Chapter 28: Personal vendetta

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Hiccup held an emergency meeting with his forces, everyone gathered to discuss their plan of attack.

"Cowards! It was a snatch and grab." Calus snarled as he punched the table; skin broke off his knuckles and they start to lightly bleed. Hiccup too was furious, but now he needed to keep his cool, they needed a plan. And a good one.

His family's lives depended on it.

Hiccup pulled out the blueprints of Drago's fortress and splayed it across the table for everyone to see. "Alright, we're going to need a distraction from the front. Calus and Artemis, you two said you found a Shadow Wing nearby?" Both riders nodded and Hiccup grunted in acknowledgement. "We're going to need its bombing capabilities to create a diversion, along with a group who's willing to pair with those dragons." The Meatheads stepped up, Hiccup nodded in confirmation.

"Alright, next, once the Bogs will pair up with the Wing Maidens and attempt to release Valka's Bewilderbeast. If we have Mammoth and the former Sanctuary Bewilderbeast on our side, we can turn the tide of this war." The two groups of women nodded in understanding, though that task wouldn't be easy, considering Drago no doubt has that alpha under constant guard, but they were up to the task.

Hiccup nodded and then exhaled. "The biggest advantage Drago has besides his army is the Foreverwing. We need to remove it from the equation." Everyone nodded in agreement, Fishlegs stepped up next to Hiccup. "The Foreverwing is an alpha class too, but it's no Bewilderbeast, maybe Mammoth can persuade it to abandon Drago's cause. There's no way a dragon like that would grant Drago eternal life. Unless..."

Hiccup raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms across his chest. "Unless...?" Fishlegs looked at Hiccup finished his theory. "Unless it's waiting for someone more worthy to possess its gift. Someone like you." Everyone soon murmured in agreement and began talking about the possibility before turning back to Hiccup.

"Perhaps. But if it that's not the case, we may have no choice but to put down the Foreverwing." Hiccup said with regret in his voice, everyone wasn't fond of that suggestion, but if the Foreverwing retaliated and continued to aid Drago, they'd have no choice but to subdue it lethally or kill it. Though Hiccup hoped they wouldn't have to go down that path.

Hiccup turned to Eret and his men and smiled lightly. "Eret, I know my fathers dragon Skullcrusher has taken a liking to you but we need you to help bring in a group of Dramillions." Eret's men murmured to each other, Eret rose his eyebrows in surprise. "Dramillions are technically the called the parrots of the dragon world, for these uncanny creatures can repeat any kind of dragon they see. They have the highest shot count of any species by far. And if one runs out of heat, the rest of the pack shares their reserves." The broad man said, Hiccup nodded and smirked.

"They'll serve us well, dragons with multiple attacks will come in very handy, plus Drago's cages, chains and other dragon proof tools can be broken with a mix of Gronckle lava and Nadder magnesium besides Changewing acid." Hiccup rolled up the blueprint and placed it in his satchel.

"And what are you going to do during the attack sir?" Calus asked, Hiccup smiled and answered.

"I'm leading 'the swarm' and Mammoth into battle once the distractions have been made, I want Drago to see us take away everything from him as I take his life."

(Drago's fortress)

"Welcome to your new home." Drago turned slowly, his hand showing off the space.

"You know if it wasn't for the stench." Astrid commented. "I might would be impressed." She spat out to her... 'host.'

"What manners." He replied sarcastically. "And I've even had an extra special place done up just for you." He gestured to a pair of cells where it was obvious that the space between bars had been made smaller for human occupants.

"Your attention to detail overwhelms me." Astrid responded dryly.

"Oh, that's not even the best part." Drago rumbled deeply, while pushing her closer to the door. "Wait till you see the decor." He added with a evil smirk,Astrid gasped in horror as she looked upon the skeletal remains of a... Night Fury. "No." She breathed out in horror.

"Yes, it's quite sad isn't it? We captured the beast years ago, but it refused to adapt to our... methods. Her skin helped me increase the length for my useful cloak though, wouldn't you say?" He said while grinning, Astrid glared at him through angry tears. "Now, are you going to go willingly or is this going to be a fight?" He asked with a scowl. She lifted her chin and allowed him to escort her through the cell door knowing she had no choice but to cooperate. As the door slammed behind her she turned, waiting to see what they'd do with her mother-in-law.

Valka stood straight and proud, looking regal, while hugged her leg. Drago grandly bowed and gestured to Valka's own cell, right next to Astrid's and shut the door himself. He looked at her sternly.

"If you dare try to escape, Dragon Whisperer, don't think I'd hesitate to finish the both of them off." Gesturing to both Astrid and Mala—who was still unconscious from the blow dart, Valka only stare at him coldly until he turned on his heel and left.

Astrid sat down near the back of her cage, she was deep in thought trying to discover a way out. There were Whispering Deaths in nearly every cell around her, but they were wild and had been abused. Still, if she was able to escape...

About an hour later, the sound of many boots marching their way toward her interrupted Astrid's forming plans.

Drago stood directly in between her and Valka's cells, intending to address both of them.

"Bring out the elder." Drago barked to his men. Astrid scrambled to stand and waited for the meaning behind their captors visit.

"Valka." Drago oozed, pushing her near to the bars of Astrid's cell. "There's a few things I'd like to know."

"And just what would that be?" Astrid answered for her angrily.

"Astrid, no." Valka spoke gently.

"That's enough! As I was saying," Drago continued. "You've got some valuable information that I'd like to have. Your knowledge of dragons is quite extensive as well as your knowledge of Berk. But the thing I think you might know best of all is your son. How he thinks, his strengths..." Drago lowered his mouth to her ear, whispering deeply. "...his weaknesses." Valka stared straight ahead, not blinking. Drago backed away and went on. "You will share this "knowledge" with me. Because if you don't, I will torture not only you, but your daughter-in-law, ally and grandchildren as well. Starting now." He gestured to Astrid and Mala who was in a cage behind Drago.

"They shall not receive food until you tell me everything I desire. Since that will not worry you until at least tomorrow, we'll move faster. Meaning that you, my dear, will be coming with me." Astrid shook her head desperately at Valka, sending a silent message. 'Don't say a word.' Valka nodded, but Astrid could see her hands shaking in fear. Stinking, rat eating, half troll...

During Valka's absence Astrid paced the length of her cell determinedly. She noted the Whispering Deaths in the surrounding area, but struggled to actually determine a way out of her cage. Once she did though, Astrid hoped to take at least one of the poor locked up creatures with her. And, if Hiccup would kindly show up before she had to do all the rescuing, hopefully she would be able to take them all. Astrid glanced ruefully at the bones of a Night Fury in the corner. A cold reminder of the man who held them in his clutches. Hiccup would be heartbroken when he saw this. Astrid shook her head discouraged, and continued pacing.

"Do you mind?" Her guard asked annoyed at her constant pacing.

Astrid gave the guard an evil eye and stopped pacing, she sat on the floor, and tried to relax.

Later she heard crying echoing through the cavern as it came closer. What now? She asked herself, leaning her head through the bars trying to get a look. Her eyes narrowed as she saw Drago leading two men who held Valka up between them. She was sobbing, nearly uncontrollably as they put her back in her cell. Astrid clenched her fists as she watched Valka curl up into a ball and cry. She shook the door frame to her prison, angry.

"What did you do to her?" She yelled, her face contorted with rage.

"Only what I promised."

"Could you be a little more specific?" Astrid ground out.

"What's it to you?"

"Tell me Drago, NOW!" She ordered. Drago rolled his eyes and yawned.

"Demanding, aren't we? Well, it's like this, your beloved mother-in-law was given the choice to share some of her knowledge or watch a dragon be put out of its miserable existence, piece by piece."

"What? No." She backed away disgusted.

"She chose to sacrifice the dragon. Not that it matters. It was an older dragon anyway. Only would have been good another year or so. Still, not a great way to go..."

Astrid stepped forward, slamming her fist into one of the bars.

"You evil, cruel, conniving, large headed, slug sucking..."

"Spare me your childish insults girl. She didn't break." He grinned, pausing for effect. "But I'm quite sure she will, by tomorrow."

Astrid turned her back on him, walking away, then spun around and boldly marched back. She stared him down, glared, and then spat directly in his face. Drago frowned deeply, wiped the saliva off his face, snarled at Astrid while landing a heavy strike to her gut with his bull-hook; causing Astrid to grip her stomach in pain, satisfied for the time being, Drago grunted and left, he ordered his guards to keep constant guard over the three women.

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