his special ability to summon another disciple and allows me to summon another Ra's disciple

Henry: What are you doing Dakota

Dakota: I'm doing two things Judy and this I sacrifice all three of my Ra's disciple to summon The Winged Dragon of RA, but first I need to summon him like this.

Kiaba: Is he

Joey: He is

Dakota: All mighty protector of the sun, the sky I beg of thee please heed my cry

Yugi: The ancient chant he knows it

Dakota: Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight I beseech thee, grace our humble game, but first I shall call out thy name WINGED DRAGON OF RA. Behold the third Egyptian god

Ra: 10000 attack (because of his effect)

Zane: He did it he summoned them all

Dakota: Now Obelisk attack and destroy his enforcer and because of obelisk's ability he can be destroyed, now Ra attack with Flash Cannon

Henry: 0 LP (overkill)

Dakota: It's over Henry Judy is mine

Henry: No Judy will be mine even if it has to be force

Henry then runs to Judy and grabs her causing Dakota to yandere and grab Henry's arm twisting it

Dakota: Now Henry you can let Judy go and I let you go or I make you by breaking your fucking arm

Henry: You don't have what it takes

Before anyone could intervene everyone heard a pound crack as Henry fell to the ground holding his broken arm screaming

Dakota: Lesson 1 don't underestimate me you understand bitch

Dakota then left the stadium and Judy followed him to the slifer dorm where she saw him laying in bed and decided to speak

Judy: Hi Dakota

Dakota: Hey Judy

Judy: Are you okay

All Dakota did was pull Judy in the bed and hugged her

Judy: Dakota...

Before anything else Judy felt her clothes get wet and heard Dakota holding back tears

Judy: Dakota?

Dakota: Don't leave me ever dammit please I know I can be a hot head, but please don't leave

Judy knew where Dakota was going with this so all she did was hug him and comfort him

Judy: Hey I'll never leave no matter what, I love you for you and nothing will change that

They both fell asleep for a little bit then Syrus walked in waking them up

Syrus: Guys come on the Christmas party is about to start and we can't sing without a singer

Dakota: Wait that's right, come on Judy

Judy: I'm up, I'm up

As they got ready they ran to the party just in time and Dakota and Syrus went back stage

Dakota: Okay guys I made a better version for the first song we did

Bastion: Looks good to me

Zane: Definitely better

Syrus: Well it does have more lyrics

Dakota: Then let's go

The band then started appearing on the stage as everyone was there

Dakota: Merry Christmas Eve everyone hope you're ready to have your spirit rocked

The band started playing and like Dakota said it was their first song, but a little different

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The whole school practically erupted into a cheer as they knew they weren't down yet

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Even though it was a little late everyone wanted one more song and Dakota had an idea and nodded to Zane who had a button that lead to some pyrotechnic props

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As soon as Dakota said play with fire Zane stepped on the button causing two burst of fire to appear behind the band needless to say everyone was speechless as well when Judy was singing with Dakota, but then everyone went back home for Christmas Day except for Alexis, Zane, and Bastion who were a part of a secret Santa with the slifer trio

Next Day

It was early morning and it was snowing and the slifer trio, obelisk duo, and the Ra were all sleeping in the slifer dorm until they got a knock on their door waking them up

Dakota: *yawns* Hmm

Syrus: What is it Dakota

Dakota: Either we got secret admirers or these are our Christmas presents

Alexis: Well let's look

Bastion: Indeed after all it is something

Zane: Well let's see

Dakota than brought all the boxes inside getting everyone to look in awe

Judy: Wait a minute these are all from Miss.Dorothy

Dakota: Hey you're right Judy

Syrus: They're probably Christmas sweaters

Alexis: Well we won't know unless we open them

Bastion: Alright then let's go

Zane: Plus she doesn't really seem to be the one to knit

Dakota: Well let's open them already

They opened the boxes and got rare booster packs

Syrus: Wow look at these

Alexis: I didn't even know these would be in here

Bastion: Now these cards are indeed incredible

Zane: Hmm interesting

Judy: Oh these cards are sweet

Dakota: Now these cards are super cool

As they went through the gifts there was a final knock and Dakota went to answer it and found a book with a note in it

Judy: Hey isn't that your old scrapbook Dakota

Dakota: Yeah it is

Dakota decided to sit down and look through it and the others joined

Bastion: Umm Dakota is that you

Dakota: Yep I sure was an adorable one alright

Judy: You were also a demon child too

Dakota: Hehe yeah that's for sure

Syrus: Hey what's with the fancy getup

Syrus then pointed out a picture of a young, but a little bit older Dakota wearing a suite and tie

Alexis: I never thought you dress fancy like that Dakota

Dakota: It was a family meeting and a horrible one at that

Zane: Why is that

Dakota: My uncle's adoptive father aka Gozaburo Kiaba who by the way was a total Jackass

Bastion: You mean the Gozaburo, but why

Dakota: Simple he didn't like my mom, dad or any of Kiaba's friends, so I had to be the kid who isn't afraid to speak his mind

Syrus: I'm afraid of what those words were

They kept looking and saw different wedding pictures, birthdays, etc until the rest went blank and Dakota saw a note

Dakota: Huh it's a note

Alexis: What's it say

Dakota: It says "This is now time to make your own memories along with some date photos happy holidays family"

Bastion: Seems to me it's your time to fill this book with memories

Dakota: That's for sure

After that they had their secret Santa everyone then went to their dorms, but Syrus wanted to spend more brother time with Zane , Dakota then remembered something in the common room

Dakota: Hey Judy I almost forgot something be right back

Judy: Don't take to long

As soon as Dakota left yubel appeared again

Yubel: So Judy want to be Dakota's Christmas present

Judy: How do I do that

Yubel: Simple just let me lead

Meanwhile with Dakota

Dakota: Oh come on I know it's here somewhere, where is that necklace

Dakota then got frustrated and punched the wall then the necklace fell on his head

Dakota: Ha I knew it was here

Dakota was then walking to the dorm room and when he opened the door he saw Judy basically naked with just a unraveled Christmas ribbon wrapped around her

Judy: Guess I forgot something myself~

Dakota: Well this is a Christmas surprise

Judy: So are you going to open me big boy~

Dakota: In more ways then one baby~

Dakota then closed the door and locked it while walking towards Judy

Dakota: Now how do I open my present~

Judy: Just untie me babe~

Dakota picked up Judy and put her on the bed and untied the ribbon seeing Judy's body

Dakota: Now where should I begin. Oh I know

Dakota then started to eat Judy out causing her to moan

Judy: Dakota *moan* you're so good keep going

Dakota kept eating out Judy, but then he got an idea he laid Judy to where her pussy was at his face and where his cock was at Judy's face and she understood and started to suck his cock while he ate her

Dakota: Oh god Judy keep on sucking

After awhile they both came in each other's mouth. Dakota then noticed Judy's ass

Dakota: Oh I can't wait for this

Judy: What is it Dakota

Dakota: Let's just say there's going to be one less planet in our solar system

Judy: Why?

Dakota: Because I'm going to destroy Uranus

Before Judy got the joke Dakota already put it in her

Judy: *moan* Dakota you're so fucking big

Dakota: Heh tell me something I don't know

Judy: Just keep *moan* going

Dakota sped up a little more and felt his end approaching

Dakota: Judy I'm going to cum

Judy: Yes baby cum inside my ass

Dakota then finished inside, but he saw one more hole that needed to be filled

Dakota: There's one more hole that needs to be filled Judy

Judy: What hole is that

Dakota: The front one of course

Dakota then entered Judy's pussy causing her to moan

Dakota: You're really tight Judy

Judy: *moan* Just keep pounding me I want nothing, but you fat juicy cock in my pussy *moan*

As they both continue to fuck each other they were both reaching their end

Dakota: Judy I'm going *pant* to cum

Judy: Me too *moan* fill me up baby

They both reached their end and were laying next to each other

Judy: I never thought I could be filled like that

Dakota: Heh Merry Christmas love

Judy: Merry Christmas baby

Everyone is back at school, but what happens when Dakota has to duel someone else who likes Judy only he's raising the stakes on this duel and that means if whoever wins becomes Judy's fiance. Will Dakota lose this duel or will he get engaged and with some new rare powerful dragons Dakota's fire has been ignited unlike anything, but with this new ignition his temper could get out of hand if someone says the wrong thing. Next time on Dragon Emperor: A Blinding Fire

Hi everyone so yeah if you can tell depending on either the month or the episode I will make a extra chapter and what should the new dragon cards be. I am open to suggestions so please give some ideas until then bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals

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