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"The madman is a dreamer who is awake."

(Normal pov— Many years ago)

On the Mediterranean plains, a little boy ran through a wheat field that was bathed in the evening sunset, the boy was laughing as his father chased after him, the father scooped his son in his massive arms, the boy giggled and rested on his fathers broad shoulders and smiled. "You did well today in training my little warrior." The boy smiled and patted his fathers head. "I had a good teacher." The father chuckled and he continued to walk through the wheat field with his son on his shoulder.

"One day my son, you will lead our people to greatness and have children of your own and your life will be filled with joy." The father promised his five year old son, the boy nodded. "I look forward for that day to arrive father." Father and son smiled at each other and once they exited the wheat field, their village came into view.

Hunters returning with game, women washing clothes and children playing, the father placed his son back on his feet and hugged him. "I love you son." The boy smiled brightly and hugged his father tightly and nodded. "I love you too father." The boy saw his mother approach. "Mama!!" The boy was scooped up in his mother's arms and the beautiful woman welcomed her husband by placing a kiss on his lips and smiled at her son.

"Did our little warrior enjoy training time with his father?" She asked, the boy nodded his head and the father chuckled. "Of course he did my wife, our boy has the potential to lead our people to greatness." The wife smiled and kissed her sons forehead and looked back at her husband. "Yes, our son is destined to do great things." The father smiled widely and wrapped his arm around his wife while the mother held their son through the peaceful village.

(Fifteen years later)

The boy continued to hone his skill with sword until there was none his age that stood his equal, the girls chased after him, ogling over their handsome heir, he grew into a strong young man, his physic was lean and toned muscle, his hair was grew long into short dreadlocks and dressed in a black tunic, silver arm braces and a dragon tooth necklace dangling around his neck. The boy looked upon the horizon of his home. The warm breeze caressing his sweat soaked skin was refreshing, the clouds rolling over the sun, and little rays of light warming the young mans skin.

The young man turned around to see his father approach and the two smiled at each other. "Beautiful, is it not my son?" The son looked out to the horizon of the Mediterranean. "It is father, the weight of responsibility is something I do not wish to take lightly, I want to lead our people into a glorious future, as you are." The father chuckled and wrapped an arm around his sons shoulder. "Patience Drago, when your time comes, I know you'll do great things for us." Drago bowed his head in appreciation of his fathers encouragement and father and son walked the plains back to their village.

(Normal pov— Three months later)

When nightfall fell upon Drago's village, he was awakened to the sound of blood curdling screams filling the night air, along with the heavy scent of blood, fire and burnt corpses. Drago exited his home to find that a dead dragon laid at his door step. It had been dead for days by the look. Someone framed his father for this kill, and now these dragons are exacting vengeance. Drago watched in horror as his village was being laid waste by dragons. Night Furies to be exact, his eyes began burning with tears as he witnessed childhood friends being blown to pieces, former mentors burnt to an unrecognizable crisp and his mother...


His mother was protecting children, loading them on ships to set sail, but the Night Furies opened fired and the explosion tore apart the ship. Causing splinters of wood to impale his mother and the children, Drago gasped and ran to his mother, hoping she still drew breath. That hope was short lived to see her dead, he began hyperventilating and tears began to form in his eyes.

Drago then heard ferocious battle cries, he turned around and witnessed his father fighting four Night Furies, his sword swinging at the dragons, he managed to kill some. Yet despite his noble efforts to protect his village, Chief Bludvist fell to the Night Furies wrath. Drago cried out and rushed to his fathers side, tears pouring from his eyes and he held on to his fathers hand tightly. "F-father?" The elder Bludvist coughed up blood and held his sons hand. "Lead our... p-pe-people, D-Drago." The young man nodded his head furiously. "I will father. I will." The father smiled at his son and whispered. "I l-love you my s-son." Before life faded from his eyes and blood oozing out of his mouth.

Drago roared out in sorrow as his voice was mixed with the screams of his people dying and roars of the Night Furies laying waste to his village.

A Night Fury then landed in front of Drago, the boy yelped in fear as the dragon bared it's teeth and its eyes turned into thin slits, Drago held his hands up to protect himself but the Night Fury charged and attacked the boy, teeth sinking into his left arm and thrashing it around violently, like a dog would with a bone, Drago's cries filled the night until his head came in contact with a rock and his vision went black.

After reawakening from unconsciousness hours later, he laid eyes on the scene before him. His people dead, their blood soaking the earth and their homes burned to the ground. His family murdered by dragons, he witnessed his mother impaled to death and his father torn apart by Night Furies and his final words echoing in his head. "I love you my son." Drago was comforted that his father died protecting his people and only child, but it appeared his death was in vain.

The Night Furies destroyed everything Drago held dear, his home, his friends, his people, his mother and father, and his chance to lead his people to greatness. He attempted to get up but screamed in agony, he looked to see that his left arm was gone. He looked in front of him to see his arm being consumed by the flames, Drago took a sword and heated it in the fire, his head pounding from the blood loss and his vision was blurry, he needed to seal his wound before he bled to death.

Once the sword was heated, he slapped it on his missing limb, he roared in sheer agony, tears streaming down his eyes and his eyes screwing shut. Once the wound was closed, he recognized the blade as his fathers, he remembered his father giving him sword lessons growing up and when they finished, they'd play tag in the wheat fields. Such memories brought tears to Drago's eyes once more. He truly did indeed lose everything.

And yet...

Despite this tragedy, Drago felt something awaken in his heart. As if someone had opened up his eyes for the first time. He was given a new purpose in this world. To conquer the world.

Drago found a Night Fury corpse and skinned it, until it was nothing more than a bloody weight of muscles and bones. He sewed the skin into a cloak, if he encountered dragons along his journey, his new cloak would protect him from dragon flame. Drago entered his destroyed home to find his fathers bull-hook, used to wrangle with exotic animals like elephants and so on. The young man knelt before his dead parents and closed their eyes.

"I will raise an army, I will conquer both man and dragon and I vow to rise above the fear of dragons!! I promise you father, your death will not have been in vain, I will carry on your legacy to the followers I will gain and I will rule this world as it's first Dragon-God!!" Drago swore to himself as he gathered food and strapped a bag around his torso while covering body in his new dragon cloak, his fathers sword at his hip and his bull-hook in hand. The world will come to know and fear the name Drago Bludvist and he will carve his name and legacy into history.

(Many years later)

Drago's vision had become a reality, his army grew tenfold with warriors from far away lands, he recruited Northern African, Slavic, Sami, Inuit, and Asiatic armies. His loyalists both feared and respected Drago as their warlord and Dragon-God, the man even found himself a baby Bewilderbeast during one of his earlier campaigns. And the moment it was hatched, Drago tortured it into becoming his personal war machine, and trained it to be as cruel as him and to control the dragons. With this new power he'd conquer all of the world's dragons and with them, fulfill his vision to conquer the world.

As Drago's name became well known, more people joined his cause, from Dragon Hunters and even Dragon Trappers, their tasks were to hunt dragons to fill the dragon army Drago had created, his dragons were outfitted with armor. And the Dragon Trappers hunted down the rarest of dragons species, and rarer they were, the more valuable they were to Drago.

Drago's second in command, a man named Krogan was tasked to assemble Dragon Flyers, a group of people to become Drago's "air force" for the army, and Krogan did not disappoint, the man proved himself cunning, sharp, deadly and ruthless; traits Drago was looking for in his army.

Now Drago set his sights North, to the Barbaric Archipelago, dragon activity is at an all time high in that section of the world, he'd meet with the people there that were called...Vikings and persuade them to join him.

(Drago's pov)

My family would take great pride in what I've done, everything I've done is in their name. For my father. The man's death gave me my new purpose, when he died in my arms, fate decided I'd become this worlds first Dragon-God, and I would. That night when my village was destroyed, those Night Furies took everything from me, so when my forces became an army we attacked the Night Fury nest that destroyed my home, I slaughtered, every single one of them. And their skin and scales that surround my body are all that remains of those murderous beasts.

We came into view upon an island with ships anchored off shore, and I spotted a huge Hall, I suppose it was a Chieftain gathering.


I turned around to see Krogan, my most trusted and right hand man. "We await your command." He said with a bow of his head, I grunted and I ordered my men to bring forth two Rumblehorns, they roared at me, baring their teeth to intimidate me. If I were still a boy, I'd cower in fear behind my father, letting him kill these beasts.

No more.

I am the Dragon-God. I alone control the dragons! I roar at them, while swinging my bull-hook and stabbing the ships deck. The Rumblehorns whimpered in fear and submitted, I smirked at their fear and gestured Krogan to follow me, he nodded and we both climbed on top of the dragons and flew toward the Hall.

Upon landing, I ordered Krogan to remain with the Rumblehorns and told him if he sees me leaving the Hall, then that's the signal to burn the Hall to the ground, he bowed his head and awaited my orders.

(Stoick's pov)

My fellow Chieftains and I discussed the dragon scourge we all faced, the arguments were heated, and it seemed like we weren't going any where with this, until the most unlikely turn of events transpired.

The Hall doors opened to reveal a man who was no Viking. But his clothing told us he was a stranger. He was covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon a spoke softly, saying. "I, Drago Bludvist am a man of the people. Devoted to freeing mankind from the tyrant of dragons." Everyone spoke amongst themselves softly, their curiosity piqued by this foreigners words.

He than spoke out once again. "I alone can control the dragons! And I alone can keep you safe, if you bow down and follow me." The Hall burst out in laughter, this man couldn't be serious could he? We Vikings have never rally under the command of a foreigner, not ever. But our laughter and mockery provoked the man.

He then wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out in a bone chilling voice. "Then see how well you do without me!!" I had a confused look until suddenly the rooftop burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended burning the Hall to the ground. I lept out of my seat and smashed the doors just in time to see the Hall destroyed and my fellow Chieftains buried beneath its rubble. I look up to the mountain to see Drago and a cloaked figure with an axe disappear from view and then...flying away on dragons backs?

Surely I'm seeing things. What in the name of Odin did I just witness? Was this man on a mission to rule the world through fear? This Drago Bludvist killed his fellow Chieftains without reason. He's a madman.

A/N: Part II has arrived! Since not much is known about Drago's back story, I tried my best to imagine what it must've been like for him to witness his village and family taken from him, and it was because of a enemy tribe in Drago's part of the world that framed the death of a baby Night Fury and that led rest of the pack to find their dead hatchling and spared no one in Drago's village. Anyways guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this introduction before we dive into the story and as always thanks for reading and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter.

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