Chapter 19: Invasion

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The picture above is what General Windrum's ultimate form may look like, except larger.


"This is a huge problem." Theron announced to everyone at the meeting.

1 hour after the infiltration was thwarted, an international meeting with the presidents of every major country was held at the war room inside of the Megadome. Within the war room was David, Theron, Risa and Michael. They looked at tv monitors. On each monitor was the presidents of every major country in the world. Shortly after the infiltration, each president was contacted and was informed of the situation. An hour later the meeting was convened.

"It is indeed." The President of the United States of America spoke.

The British Premier asked. "What's the situation on the Defense Array System?"

"We inspected the damages, but I'm afraid the defense array is inoperable. They were smart to take out the array station." Michael replied.

"This is bad indeed. We are currently defenseless." The British Premier said.

"Not necessarily." The Chinese President said. "We may have lost our first line of defense, we aren't defenseless, however."

"The Chinese President is correct." Michael said.

"What do you mean?" The French President asked."

"When Queen Zephrina can to Earth 18 years ago, she was paranoid at the assumption of an invasion. And to think that soon she will be right. Other than the planet itself, there is something else the Serpentines want." He points at David. "She knew that they would be coming after him. So, she took steps, into insuring that we are able to defend ourselves."

Michael placed his hands on the table. "Mr. Presidents, I think it's time activate Operation: Celestial Blade!"

There was clamor. The Italian President exclaim. "You don't mean that we should open the Zumarian Gates in the middle of the lower section of the Atlantic, do you?"

"Yes Mr. Presisdent. That's exactly what I mean."

David looked at Theron and whispered. "What's the big deal with these Zumarian gates they're talking about?"

"Well after your mother left Earth and returned to Dragma, a thousand technicians, a thousand soldiers and 1000 alien warships and crew were sent by the Queen's orders to be stationed on Earth in case if there was an invasion. Actually, there are approximately 20 war ships in the large underground bay next door to the Megadome. Other than that, 10 when station in Germany, 10 was stationed Japan, 15 were stationed here in the United States, 20 in China, 20 in Russia and 5 in Italy. The other 900 warships were put in a large underwater/underground hanger. Of the thousand technicians that can to Earth, 50 are in the Megadome, 50 in China, 50 in Russia, 50 in Japan, 25 in Great Britain, 25 in Italy and 50 in Germany. The 700 that remained are at the Zumarian Gates. Also in the gates are  500 soldiers. The rest of the 500 are spread out all over the world, ready and waiting in case if an invasion does hit." He replied.

"That's a lot. She surely cared about me and the Alliance if she were willing to do this." He mused.

"Indeed. However," he said. "She did 2 more things. And these things, she did 6 months ago. Which by the way, I'm going to address the presidents about."

Michael was still talking, when Theron walked forward.

"I believe we are able to defend ourselves when they invaded. But we don't know if we--" Michael stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Theron's.

He then stepped forward. He then spoke to the assembly.

"Mr. Presidents, I have something to say that everyone needs to hear."

"Very well. Speak then." The Russian President spoke.

"Well, you guys remember the events that took place here 11 months ago, right?"

"You mean when Queen Zephyrina came to earth and thought that David was dead and lost it, which lead to her forces to attack the Megadome? Yes. We remember." The U.S. President said.

"Well, I brought it up because of what the queen did afterwards. Before I explain, I need to tell you something. When she came to the Megadome, she only brought 21 soldiers."

"Wait, you mean that against the best of the best of the militaries of the earth, half of them was wiped out by only 21 Dragonid soldiers? Then the 1,000 soldiers that came can match 100,000 of our soldiers. We are in better shape than we thought." The Italian President spoke with the grin.

"Mr. President, I must say something about that. The 21 Dragonids that came with her aren't just soldiers. They're elites."


"Yes. Best of the best, you would think, but it's more than that. You see, there are 2 forms of the best of the best. The Elite Special Forces and the Royal Guard. I just happen to be one of the Royal Guards."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I am. What your best of the best went up against are those of the Elite Special Forces or ESF. If the queen hadn't stop the battle, they would have wiped out every soldier stationed here and not lose a single elite."

"What!!!" Every president gasped.

"They're that strong."

"Wait. Why are you telling us this?" The Japanese president asked.

"I was hoping someone would asked that. You see, after the battle, Zephyrina saw the scope of the casualties, so, after she went back to Dragma, she sent 200 ESF Elites. And and an ace." He said.

"That's great news. Those serpents won't stand a chance." The Italian president exclaims.

"Wait a minute. You said that she sent an ace. What do you mean?" The German President asked.

"Ah yes. The ace. I should tell you that of the 21 elites that came with her, only 20 of them was of the ESF. One of them, however, wasn't an elite. Before I explain..." He looked towards the door. "You may come in now."

The door opens and a large man enters. He had white hair. A his skin tone was reddish brown. He had solid gold armor and had a large great sword on his back. He  was covered in large reddish brown scales and had a large tail. He wore gold gauntlets and gold greeves. David gasped.

"General Windrum. You're here."

He looked at him and smiled. "You don't have to call me General, Orion. Just call me Godfather."

He stepped forward and stood in front of the assembly. Then Theron continued.

"Mr. Presidents, allow me introduce General Windrum, the ace."

He bows to them. "Pleasure to meet you all."

"You're the ace? You don't look like much." The French President said.

"You doubt him. That's not wise." Theron said. He then continued. "He's the one I was referring to. He was the one of the 21 I said that wasn't an elite. In fact, if Zephyrina gave a certain order, he would show you why he's called an ace. Actually, if he wanted to, he could killed everyone in the Megadome on that day during the battle."

They all gasped.

"Are you for real?" The UK Premier asked

"Yes. He's right." Windrum said. "You see. I'm not just a general. I'm also the commander and child of the ESF. I used to only serve one person and one person only. And that was Zephyrina, but there's another."

He turns around looks at David. He then continued. "And that other person if am faithful and will serve is Orion, the one you know as David. If he were to ask me to, I'll show you all why I'm considered an ace."

A minute of silence. Then the alarms begin to wail.

"What is going on?" The U.S. President asked.

"That's the solar System early warning alarm." Michael answered.

On cue. A soldier barges in. "Michael, a large fleet of ships have entered our solar system. They should be here in 1 hour. It looked to be the Serpentines. The estimated number is over 2,000 warships.

Michael looks at the assembly.

"We must open the Zumarian Gates, and prepare for battle."

"Very well." The U.S. President spoke. The other presidents agreed.

"Initiate Operation Celestial Blade. Open the gates and prepare for battle."

Michael bows. "Very well."

The monitors all shut off. Then they exit the room.


Sora and Lucy waited in her room, waiting to find out what's going on. Then they hear a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens and David, Risa, Theron and a tall man in armor walk in.

"What happen?" Lucy asked.

"The serpentine armada is on it's way here. We are heading out to face them." Theron said.

"Oh I see." Lucy says. Then she sees Windrum. "Wait, are you General Windrum, David's godfather?"

The large man in golden armor smiled. "Yes. It's me. It's been a while. Nice to see you again. Lucy, isn't it?"

"That's me." She giggled.

He then looks at Sora. "And who might this lass be?"

"My name is Sora, mr. Windrum. You're David's godfather?"

"Indeed I am. Even though I'm his godfather, I still serve him and his mother."

She blinked in confusion. "His mother? You serve him and his mother? Who's his mother?"

He stared between David and Sora in disbelief. "You haven't told her who you are or who your mother is?"

David shook is head. "She knows my true name. But she doesn't know who my mother is."

He turns to her. "My mother is Zephyrina, Queen of the Dragonid Empire. Humanities great allies."

Her eyes widen. She gasped. "You're a prince?"

"Yes. I am."

Lucy pats her on the shoulder. "Well. That's one way to find out you boyfriend is royalty." She giggled.

Windrum's eyes widened. Then he smirked. "Boyfriend? He's your boyfriend?"


He chuckled and slapped the back of David. "Well now. The prince has a girlfriend. Hah. Your mother will be happy."

He blushed. So did she. Everyone began laughing.

Theron killed the mood.

"We must go now. We need to stop them before they reach us."

"Alright." David said. They all left the room. Except David. He was holding Sora's hands.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll come see you whenever I can."

"Alright. Just be careful and I'll see you soon."

He leaned in and kissed her. Then stepped back and left the room.


They all enter the large hanger in the next underground building. He looked up at the ships and his eyes grew wide.


The ships were massive. And the had some very big guns. They all look primed and ready for war. The crew were finishing final launching precedures. What caught his eye is a ship to the side that was far larger and had a lot bigger guns. The ship's color was Navy Blue. It had a name in dragonidian language. It was imprinted in white.

He looked up in amazement. "Who's ship is that? It's so big, so majestic."

Theron placed his hand on David's shoulder. "This is your ship. Also the flagship of the fleet here. The Majestic Prince. Your mother had it made especially for you. Me and Risa and Windrum will be station on this ship. We'll be right beside you through this."

David looks at him and smiles. "I know. Now let's get onboard and launch."

David's group gets on board and heads to the bridge. His group makes it to the bridge. All the crew on the bridge got up and bowed. 'My prince', is what they all said.

David looks ahead and yells out an order. "Everyone, launch!!!"

The ships engines roar and the ship shook. Then lift off. The hanger ceiling opened up and all the ships flew out, with the Majestic Prince at the head.

The ships that followed his have met up with the fleet. They all left the atmosphere. As they left earth they made a somewhat defensive screen over the side of the earth. A blockade. They were waiting on the enemy armada. He turned his head and called for Windrum. He stepped forward. "Yes?" He asked.

"I do have to ask. Can you transform outside in space? Or do you need air?"

"If it's in space, yes and no. I can't breath out there and I can't breath fire. But in dragon form, I can fight for 3 hours without having to breath, but then I need to come back. But in my ultimate form, I can last up to 5 hours with out the need for air."

"Good. Take a smile fighter and when you're out of range, transform into your ultimate form. But listen for this word: Earth. I'll say it one time. Ignore it. Then when the time comes, I'll say it again. That's when you change alright?"

"Yes, my prince."he bowed.

"Don't do that. Just call me David. Anyways, head to your ship."

"Alright, Orion." He bows again and then leaves the bridge.

Then they see them. The fleet. It was massive. Twice their number. He opens up comms.

"Everyone, this is Prince Orion, son of Queen Zephyrina and the commander of the Majestic Prince. The enemy armada has arrived. We must stopped them before they reach the planet. We know why they're here for. Me and this planet. We will stop them. For the humans on these ships, fight for your families. Fight for your love ones. Fight for your home. And for the Dragonid soldiers and the crews of the armada. Fight with me. Fight for glory. Fight for my mother Queen Zephyrina. But most of all, fight for the Earth!!!"

There was roar of yells and applause.

"The following ships: Dragma's husband, Flaming Glory, And the Dragoon Rider. Move your quadrant of ships ahead and then spread out. Make room for the cannon."

The following ships moved forward and spread out to make room. Like a funnel.

He called on comms to the operators of the photon generator cannon on earth.

"Operators. Prepare to fire the cannon. When I give the word, open fire."

He kept the comms open. He want to wait the moment when they're in range. For the precise moment to strike. Then appeared.

"Operators, open fire!!!"

From the earth, a bright beam shot out of the atmosphere and right friendly ships, missing them. The beam then spread out and collided with the enemy armada. Explosions lit up the space. Hundreds of enemy ships were annihilated by the beam. From the looks of it, almost half of the enemy fleet was wiped out. The remaining ships looked disoriented.

He grinned. "Now. All forward cannons. Open fire!!!"

The forward cannons of the Majestic Prince started whirring. Then they fired. Large beams sail towards the fleet. The rest of the friendly fleet fired their cannons the moment the prince fired. A sea of beams sailed towards the enemy fleet. Most hit their mark. The enemy armada was now to half their original number. They are now even with us.

"Now. Launch all fighters!" The hanger bay doors open. With general Windrum leading the squadron, the fighters joined the other fighter squadrons and flew towards the enemy. They were firing their guns and attack the enemy ships. Enemy fighters launched an counterattack. Some of the fighters were caught off guard. He motioned that Majestic Prince and the fleet to move towards them and continue firing. They moved closer to the enemy fleet. Enemy ships began to for back. He saw an explosion as the Survivor's bridge was hit. Then the ship blew up.

"Damnit! All crew, continue firing. He open up comms to Windrum.

"Orion, it's heavy out here, permission to engage?" He asked, waiting for the word.

"Windrum. Code Earth. Give them hell!"

He saw that Windrum open the hatch of his fighter and jumped out. Then he transformed in this very large dragon with bull like horns. He was twice the size of Majestic Prince. He grabbed 2 of the enemy ships and crushed with his hands. Then he smashed another with his large dragon hands. David thought he was awesome.

This battle had just only begun.

The invasion was halted. Will they successfully stop them or will they fail. Find out next time. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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