Chapter 21: The Truth: The Jewel of Dracanos

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David, Sora, Lucy, Theron, Risa and Windrum sat in the middle of Sora's living room in the Megadome. A long silence pervaded the room, no one want to speak. The silence lasted fore 10 minutes. Before Windrum cleared his throat.

"Well, I think we have waited long enough."

Lucy scoffed. "And I thought the silence would never end."

Risa sighed. "Alright. Let's begin. David do you remember when you told us you heard the Spirit of Draconos?"

"Yes. It questioned me and help me find acceptance during the Transformation." He said. Then he continued. "He also said about 'it was almost ready and fully formed'. I never understood what he meant by that."

She sighed. "But we..." She motioned to herself, Theron and Windrum. ""

"We also know something else." Theron said.

"What is it?"he asked.

"When we told you that you was brought to Earth for your protection, that was only a fragment of the truth."
Theron said. "Here's the real reason."

Risa spoke. "When you was born, there was a Prophecy. A Prophecy that shook the universe when it was told. And it pertains to you. You and the Jewel of Draconos. The Jewel of Draconos is one of the Galaxies greatest mythological items. For it came from the original Dragon King."

"The Dragon King? What is that?" Lucy asked.

"The Dragon King is considered a deity. It watches over the Galaxy, keep order and balance. Peace as well. The original Dragon King was Rengal Draconos. He was kind and forgiving and he hated violence, though he was no stranger to it. Before he died, he used all of his energy that he had left and created a jewel the size what you humans call a tennis ball. Then he extracted his soul and infused it into the jewel. Then he cast it away. Shortly after he died. That's one of the reasons why it's called the Jewel of Draconos." Risa looks at him. "You're wondering why all of this is pertaining to you, aren't you?"

"Yes. It feels like I'm taking a history lesson." He said, causing Lucy to giggle.

"Sorry David, but this isn't funny." Theron said with a serious look.

"I know, Theron." He looked at Risa. "Continue."

"Now, to the reason you have been brought to Earth. It is true to was Zephyrina said that you need to be protected. Here's the reason why." She sighed, then continued. "The prophecy told us that the spirit of Draconos, the same spirit that talked to you and helped you in your transformation, has chosen you or rather the Jewel has chosen you."

His eyes widened. "Chosen me? Chosen me for what?"

Risa closed her eyes and sighed. It was almost a full minute before she opened her eyes and spoke.

The kicker.

"It has chosen you to become the Dragon King."

His eyes widened as wide as they could go and he gasped. "Me? The Jewel has chosen me? To become the Dragon King?"

Risa nods. "At first, we didn't believe it. A prophecy of this scale had to be checked. We gave you a full and detailed examination. We didn't find anything and we were about dismiss the prophecy as false. That is, until.." She stopped. She continued. "...felt enormous power coming from you. It shook the whole room for 2 minutes. Then everything calmed. We couldn't explain it. We did another examination. This time we found something. It was the size of an ant. But you could feel the energy it producing. And we noticed that it was growing ever so slowly in size. The prophecy was true. But also realized something. The prophecy said something else. If someone of evil intent and has a malice soul were to obtained the Jewel and awakens it, they would become known as the Dragon Tyrant. They would be able to spread fear ad Tyranny and death all over the galaxy. We then knew that everyone will be coming after you. So we had know choice. It was decided."

"What was?" He asked.

Risa was about to speak when another voice cut her off.

"It was decided that we had to take you to a safe place for you to live in peace and be raised and where you could be protected." Said the new voice.

He knew this voice. Everyone was looking for voice. He looked at the door and his eyes widen and he gasped aloud. "Mother."

They all looked at the door. Standing in front of the doorway was his mother. Queen Zephyrina. When Risa, Theron and Windrum saw her, they stood up and took a knee and bowed. "My Queen." They spoke in unison.

She nodded her head. Then she stepped forward. She was accompanied by 2 Royal Guards. He stood up and walked towards her. They embraced in a hug that carried love which only a mother and son can have. She let him go and stepped away.

Lucy stood up and curtsied. "Milady. It's good to see you again." She said in a formal tone.

Zephyrina smiled. "It's good to see you as well, Lucy."

Sora stood and curtsied. "Milady." She said nervously.

Zephyrina looked at her and then at David. "And who might you be?" She asked, in a kind voice.

Lucy spoke. "Milady, this is Sora. She's been coming ever since she saw David. Not her choice. You might be interested to know that she is also David's girlfriend." She giggled.

"Oh really?" She smiled and looked at David with a sideward glance.

David blushes and in turn made Sora blush.

Risa stood up. "I was gonna send you a message later about everything that happened, including David and Sora, but you're already here. To which, if you don't me asking my Queen, why is it that you're here?"

"I can explain that." Windrum said as he stood up. "When we landed the Majestic Prince and Orion jetted out of the ship to go see Sora, I contacted her and informed her of the situation."

"He informed me that Slazer issued a Declaration of War against the people of Earth. I will not allow that Snake bastard to get what he wants. The humans will not fight this war alone. As of right now, 3 quarters of the entire Dragonid fleet is on it's way here. They should be here in 20 minutes. That's 1.2 million Battleships. Also, we're having 10 million soldiers and 500,000 ESF elites arriving here via the ITD. If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get." She said with a serious tone. It made her sound scary.

She looked at David. "We're here to fight with you."

He smiled. But he could see it. The sadness in her eyes.

"They told you I see. Of the Jewel and of the prophecy." She said sadly."


"I didn't want to bring you here. I never did. I wanted to be the one to raised you, to protect you, to care for you. But they told me that bringing you to Earth was the best thing to do. Because everyone would be coming after you because of the Jewel. I-, I-, I-"

He stopped her with a hug. Her eyes widened.

"I know mother. You did what was necessarily. I'm grateful for you doing this for me. I know you loved me and wanted to be the one to raise me, but remember that I'll always be forever your son." He said with a soothing tone.

Tears formed in her eyes as she cried. It was tears of joy.

She stepped away. "Thank you son. I needed that."

He smiled to her. "You're welcome, mother."

He looked at the rest of people. "There's one thing that the Spirit told me that concerns me."

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

"It told me that I'm not yet worthy, that I must prove myself to be worthy for it to awaken."

Risa spoke. "I think that it wants you to prove to it that you're worthy in order for it to awaken."

Zephyrina placed her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, well figure it out. For now, let's just go meet Michael and discuss strategy."

"Alright." He said.

And so everyone left Sora's room except Sora and Lucy. Unbeknownst to them, the MegaDome is being infiltrated again.


Sora and Lucy sat on the couch in her room, talking about today's events, completely unaware of the impending danger that's about to appear before them.

"To think that your boyfriend may become a King." Lucy said while giggling.

"I know. So that's his mother. The queen of the Dragonids. Our allies." She mused.

"Yep. That's her." She said.

"I can't understand what was so important that she would leave her own son on a planet that she didn't even know if it was safe or not." She asked, puzzled.

"Well, put yourself in her shoes. She never wanted to bring him here. She never did. She had no choice. She knew that her son was in danger. That everyone will come after him. She did it for him. She wanted him to be safe. Even if she had to give him to people she didn't know or trust. That's how much she loves him."

"You may be right, Lucy." She said.

"I know I am." She said with attitude.

Sora laughed.

"You think that she likes me? That she approves of me?" She asked.

"I think that she does. She just needs time to g--" she is stopped abruptly.

The door was blown off its hinges and the blast blew Lucy and Sora back. She hit her head on the wall and was dazed. Her vision was blurry. Lucy got up first. Three figures walk into the room. They looked reptilian. But she was unsure because of her blurry vision. She did see Lucy tried fight but was knocked aside. She was thrown at the wall and crumpled against it. One of the other figures picked her up. She struggled against the iron grip on her hand. Then she felt a hard object smash into her face. Her consciousness was fading as she it the ground again. She heard Lucy call her name. Then it was black.


5 minutes earlier...

David and the rest of the group were in a meeting with Michael and the Presidents.

The presidents were grave to hear about the Declaration of War that the Serpentine Empire has announce against them. But Queen Zephyrina assured them that they won't fight this war alone. She assured them that they have cooperation with the Dragonid army. However, she was blunt about one thing.

"Mr. Presidents, the Dragonid empire will not fight this war for you. We are here to help you. That means you're to send soldiers to aid ours. They didn't declare war on us. They declared it on you. Remember that." She said with a stern expression.

"Very well. We will assist you in this fight." They all agreed.

The monitors went off.

"Stubborn men." Risa exclaimed.

"Don't worry about them. They're just scared. Who wouldn't be in this situation?" David said.

"You're right." She said.

Zephyrina patted him on the shoulder. "A fine young man you are."

He smiled. "Thank you mother."

Zephyrina smiled back. Just then a beeping sound appeared. It was her communicator. She took it out and clicked it. A Dragonid man popped up. "My queen, the forces have arrived along with empty transport ships."

"Very good. Wait for further orders." She said. Then she turned it off.

"They're here. Our forces have arrived."

"This is great. We'll be ready for this snakes." Theron said happily.

"We just wait to se--" David was cut off.

An explosion from outside the room. The room shook. "It seems they didn't wait." Windrum said.

Michael hit the intercoms. "Everyone on alert. We are under attack. I repeat. We are under attack!"

David and the others rushed out of the room. When they reached the the grating at the end of the hall they looked down. They all gasped.

It was a warzone. The Serpentines have sent a small force to disrupt their lines. Men and Dragonid soldiers were fighting Serpentine soldiers. As they speak they see a portal and more Dragonid warriors were coming out and joining the battle.

They scanned the enemy numbers.

"They can take this base with that many soldiers." Risa said.

"They have no intention of taking the base." Windrum said.

"It's a Diversion. A distraction. A smaller force must be using the distraction to acquire something. Something they can use against us." Zephyrina said.

His eyes widened in fear as realization struck him.

"Oh no." He said with a scared voice.

"What?" They all asked.

"Sora. They're gonna use her against me. They're here for her."

"How would you know?" Theron asked.

He didn't wait to answer. He summoned his wings and flew to her room with them on his tail. He landed and jetted the hallway.

"Please be there. Please be there. Please be ther." He said continuously.

He reached her room and horror glazed on his eyes as he saw that the door was destroyed. He rushed into her room.

The room is in tatters. Furniture was thrown everywhere. He looked around and he couldn't find her. Fear gripped him. Then he heard a voice.


He looked around the room and spotted a figure on the floor. It was Lucy. He rushed to her.

"Lucy!" He picked her head up.

Theron, Risa, Windrum and Zephyrina rushed into the room.

"What happened in here?" Risa asked.

They then spot David holding Lucy. She was wounded badly.

"Lucy!" Theron said. Everyone rushed to her.

"She wounded very badly. We need to get her to the infirmary." Risa said.

"Don't worry about me." She said.

Then she turned her head to David.

"David. They took her. They took Sora."

Fear gripped him when she said that.

"David go." Lucy said. "Go save her. Get her back."

Risa took Lucy. "I got Lucy. You go get the one you love."

David and the rest jetted out the room while Risa held on to Lucy in Sora's ruined room.

They ran down the hallway and made it to the grating. They looked everywhere for them. They just couldn't spot Sora. Theron spotted her.

"There she is!" He yells as he points.

They follow where he was pointing. They see 5 serpentine soldiers heading towards the hangar. The one in the lead was holding a limp body on his shoulder. He was carrying Sora.

"Sora!!!" He yelled. Then he jumps off the railing summons his wings and flew towards her, with the others flying behind.

The 4 serpentine soldiers who following the one holding Sora stopped and turned around. The other soldiers stop fighting to provide a blockade as the gate was closing. He flew hard and fast. But one of the soldiers fired what look to be a net thrower. He couldn't pull out in time. The the weapon fired and the net was hurling towards him. It had caught him. And he fell to the floor. He broke out of it easily. But it distracted him long enough for the gate to closed. He reached the gate. Grabbed the metal and began tearing it. His determination to save her allowed him to open the gate. But it was already opening as someone hit the open switch. As he enters he saw a fighter ship take off and flew out of the hanger. He followed suit. He was catching up to it when the afterburners kicked in. It soar higher and higher. He followed. Just as he was about reach the ship, the hyperdrive activated and the ship went into light speed. He was still in the atmosphere. He cried out in anguish.

He returned to the hanger. The others arrive only to see the anguish in his eyes.

His mother placed him in a hug, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry son. We'll get her back. I promise."

He nods.

The serpentine forces in the MegaDome was annihilated. All of them was killed. Save one. Dragonid soldiers brought the captured serpentine to them.

"This one has a message for you, Prince Orion." The Dragonid soldier said.

"Speak, you snaky bastard!" He yelled, furious.

"Heh heh heh." The soldier laughed. "I have a message from King Slazer. If you want your human girl back, come and get her. She'll be at his new moving fortress: the Medusa. Don't keep him waiting." The soldier said while laughing.

Zephyrina did a fluid motion towards her soldiers, signaling them to kill the soldier. They raised their swords, but David spoke. "Wait!" The soldiers stopped.

"You listen and you listen well, because these are the last words you'll hear alive. Slazer has awoken the dragon. Not only will I get her back but I'll put an end to his reigned once and for all. You hear me? I said do you hear me?!!!" He lift his arm and it caught on fire and then he scythe his arm across the soldiers neck. As his arm pulls away, the serpents head falls off cauterized.

The soldiers backed away. David then turns off his blazing arm and closes his eyes. Then he felt arms wrapped around him. It was his mother.

"Don't worry. We'll get her back." she said. Then she turns on communicator and open a line to all ships.

"This is Queen Zephyrina to all ships. Prepare for departure in 5 minutes. All transport ships, open your doors and let the army in. We will leave immediately to attack the Medusa."

He looks at her and then at the Majestic Prince. Then he makes a promise.

"I'm coming for you, Sora. I will save you, even if it cost me my life. I will save you. I swear it."

Oh no!!! Sora is captured! Will he save her or will he fail? Find out next time. Don't forget to vote or Comment.

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