Chapter 25: David vs. Slazer, Windrum vs. Vipra, Rise of the Blue Dragon

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David and Slazer were trading blows. However, not a single cut or stab wound or slash has touched David. When Slazer was able to get a lucky slash on him it didn't cut the skin. It just touched his arm.

"How is that possible? You should have been cut." Slazer sneered.

"Don't know. Must be the perks of being a Dragon King." He said as he kicked him back.

"Well, it seems that I should take it up a notch." He hissed.

Everyone stopped fighting to watch this battle. Sora watched on as David and Slazer traded blows. Theron held onto her and Zephyrina motioned the remaining ESF Elites to converge on them. Sora believed in him, but she was worried.

"Please win." She thought to herself. "Please don't die again."

Then the battle intensified. They moved so fast now, that they looked to everyone as a blur. The sparks continued to fly as blades clashed. David struck again and again and again. So did Slazer.

"You're good kid. I have to admit that. Though it makes me want to kill you again even more." He sneered.

"Stop talking. Flattery and taunts won't work on me." David said coldly. "You talk and talk. How about you just die."

He felt energy rush through him. Then with a thrust of his hand. Not even touching Slazer, Slazer flies back into the wall. He looked at his hand, stunned at what he just did. Then Slazer stumbled to his feet.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I guess I earned some new abilities as well." He mused.

"Whatever. I'll use an ability I been working on while using this stone!" He growled.

He stabbed his sword into the ground and then held out his hand. Then David saw a sphere of dark energy formed in his hand. Then with his other hand, he smashes his hand together with the sphere in between. Then he slowly opened his hand and the former sphere of darkness began to turn as if smoke or dark energy was sailing in between his hands.

David felt more energy rushing in him. Then both his started to catch on fire. Blue flames went all over his hands. He stabbed his sword in the ground as well. The flames got hotter and stronger.

In Slazer's hands was a large ball of swirling dark energy. Then he moved both his hands to his side.

"Try stopping this!!" He yelled.

Then he thrust his hands forward and a stream of dark energy left his hands and flew towards David.

David threw both of his to one side and then thrust his hands forward. From his hands flew a large blue flame wave that flew towards the blast of dark energy. The blue fire wave and the dark energy blast collided. The collision of the wave itself sent a shockwave which caused everyone to fall. Sora and the other hit the ground by the force of the collision.

David and Slazer continued to fire their beams. The waves continued to impact each other. David's eyes began glow. He then thrust his hands forward and more energy came forward. His blue fire intensified. His blue flames started to overpower the dark energy of Slazer. The blue flames began to overtake the dark energy and surge forward.

"NOOO!!!" He yelled.

The blue flames impacted and exploded. He was thrown into a wall and broke through. The explosion was about to hit Sora and the others, when David created a barrier of pure blue energy. The barrier stopped the blast, but the blast still impacted and killed most of the soldier elites.

He stopped the barrier and the barrier vanished as the explosion dissapated. He then walked over and let out a hand for Sora. For she was still on the ground. She took it and he helped her up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She said. She blushed a little.

He smiled. "That's good."

They all hear a loud grunt. He turned around and sees Slazer walk out of the rubble. He was bleeding and furious.

"Did you think that would really kill me? Please." He glowered at them. "Very well. It seems that I mustn't hold back anymore. It's time to show you why I am King of the Serpentines. Now, FACE MY HYDRA!!!" He roared.

Then he began to change and got much larger and larger. He began to grow multiple heads. Fear began to grow within David as he realized that Slazer will destroy the entire room as he continued to grow. He turned towards Sora and the others. Then he created a giant sphere that surrounded everyone.

"Hold on tight. It's not safe here." He said.

Then he willed the sphere upward and it flew up high and fast, breaking through the ceiling of the throne room as Slazer destroyed the entire throne room and top of the tower.


Windrum's secret dragon form fought against Vipra's Medusa form, his archenemy. She was the toughest opponent he ever fought. She's even tougher than Servina. Her lower body wrapped around his dragon body. She slashed at him with giant claws while her snake hairs lashed out at him. He was stung going to fight against her. He was able to free his right arm. He swung his arm and and his giant fist connected with her head. He was dazed by the blow, so her lower body loosen. The. He grabbed her lower part and threw her away from him. He threw her so far that she crashed into one of her own fleet's ships, destroying it. She screeched in anger and surged forward to attack. He flew to her as well.

Fortunately for him, though her form is called Medusa, body looks like Medusa, and her looks look like Medusa, she doesn't have the eyes. The eyes of Petrification. Else, he would have lost the fight before it even begun. Unfortunately though, Vipra's Medusa can spew acid. As he got close to her, she spewed acid onto his chest. Even on his strong scales, the acid melted through. He roared in pain as the acid touched his skin. He still thrust his arm and sliced her on her snake body with his long claws. She shriek in pain. Before she could react, he punched her face, sending her flying away. He shook off what was left of the acid before it tore through his chest deeper.

"Damn, this acid burns. Agh!" He roared in pain again.

She screeched at him from the distance. "You dare hit me you bastard. I'll make you pay!!" She said as he held out right hand. Her claws grew longer and the claws began to merge. Her entire hand became a long sword. Then she charged.

He charged at her as well. He knew how to counter swords. She thrust her sword and he sidestepped it to the left. Then over the sword he swung his right arm and punched her in the face again. He jumped back as she swung her sword. She screeched and charged at him. She thrust her sword hand again. He sidestepped right this time and swung his left arm to punch her again.

It was a mistake. He knew that it was when she smiled. As he swung his left arm over her blade, she thrust it upward in a upward slice. Her sword sliced through his arm like it was nothing. Then he roared in pain as her sword severed his arm from his body. Then using her tail like a whip, she whipped her tail into his stomach and threw him back. He slowed down and regained his balance. He grasped the stump where is left arm used to be with his right. Blurry of the pain.

"Agh!!! Damn you, you Bitch!" He roared in anger.

"Let's see if you're  still good with only one arm, Windrum." She hissed.

Windrum is losing too much blood. He must finish the fight and quickly. He closed his eyes. He then summoned all of his energy. She must have known that he was planning something, be caused she charged him. He dodged her blows while summoning his power. Then he dashed to the side and leaped back. He opened his mouth. A large beam of energy shot from his mouth and hit Vipra. It caused a massive explosion. She jumped out of the explosion, badly hurt. She was bleeding everywhere.

"Damn him!" She screeched. She looked around and couldn't find him. He was above her. He slipped behind her from above. As she faced him, they were faced to face. Then he thrust his hand into her stomach. She shrieked in pain. He looked at her and she him. They changed into large forms of their regular forms. She fell and he caught her. His only arm held her.

"Well done, Windrum. You won. I'm finally bested. I'm actually greatful. To finally be free of that bastard." She said with a smile. "Hopefully Orion will kill him." Her hand turned back into a normal hand. She touched his human face. "If only I had met you before the first war. If only I had decided not to fight you. Maybe our lives may have been different." She coughed up blood. "Windrum, I'm so sorry that I had hurt you. May I asked of you one thing before I die?"

"What is it you want?" He asked, voice not of anger but of grief. He did care for her a long time ago. In fact, he still does. Which makes him regret what he has done

"I know you really care for Queen Zephyrina. You helped her ever since your friend and her husband died. You may not realize it but I know you love her. I bet she's the same way."

His eyes widened. She was right. He did care for Zephyrina, he was always there for her. He had feelings for her.

He sighed. "Damn David. I'm becoming like him." He didn't realize it but he was in love with Zephyrina.

He blushed. He was startled when he heard Vipra laugh. "Yes. Your face says it all." She coughed again.

"Windrum. Promise me one thing. One thing. Please."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Go and be with Zephyrina. Love her and care for her. Make her happy." She asked weakly.

"I will Vipra. I promise I will." He said.

She smiled. "Thank you Windrum. I can die in peace now. May we meet in another life." She leaned forward and kissed him. Then she let go. ""

She closed her eyes. She then slowly begun to shrink. He shrunk too. He held onto her as they both shrunk to regular size. He carried her body to his ship with one arm. He got in and placed her body on his lap. He couldn't fly the ship, so he ordered the auto pilot to fly him to the Dragoness, not knowing that it was crippled badly.


The Majestic Prince and the Dragoness were side by side, taking out the enemy ships. Then they came across a warship. A ship that Risa saw flew the battlefield after the invasion was halted. The Venom. It was the flag ship of the invasion force. Now it's back.

The Venom fired it's cannons. The hauls of the Dragoness and Majestic Prince were riddled by cannon fire.

"Damn it. That bastard has fire power. Return fire!" She shouted.

The forward cannons on the opened fired. The Venom was hit by both the cannon fire of the Dragoness and the Majestic prince. It was brutalized, but it still flew. Then it launched missiles. When the missiles came close, they shot scatter missiles which impacted the Primce and the Dragoness. The Prince was damaged badly.

Risa was knocked on the bridge floor. She was bleeding.

"Agh." She exclaimed. "Are we still operational?"

"Yes ma'am." A crew member spoke.

"Is the scatter burst cannon still operational?"

"Yes ma'am, but the 4 forward cannons are inoperable."

"Fire the scatter burst cannon. Now!" She said.

The scatter burst cannon open fired. The Dragoness fired it's scatter burst cannon as well. The beams split apart as it got close. It was like a sea of laser beams. All of them impacted the Venom. Then it exploded.

"Take that you son of Bitch!" She yelled. Most of the crew cheered.

"Damage report." She asked.

"The hull is barely holding. We can't take another hit like that." A crew member said.

She looked over at the Dragoness. It was in a worse shape. It barely is able to maintain balance.

"Captain Risa, urgent word from the Dragoness."

"What is it?" She asked as she click the comms.

"Risa, we must leave the battlefield. We are to heavily damaged." Captain of the Dragoness said.

"We can't abandon our comrades." She said.

"We have no choice, that last attack had cripple our cannons and we virtually defenseless. We have to leave."

"We can't leave David and the others." She yelled.

"Captain!" A crew member said. "Windrum is flying towards us. He is severely wounded."

"Open the hangar bay doors and get the medical guys there now. I'll meet them there."

She turned and began to leave when another crew member called to her.


"What is it?" She asked as she turned.

"It's the Medusa. The tower was destroyed and a blue orb is heading towards us."

"What?" Open the hangar bay doors. Now!!"


The blue orb that David created flew out of the tower and headed toward the Majestic Prince.

On their approach, he could see that the Prince and the Dragoness were heavily damaged. The Dragoness looked as though the stabilizers could fail at any moment. He turned his head and saw Windrum's fighter was flying by him. He looked severely hurt.

The hangar bay doors of the Majestic Prince was raised, so he controlled the orb to fly to it. Risa was already there waiting on them. He waited for the Windrum to land before he landed the orb. There were soldiers with weapons trained on the sphere. Can't blame them for being cautious. Then Risa spoke.

"Whatever that is, or whatever you are, come on out now!"

He just laughed.

"You think this is funny?!" Her voice was angry.

"Calm down Risa. It's just good fun." He said.

He then lowers the orb and it began to fade away. When it fully disappeared and it show that they were inside, she gasped.

"David?" Theron and Queen Zephyrina too?" She asked, confused.

"Yes. It's us." He said. Then he steps forward and she gasped.

"David? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me."

"But how?" She asked. Then realization struck her. "So that's light was the Jewel. It has awoken."

"Yes. Indeed it has. I am the new Dragon King." He said. Then he sees her beginning to take a knee to bow. He stops her.

"No. Do not bow, Risa." He said.

"But I-"

"No. Remember that you or Theron never has to bow before me. And I won't accept it if you do."

"Yes sir." She said. Then she asked. "Did you get Sora back?"

"Yes. We did." He said with humor. She hasn't realized that Sora is standing in front of her next to him.

"I don't see her." She said. She was looking everywhere.

He sees her now staring at Sora.

"Who are you?" She asked.

David just laughed. "Told you she would recognize you."

Sora looks at him and smiles. Then she turned back to Risa, who's looking confused.

"Risa. It's me. Sora." She said.

"Yeah right. For real, who are you?" She asked again.

"It's really me. I'm Sora." She said.

"Risa, that's really Sora." David said.

"But how?"

"The Jewel. We'll explain later." He said.

The fighter door slid open and Windrum got out slowly with a woman's body in his arm. He and the woman's body fell to the floor.

"Windrum!!!" Zephyrina yelled.

She rushed over to him. David and the others have rushed over to him as well. As they get close, they noticed that his entire left arm is gone. Zephyrina got on her knees and took his right hand.

"Are you alright?" She asked, worried.

"I'm...fine." He said weakly.

The medical men grabbed him. "We new to get him to the medical bay now."

"I'll go with you." Zephyrina said.

"Alright my queen." The medical officer said.

Windrum smiled at her. He saw him smiling at his mother. He understood that smile. David then smiled to himself.

They all hear a loud roar. They looked out of the forward hangar bay door and looked in the direction of where the roar came from. It came from the Medusa. Where the throne room should have been, there was very large creature. It had multiple large heads. They look like snakes.

"Slazer." He said with a stern voice.

"That creature is massive." Theron said.

"I'm going now." David said. "It's time I end this."

"David." It was Sora. She looked worried.

"Don't worry Sora. I'll be fine. But I must do this."

She kisses him. "Good luck. I believe in you."

He smiles. Then he turns and flies out of the hangar.

Then he began glowing. "I will protect my friends the one I love. Jewel of Draconos, give me the power to save those I love."

"Very well. Let's finish this."

"Sacred Sapphire Spectral Dragon!!!" He roared.

He became a Giant blue dragon. And he flew over to Slazer.

The ultimate battle is about to begin. Who will win? Find out next time. Don't forget to vote or comment.

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