Chapter 27: Captured

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(Normal pov)

Drago and his fleet were on the move toward Berk, when he received word that the Dragon Master attained not only a Titan Bewilderbeast but also a Bewilderbeast egg, he was angry. His enemies were growing in strength faster than he had anticipated. So his forces would engage Berk and the Strike people, Drago and Krogan would capture those the Dragon Master loves  and use the Dragon Masters loved ones as leverage, he'd have no choice but to either submit or suffer.

Around midnight, Drago and his fleet arrived in Hooligan waters, the warlord ordered his forces to set anchor behind the sea stacks to avoid detection. Berk was too well defended, so they'd have to use stealth and shadow as their weapons.

Krogan, wrapped around his black cloak readied for flight until he heard Drago climbing behind him. "Are your men ready Krogan?" The warlord asked his second in command. The leader of the Flyers nodded at Drago and ordered his men to follow him. They all flew in a tight formation, near the water, since Singetails hate altitude. Krogan's Flyers waited in the forest; ready to pounce once they were given a command.

Drago and Krogan landed behind Hiccup's massive home, the two males slid off the Titan Wing Singetail and quietly broke into their enemies home. As soon as they entered and quietly closed the door, they heard cries of an infant, Drago smiled widely, this was getting better and better. They soon heard footsteps coming down the stairs, the two men hid themselves, they laid eyes on Astrid, as she was breast feeding Stoick II.

Krogan pulled out his blow dart; ready to shoot, he looked at Drago, though he mouthed a 'no' at Krogan, they then heard other footsteps approaching, they saw Mala and Eira approach Astrid. Mala had stayed over to help babysit Eira and give Astrid aid.

"Eira's hungry too?" Astrid asked teasingly, the little girl smiled and nodded, Mala chuckled and began cooking a quick soup that would satisfy the little girls appetite.

Hiccup, who was soundly asleep but was suddenly rudely woken up by a war horn going off. The horn hadn't been used for dragon attacks in years and most tribes that weren't allied with Greater Berk weren't dumb enough to mess with the famed dragon riders of Berk. Yet, they still kept watch and the horn WAS being blown.

They were under attack.

Hiccup jumped out of bed, quickly putting on his armor, strapped Inferno to his belt and grabbed his helmet, and he sprinted downstairs.

Stoick started crying and Astrid began rocking him quietly, she tried to comfort her little one. The horn was still blowing and Hiccup could hear the village starting to stir. Shade came over and nudged Astrid waiting to be saddled up. Hiccup looked at her and saw conflict brewing in her deep blue eyes. She glanced over at her own armor before looking back at Stoick, taking a deep breath and sighing.

"Hey Hiccup?" Astrid called as he fastened Toothless's saddle. He turned toward his wife while Calus was fastening Winters saddle.


"I think I'm going to sit this one out." He exhaled in relief, smiling at her.

"Good idea." He replied, Astrid was speaking again but Hiccup got lost in a trance like state over his wife.

"I... I just think it would be a good idea and all. You know, he's only a few days old and...what?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're okay with all this."

"You mean not being out there in the midst of glorious battle with you and..."

"Yeah, that." He interrupted, kissing her on the cheek lightly. She shrugged and smiled down at Stoick. "He's worth it. I will protect him with my life."

Gobber and Valka burst in just as Hiccup straightened, finished from getting Toothless ready. "It's Drago. His fleet is attacking." Gobber explained, breathing hard. Hiccup looked over at his mother whose face was white with rage. But that wasn't the only emotion he saw on her pained face. Fear, as plain as day, was clearly etched in her eyes.

"Mom, stay here with Astrid and Mala." He placed a hand on her shoulder trying to reassure her.

"No, I need to fight him, he's evil, he must..." She stopped, shaking.

"Mom." Hiccup whispered.

"He needs to be finished."

"I know. But, Mom, you don't need to do this. I can take care of Drago. Let me do this for you. Please." He glanced over at Astrid, who was busy with the baby and Mala had her swords out, ready to guard her brothers son as well. Valka followed his gaze and began to understand. "Will you stay with them?" Hiccup asked, while gesturing to his wife, children and Mala. She looked down and nodded, Hiccup kissed his mothers cheek and came up to Gobber.

"Gobber, round everyone up." Hiccup ordered, the blacksmith nodded and went off, turning to Valka, Hiccup grabbed his mothers hand gently. "Mom, I'll send someone to check on you guys later. With any luck, we'll chase them off before they land. If not, take the dragons and hide in the caves with Mamoth, they can't find out we have him or the egg." He gave Valka a quick hug, then went to hug Mala, kiss his wife and son. Astrid looked at him mischievously and said. "You know it kills me not to be up there fighting with you don't you?"

He grinned, but she turned serious. "Hey, remember who you're dealing with, Hiccup. Drago is insane, crazy and well, out of his mind to mess with us." She said but soon smiled. "You and me both know he will give us no mercy if we lose. So, please don't do anything stupid." Hiccup said to his wife, Mala smirked and shot back. "I think we should be saying that to you my dear." Hiccup chuckled at Mala's words and bid his family bye for now as he and Calus raced into the battlefield.

Valka turned toward both Astrid and Mala. "We need to be ready." Astrid insisted. Valka nodded and began quickly packing supplies in case they needed to flee. Together they worked in silence. All three women itching for news, they used to being in the thick of things, wishing they could help, but knowing they had something much more important to protect. Now all they had to do was wait.

That's when out of nowhere a dart struck Mala in the neck, she groaned in pain as she dropped to the ground and her swords slid out of her hands. Valka and Astrid gasped as Krogan emerged from his hiding place with his blow dart pressed to his lips; ready to drop another one of them. That's when Drago emerged as well, the warlord laid eyes on the women clutching both Stoick and Eira close to them. Drago gave them a predatory smile while chuckling, delighted at the sight of Valka and that blonde spitfire looking in sheer terror at the sight of him. They exited the house with both men walking toward them.

Out of nowhere, Cloudjumper and Shade blasted a stream of fire and plasma at the mad warlord, but Drago quickly just wrapped his dragon skin cloak around his body. 'Pathetic.' He thought with a smile in his eyes.

"Save it Cloudjumper." Valka commanded.

"What do you want Drago?" Astrid asked angrily.

Krogan snapped his fingers and ten of his strongest men filed in, armed to the teeth, along with Flyers surrounding them. Two of the men stepped forward and shot darts of sedatives at Cloudjumper and Shade, making them collapse on the floor. Valka and Astrid looked in horror as their backup was downed.

"Just the five of you." Drago said answering Valka, they both watched as two men dragged Mala's body and put her on one of the Flyers Singetails. "It isn't much to ask, really. You give yourselves up, or watch as my army destroys your people and add every last dragon on this island in my arsenal—"

"You killed my husband!" Valka yelled. "What my son did was to protect his people and the dragons from true monsters like you!" The baby started crying and Valka lowered her mask and brought up her staff in battle position.

"You have no chance of winning. We will win and we will take you with us alive." Drago concluded.

Astrid threw away her shield while lifting her axe.

"Good luck." She replied savagely, reaching down and grabbing a dagger from her boot, throwing it hard. Drago sidestepped and it nicked him in the ear.

"Get them!" He ordered. Before Astrid had time to make two swings with her axe, Krogan threw a knife with deadly accuracy, Astrid's weapon was knocked from her hand and she was being tied up.

She glared hard at Drago. Most people would have flinched at her stare, but he didn't even blink.

"You will pay for this." She threatened as one of the men pushed her forward. He ignored her and that was the end of it. Astrid was curious to say the least. One... did... not... ignore... her, especially not her enemies. Astrid swung around and kicked her captor hard in the shin before head-butting him, knocking him senseless. As the next soldier came forward to face her, she was about to repeat the process when the back of her head exploded in pain. Drago smirked as Krogan bashed the end of his axe against Astrid's head, she then fell unconscious to the ground.

"Weakling." He said, satisfied to see her brought down. Valka watched painfully as one of the men hauled Astrid over his saddle, blood dripping from her crown. Eira whimpered in fear as she clutched her grandmothers leg and Stoick wailing.

"We leave now." Drago growled.

(Hiccup's pov)

I don't understand.

Drago still has the advantage of numbers, so why didn't he overrun us?


Oh no.

This whole thing was a distraction. I urged Toothless to fly back to to the house, as my house came into view, the air from my lungs vanished, I watched in horror to see Drago, Krogan and his men loading my family up on their Singetails, they then took off, I followed them. There was no way I'd let my family become Drago's leverage over me.

On Krogan's Singetail I saw Drago pointing his bull-hook my way, out of nowhere, Drago's Bewilderbeast emerged from the cliffs and fired icy breath at us, we couldn't dodge it time and crashed back down the earth.

"NO!!!" I screamed as I watched my family being taken.

This can't be happening.

Drago's muddy Bewilderbeast dove back into the water and the warlords fleet retreated. They had claimed their prize. I breathed heavily, rage threatening to consume me, but there was no time for that. I needed to gather my allies and come up with a plan before something happens to my family.

(Normal pov)

As Drago's fleet retreated, Valka could see Berk shrinking with distance, the dragon's fire lighting the night sky. A shot of blue light burst through the darkness and Valka's heart squeezed in sympathy, knowing Hiccup would do everything in his power to try to find them. But she was afraid the cost to get them back might be too great. A price he might be unable to pay.

Drago approached Valka, who held Stoick and Eira curled up in her side, the warlord smirked at his enemy before speaking. "Get comfortable, you and you're in law, ally and grandchildren will be my guests for a while." Valka spat in Drago's face, he wiped the saliva off his face and pointed the tip of his bull-hook right at her neck, she winced as she felt blood trickle down her neck. "Best you behave yourself woman, unless you want my men to hurt the children." Eira whimpered in fear and whispered to her grandmother.

"Please grandma Val, don't fight him." Eira pleaded, Drago chuckled and squeezed Valka's cheeks. "She speaks wisely." Valka groaned at Drago's grip, he bore his teeth at her. "Attempt to harm me, my men, or set any of my dragons free and I will kill both children." He then released her cheek and walked away, he turned to Krogan. "Make sure they are secured, have Enyo watch over the children, you deal with the women." Krogan grunted in acknowledgement and Drago left his second to perform his task.


Said woman appeared, she saw fear in Valka's eyes, Krogan turned to his accomplice and grabbed her arm. "Drago wants you to watch over the children while I handle the rest of them." Enyo nodded and approached Valka. The older woman held Stoick close to her chest. "I won't let you take them!!" She tried kicking Enyo, but she grabbed her foot and slapped her across the face.

Eira shrieked and held her hands out. "Please missy! My grandma is just trying to keep us safe. We'll go." Valka was about to protest but Eira shook her head. "No grandma, don't do anything you'll regret." Eira gently picked up her little brother and handed him to Enyo, she took the infant and grabbed Eira's hand.

"Heed your granddaughters advice, you might live long enough to make it out of here alive." Enyo said to Valka, the young warrior then left the cell with both children and the guards locked Valka's cell and stood guard. She exhaled in disbelief, they needed to get out here fast, before they reached Drago's fortress. Otherwise it would take a miracle to be rescued.

"Hurry son, come find us."

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