Chapter 1: Peace

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(Hiccup's pov)

It's been five whole years since the war with the former alliance between the Outcasts and Berserkers and all has been silent throughout the Archipelago. Though I've enjoyed the peace, I've adjusted to my prosthetic leg, I've trained extra hard and my skill with the sword and the bow were near flawless. Berk got back on its feet and Stoick rewrote the laws on dragons, instead of killing them, they are befriended.

On the Isle of Night though our people have grown, our numbers tripled, more Dragon Riders to fill in our Dragon Rider Corps which was nicknamed "the swarm" and our new generation of Night Furies were to bond with the child of each family on the island. Eira Haddock, my daughter was now five years old, she looked exactly like Astrid, with a blond braid around her shoulder and with ocean blue iris's, she bonded with her own Night Fury who she named Violet, due to her iris's being dark purple.

I made sure to surround my daughter in love, comfort and light, with the threat of Dagur and Cutthroat still out there and that mysterious dragon rider, we've tightened security on the island.

Astrid and I were watching our daughter Eira, she began her training as a warrior with the best instructors on the island. My daughters skill with the blade was most impressive, she's soared in the rankings of training, she's become the best of her class. She definitely gained her sharp intellect from me and her ferocious commitment from her mother. She's made us so proud.

As Eira was dismissed from training, she ran to me and I scooped her in my arms, while she giggled and hugged me back. "Daddy! Did you see how amazing I was today?" I chuckled in amusement, my daughter also has a little bit of an ego. "Yes Eira, I saw you, and you were fantastic, your mother and I are very proud of you." She hummed in appreciation and hugged me tighter.

Once she removed herself from my embrace, Eira held Astrid's hand and she lifted our daughter up in her arms. "Mom? Did you start training when you were my age?" Astrid smiled and nodded. "When I was your age, I started training at age five..." Eira honed are attention to Astrid and I chuckle, I then look out toward the horizon, as the sunsets.

Our enemies are still out there, what if there's something else going on? If there's something or someone more sinister lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. I suppose time will tell us.


I snap out of my thoughts to see Astrid still carrying Eira and giving me a funny face. "You zoned out there, are you alright babe?" I nodded and kissed Astrid's lips and then kissed Eira's hair. "I'm fine, just thinking, let's go home." Astrid nodded and smiled as Eira was excited to head home after a long day. Despite the threat out there, life with my family was amazing.

(Unknown location—Normal pov)

"Anything yet?" Cutthroat glanced behind him, seeing the familiar figure of Krogan at the doorway.

He shook his head. "No leads as of yet." He replied, straight to the point. He had been stuck in the makeshift archive room below deck on his ship; spending nearly two days tracking the location of a dragon that Krogan had deemed was necessary for their march to success. However, he could only do so much on his own.

"Very well. I'll be leaving with Enyo soon to visit the Master. You and your cousin will continue the search with Legates Cato and his crew." Krogan was nearly out of sight when Cutthroat spoke up.

"Remind me again why we even need this dragon?" He wasn't fazed when Krogan turned around, sending him a glare. "We managed to reclaim the Red Death, which I'm very surprised survived its injuries and we have the Bewilderbeast. The alpha species. Why do we need this one as well?"

"Because you should know that by having that dragon, not only will we have three technical Alphas, but we would have the only dragon that can break their control over the rest. It is therefore imperative that we find this beast and add it to our arsenal as soon as we are able."

"Well, my search would be going with the speed you want it if I had additional help at my disposal, or to put it in Norse, a Dragon Trpper?"

"You know I can't do that, not without his order."

"Then get his order. Eret would be a lot of help since this is his specialty after all." Krogan gave Cutthroat a menacing glare that sent Cutthroat back a few steps.

"I don't take orders from you boy, I follow the Masters. Drago needs his best dragon trapper searching for that dragon rider and her Stormcutter; because once we find her—"

"—We find the nest and the other Alpha. Yeah, yeah, I heard the briefing." He interrupted Krogan. Without further delay, Krogan bid his farewells and exited the room, walking back onto the deck of the ship.

"Remind me again why do we have... this psycho working for us?" He heard his lieutenant asked, Krogan followed her gaze to Dagur who, appeared to be, nuzzling up to the Skrill he had been given and muttering incoherent phrases. "He's always been a loose canon. Remember the time where we asked him to just threaten the village of Mōð-r? Not only did he end up killing every single person there, he also burnt the entire village to a crisp."

"Perhaps we shouldn't have sent him during a thunderstorm." Krogan said as he hopped onto the back of his Singetail.


"I know Enyo. But you also know that the Master can take away his Skrill at any time, so who has something to lose here?"

"But we will not be able to recruit new soldiers or expand our territory if he keeps killing everything with a head on it."

"I'll speak to him when we get back. Now let's go; we're already late."

Cutthroat was just on his way up as he saw two figures fly past him— on a Northerly heading. He was done trying to decipher where that infernal dragon could be hiding. For something so monstrous and deadly, it lacked any and all social skills. Not the traits of a potential Alpha. He needed Eret to help him. Eret would want to help him. How could he not? Of course he had captured nearly all dragons known to Vikings, but to capture a Screaming Death— his name would forever be remembered in songs and stories— and remembering the trapper from their first encounter, he will want to help.

"Spend any more time with that dragon and you'll become one yourself; although, I'm pretty sure that's what you're praying for to happen."

"It's just... look! Look. At. It. " He whispered in shock, standing back and extending his arms as far as he could, beholding the Skrill in front of him. "Finally. It finally belongs to its true and rightful master." Dagur said in a dreamy tone, though Cutthroat scoffed.

"Don't let Drago hear you say that if value your head." Cutthroat walked over to a few cages where multiple Terrible Terrors were kept and pulled one out.

"What are you doing?" He heard Dagur ask.

"Sending a message to Eret." He tied the note to the dragon's leg before letting it loose. "We'll need his help if we want to find that dragon."

"Going behind Krogan's back eh? Mm, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. You're really playing with fire this time cousin."

"If Drago wants this dragon he needs his best trapper on the hunt. I'm doing him a favour."

"And how are you so sure Eret will come on his own will?"

"You've met the guy! He reeks of cockiness, arrogance and over-confidence. He would want to be known as the first dragon trapper to catch a Screaming Death. I can say I won't like his attitude after that, but anything to get the job done. Until then, we must continue our search." He turned around and shouted a few orders to the helmsman.

"Where to now?" Asked Dagur.

"To meet up with Eret. He's bound to turn his ship around and come in our direction, so might as well meet him half-way."

A/N: Official Chapter 1 is out! I'm going to do my best to ensure that this story does its job and grabs your full attention. I hope you guys enjoy and catch you in the next chapter.

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